SSE Wembley Arena in London, England
Doors at 6 (standing), 6:10 (seated)
The Twilight Sad 7 - 7:43 / The Cure 8:12 - 11:01
US start times for The Cure are 3 PM Eastern, 2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain, and Noon Pacific
Please arrive early for The Twilight Sad! They are excellent!
Setlist: Tape / Open, Kyoto Song, A Night Like This, The Baby Screams, Push, In Between Days, Sinking, Pictures of You, Before Three, Lovesong, Just Like Heaven, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, One Hundred Years, End
1st encore: It Can Never Be the Same, Burn, A Forest
2nd encore: Shake Dog Shake, Fascination Street, Never Enough, Wrong Number
3rd encore: Lullaby, The Caterpillar, Freakshow, Friday I'm in Love, Boys Don't Cry, Close to Me, Why Can't I Be You?, Three Imaginary Boys, 10:15 Saturday Night, Killing an Arab.
End of show. End of Cure Tour 2016. Thank you so very much, Robert, Simon, Jason, Roger, and Reeves! It was incredible, and we all enjoyed it SO MUCH! Hope you all get lots of rest and get back to enjoying "real life". Once again, THANK YOU!
Kyoto Song 1 -
2 /
The Baby Screams 1 -
2 /
Push /
In Between Days /
Sinking 1 -
2 -
3 /
Pictures of You /
Before Three /
Lovesong /
If Only Tonight We Could Sleep /
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea /
One Hundred Years /
It Can Never Be the Same 1 -
2 /
A Forest /
Freakshow /
Three Imaginary Boys 1 -
2 /
10:15 Saturday Night & Killing an Arab 1 -
2 -
3 /
Killing an Arab
Talleke (full show) /
Baby Screams /
Sinking /
It Can Never Be the Same 1 -
2 /
Burn /
Burn - A Forest /
Friday - Arab
Twilight Sad setlist: Reflection of the Television, Last January, Seven Years of Letters, Don't Move, It Never Was the Same, There's a Girl in the Corner, The Wrong Car, And She Would Darken the Memory
Twilight Sad Periscope:
Snuffybear (full show)
Twilight Sad videos:
Seven Years of Letters /
There's a Girl in the Corner /
And She Would Darken the Memory
Thank you so much to , , , , and for the help tonight! And to all others who helped!
This dream always ends, this feeling always goes
The time always comes to slip away
This world always stops, this wonder always leaves
The time always comes to say goodbye
Final night of this wonderful, fantastic, amazing tour. One final (for now) celebration of the band we love. If you're lucky enough to be going tonight, please enjoy the hell out of it. Don't worry about what they play, don't worry or be bothered by the crowd around you, just forget every trouble & worry and get lost in the music, in the lights, in THAT feeling, and enjoy every single second of the show!
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." And you were lucky enough to experience it! What a year! What a tour! What a band!
"Hello? I'd like to speak to one of the programmers that's running this simulation that I'm living in, cause it's glitching, it's fucking unbelievable!" Most likely a reference to