Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Remember this artwork from the 2022 auction. Looks pretty familiar, right?

DRONE: NO DRONE's a new piece of art for @heartresearchuk that you might be interested in. It's called DRONE: NO DRONE. The artist is anonymous as always. But you might get a hint from the title and the description. 

4 more pieces to be revealed soon.

Cure Whatsapp

Keep getting emails about this, and looks like I forgot to post about it here (much more active on Twitter and Bluesky. CraigatCoF on both).

So when you go to the new website ( and sign up, you'll get two emails. First to verify you, second with a link to join them on Whatsapp. Nothing much has happened yet. Just this message.

More Lost World passes

From Aaron Law:

As pointed out by Blondet Patrice I've had the sculpture in my possession for some time... On my photo passes! 

Lost World pass

From Blondet Patrice:

Hi, I’m not sure if this has been pointed out before, but I came across an auction for a Paris Backstage Pass from the 2022 Shows of the Lost World Tour. It appears that the artwork was somehow revealed (the Janez Pirnat sculpture).

The auction is from 08/20/2023 so it's most likely not a fake backstage pass.

Times Square

Was waiting for this one...
A Cure Songs of a Lost World billboard in Times Square NYC.
From thecure_onthisday.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


A Cure Songs of a Lost World billboard in Paris.
Photo credit: Iza-belle Rnlt
Thanks Andreas.

NYC sign

The Cure Songs of a Lost World signs have made it to NYC. From Friends of Type.

Postcards arriving outside of Europe

Alan cross received one in Canada.

From Petr Halla:

promotional postcard Songs of a Lost World arrived to Czech Republic as well.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Billboard in Toronto

From Christine Buchanan.

In Rome too

 From Davide Consoli.

New Cure Website!

 From thecure_onthisday.


Vella Design

 From The Tongue of Kai:

You may find Andy Vella's homepage background interesting ;)

Digital signs in Madrid

And now we have digital signs for The Cure Songs of a Lost World in Madrid Spain. From HispaCure: 📣 Algo está pasando en España! La Gran Vía de Madrid amanece con info sobre elnuevo álbum de @thecure #songsofalostworld que saldrá a la venta el próximo 01.11.24!