Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hypnagogic reviews

Ground Control has a review of Hypnagogic States. (Thanks Mark)
And so does Muzikalia (Thanks Alfonso)


  1. I never picked it up, the samples sounded terrible.

  2. Great article. And JPX, it's actually surprisingly good, and I was one of the fierce naysayers. FS remixes suck, but the rest is quite enjoyable, ESPECIALLY EHS SWID AND TPB!!!!

  3. Indeed, both remixes of SWID are brilliant, and I find SWID the most lackluster of all the singles.

  4. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. However it is not essential listening....

  5. My favorite quote from the first article:

    "drag the material out onto a liquor licensed dance floor."

    Nice! I LOL'd.

    The SWID remix is so great! I love it more than any of the others.

  6. Good article! I was on vacation last week so I haven't had a chance to get my copy yet. So I've been listening to them on-line & I still like them with the exception of TPB. I'll try the stores tomorrow, I think they will have a few copies but I'd rather be going out to get the new album instead of the EP!

    Only 35 days to go now!!! craig we need a countdown ticker on here!!!

  7. I STILL haven't managed to find a copy of this bloody thing yet; I'm starting to think it just doesn't exist in the UK...

  8. Actually Andrew, I must diverge from you there. I find the 65 DOS remix to be quite compelling (barring the FS segment). And I like the other remixes pretty well, esp. the other SWID remix. And, as I said, that's interesting, cuz I find SWID to be the weakest of the singles. I like how the remixes prove that there is a good song buried within SWID after all.

    The EHS SWID makes me want to slam dance, and I have never slam danced in my life. And EHS TPB is very uplifting.

    All in all, a damn good EP, from my POV. :-)

  9. stigmurder - ep is on hmv.com £2-99 delivered!
