Monday, February 22, 2010

Robert photos in new book

"There are some nice pics of Robert on the site of the famous photographer Richard Bellia and in his new book 'Un Oeil sur la musique' ('an eye on music')". (Thanks Steven)


  1. Nice couple of pics there!

    Can anyone tell me from where I can get this amazing interview footage?

    I haven't learned so much from a Cure interview in years.

    "Songs like 'Pictures of You' and 'Last Dance' are more [about] obsession and fixation. They're not really love. It's not love like in 'Love Song'. 'Love Song''s the only one that actually sort of is about the love that exists between two people in a real way. All the other songs aren't. They're actually about the lack of love, if anything."

    Wow, I never really thought about it and my tendency to express my mood in song in that way.

    If there's a purchasable DVD from where this high quality footage comes, what is it, please?
