Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tech info on HDNet show

Broadcast Newsroom has an article with some info on the recording of the HDNet show in Charlotte.


  1. when it airs, they HAD BETTER keep the part where cat and anah scream.

    i didnt understand much in the article.. tons of sound vernacular in there, but it was an interesting read nonetheless

  2. Interesting article even though it's a bit over my head with the technical info.

    Hope to see cat & anah in the show too or at least to hear their screams!!! LOL!

  3. DJ, OMG

    I will die too


  4. I will NEVER EVER forget Charlotte. The Faith encore had me entranced... I was in another freakin' world...dark reverie... and then the manic pop encore where anah and I met up and went nuts!

    The Cure are freakin' GENIUS

  5. Yes, over my head, but interesting.

  6. i always thought the vipre mic pre was pretty cool...
