Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Disintegration font

A special gift from the creators of one of my favorite Cure websites of all time, Plainsong. Their excellent version of the Disintegration font. Read more info in the comments.
(Thank you David F. and Jérôme C.)


  1. Well, I, David F., was running with Jérôme C. a discography website called Plainsong that shut down a while ago.
    Today I'd like to offer to the readers of your blog a special font I made at the ancient times of our website, as part of our design. The Disintegration reissue will be out soon and it's a good time, indeed, to throw this font in the wild!

    So this is a Disintegration font based on scans on sleeves of that era. There are many hidden bonuses in the form of Cure logos of various eras (thanks to Jérôme C. for scanning them all at the time!). The whole set is pretty nice. As far as I know, it's the only computer font really true to the original 1989 design.

    There is another font floating around in the Internet, called « Disintegration », but it's just a piece of inaccurate crap. This is why I called our font « Disintegration The Cure », to clearly distinguish ours from bad copycats.

    Everyone interested should go here to download the font! Enjoy!


  2. Thank you!!

    In other celebratory news I made this flash Craig.

    Takes a while to load, but still.

  3. if its of any interest at all...i got my vinyl copy of disintegration in the post today ( from hmv - always early with the cure it seems~) sounds great so far ,, :)

  4. DBC: Excellent! Can you scan or take photos of it?

  5. yeah , i will tomorrow craig , cant be arsed now - just in from work

  6. to what email address though?

  7. No problem. Go enjoy the album. But can you confirm that it comes with lyric bags?

    You can send them to

  8. Oh, and where did you order it from?

  9. ordered from, i 'll dig out the cam and get the pics off first thing in the am..:)

  10. no probs.. bedtime now

  11. I don't know if this is the right place but...for the so-called disintegration celebration, here's my cover version of the full album:

  12. I would like to join Craig and take the opportunity to thank David and Jérôme for their site. It was simply terrific. You could always find something new and interesting in their database. And I literally sucked it dry to build the discography section of my site :-D

  13. got this mail from

    Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu koennen, dass die folgende Ware frueher als angekuendigt verschickt werden kann:

    the Cure "Disintegration (Deluxe Edition)"
    Bisheriges voraussichtliches Lieferdatum : Mai 26 2010 - Mai 28 2010
    Neues voraussichtliches Lieferdatum : Mai 21 2010 - Mai 25 2010

    that means, they send it out today !
    i hope it will be there on my birthday 24.05

  14. Hi, I'm having trouble downloading the font. When I follow the link and try to download it, I simply end up with .txt file. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanx!

  15. @Don

    hmm. it should be saving as a .otf file.

  16. Lindsey, thanks for writing back. For some reason, when I right-clicked with my mouse and chose "Save Linked File As," this was the file name: DisintegrationTheCure.otf.txt

    I simply deleted .txt from the file name before clicking "Save." You emphasizing the .otf suffix was the nudge in the right direction that I needed.

    What a great looking font!

  17. Max1334, is your Disintegration cover album supposed to be missing "Plainsong"? Thanx for clarifying.

  18. no, it is complete, I've re-downloaded it and it works...try again, maybe something was wrong...and let me know:)

  19. I created the Disintegration font a long time ago in 2000 for learning Macromedia Fontographer. I don't necessarily think it's crap. I mean, I did the best with what I had at the time and that was just the fonts on the album and CD sleeves. I didn't have giant references from the tour book or something. At the time we were just Cure fans sharing fonts for a band we loved. I'm sorry if DF doesn't care for them, but plenty of people seemed to enjoy them, and that's all I was trying to do at the time. I've since seen that font on websites, books, and television and I've been very proud that other people enjoyed it enough to include it in their art.
