Sunday, September 11, 2011

Roger will be tambourine shopping again

Don't read this, Jason!

At the end of last night's show, "Roger threw his tambourine, guess who got it?" (Thanks JC/Perfect.Murder)
Update from Roger: "Actually it was one of Jason's tambourines and I don't think he knows about it yet hahah so don't tell him!"

See it in action! And watch Roger throw it to JC. (Thanks Aaron and Matthew)


  1. Glad to see it went to a proper curefan, not just any old drunk festival-goer :)

  2. I got a brill video of Mr Tambourine Man will upload it later but the file is massive and I'm using my bandwidth to catch up on Eastenders first!

  3. Danny - So true! I'm trying to encourage JC to use this to start his own band. : )

    Matt - Where are your priorities, sir?! : )

  4. Craig with Thursdays Secrets For September gig and Bestival its a whole hour of the Square I missed :)

  5. Did I also mention Jason has a really good tent?

  6. Nah, I understand, Matt. Mr. Tambourine Man can wait. : )

    Oh great, more free pizza? : )

  7. oh jason, how I love thee...:)
    How awesome it must be to have an item from a live show, congrats!

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  9. On this video you can see Roger sending the tambourine ...

  10. when i saw them in Hyde Park 2002, Roger played guitar on Open, he plucked at two harmonics the whole way through with that tambourine look on his face

  11. Nobody thinks there would be something else better to do with a keyboard on this song rather than playing tambourine?

    Congrats for catching it, though.

  12. Sometimes I think there must be bad feelings between Porl and Roger, and Robert needs to keep them separated.

    I do miss Porl's guitars, and I am proud I was able to see him play at least ten times with the cure in my whole life.

    Having Rodger back is GREAT! The Cure just needs keys, it would just be nice to have a second guitar up there along with keys for songs 84-2000.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Also the band looks like they were having a blast up there!

  15. It landed about four rows in front of me. 30 years ago I'd have had it ;0)

    There was an interview in a fanzine called appropriately 'Grinding Halt' in early 1981 where Robert answered a question about Matthieu leaving with something like they were getting lazy and had to put in keyboard parts for the old songs to stop him standing twiddling his thumbs. I think "Mr Tambourine Man" was a deliberate attempt to avoid doing just that, keyboards just for the sake of it.

  16. So cool! Love that Roger is having a blast out there! This is real good for the Cure. I can feel it!

  17. Way to go! If I had been it that situation, I probably would've been so anxious that the tambourine would go straight through my hands to the random drunk festival-goer behind me, haha. Talk about a neat souvenir!

  18. Thanks for the info about the fanzine, Was.

  19. Fabian G: I only wish I'd kept all my old cure articles but they didn't survive so many house moves.

    You may want to visit the following for some that did:

    (Boy, do I need to update that site!)

    I also have a French magazine from around 1992 where Robert said he didn't release his solo album because it was "too miserable".

    P.S. The Cry review is wrong. I was at the first 'The Cry' gig which was in Covent Garden Rock Garden not Bath Moles and I made a bootleg of the second half to prove it! I was late getting there after watching Cocteau Twins and OMD ;0)

  20. Hey! he did it again!
    I got his tambourine on the last show in MX City back in 2004!
