Friday, September 5, 2008

Safe and sound...and cooling down!

Everything is good here. No damage from the storm, just lots of debris everywhere. Didn't have power until an hour ago. Thanks to everyone for their best wishes and concern. Thanks to the NOPD fourth district and the La. National Guard for the nightly patrols, thanks to the utility workers who restored the power and phone lines, and most of all, thanks to V for keeping me sane through the 105 hours without any air. : ) Updates will be posted later tonight or tomorrow. But now it's time to start the cleanup, and to start wishing Ike away.


  1. Welcome back, Craig. Glad you are safe - and that you have power again. :)

  2. :D good to have you back, craig!

  3. Good to hear you're okay, Craigers! And so dedicated to the fanbase, since you've only had an hour of power; I'd be enjoying a hot shower and watching TV!

    You didn't miss much; Sarah Palin is a fracking whore, racist (okay with calling Vietnamese evil for torturing McCain when he was there to bomb them but is okay with not protecting rights of suspected "terrorists"), hypocrite (let's her daughter have the choice of an abortion or not, but wants to outlaw abortion even in the case of rape; calls Hilary Clinton a whiner in invoking the charge of sexism, but has no trouble trumping up that charge when the media rightly criticizes her), corrupt, small-minded (thinks taxes only hurt the middle class, not provide essential services to working and poor classes, including improved education which she obviously lacked) bitch. That's about it. I hate Republicans now more than ever! Scum of the earth hypocrites; it means they knew they were full of crap when they berated Hilary as first lady all those years. Hate 'em. Chuck Hagel is not a real Republican and the Dems should have invited him to speak at their convention. (Sorry had to vent!)

    I'm also upset with the media for saying the evacuation went well, since you obviously had problems.

    Stay safe for the future hurricaines, not to rain on your parade...

    Glad you're okay, bub.

  4. I feel all warm and cuddly. Craig's back. :-)

  5. glad to hear all went well! take care!

  6. ont s'en coliste des ouragan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Craig, it's so very good to know that you're safe (and that thanks to v, you were in good hands during/after the storm). (Bless you, v!)

    I'm thinking that Ike is going to do major ass-kicking in my area of the Gulf Coast, after he gets done with south Florida, of course. I just heard from a friend in Key West that they are under mandatory evacuation. All prayers, positive thoughts, good vibes, etc. anyone wants to send our way will be most welcomed.

    To all who are potentially in harm's way, please take very special care -- of yourself and your loved ones (human, cat, dog, or otherwise).

  8. HUZZAH! Just in time for our Party!


  9. Hooray! Great to hear that everything is okay, Craig!! Take care of yourself and don't worry about updates*

    *actually, please post some damn updates!

  10. Wait, so you guys really were holed up together? My psychic powers must have been twitching. I was just joking when I said it the other day...

  11. Craig I think I speak for everyone when I say we are all very glad and relieved that all is good not just for you but apparently most of the folks in the area. Thanks for chiming in and letting us know that you are "good to the wood".

    See the voodoo woman about getting a spell to tell Ike to turn hard right or some shit!


  12. YAY! Craig's ok! So glad to hear all is well on the homefront. Being in the south, I know going without AC SUX. Glad you're finally cooling down. We missed you terribly.

  13. welcome back, craig. glad to hear you're doing well. hope the cleanup goes ok. we're all pulling for you, and will send wishes to you.

    say no to ike.

  14. It´s great to see you´re ok Craig.

    I hope the cleanup be an easy task.

    Can´t wait for your updates.

    The most important thing is that you´re safe and sound.

    Again, it´s amazing to have you back !!!!.

  15. The sun is shining, it's a Saturday morning and CRAIG IS BACK! The world just does NOT get better than this.

    Craig, I'm glad Gustav wasn't Katrina's twin, and that you (and NOLA) are still standing strong - despite the debris.


  16. Glad you're back and all is good, Craig.

    Muldfeld, you're right about Chuck Hagel. He's not much of a Republican. Do you know how you can tell for sure? He's the senator from here in Nebraska (the most backwards, prejudiced, ignorant place on Earth...Our state has gone Republican all but ONE TIME in the past 72 years) and most people in this state now despise him.

    That's how you can tell :)

  17. So happy to read you Craig (and V)! And to know everything is under control.

    Best toughts to you both.


  18. YAY Craig!

    This is the BEST news I've heard all day! Delighted to hear that you’re safe and sound…

    And I am fervently wishing IKE away… so, no more hurricane parties, okay?

  19. Enfin!!!

    Happy you're back home Craig!!! Home sweet home!!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Yay!!!!!


    Oh, we're here, awaiting Hanna. Tiny stomr, but yeesh!

  22. ok je trouve ca ben plate ,ce n'ai pas un site de discusion de the cure ou non???????????????

  23. (Eric, apprends donc à vivre; c'est peut-être plus compliqué que ça en a l'air)

  24. ostie de gang de mouton ! Moi personnellement je m'en calists ben des ouragans pis des ostie d'american !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! en passant j'ai déjà appris a vivre et je n'ai pas besoin de donner de la pitier .Sais juste qu'ici sais supposer être un site de music et non un site de bébé ,têteu d'american sale!!

  25. tu veux pas reviser un peu ton orthographe?

  26. Craig: giood to see you're back and all is close to normal again!

    mudfeld: I thought you were a Canuck like me, but good rant anyway - Palin's ideas are scary, and what's scarier is that people will lose sight of just how tactical it was to choose her as running mate...

    eric: Je ne sais pas si tu t'en reds compte: Craig, le moderateur, a ete grandement affecte par Katrina il ya qqe annees, voila pourquoi nous etions si inquiets dernierement - surtout pour tout ce qu'il fait pour nous, la communaute The Cure, depuis tellement d'annees! Un peu de respect et de patience, et si tu veux discuter d'autres sujets, presente les!!

  27. Je le sais je fais des fautes excuse-moi
    (je veux juste dire a toute le monde qui sont sur le blog je me crist beaucoup des ouragans parceque il y a pas au canada) pis moi je vien pour savoir du nouveau par a pare the cure .le reste je m'en fou!!!!!

  28. From the darkness
    Of future past
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds
    Fire walk with me

    Congrats, Craig!
    You made it back safe!

  29. eh les potes, j'ai juste une chose à dire...
    Don't bother with Eric guys...
    He's just being his usual self, ass troll, that is.
    Believe me, he won't change no matter what, especially his apparent (lack of) grammar skills.
    Ignore him.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Go Craig. *Freeze Frame Hi 5's all round*

  33. C'est correct, fantac, je me retiens aussi. Si au moins il était capable d'écrire une insulte sans faire une erreur... lol

  34. Whoa,lots of French here, Mon dieu !

    Craig, happy that you and V(?) are safe and that the PD and feds were decent.

    Dumb Anguish said...
    He's the senator from here in Nebraska (the most backwards, prejudiced, ignorant place on Earth.

    DA, have you ever read "The Franklin Coverup" written by former Nebraska senator John DeCamp? If the answer is no, I think I might be shocked. That book answered a lot of questions and put a WHOLE LOT of things into perspective for me.

  35. Helsa,

    I've read many things about the Franklin Cover Up. They say all kinds of really sick things happened in the White House thanks to some folks from here in Omaha

    (It would probably really gross people out if I mentioned them here.)

    Good old State Senator Ernie Chambers brought a lot of that to light. I love Ernie Chambers. He is the complete antithesis of most folks here in Nebraska. Liberal as the day is long.

    Most of Nebraska hated him but his district kept re-electing him to office. He was so hated, that the term-limits law here in Nebraska was constructed with him in mind. That was the only way they could force him out of office. Love that guy!

  36. By the way, you've probably heard of Ernie Chambers and don't even know it.

    He's the guy who is suing God. (you may have read about this) He filed a lawsuit and wanted an injunction against God from creating any further natural disasters.

    Actually it was done to make a point about frivolous lawsuits. But that's the kind of in-your-face guy that he is.

  37. Glad you're safe Craig! Also glad that you didn't have any damage!

  38. so glad to read you're doing okay, craig. i've been checking the site constantly the past several days not for cure news, but for an update from you. let's hope that all you'll be getting this year at least!

  39. really, I'm so glad to see you back and all is well.
    I also hope the exertions were not too strength-sapping...

  40. je m'excuse si mes propos ont etai plaissant pour graig!!!

  41. Craig and V, when is the wedding please?

    And V, I miss you terribly. Please post on a regular basis.

  42. W00t! Glad to hear from you, Craig!

    People who haven't lived in the South, particularly on the Gulf Coast, may not understand the horror of the phrase "no air." :)

  43. I am a Canadian, erik, but I've wanted to be American since I was a child because all the cool TV shows were made there and I believed in the myths for a very long time because I wanted to be part of the nation to feel better about myself. I actually used to respect the Republican party because I thought they were being honest in their differences -- that they honestly believed in small government and different values; in the last decade in allowing Bush to do whatever he wants and in their full support for Palin and crying falsely about sexism, they're proven they have no principles. They're just fascists!

    I hate her so much, especially her "small town" smugness. I've lived in a small town, okay. They suck. There's not as much crime, but people can be just as fake as people supposedly are in big cities.

    Glad we see eye to eye.

    I agree with eric when I don't know how all these Americans manage with all these storms and the uncertainty of it all. I couldn't live like that.

  44. We missed you Craig! Don't do that to us again! We worried mommies and daddies ;o)

  45. Clockwise Cat said...
    "Craig and V, when is the wedding please?

    And V, I miss you terribly. Please post on a regular basis."

    Are we invited to the wedding?

    V, I never see you post anymore, why? Hmmmm...? ;)

  46. Craig, is it possible to tell us why the evac didn't work out for you? That is truly troubling.

  47. je sais que graig est une bonne personne ,mais moi personnellement je suis vraiment pas interesser au ouragans et au malédiction de l'amerique côté désastre naturel ,j'avoue que sans graig le site ne serais pas pareil!! faudrait que tu déménage au canada ou bien même au québec et que tu aprenne le français (joke).

  48. wish i could be there to help you get yr shit back together craig.
    for serious.

  49. Welcome back Craig! So glad to hear you're safe. Woo Hoo!

  50. Great news!!! I'm so glad you're alright craig! Must have been terrible with no power for that long! No AC!!! Up in PA we had some awful rain from Hanna on Saturday & it flooded my cellar but it was nothing compared to what happened last week & what’s happening now in the Caribbean! I feel bad for the people in Cuba, Haiti, Turks and Caicos Islands, they got lots of damage and people lost their lives.

    I'm just hoping you don't have to go through it once again later this week when Ike comes to the states. So far the path looks like it might make landfall in Texas. It's too early to know for sure but still I don’t want anyone in the Gulf States to get hit by this storm. The NHC is saying the storm is weakening but it still could pack a powerful punch by week’s end.

    So take care & stay safe! Let’s hope the next round will be nothing but a fizzle and all you get is some drizzle! Hurricane Season Blows!

  51. yay!! I'm SO glad you are okay!!!!! :)
