Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Disintegration cover redesigned

"I found this via Drawn - there's an art show in Ireland called Candy Karaoke. "Over 70 of Ireland's leading illustrators, photographers and designers were asked to contribute a piece that would re-imagine or re-design their favourite album covers." Artist Will St. Leger recreated Disintegration. You can see the entire Flickr set here." (Thanks Jason)


  1. Heehee - the Disintegration redesign is cool, but I think this one is my fave. ;)

  2. The original is unbeatable, don't like the redesign at all.

  3. don't care for it. the other re-designed album covers have something different about them. this is just a weird re-painting of it with less style.

  4. The redesign is OK but it looks a bit boring in black & white, kind of washed out looking. The original cover is so much better, no improvement or changes are needed.

    I agree with v, the Abba one with the dogs & ducks is the best. The expressions on those dogs faces are priceless!!!

  5. Yay for Drawn, it's a favourite of mine! The Disintegration redesign is not such a fave though, but it's awesome that someone chose to do it.

  6. I like that Abba one. It is almost reminiscent of Da Vinci's masterpiece: "Dogs Playing Poker". That is absolutely divine.

  7. Can't say I really like anything about it. Not enough contrast going on between objects to get too excited about any one part of it. Some of the other art is really good though!

  8. hey peeps, I set up a test chat room here

    Chain of Flowers Chat

    the password is craigp

    Come and help me test it out! You don't have to install anything, just hit the webpage and chat away!

  9. Personally, I'd GLADLY put it on one of my walls...

  10. Heya, Rev...

    I see that you posted the "chat" link last night, but I will hang out there today and see what happens!

