Monday, June 4, 2012

New Robert Smith Interview

Robert did a new interview for the Russian show. It's real, not fake like the Belgian one. Read it here. English (sort of) here. If anyone wants to provide a better translation or summary of it, please do. Now Robert is never directly quoted as saying this, but the caption under the photo says that the new Cure album (the 2nd half of '4:13 Dream') will be out later this year. But the really important question the interviewer asks, why does Robert merely speak about "Peace in the Ass", but never sing about it? : ) (Thanks Eduard)


  1. why are you suddenly boarding planes all over the shop...?!? :)

    1. Scouting out venues, finalizing deals, for The Cure's US tour this Autumn. At least that's what I tell myself. : )

  2. Holy wow - the first sentence stood out right away!!

    "In the general logic of this exchange of conversation remarks somehow not fit, but among other things, Robert Smith said, "Poster", the new album, The Cure (the very long-promised second part of plates «4:13 Dream») will be released later this year"

  3. It's bad translation. "Poster" is the name of the magazine and it's not "Poster" it's "Parade", but it infact says, new album later this year.

    1. So the name of this magazine is Parade?

    2. It's actual name is "Афише" (Afisha). It's the Russian version of Billboard. And in the sentence under the photo it says that Robert tell "Afisha" that the long awaited 2nd half of 4:13 Dream is released later this year.

  4. Yeah, we're gonna need a proper translation of this. Google Translate has its limits...

  5. to me, this is the key question in the interview: "Peace in the ass, and you often talk about it in interviews, but never even sing. Why not?"

    1. If ever Blogger need a like or thumbs up button, this comment is the reason why.
      As I said on Twitter, if this album isn't called Peace in the Ass, I'm not buying it. It's the best title ever! : )

    2. I wish I had Peace in the Ass right now!!!

  6. After the encore of the Reflections tour (in L.A. and I think elsewhere), RS said something to the effect that there would be a lot of good Cure stuff on the way in the next year. Now we know he meant the summer festivals in Europe, but maybe also the second 1/2 of 4:13 Dream and hopefully, a "5:14 Dream" world tour for a new album in the Fall. I hope so!!!!

  7. This is SUPER rough to read through... I have a headache. :/

  8. Yeah, that's what worries me. No direct quote from Robert. This could me bad info, a mistranslation or misunderstanding.

  9. About the new album: we all know Robert by now, don't we? He always says "end of the year", "begining of the year", "middle of the year" but he forgets to say... what year. For me I'll enjoy the summer shows and don't get too excited about new songs. (but i'm starting to get excited when I think about the possible new trilogy shows coming up with The Top, THOTD, KMKMKM and TJW on encores)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. he's just fibbing in Russian. He's a bi-lingual fibber!

  12. i guess the album might come out in april 2013. now we can understand roberts hint 4:13 better.

  13. :) Maybe you´re right GCS1, 10 days left to see Cure in Hultsfred:)


  14. @curefan: have fun. my concert will be on aug. 18th (frequency). still a long way.

  15. They better put out "5:14 Nightmare" this year because I don't want them switching to a once-every-five-years album release schedule. Whatever happened to the 1979-1987 (roughly) phase of a new album every year? And if they're going to do a once-every-four-years album release schedule can't they at least put out some singles in the downtime?

  16. very bad translation. so misleading. sounds like a tabloid.

  17. That was a nightmare to read, didn't make too much sense in some places.

    Which makes me feel especially bad for some of our non-English speaking friends who must go to great lengths to participate in the conversations here. Imagine translating from English to their native language, and then translating their responses from their language back to English. No wonder meaning is lost, or that they sometimes make little sense!

    Hopefully people will cut them some slack in future!

  18. i m from ukraine so i know russian
    this interview is awesome
    yes must be the world in ass. also robert talk why he dont want to have a children

  19. Ok, but something about a new album??

  20. Robert spoke Afisha some words about new album but they were not included in the final version of interview. It will be released this year.
