Tuesday, July 29, 2008

NIN Lights in the Sky tour coverage

I know there are a bunch of NIN fans who read COF, and I just wanted to make sure you are aware of the excellent coverage being offered for the Lights In The Sky Over North America tour.
Rob has been posting photos from the road and the shows at the NIN website.
Those photos are being archived at the NINblog Archive, and you can view the setlists and live videos at the NIN Tour Video Archive. Fantastic job guys!

And I can't believe they played In This Twilight at the Seattle show! And now Vessel in Edmonton!

Update: The Seattle show is up on Dime and Nintorrents in FLAC, and you can get it in mp3 on sendspace (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)


  1. hi there and thank you very much! i'm the "webmistress" behind both archive blogs, and that's pretty much one of the nicest comments i ever got from another blogger. makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside ;))

    about seattle - ask and ye shall receive :D a very good audio bootleg is up on dimeadozen.org (preferred if you have an account, many seeders) and nintorrents.com (less seeders, but no membership restrictions), flac and great sound quality. ghost piggy ftw! :D

  2. i think trent did a kick ass job on the new record. i regret i cant see him this year, thanks for the bootleg links dori.

    still awake tyler?

  3. I wish Trent and the boys would get their asses over to the UK; I need my fix!

  4. Craig,

    Not sure how my audio compares to the version on dime, but I'll send over This Twilight in a bit.


  5. YES! NIN has been doing a great job at keeping everything up to date on their latest tour kick off (and pre-tour). I think NIN is one of the most organized and most up to date band websites that I know of. And they are always on the cutting edge of the technology. Rob does a great job on the photography and web things. They listed a job a month or so back for an internet savvy graphic designer and i would have totally applied, but unfortunately i don't know enough about web design to feel worthy to work with them. that would have been awesome tho....
