Wednesday, June 25, 2008

IBD sampled on new Girl Talk album

"Inbetween Days is used as a part of the song "Don't Stop", track 13 on Girl Talk's new album "Feed The Animals" which came out last wednesday...I also caught a part of "Close To Me" on another track (very brief).
It's all mashed up samples (zillions) but it works quite well...other highlights include sampling Big Country and Aphex Twin...." (Thanks Matt)


  1. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one on the friggin' planet who despises mashups of any kind, Cure or not! Ugh. Pass.

  2. lol spaceman seth. i have to agree. michelle, i hate mash-ups more than anything. die mash-ups die! very unimaginative.

  3. michelle - i totally agree with you!

  4. Track 13? Coincidence, perhaps?

  5. That's pretty cool actually. Never heard of them before. I may give them a try.

  6. Pure crap! I really hate mash-ups too!

  7. Whoa pretty hostile reception here. Coincidentally I just bought this album today because I love Girl Talk. They played the best rave I've ever been to...

  8. rofl it is used with Soulja Boy!! =DDD

  9. ok i just wasted a minute of my life listening to this shit...

    how can ppl do this? dont they have to have permission to use the music? if so - how the hell can the cure agree to crap like this?

  10. Sampling's kind of a sketchy area in terms of legal rights and royalties and whatnot, but I don't think Girl Talk ask artists for permission to use their songs. Although I don't see why RS wouldn't give them permission, he's obviously open to remixes and dance music and stuff. I'm not going to argue about whether this type of thing is an original art form or not, but it's damn great party music.

  11. hey peeps, I set up a test chat room here

    Chain of Flowers Chat

    the password is craigp

    Come and help me test it out!

  12. i like mashups.. alot. *blushes* girl talk, i think is decent. theyre really open to all sorts of music - as shown by their diverse sampling.
    OMGG... they sampled kylie minogue and hot chip.. thats what i like about mashups, you hear artists in the same song you didnt think you would. i mean soldier boy right after IBD?

    annie - you went to a rave?

    i do however, find some songs off the album - appalling crap.

  13. I'm wondering what people think about Massive Attack using samples of "10:15" in the magnificent "Man Next Door" on Mezzanine...

    Anyway, Annie, how is the full GT album? I'm thinking about getting it.

  14. DJ- Yeah Girl Talk is from my city so his gigs here are always amazing.

    Pierre- If you're open to dance mash-ups, I think you'd like it a lot. For the most part he really blends different genres of music together quite seamlessly. He pulled a Radiohead so you can get the album for free if you want, or you can listen to the entire thing on myspace and decide for yourself.

    btw I love Massive Attack and was pretty delighted to hear that sample on Man Next Door.

  15. OK, Rev, I am showing my ancient age, but I do not know what to do after I entered the chat room. Do I have to register to use it, or can I type as a guest?

    Why, in my day we did't have chat rooms.. we had to walk 2 miles in the snow to school, uphill each way...

  16. Oh, I listened that meshuggenah GT dreck. The pilfered IBD track is completely incongruous to the surrounding "music". GT glom on to someone else's art because they cannot come up with music themselves. I feel like I did in grade school, needing to cover my paper from the troglodtes who could not come up with a clever answer on their own. Ptewweee..Blech! Nu!

  17. If copying/using someone else's work is such a problem, what should we be thinking about Robert plagiarizing other authors for his lyrics? I mean, everybody likes HBYA, but I don't see Baudelaire even namechecked in the credits...

  18. Pierre:

    There is a difference between adapting the story of Baudelaire’s "Les yeux des pauvres" into the lyrics of "How Beautiful You Are" or Camu's L'Etranger as "Killing an Arab" and the blatant note for note insertion of another band's music into one's own. One is interpretation and one is the musical form of plagiarism.

    We all know Robert is a learned man. He has a wide literary knowledge base, which he uses as inspiration for many of his lyrics. This intellectual aspect of his work is another reason so many of us are so fond of the Cure's music. He has been quite open about what has inspired many of his lyrics. Works by Kafka, Peake, Dumas, Shelley, J. D. Salinger, and Penelope Farmer have served as the springboards for some of the Cure's best and most beloved songs.

    Robert read those works, was moved by the messages, and shared with his audience his creative derivation. GirlTalk just heard a cool riff and stole it. End of story!

  19. If I specifically cited HBYA, it's because it's not an interpretation, but a translation of Les Yeux des Pauvres.

  20. If it were a verbatim translation, I would concede the point. It is not. Reference:

  21. To be fair, I must say that I do not like it on Freakshow, at about one minute 35 seconds in, there is about 2 seconds of the Twilight Zone theme in the background, note for note....No different standards for RS.
