Thursday, June 12, 2008

Official Freakshow

The front page of the official site has been updated with a Freakshow sample and iTunes link.
Also, they have added the new lyrics and Robert says no PBS Soundstage taping. Damn.

If my posting of the PBS info caused any hassles for the band, I sincerely apologize.

Also, someone needs to tell WXRT it isn't happening. Just got an e-mail from them, promoting the show and a contest to win tickets.

Update: WXRT has finally removed the info from their website.


  1. I LOVE Freakshow... I don't understand how anyone could fail to! :^D

  2. Is anyone else having the infernal problem that I am with the official site? Namely that it signed me up but has never emailed me a confirmation email, so I cannot post... >:^[] ?

    I actually tried with two different email addresses to no avail... meh. T_T

  3. I have been having problems too with the official site(so i gave up, and obvioulsy not missing much)..this place here is sooo much better.I used to be able to log in but cannot anymore for some reasons..i have tried all my usual passwords etc, but you only get three tries to log in.I also applied for text messages updates and never got anything...
    On the plus side: 2 front page updates in as many months! Way to go...a right result after suffering over 2 years of Festival i say!

  4. PerfectMurder, damn right! I'm sooo glad to finally get rid of the Festival front page. It seems like such a distant memory now. BTW I don't have problem posting on the official site.

    Love that sample of Freakshow. Hope I'll get the single in the mail tomorrow, otherwise I might die of longing.

  5. Actually, "Official Freakshow" sounds like the title of a legit live broadcast of a Cure concert...


  6. By the way, just checked the official site to give it another try to "Freakshow"...´

    "Freakshow" surely hasn't got any better since the last time. What a bummer! :|

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Damn, the site has such potential... meh. :^[

    :^D @ revolt... I LOVED it when they played it live for us in Vancouver, and now that I hear the studio version, I love it that much more.

  9. Maree, are there ANY Cure songs that you don't like? Just trying to understand "where you come from"... ;)

  10. Ah, I get it... since I love Freakshow, I must certainly simply be non-critical? ,^P

    I love how totally obnoxious it is, lol. It reminds me of my old punk days, it's completely fun.

    As for Cure songs I hate... most of the Mixed Up stuff. Heh.

  11. it great that there is still that special offer for the la tickets.

  12. "As for Cure songs I hate... most of the Mixed Up stuff. Heh."

    I knew it. You had to reach for a remixes album to think of one... :D

    "Ah, I get it... since I love Freakshow, I must certainly simply be non-critical? ,^P"

    Well... :P

  13. craig - didnt you notice it also says the chicago gig is not happenning?

  14. ROFL... I can think of more, but the remixes are just easy.

    So how eclectic is your taste in music, revolt? Are you one of those "There's only one Cure sound I like" fans? :^P

  15. What do you put on your cornflakes people? I'll have some!

  16. Heh... I am semi-nocturnal, so... lol. Corn Flakes, sometimes they aren't half bad. :^]

  17. "So how eclectic is your taste in music, revolt? Are you one of those "There's only one Cure sound I like" fans? :^P"

    Very eclectic, Maree. Probably more eclectic than Clockwise's, and that is saying something... :)

    Anyway, as far as Cure goes, I really like:

    - heavy aggressive stuff (100 Years, the Kiss, etc)

    - slow atmospheric songs (The Same Deep Water, Plainsong, Faith, This Twilight Garden...)

    - trip/psychedelic stuff (A Forest, The Snakepit, Piggy in the Mirror...)

    - really catchy pop songs (the more romantic, like "Just Like Heaven", "Elise" and "Catch", and also the more uplifting/silly, like "Lets go to bed", "The Lovecats"... even "The 13th" and "Friday I´m in Love", although not as much).

  18. I'm happy that hating Freakshow is beginning to be OUT of style...
    Such a cool song, I didn't thought Bob still had some aces up his sleeve. I mean it's not sensational but it's a pleasing odd little number.
    This album is going to be HOT. I feel sorry for those who don't like it.
    Naw, not really. Your loss.

    It's funny, at home it worked perfectly well, but here at my job there's a glitch at the official site's front page. It shows the Freakshow cover but plays The Only One... Hope it get fixed today as I need my fix!

  19. It actually sounds like our taste in Cure stuff is rather similar, heh.

    I liked pretty much everything up to The Top (especially Pornography! :^D)

    The Caterpillar was awesome, otherwise meh :^P@The Top.

    Really liked Head on the Door and Kiss Me, LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Disintegration... Best. Album. Ever.

    Didn't like Mixed Up or Wild Mood Swings.

    Liked Bloodflowers and The Cure.

    Oh yeah... and LOVE Freakshow. :^P

    Sound-wise, I like some of everything, even the remix stuff. (Just most of it, not so much... I have snobby taste in electronic stuff.)

    My fave 3 are probably Plainsong, One Hundred Years and The Caterpillar... what an assortment, lol.

  20. Forgot to weigh in on Wish, which I really liked, for the most part. Yes, I do like Friday I'm in Love. :^D

  21. Well, Maree, looks like our Cure tastes are a bit similar, I have to agree.
    Although I love "The Top" and think "Freakshow" is really a "meh-show". ;)

    "I have snobby taste in electronic stuff."

    Well, I could just about say the same about me.
    I think this is turning into a quite interesting and surprising conversation, after all... Anyway, do you feel like developing that sentence? What exactly do you like / don't like about electronica?

  22. Freakshow is awesome. I love how tight the bass sound is

  23. Haha, Robert double posted the PBS Soundstage denial. I guess that he really means it, huh?

    I guess that someone should probably contact Soundstage and let them in on this.

  24. Agreed, revolt, heh. :^D

    Well I have been through a lot of eras (yay, rave days and beyond) but what has endured for me is mostly (in terms of individual artists who have impressed) Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Chemical Brothers. Newer stuff is really a range. I like Crystal Castles... mostly you can get an idea of what the range is if you go to he's my fave DJ.

    As for what I like/don't like *about* it... well, it's all in the energy and the creativity with which it is developed. Derivative bores the hell out of me.

  25. *though I am not a huge fan of Third Beach Mix... Spacehaus all the way. (re:

  26. if you open the cure page up twice and listen to the song overlapping out of time its fucking genius... just a suggestion to all you bored workers out there.

  27. Eek, shouldn't have tried that, deadboy, ouch, my head, lol.

    Speaking of work... heh. K, back to it. :^D

  28. Whew... back to normal here. Freakshow playing again.
    Can't do the overlap thing here at the job. It would be cool but for now I don't even dare listening to it that much... feels like everybody listening in when I do.

  29. He did say "I HATE DENYING THINGS THAT WE HAVENT ACTUALLY ANNOUNCED" which means he probably has to deny it because it's not officially announced (but really is in the works), that's my guess.

    I thought Freakshow was okay live but the album version got my little head a boppin', I love it and can't wait for my Amazon order to show up tomorrow! Robert has said multiple times he hates The Cure being classified as a "Goth" band and this song helps that point along.

  30. Maree, I´ll have to disagree (heh :D)...

    ... as far as Daft Punk go, at least. Can't stand them, apart from "Musique" and maybe 3 or 4 songs of their "Homework" album.

    Aphex Twin I don't know too well (a huge fault, I know), but I´m a big fan of the early Squarepusher stuff, which is supposed to have some similarities. I'm referring here to the "Port Rhombus EP" and the "Feed me weird things" album", which are some of the most original and mesmerising drum & bass releases ever...

    Chemical Brothers are (or were) alright, i suppose, but as far as "mainstream alternative" techno goes, I have always thought that Underworld are (were) way better... Up until "Born Slippy", that is. I can't stand that one. But the first 2 albums are truly hpynotic and trippy stuff.

  31. Deadboy....I lined those up and cranked them on my headphones....genius indeed!

  32. try it three times sam

  33. Hello everyone!

    Here in Mexico, for the very first time i listened to the new singles on the radio. It was yesterday afternoon on RADIO IBERO 90.9 wich is a college radio station, this guy said "We have the newest The Cure single, stay tuned!" So...I was great! First they aired "The Only One", then he talked about the Eco and the Bunnyman Lead Man, about how his vocals had changed trough time...and then he said... "On the other hand, you have Mr. Robert Smith, he sounds just like in Kiss me era, he sounds great"...
    I totally love Freakshow, its energetic, its fun, is a good sound for The Cure.

  34. sorry, after the vocals talk, he aired "Freakshow", he said he got it from the internet as its realese date is next friday 13th, and finally, this guy said he loves the sound in this song.

    I totally agree with him!

  35. Freakshow, I will reiterate, is the cat's tits! This morning I woke up with FS and Man Inside My Mouth in my head. FS is a descendent of that song, IMO.

  36. "This morning I woke up with FS and Man Inside My Mouth"

    Really, Clockwise, there's no need for that kind of confession here... Just keep it to yourself, please.



    Thank god the album is shaping up to be a bit more eclectic than some tepid Wish re-hash.

  38. revolt, I knew someone would pick up on that - lol.

  39. "Thank god the album is shaping up to be a bit more eclectic than some tepid Wish re-hash."

    Well, maybe. Though I have a feeling that we are really heading for the worst Cure album ever, even though WMS is hard to beat. But Robert Smith surely seems to be trying...

  40. Sorry to put this here, but did you all see the Bloodflowers video from Houston? FUCKIN AMAZING! Porl is rockin' the shit out of it on the solo!

    Sorry, it's just that BF is one of my favorite Cure songs.

  41. Heading for the worst Cure album ever??
    Please handle your Cure Fan Card NOW! It's expired! lol

  42. "Heading for the worst Cure album ever??
    Please handle your Cure Fan Card NOW! It's expired! lol"

    Just a feeling. Hopefully I will be proven wrong. Anyway, I´ve already checked most of the available new songs and I don´t think that any of them is really good.

    I´ve never needed a Cure fan card, by the way. I've been a fan for 22 years now, I don't need to prove anything.

  43. ahh, I see the action is in here. Hello, from a newbie who posted to a dead thread.

  44. I was half-kidding you know, I've been a fan for 19 years, so we're pretty close if you want to compare the size of our britches.
    Just sounds like you're a tad bit pessimistic, perhaps? And over-eager to share your non-enthusiasm?
    Why do I have the feeling that you are trying to persuade us that we are falling in love all over again with lame stupid-ass songs? That the Cure as it is doesn't merit our devotion and admiration? If our feelings are genuine, why would it be wrong? There's no right and wrong here, just the way we feel that matters, so to each it's own. You have the right to be pessimistic about it.
    Off course, I might be way off on this, reading too much into your posts, sorry for that if so.
    But it came out that way to me...

  45. Revolt: I hear you. I'm hoping the new album won't be a let down. So far though, I have to say there are some pretty kick ass songs out. Please tell me u like UTS. I know with me, I usually need to hear a song a few times before it grows on me, especially with the Cure. UTS totally bit me in the ass. ABINK and PB are pretty good too.

  46. "Just sounds like you're a tad bit pessimistic, perhaps? And over-eager to share your non-enthusiasm?"

    It´s just to counter-balance the over-enthusiasm of most folks here. I think we need some sort of balance. :D

    "Why do I have the feeling that you are trying to persuade us that we are falling in love all over again with lame stupid-ass songs? That the Cure as it is doesn't merit our devotion and admiration?"

    You're feeling is kinda right, here. Love can blind, you know?

    "If our feelings are genuine, why would it be wrong?"

    It isn't WRONG. It just seems out of place to me and therefore I have to state it.

    Anyway, it's just a matter of balance, as I have stated. To each his own opinion, but since we are all sharing the same blog space, it's only natural that we don't keep said opinions to ourselves.

  47. "Please tell me u like UTS."

    "Underneath the Stars" sounds OK to me. But not great. Not magic. Anyway, I probably still need to listen to it as a studio version, on a good HI-FI system, to see if it clicks or not.

  48. @clockwise cat
    "Sorry to put this here, but did you all see the Bloodflowers video from Houston? FUCKIN AMAZING! Porl is rockin' the shit out of it on the solo!"

    That part always gives me goosebumps, no different there! Do check out the version 'hanging72back' posted (shows up as related link)

  49. yes, love can blind or so my hubbie would confirm. I still think RS is hot, chubbs and all, lol. Although I do miss the RS of 80's..

  50. UTS will be a classic. Just absorb it a few times. I used to absolutely hate Torture for awhile, and now I'm like what was i thinking.. that songs kicks serious ass.

  51. has anyone bought tix through stub-hub? I'd die if my RCMH tix is a counterfeit.

  52. hyrenreck, you hit it on the head exactly. :-)

  53. robert, i am checking that out now. is this a professionally shot vid? apparently so.

  54. leslie, i have gotten tix at tickets now, and they were legit, and i have heard good things about stub hub.

    i hate to legitimize scalper sites, of course, and ideally they bastards wouldn't exist. granted, we don't have to patronize them - it's really a catch 22 situation.

  55. robert, now that i have seen the entire vid, i must say i far prefer the houston version. there is much more life in it. i do like this 2002 version, but it's flatter, a bit more lifeless. robert's voice is emotional, true, but the music is less vibrant.

    i am so glad porl is back. his playing may be too flamboyant at times, a bit unhinged, but frankly, i think that's just what the cure needs.

  56. thanx Cat. Unfortunately I found out about the RCMH show a little too late and it was already sold out. I was so pissed since I literally work right on the corner of MSG and could've bought a hard ticket. Anyway, at least I have a hard ticket for the MSG show, albeit crap seat. I guess I'll just show up xtra early for the RCMH show.

  57. "hyrenreck, you hit it on the head exactly. :-)"

    Well, you LOVE ALL Cure albums, clockwise. I´m sure the phrase "worst Cure album ever" doesn't necessarily mean a bad record in your book... ;)

  58. leslie, i am sure it will be fine - but do check out and print stub hub's policies, and so on. they have a money back guarantee, i think, so if it does end up being fake, you will get your dough returned to you. plus, i think you can call them and check on the legitimacy of the tic... although i could be wrong.

  59. FREAKSHOW really is a very fun song! long time since we've had one of those. I sit here listening to it at work and i have to stop myself from making a fool out of myself and dancing in my cubicle.

  60. Revolt, as I am all in favor of balance myself, I'll let you live... this time. ;-)
    Otherwise, even though I'm a sucker for all-things Cure so perhaps not the best of judge, I still think you are a FRACKING pessimist. Just relax and enjoy the ride!!

    You can counter me and keep the balance now, don't mind!

  61. yea, I'll call stubhub just in case. These are my first Cure shows so I can't have anything go wrong.

  62. Freakshow hasn't grown on me yet... although I'll stress yet. Reminds me of Catapillar girl, six different waysish.. along those quirky lines.

  63. It's porl's guitar that does it for me..... and these live recordings of bloodflowers and songs like that sounds so amazing because of him. damnit just think how much better the last three albums COULD have been if he had stuck around.

  64. It should be a new User name: Clockwise Catapillar Girl.

  65. corrosive, while i am a fan of bf and tc, i agree they would have been that much more amazing with porl on board. i said it before, but porl's flamboyant guitar presence induces robert to improve his own playing. i was not a big fan of bf at all until i saw it performed on the trilogy dvd. on the album, the songs are rather flat and lifeless, but they come alive when they are performed. i have a feeling had porl been on board during bf and tc, the albums would have had much more texture and dynamic vibrancy. i still like those albums, of course, but porl has invigorated the band's sound.

    that said, i don't wish for them to re-record the albums with porl on board; let them exist as they are. and really, bf isn't that poorly produced, just sort of, and there are true shimmering moments on tc. too bad they had to include crap like alt.end, taking off, and us or them. take those suckers off and include tgb, fake, gn, and tm, and you'd have the most killer cure album ever. well, maybe not ever, but damn close. :-D

  66. i couldn't have put it better myself clockwise, and yes i like all those albums as well but after hearing porl play blood flowers and out of this world, maybe someday, he's won me over. Bloodflowers is really great but is it just me or does it seem like the way they recorded it it doesn't sound as good as it should. Like you said kinda flat or something.

  67. @leslie: got my 2nd row tix from stub hub for the 1st stop on the tour and couldn't have been happier! sold mine on there too, hopefully the folks that got them were happy too.

    @clockwise cat: agreed, it's a bit clearer on the old one but the emotion is there and Porl really is a perfect piece to the puzzle.

  68. thanx robert. I'll be keeping the fingers crossed. I'll be the one who's first in line with a beach chair and umbrella dying of dehydration.

  69. Corrosive, BF is rather flat and lifeless, IMO, on the album. Now that i have seen the songs live (both via trilogy and some of the songs in actual concert), I love the album, but it's a bit lackluster production-wise. Nothing compared to some of the ugly sonics of TC, of course - I mean, turn down the freakin' vocals, already! - but still. TC could use a whole new remastering of sound - not a re-recording, but just clean up some of the mess and make all the songs shimmer. Well, granted, some songs may never shimmer, but at least bring out the latent greatness of songs like Labyrinth and Anniversary, and turn down the damn vocal volume on B43!

    But yeah, BF rulz. :-)

  70. Guys-
    The whole Houston show was pure bliss. Having Porl there rocking it out (he even got down on his knees on a couple of solo's) just takes the band to a new agressive level.....Songs that didn;t work live with the old line up like Never Enough, Wrong Number, and even Us or Them are absolutely rocking now..Hell, Porl's solos on End of the World and 10:15 make those songs totally new again...

  71. that live The Promise audio clip is the shit by the way..... now i wanna hear porl play it

  72. which live promise clip??

    wyatt, so good to hear. just watching that bf clip makes me realize that songs i'd already loved are that much more dynamic with porl playing them. i mean, freakin' bf is already incredible, and he makes it that much more extreme!

  73. remember we were talkin about the promise live and i said i'd never heard it and then Craig sent it to me

  74. aw, craig is so sweet in apologizing to the band...

    craig, it wasn't your fault! pbs had confirmed it and there were auctions/contests/etc.

    it would have helped if robert had posted sooner about it, or at least if he could be more clear about what's going on.

    *fears another cure wars, but has FAITH that craig will graciously evade that path*

  75. corrosive, is it a video, or audio? i did manage to find a very brief clip of it from curiosa, btw.

  76. craig, i am doing nothing today except procrastinating all of my important tasks, so i can call that radio station if you want me to.

  77. Cat - I just don't want to cause them any more hassles than they already have to deal with.

    I'm more intrigued by the "Peace Sign" image posted there, and wonder if I'm reading way too much into it?

  78. craig, LOL! i wondered what the hell that blue hand was... i need to look again. yes, it is indeed a peace sign though... lol

    i am going to call the radio station. i already put of my allergy shot until next week because i just don't feel like getting up off the couch. i'd rather read alternet news and post here. oh, and my phone is right next to me. ;-)

  79. video of the promise? never seen one, didn't know one existed.

  80. on second thought, i'm not the cure's promotion manager, so why would i call the station? they can do it on their own! besides, that would be "meddling." and lord knows i don't want to be accused of that!

  81. corrosive, i can send you a very brief clip if you want. you know you want it!

    but you gotta give me your e-mail address again.

  82. Clockwise: So are you are aren't you calling?!?!? ;) Lol!

  83. Hmmmm... I can't seem to connect to I wonder if something is going on. :)

  84. Wow...This site just re-connected with me with my best frind from
    8th grade!!!!and fellow Cure aholic....Have not spoken to him in over 18 years...

    Gotta love COF...Thanks Craig...

  85. v, why should I call, seriously? just because i am a jobless bum who prefers to sit her fat ass on the couch all day surfing the internet and listening to loud music, procrastinating important tasks like getting my allergy shot so that i won't die and trimming the jungle in the back of my driveway, not to mention the kudzu that is threatening to overtake my house...

    i mean, really, though, why not leave that up to the band? i'm not their promo manager, and perhaps there is something going on that i don't know about. (obviously i wouldn't know about it - LOL )

    bobby and the boyz can clear it up themselves.

  86. Wyatt - that is awesome! love hearing stories like that.

  87. Kate: Try again, it works for me now! :)

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. you are right clockwise i do want to see it,

    yeah i was tryin to connect to the cure's page as well and could not

  90. Yes Craig. The peace sign is very interesting. Hopefully, that's a good sign.

  91. corrosive, i sent it. hope you enjoy! i myself enjoy watching bobby erotically assault his guitar.

    got it from cof back in 04 - props to our COF pimpdaddy for posting it.

  92. Or it could just be a shout-out to V. : )

  93. Craig: Ooooh, I like that theory! :D :D

  94. All I can say is that I hope that a man famous for changing his mind at the last minute - changes his mind about the Chicago taping!

  95. Oh yeah, it is the same. : )

  96. rev, did you already get tx to chi-town?

  97. what if it WAS a shout-out to V! next up, a picture of a kitty cat! :-D

  98. Yep. Tix to the show and airline both.

  99. At least the fingers were facing in the "peace" direction and not the other direction...then I'd think Robert was giving me a not-so nice shout out! :D

  100. Call me an optimist I suppose :D

  101. so, wyatt - is this old friend from Florida? :)

  102. talking about bob changing his mind all the time.. supposedly he's been saying at the end of most shows that they'll "be back". Now we all know that he's always calling it quits after every tour and he's always back. What if he contradicts his "be back" and this is actually their last tour. I know I'm crazy, but I pray that's not the case

  103. Leslie - I would be very surprised if this was the last tour.

  104. oooh wyatt got himself a girly...
    i guess that april and eric aren't getting all the action these days... :)

  105. that's my crazy mind going. I have to say he looks quite happy in the clips of this tour.. lots of energy and smiles..moving around a lot more. I'm loving it (thinking of MC D's now). I hope they bang out in NYC.

  106. so did anyone coordinate a NYC pre show COF gathering? I'm going it alone to both shows.. don't have any cool friends that are into the Cure.

  107. Leslie - Kate and Sofia are working on it. When they have something ready, I'll post it.

  108. Wow, there's a COF Social Committee now?? ;)

  109. thx Craig. btw, COF rules ;)
    CuRe fans UNITE!!

  110. corrosive, isn't it awesome?? the promise is one of the songs that LIVES live. it is not very good on the album - well, it's not BAD, per se, just lackluster - but in concert, it is mindblowing. however, many fans just don't take to it, so they will prolly never play it again. :-(

  111. V - LOL! you could be the social events coordinator.

  112. Clockwise: Nah, I think Kate and Sofia have it covered without me. ;) I'm too busy solving mysteries. And plus, I never even got invited to the COF Prom you and JPX went to, so I'm not exactly a social butterfly! Lol!

  113. GODS, if my husband knew I was here he'd have a fit. He thinks I'm just a sad obsessed nutbag, loll.

  114. V - Wanna go to the COF Prom with me? : )

  115. V, Craig:
    can i be the third wheel?

  116. JPX, I fear, is going to show me up for the COF Prom. :-(

    *feels dateless and forlorn*

  117. Kate- This was my best friend from Palm Harbor middle...We were the 2 biggest Cure fans in the school...For our talent show, me and him (and 2 other buddies) dressed up like our heros and did a full band lip synch (with instruments) to Inbetween Days...

    I lost touch with him during high school as we moved on to different schools....18+ years later, (this morning) I get an email from him wondering if the Wyatt on this site is his old buddy!!!

    Crazy cool...

  118. Thank you V. I am truly honored. : )

  119. Cat: Screw JPX! I think Bobby is going to be your date to the COF Prom. :)

  120. too bad I can't hang during the PM hours.. seems things get livelier round here. the hubby would have me bound/gagged and institutionalized if he found me on a Cure blog.

  121. Clockwise Cat - If you wouldn't mind, can you also send me the clip you're talking about?
    Thanks in advance!

  122. Must I understand there will be a COF gathering in NYC around June 20th-21st???

  123. revolt - Just read the comments on here coming from work and I can't help but wonder why you feel obligated to "counterbalance" the excitement you witness on COF? Did God invest you with this mission? :oS I don't understand your bitterness and pessimism.

  124. You need to quit apologizing to Robert Smith. If people are offering tickets to the damn show, then its not total pure rumor gossip to be listing the show as a possibility.

    Sorry, that irritates me. Because Robert Smith jumps down people's throats about giving out bad information and then goes on his "Its a double-album to be released in 2007" to "Its a single-album to be released in 2008" nonsense.

  125. You're awesome clockwise!
    Thanks again!

  126. wyatt - that talent show story is hilarious! I wish I had known you guys back then. :)

    fantac - sofia and I are working on something for a meet in NYC. once we have something, Craig has said that he will post it.

  127. There's gonna be a CoF prom!!!??!! Holy shit, what am I gonna wear?

  128. Remember it is early here - where on the site is Robert's confirmation on fuse and where is the peace sign?

  129. Duh - I take it back - it's amazing what you can find when you just follow the link ;P

  130. Mmmmm... I actually like the idea of the peace symbol! I think the hatchet has finally been buried.

  131. LOL elise - i'll help you pick out an outfit for the COF prom! you'll need a date, too - will you be mine?

    peeps, i just went and did an impetuous thing that will make me broke for the rest of the month.

    i got tix to MSG.

    i got my flite arranged and everything, and even hotel reservations. hopefully i won't have to use them as i may be able to work out something with chris - but if not, chris, i will understand!!

    it's rather, let's say, unsafe for me to have ANY time off of work, but when i have the whole summer off, it's disturbingly dangerous.

  132. OMG CAT!!!!!!!!!

    I'm so jealous and happy for you! :) :) :)

  133. Cat: Where are your seats for the show? :)

  134. v, you gotta join me!!!

    i have floor 7 seats... christina said that in houston her friend had seats further back but she still stood closer with chris on the floor so maybe i can stand with chris who is closer, but if not, fuck it, i'm there, and robert better pull out all the stops, but even if he doesn't, it'll be kick ass, never mind that i'll be whoring my body out for money after all is said and done.

    this is officially the wackiest summer ever for me - it started out as just two cure shows and now it's blossomed into 5.

    perhaps o4 was crazier, though. dunno

  135. here is my trip schedule for the coupla weeks:

    tomorrow- fly to ft laud for cure show
    sat - fly back
    sun - see cure here in atl
    mon - drive to charlotte to see cure show/see nc grad school friend tues
    wed - drive back to atl
    fri- fly to nyc for cure show
    sat - fly back to atl
    sun - fly to houston to see tom waits
    mon- fly back to atl
    fri- fly to france/stay for two weeks

    i am officially a LUNATIC, and i truly hate flying

  136. but hey, getting some great ff miles

  137. Clockwise: That is a truly awesome schedule!!!!

  138. Cat - That is fantastic that you are heading to MSG!!!! I am so envious!!!!

    What an amazing couple of weeks you have ahead of you. And when you get back, don't forget I am gonna send you some choccies!

    BTW, would love to be your date, but thought you were going with JPX? And I would love your help with working out what to wear.

  139. Gah! Great itinerary CC! I am so jealous of you Americans (and Europeans, for that matter!) I want to see them again! :^[

    Have a great time for the rest of us! :^D

  140. Maree - just checked your profile - seriously, Canada is just a road trip away. Try being in Australia!!! No chance of just spontaneously deciding to 'pop' to MSG from here.

  141. Vancouver, BC, Canada... it's a fantastic city to live in, but sadly lacking in Cure action, lol.

  142. Yeah, Oz might just suck more in that regard, admittedly, but it's going to be Montreal or Europe for me soon. Need. More. Culture!

  143. Maree - my hubby was born in Vacouver - but emigrated to Oz when he was three. We went there in 2001 for a holiday - it is a beautiful city - very similar to Perth (where we live now)

  144. Off to work now. Will check in later. :)

  145. I love it here, it's really such a beautiful city, but the older I get, the more I want to get the hell out and about... I am so backward... wasn't I supposed to backpack around Europe in my early 20s? lol

  146. cat - if hubby's family does not agree with you staying with us - i will split the hotel cost with you and stay with you there that night! :)

  147. chris, you don't need to do that! stay for free at your hubby's family!

  148. revolt - I can see where you're coming from. I've been a fan for 17 years now and I'm just not having a good feeling about this album. That being said, I still love the band. It's not blind love, although you know I will still buy all the new material even if it collects dust! ;)

  149. cat - it actually might be more fun that way though! it will be me and my neice - shes in her mid 20s and knows the city - she lives in queens with her parents still (hubby's sister) but works in manhattan - at bellvue hosp i think. (is that in manhattan? have no clue)

    when were you flying in? and which day(s) were you planning on staying?

  150. i am flying in friday at noon, and leaving sat at 4:55. i really need to leave earlier on saturday, but that was the cheapest flite available.

    the hotel is not terribly close to MSG, but not terribly far either. however, i am going to try to get something closer. francois (bf) says we once stayed somewhere right across from MSG, but he can't find the name of the place. i will google some closer hotels, i guess.

    hotel is $300. do you really want to split the cost? also, i think it's just one queen bed. do you really want to sleep with me? i know you love me and all, but... ;-)

  151. Cat - The Hotel Pennsylvania is right opposite MSG. We stayed there in 2001.

  152. elise, thanks! was it terribly expensive?

  153. Not from memory - not super flash digs, but reasonable rooms. Perfect for what you are looking for.

    Here is a link

  154. Yeah, actually. I have to agree with revolt and caterpillar girl.

    I'm not too terribly over-excited or have high hopes for the new album. I've been let down too many times in recent years by The Cure, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

    Will I still buy it? Of course. And I'm sure there will be a couple of songs I really really like and that'll be that.

    But who knows...It would be nice to be pleasantly surprised and hear something new and totally different than The Cure has ever done before and actually make me very excited for the first time in a long time about the Cure.

  155. thanks, elise - i made res there! so much better to be RIGHT across the street! thanks again!

  156. Again the B-side is the best.

  157. Wow I am really impressed by both of the new songs. Freakshow was the song I liked the least out of all the then new ones (Freakshow, Boy I Never Knew, Only One) when I saw them at Wembley.

    The studio version is a real improvement on the live version.

    All Kinds of Stuff has one of the best basslines they've had since Fascination Street.


    I just bought my Freakshow cd!!!

    I didn't get The Only One until two weeks after release.

  159. Gosh, nevermind it´s a cold topic, I had to write... But even the 'Freaky' sample from the tricky official site is better than most of what I´ve heard lately HAHAHAh

    Would it be a 15 sec song I´d be happy the same. Now I got even more anxious to get my copy! Hopefully it will arrive in 15 days aaaaaaaa

  160. Unbelievable! I received a copy of The Only One from on the day Freakshow was released. That means I'd waited for 1 month! Too long! So while waiting for a copy of Freakshow to be delivered to me, I decided to download it with the B-side.

    Well, both sound pretty good to me. Really amusing.

    I love their new materials so far. I'm not expecting any masterpiece anyway. I know nothing can beat Faith, Pornography and Japanese Whispers which brought a huge impact on my life when I listened to them 26years ago. I was still a novice in Rock music that time, and since then my taste in music has changed drastically. I'm sure I never have this kind of experience once again.

  161. clockster! my wife and i may see you at the atl and char shows!

  162. i'm surprised that noone has mentioned that AKOS at least to my ears... is very much like a japanese dream...

  163. zap - Yes, I've noticed it. Something (rhysm? a sound of drums?) in AKOS reminds me of Japanese Dream.

  164. thanks for confirming my sanity junko!
    i know tonally the bass has way more bottom end than JD, but it's the rythym and perhaps even the structure of the song a bit.
