Thursday, September 8, 2016

Bestival merchandise

Thanks Paul


  1. They didn't have a good variety of sizes last night so I think they're selling. I got one of each. Just because. D:

  2. They look groovy...with a bit of '60's-ish vibe. A bit of a departure from the Fibonacci-themed merch from the main tour, unless the concentric multicolored circles are interpreted as a spiral....
    The black bag with circles is cute. That one could have many interpretations since it looks generic. Fans would know it's referring to the band but casual observers would assume something else entirely. Haha...

  3. They look groovy...with a bit of '60's-ish vibe. A bit of a departure from the Fibonacci-themed merch from the main tour, unless the concentric multicolored circles are interpreted as a spiral....
    The black bag with circles is cute. That one could have many interpretations since it looks generic. Fans would know it's referring to the band but casual observers would assume something else entirely. Haha...

  4. Over the last few decades I'd have loved a bit more "lazy design work" on the tour merchandise. There have been several times I've not bought a tee because the design was a mess. These look simple and benefit from it.

    The surprise is that they're brought out a Bestival specific one with a European tour coming up.

  5. I bet Pearl didn't design this.

  6. Now that I've got one, I think we have the answer. Whilst Robert's sympathies have been quite transparent over the years, he has stayed clear of being overt(apart from maybe "Us or Them") These appear to be Bestival designed tee-shirts featuring long running festival campaigns. The left arm has the CND logo as a line drawing and the right arm the LGBT rainbow in line art. The front of the tee-shirt is The Cure super imposed on the LGBT rainbow done as a circle.
