Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lance Bass dances to Cure cover

"On last night's Dancing with the Stars, Lance Bass and Lacey Schwimmer did the quick step to Close to Me!" (Thanks elion, Toni, Jeff and Michael)


  1. Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse?

  2. glad i missed that shit, that may have ruined one of my fav songs

  3. *holds sign up* THE END IS NEAR

  4. mccain wants to postpone the debates because of the financial crisis, and lance bass is dancing to cure cover songs. coincidence? i think not.

  5. aand.. why is this so bad? is the show really bad or somethin glike that??

  6. Shouldn't Lance be dancing with a dude? I really don't think it could have gotten any gayer, he should have just gone for it.

  7. *waves madly to corrosiveheadpollution and rose*

    i havent seen you two in SOOO LOOONG. how often does lance bass have to dance to bad cure covers to get yall to come here more often?

  8. ROBERT! Give us the new album already, this shouldn't be on Chain of Flowers are news, even if it is a curespotting.


  9. awwws. *hands cookie to rose*

    next time im in the city, we'll have to have tea or ice cream or something.

    no.. i am two weeks late for my deadline. hehe.

  10. It was bound to happen... I knew that eventually some cataclysmic event (like the brutal butchering of a Cure song) would inevitably lure me into watching some of that show. *cries*

  11. I haven't been able to watch the footage *curses the work firewalls.... again* BUT I can't imagine it could be any worse that when one of the contestants on the Australian version of X Factor sang The LoveCats, and halfway through told the band to stop playing so she could do a tap dancing solo - WTF!!!!!!

  12. Jesus, I could only watch a minute of it, couldn't get through the whole thing. That's one of the most atrocious “covers” I've ever heard in my life, and I've heard plenty.

    Elise- save yourself the greif and don't watch...

    David- I believe it's the fifth...

  13. i am going to get banned, slayed and have my ears and tongue chopped for this, but i just watched it, and yeah the dance is horrible, but if you only listen to the song without all the show crap it doesnt sound bad, at least to my ears

  14. Hey, and look, they have a poll up on the Dancing website where you can vote for a song for them use use in a performance and The Lovecats is one of the choices!

    Go here to vote or look or whatever:

  15. oh snap. NOOO. dont let them kill another cure song!! -_-
    please no.

    dancing with the stars + cure = BAD.

  16. Yes, now I know the world will end soon. I agree with david, this is a sign of the end times.


    HA! It's so cheesey and silly that I actually like it.

    There, I said it. I don't care what you think! XP

  18. It's so completely out of control. It's like being on LSD, watching that.

  19. Wait, if someone (or some-ones) found this, does that mean people actually watch Dancing With The Stars?

  20. I agree, I concur, d'accord, this is one of the seven signs I'm sure!
    The end is near!!!!!!!!!


  21. genital ben - oh I would have LOVED it if Lance had actually danced with a dude.

    ("gayer" doesn't have to be a bad word! people tend to get yelled at for that kinda thing...)

  22. i can die peacefully now, for i have seen hell, and i know that where i'm going isn't nearly as bad.

  23. mccain is so full of shit. so basically, since obama still wants to debate and isn't going to suspend his campaign, mccain isn't running for president right now?

    good. at least there won't be any doubt who wins in november!

  24. I never actually thought you could lay out a dance routine to a Cure song*.

    *At least a sober one.

  25. Now that I am home from work I have had a chance to watch the routine.

    I actually thought that Close to Me was a great choice of music for the quickstep and the routine was well choreographed.

    As I wait for the flames to come flying my way, I'd like to point out that I usually dislike The Cure's music being used for anything non-cure related but I really enjoyed this. Perhaps a factor in this is my love for dance.

  26. Elise, what ruined it for me was the awful singing. Boy was that god awful crap. Maybe I'm just too accustomed to Robert's voice. I actually enjoy watching So You Think You Can Dance; the host is a super hot Aussie chick!

    Jerry D said...
    "Wait isn't this a Cure forum? ;-)"

    This kind of stuff happens all the time, where the hell have you been? 8-p

    I'm sure McCain is more than happy to weasel his way out of debating Obama. What with Alzheimer’s obviously on the outset, I'm sure it's challenging enough for him just to remember what he ate for breakfast.
    "The fundamentals of our economy are strong!"
    "The recession is all in your head, you whiner!"
    "Iran is training al-Qaeda!"

    I can't for the life of me, figure out why anyone (but Big Biznass) is supporting him.
    I find it amusing when he says that he's "going back to Washington to help fix the financial crises" that he's partially responsible for creating! Is there anything that that cockpiddling douchebag hasn't done or said to prove how woefully stupid, ignorant and inadequate he is as a candidate? On top of which, parts his acceptance speech were verbatim to Bush's acceptance speech 8 years ago... 'cause they both have the SAME fucking speech writer! Bernanke, Paulson, and Mccain don't give a shit about the American people; were it not for the policies that they created years ago, the public at large would not be getting shafted so royally right now. And now they want to screw us even more by using fear tactics to enact more of their fascist legislation. We're basically in an "unofficial recession" now, who knows how much more destruction Mccain will wreak on this country if he's elected... I r not pleased.

  27. I watched that So You Think You Can Dance. Was her name Katie that came third overall.Wot a QT...I want to horizontal folkdance with her.She was HOT!!!HOT!!!HOT!!!

  28. Swifty - yes, Katee was cute and she TOTALLY should have won! She was a much better dancer than Joshua and Twitch! Just goes to prove that it is the young girls that do all the voting on these shows.

  29. Well Lance & Lacey danced a good routine but that guy singing just killed the song.

    Please don't use any more Cure Music for the show, it's just not right!

  30. The voice of the guy singing that version makes me want to vomit.
