Friday, July 20, 2012

South American Cure tour plans!

StageD interviews Robert and he announces plans to tour South America next Spring, just after Easter! Says they will play Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Venezuela. But they will not play Ecuador, because he says people don't play Ecuador. :) More from the interview will be posted today.
Update: Part 1 (also on YouTube) of the 2 part interview has been posted.

They also have video from the Paleo show with Shake Dog Shake, The Walk, The End of the World.


  1. Robert Smith 2012: "I am never touring again...except for Latin America next year and...etc." Exciting!

    1. Now be fair. He said no more "World tours". Like the kind that are months/years long. He never said they weren't going to play more shows. They'll just be broken up into smaller parts.

    2. If you could see the boys on stage, you would be sure that they don't feel like stoping, at all ! But in your 50's, touring in a bus for 10 months and 60 gigs in a raw, it's just pure shit.

  2. I'll believe when I see it! Kidding, looks like Roberts been practicing his geography.

    1. Love how he sort of traces the map with his finger. :)

    2. Yeah, he has always been a very visual guy!

  3. So excited for the Sth American fans - a wonderful treat

  4. URUGUAY???? SO FU**N AMAZING!!! I can't believe it.
    Please Robert make this dream come true...

    1. yay! I'm so happy that I hope to live long enough to see them next year in Montevideo!!!

  5. This makes it more likely that N. America follows in the Fall with a new album!

    1. How'd you jump to that conclusion? :)

    2. This tour and all of you CoF guys and girls have me so excited about the Cure, I just NEED to see them again!

  6. a bolt out of the blue that, south america, then N. America as extrapolated by parallelextinction.... Naturally follows that they'll go to Australia next :)
    but not a world tour...just small chunks, around the world...ha!!

  7. I hope Reeves is still with them for this mini-tour!

    1. God point! What will the lineup be for this. We've been told Reeves is just here for the SummerCure, but then Robert mentioned wanting to record with Reeves, so who knows?

      Maybe they'll see how everyone feels at the end of this tour and go from there.

    2. maybe they'll get norman fisher jones in there someplace. ;) this has been one wild and wooly year for cure fans!

    3. (oh god. i hope the simon fans don't murder me. i just meant that things have been odd!)

  8. There were rumours about new tours/concerts in South America since... forever. But, this time, the news were given by the boss himself, so it's quite possible... maybe following the same steps as the (succesful, btw) Morrissey's last tour. And hopefully promoting a new album (although the 87 tour wasn't exactly a promo tour of KMKMKM as many are saying in the press).

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. No Mexico dates? Seems odd since they have gone down so well there in the past...

  11. I'd have to assume that this tour will be built around headlining Lollapalooza. I know Perry was talking about having the Cure headline the South American version for 2013.

  12. This is very very exciting!! I'll never see this tour, as I live in England, but I'm just so happy to see that they plan to continue touring! I had a horrible feeling that this summercure tour was some kind of farewell tour. Very happy to be proven wrong!!

  13. It's highly notorious he was just upset with the question and he said completely nonsense as he did MANY times before. Would they go to Venezuela??? Please, don't be so innocent, he lied, we know RS well since very long ago.

    1. I really hope he's not. But I agree that he looks a bit pissed off with the question. Could have just been down to an idiot interviewer though.

  14. So happy for South (Latin? Please Robert, Latin!) America if it happened. I tried to send of kabale through facebook. I wanted to spread a message to the 4.3 million Cure friends asking for a kind of hacker attack on The Cure's page yelling for a SA (LA?! not LA, California) but never found the hacker capable of doing the trick.

  15. central and south american fans are so loyal and have waited so long! this is terrific for them :)

  16. After watching the video... I'd take that with lots of grains of salt.

  17. i hope reeves dont go with the cure ,if the cure come to montreal i dont go to the show that for sure,i hope order member come back with the band !!

    1. David, I know the context in which you're speaking, but it sounds inappropriate. lol

    2. Shawn, was talking about his mouth, not his pants. You made my day ! So funny...

  18. echoes of robert sayings in Uruguay.

  19. and another

  20. a third one :)

    and an argentinian media:

  21. LOL He always says every line up is the best they've ever had.

  22. I hope Reeves is still with the band for the South american tour. He is a serious musician and besides, I'd hate to see/hear the band without a good second guitar player.

    1. I'm sure if Reeves wants to play (and why wouldn't he? :o)), he will. This lineup is stellar.

    2. How long has it been for Reeves since he last played for audiences of tens of thousands? Surely he must love being in the spotlight like this. So if I were him, I would not turn down an invitation for another tour.

  23. a second guitar player is very good but reeves is not the good one for this job ,maybe robert call back some old member !

    1. A second guitar player isn't only "very good" - it's necessary or else a lot of songs won't be played as they should or could, same with the keyboards. Well... or it's Porl or Perry for this job. Porl is out if you haven't figured it out yet. Perry? I'd stay with Reeves.

    2. eric, i think you need to go see a shrink.

  24. Yay for South American fans! But never take a word that comes out from Robert's mouth for granted until you see it on the official site (mmmhhh... was gonna say here, but maybe it's best not to lol :-D)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. reeves is in the band for the summer that this! i hope so ! maybe one days is gone play like porl but now is only do shit with a guitar ,robert but that man for one raison remplace porl thompson notting hall !!but is not good is can play all the song good is only me opinion is better go back with david bowie and go play shit with i m !!

    1. I don't know if you realize this, but David Bowie has been retired for about 10 years now. So there isn't much for Reeves to go back to there.

  27. i lisen to shake dog shake reeves play or not the guitar i dont lisen to ??? with that keybord all the song of the cure reeves dont reel play guitar ( je vois juste la difference avec bercy la meme chanson avec porl lui au moin il joue de la guitare il ne fait pas essayer comme reeves je crois que la comedie a assée duré!! robert smith arrete de prendre tes fan pour des con!!!!

    1. Eric, please. Relax.
      Fans don't own the band!
      There's plenty of old records, bootlegs to listen if you don't like this incarnation of the cure.
      The guitar is low in some webcast mixes, but not all of them. There are a few that really show what Reeves is giving to the cure.
      It's great, man! Look all the joy in their faces!

      Or just shushhhh... you're really the drunk bitter uncle of this summer party!

  28. Roger seems to be pouring cold water on this somewhat via Twitter...

    1. I see.. This has happened before, but he seems so sure, at least this time is talking about countrie but before he only talked about 'the south america thing' instead of carefully naming countries. It has to be a difference

    2. Here, in Uruguay, the media picked up the news, and there's a lot of excitment for Robert words. I'd hope the media would be more precautious, as Roger. What Robert said is more an intention (a really good one that I really hope comes true), but for now, it's not a fact.

  29. OMG! This has changed my world...I can't believe it, I can't believe I have actually seen this with my own eyes.. I'm so fucking excited, I just can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Yesterday, after the publication of an interview with Robert stating that the band will play concerts in South America, the Cure went among the most discussed topics on Twitter, staying for several hours in trendtopics. In Brazil, the news spread by major media outlets in the country. The magazine "Veja", one of the leading and most traditional magazines in the country opened the text treating the Cure "One of the most original and interesting bands that emerged in Britain ... do shows in Latin America next year. Brazil is in script "( I honestly rarely saw the band being so prominent in national media, in so many different media outlets, and with great respect, quoted in such a way, these 19 years that follow. Remember that the band was in Brazil twice. In 1987, with a tour by some state capitals and in 1996 at the Hollywood Rock in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
    By Fabinho Almeida

  31. my first thought at this was to listen for distant screaming. The South Americans have been waiting for so long. glad for you guys.

  32. Why not Ecuador??? It is a small country but I''m sure that enough people would go to their concert. Please Robert change your mind...ecuador are waiting for you

  33. Roger says that there's a 50/50 chance of happening so it's not entirely a lie (or entirely true :( )
