
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Six extra tracks for Japan? This is false!

We know Robert said the album would be the same everywhere, but could TMU have other plans? CDJapan is claiming to have a "limited edition deluxe version" of 4:13 Dream that will include 6 bonus tracks. Here's what they say:

"Thirteenth full-length album from The Cure featuring 13 new tracks. Limited edition deluxe version features 6 additional unreleased tracks plus the high-fidelity SHM-CD format (compatible with standard CD players)(details subject to change). Bonus Track: Japan-only bonus track (subject to change)"

Is this just some made up nonsense, or will Robert have to write yet another e-mail to TMU?

Update: CD Universe and Amazon (Japan) say 6 bonus tracks, too. (Thanks Matteo)

Update: Robert confirms that there will NOT be any extra tracks in Japan, nor anywhere else! Thank you Robert!


  1. Looks very rare, Japan would get 6
    extra tracks ?

    The line "subject to change" is there, so that´s a thing to have in mind.

    I think this isn´t true.

    We´ll see, but there is no reason to get RSx went mad again...

  2. if it's the remixes, i could care less. but any new songs and i will RIOT.

  3. oh boy, here we go again. i'll buy it though...

    mad bob- email me back!!!

  4. There's no way this is true and any bonus cuts are most likely just the b-sides we've already been given.

  5. An e-mail! An e-mail!

    Robert never gets as much publicity as when he gets angry in his open letters!! Go for it Bob!!

  6. because people love the circus. if robert bit the head off a chicken, he'd get some great publicity too. not that i'm recommending that...

  7. I don't think so. 6 seems like a bit much.

  8. MB: What have chickens ever done to you? Hmmmm?

  9. anah: i said i WASN'T recommending it...i'm a part of the Chicken Freedom Campaign, a lifelong member. check my stats- it's all there.

  10. Long live chickens! We may be Off Topic, but at least we make sense!

  11. Could be the singles. They haven't been released in Japan, but the number six doesn't really add up. But who ever knows what's going on with the Mighty U.

  12. i haven't seen you at any meetings lately. i assume you got the newsletter and the 2009 calendar?

  13. My latest tattoo was of the CFC(Chicken Freedom Campaign) logo; what do you have to show for yourself Sir? A calender? :P <3

    (And I do think that if Japan is getting 6 extra tracks, it's the HS Ep. Anything else would be cause for rioting.)

  14. updates for the CFC on my blog right now! more to come!

    also, CURE CURE CURE.

    i think the six songs are songs we haven't heard, but most certainly robert is a huge contributor to the CFC this year!

  15. I wonder if Mr. PHT is in the CFC?


    OK, enough Off Topic for me for today!


  16. RSx ranted over the EP but iTunes STILL hasn't reduced the price.

    TMU will do what they will do.

    RSx promised the same for everyone for 4:13 Dream but he is not in control of what is happening.

    I hope Robert is right - I hope he gets his way and I hope he gets the "darker" album out quickly afterwards because it was a 3 album deal with TMU and then The Cure could release the music they want to, when they want to!

    ..but subject to change ... is a clue..


  17. hopefully the "dark christmas" album will be turned into the "dark chicken" album. it's the Right Thing To Do!

  18. yeah - the "dark chicken album" with extra bonus tracks about CFC and additional sleeve notes with chicken recipes!

  19. i'm such a sap that i probably WOULD buy it, because i'm such a completist...

  20. Sofia, thats the funniest thing I have read in ages. It even rhymes LMAO!!

    6 Extra tracks is a bit much. I'm thinking if it is true it may be on a second disc and perhaps be live recordings of the 6 songs already confirmed for the album that were played on the tour.

  21. I think I need to clarify what I meant yesterday. The nonsense I asked to stop, was the artificial inflating of post counts. The whole "let's make it 413 posts" thing.

    So please, feel free to continue with the usual nonsense. : )

  22. craig, you get a free lifetime membership to the CFC!

  23. details at my blog, along with more info on the Dark Chicken album!

  24. i go to japan and i live montréal !!!(joke)

  25. I seriously feel sorry for you Cat :( For whatever reason your a magnate for almost as much negativity as positivity.

    Either way I'm sure your stalker may try to get a life soon.

  26. cat, are you descended from the hungarian magnates, or are you closer to lithuania? i'm intrigued.

  27. AndrewV127, as much as i'd like to be lauded and adored for that quote robert smith actually did say it. :)

    or rather...

    "If Morrissey says 'don't eat meat', then I'll eat meat, because I hate Morrissey"

  28. Yeah Sofia thats why I found it so funny. You brought in a semi related quote and made it relevent but also random. You're a comic and don't know it.

  29. Christ am I half awake or not I meant "magnet".

    *slaps head*

  30. Cat: I've deleted the offensive comments, not sure what else I can do.

  31. I think the 6 extra tracks are the Hypnagogic Remixes.

  32. andrew, you should know i was NOT making fun of you. i found it amusing...

  33. andrew, ah! :D well then ignore my last comment and continue with the adulation! ;)

  34. THANK you Craig! That is ALL you can do, and I applaud you for being vigilant about such a serious matter. :-)

    Andrew, you misunderstand me: People can hate me all they want. That is not the issue. But they are NOT allowed to stalk me without consequences - and I DO copy everything, and I DO have all the information I need to pursue legal action if need be.

    Onwards. No more about this, please.

  35. Yeah I know MB. So did I. I was re-reading it and knew I made a mistake but wasn't sure how bad. It's always worse when the word you misspell, by fluke, also has another meaning. LMAO

  36. cat, join the CFC. we need intelligent, Right Thinking women like you, who can elucidate at the highest levels. you could go on the road, speaking at colleges, state parks, and farms. there's not much money, but think of the Difference you'll be making.

  37. I doubt it's the Hyp EP...that's only FIVE tracks...this says SIX...

    Maybe it's the EP plus ABINK!!! :)

    Hehe, no.

  38. Todd: Hypna is 6 tracks, if you count the bonus 65DOS TOO remix on iTunes.

  39. I would be so disapointed if ABINK was released as a shoddy bonus track. It deserves better Dammit!!!

  40. There's no way ABINK is discarded like that. The song means too much to Robert.

  41. I say if we have a nuclear war or whatever - save the chickens first. for food.. i mean- out of love.

    ill buy it anyways, i heard these cds are better quality

  42. now with more feathers!

    simon's favorite food: bouillon.

  43. Is anyone else got an unexplained hunger for Chicken?

    I also wonder if this "deluxe edition" will come on two discs?

  44. MonkeyButt said...

    "cat, join the CFC. we need intelligent, Right Thinking women like you, who can elucidate at the highest levels..."

    What am I, chopped chicken?

  45. anah, you're already a member! sheesh. give a girl a chicken, and look what happens...

  46. ..looks like I am going to have to call my friend in Japan....

  47. " TAKING BETS NOW AGAINST 'DARK ALBUM' COMPANION PIECE OUT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY 2009... HA! " ................ but does that mean, the album may come out before his birthday, or that most likely it won't?? i know its a stupid question, but im a non-speaking english person

  48. Carlos: To me, it sounds like he's sure it will be out before next April, so he's willing to bet with people who say it won't, since he would win the bet.

    But I could be totally wrong. : )

  49. I lurve the chicken conversation - a fantastic read before I start my day at the coop - err I mean work.

  50. carlos - he means he's sure that te album will come out after his birhtday. thats not a stupid question btw :)

    CFC = cure fried chicken??

  51. *sends good vibes to the universe for the new album (4:13 Nightmare) and the 2009 Dark Dreams Tour*

  52. And DJ sees it the other way. : )

  53. never mind carlos - craig's answer makes much more sense.

    my english needs improving

  54. And I don't see it happening at all.... :P

    October 2009 or later is my bet although I would love to be proved wrong.

  55. Craig: I read it the same way you did. I think he means it will be out before his birthday, and he was mocking all of those people who are going to be betting otherwise! :)

  56. yeah Craig's answer makes more sense, but i was just wondering because i thought the same thing that DJ thought, anyway thank you both for the english lessons:)

  57. I think you could take it either way, given his last little NOT SO HA comment. Who knows? Sounds like RS isn't even that sure about it.

    Let's get the Dream out, and worry about Dark later. : )

  58. V: So you're saying he's mocking me?!?! Why is he so mean to me? : )

  59. I thought the "NOT SO HA" meant that while he was joking in the first part of that statement, it's not a joke after all and that we can expect to be listening to the Dark album by 4/21/09. :)

    But I agree: let's not get too far ONWARDS before the Dream is out! :D

  60. LOL carlos! :D

    maybe its not any of those interpretations, the british speak weird english after all

  61. Craig: Only RS can answer that question, I'm afraid. ;) He just likes to pick on you, I guess.

  62. V: You trying to start an argument with me, or something? : P

  63. DJ said "the british speak weird english after all"

    Yeah but we kinda invented it so it's everyone elses interpretation thats wrong. We are never wrong (coming from the guy who spelt magnet wrong) :P

  64. There are only 39 sleeps until the official release date for 4:13 Dream.

    I live in hope that the pattern set by the Australian shops will continue, and we will get the album on the Friday before - that means it is only 36 sleeps.


  65. Craig: No, you're the one arguing! ;) Err, wait...maybe I am. :)

  66. Andrew spelled magnet wrong?

    magnet - M A G N E T - magnet

    Seriously, I will never understand the 'thrill' of the spelling bee.

  67. Exactly Andrew! The Americans screwed up the English language, not the British.

  68. V: Are we in a dream again? Should I just go catch my ferry? : )

  69. Look at Elise, believing that Oct. 27th/28th release date. Ha!

    Or not so ha...

  70. Craig: *Sigh* Yes, you may as well go ahead and get on the ferry. I'll just head back and crash yet another dinner party... ;)

  71. Craig: Are you taking bets? ;)

  72. Well technically I spelt it wrong but with help from spellchecker it made it even worse. Go figure.

    As I'm British I have no idea what Robert really means either. The way I read it is that he wants it out before his Birthday but is willing to bet against it.

  73. i like the birtish way of spelling things! colour is better than color :)

  74. Uh oh, I feel a poll coming on!

  75. Craig - I think 'not so ha'!!!!

    Or maybe, I think 'ha'

    I'm so confused - oh hang on, maybe I'm not confuse - I really can't be sure.

    Has anyone got any good remedies for a headache - 1 week with one headache - I REALLY DO FUCKING DESPAIR

  76. V: Depends upon the wager. What ya got to offer? ; )

  77. V: So what else is new? You're always feeling...uhh...never mind. : P

  78. altr2elise: If that's true about the headache you should be seeing a doctor!

  79. Japanese CDs ALWAYS come with extra tracks - that goes for every album EVER.. will be the four B-sides from the 4: singles and an additional two B-sides from the single TMU have asked for following the album's release. Mark my words!

  80. There is going to be a single after the albums release?

    News to me.

  81. Craig: I didn't say I was placing any bets! :P I already know whether or not it will be wouldn't be fair. ;)

  82. Craig: And what, exactly, am I always feeling? :P

  83. Marc - I went to the Osteopath yesterday and I have an 'engogred ligament' :(

    I'll get crunched again tomorrow and hopefully that should relieve the pressure.

  84. Craig: Btw, I noticed that Tim Tam is looking a little, uh, different today! ;)

  85. Elise: Sorry to hear about your head. :( That's an awful thing to have to deal with - and accomplish work through - for that long!

  86. Sorry - I seem to have Andrew's spelling problem now

    engorged - E N G O R G E D - engorged

  87. V: Oh, I thought she had gone home already! So she lied to me! EFV, indeed! : )

  88. Craig: She said she had somewhere to go, but she spilled the beans to me before she left. ;)

  89. Wow, it's getting HOT in here... :)

  90. V: You know what you feel and what it's always doing, don't play innocent with me! : P

  91. V - thanks - I actually thought things would be better today after going to the osteo yesterday, but it seems to be worse.
    Sorry, that's enough of my woes.

    *hearts and flowers to everyone*

  92. Elise: Is it serious? So sorry to hear that. : (

  93. Sorry Elise it's contagious I'm afraid :(

  94. elise - :(, please get better!

    no one plays innocent around here

  95. V: Oh please! Not buying it for a second! : P

  96. V: Oh yeah, Tim Tam went Halloween shopping, and picked out his costume for this year. : )

  97. Craig/DJ - it will pass. Just my usual back and neck issues.

    *wonders if she spends too much time in front of her pc and lays the blame squarely with work - surely it isn't CoF, Meebo and Skype, they're my friends*

  98. Craig: Okay, fine. >:) Is that more accurate?

  99. Craig: I like TT's costume choice! :) Glad he's ready for trick-or-treating.

  100. Elise: Ok, well I hope you feel better soon.

  101. Thanks, Craig.

    Wow - I can't believe TimTam has already bought his Halloween costume.

  102. Although, personally I think TimTam would have looked good with black hair, red lipstick, eyeliner and a pair of Reeboks..... mmmm 1985 Robert!

  103. Elise: Maybe one (or perhaps both?) of the Si's will dress up like that for Halloween. :)

  104. V - that sounds like a fabulous idea. Maybe one could wear PHT's and the other a SBS.

  105. Oh no! Who answers this question when Craig is the one who asks it?!?! :o

  106. Elise: That's a fabulous idea! I will have to take them PHT and SBS shopping right away!! :D

  107. SBS?

    Simon's Boxer Shorts?
    Smith's Big Sack?

  108. Craig - isn't it jpx's job to ask that question

  109. Craig: Then of course I want you to answer your own question! ;)

  110. Craig: No, as a matter of fact, I'm not! :P

  111. V: Whatever you want, whatever you need. Yeah, anything at all, I'm only here to please you. : )

  112. Craig: Suddenly I want to go sock-shopping with you! ;)

  113. V: That's not what I've read! "Dear diary...."
    : P

  114. OK - I'm starting to feel like I am intruding on a private conversation.

    As for SBS - surely you remember what that is, Craig

  115. Craig: Ha freaking ha. But "Dear Diary" is better than "Dear Editor", at least in my humble opinion of...well you know what. ;)

  116. i've always wondered what does PHT stands for...

  117. Dammit. How come America always gets the shitty stuff. I mean, remember the self titled album? Everyone else got Going Nowhere, This Morning, Fake, AND ALL THOSE GOOD SONGS! :(

  118. Carlos: Are you sorry that you know now? :)

  119. DJ: TimTams are a delicious Australian treat, that you can do naughty things to/with.

    It's also the name of the stuffed little croc that Elise sent me a few weeks back. He helps me to right any wrongs that befall V. : )

  120. V - stop corrupting minors with craig! you and elise are already tainted!

  121. Sorry, DJ. I'll be good from now on...I promise...sort of...:)

  122. craig - no, it sounds like someone is named tim tam, who are they?

    or am i misreading english again?

  123. Wait...what? Corrupting minors? V ain't no minor. Nor a miner. : )

  124. DJ - I'm not sure how I should take your 'tainted' comment.

    *calls the US Postal Service to cancel the delivery of TimTams to Ms DJ Scribbles*

  125. DJ: TimTam is the name of the Croc that Elise sent. He was my profile pic for awhile, but now he's put on his Halloween costume.

  126. Elise: Lol, I was not sure how to take that, either! ;)

  127. craig - yes you are. dont deny it.

    i quote: "DJ: TimTams are a delicious Australian treat, that you can do naughty things to/with."


    ooh your crocodile is tam tam - I GET IT NOW! :)

  128. Elise: Yes, I posted what it least in my mind. : P

  129. elise - it is not my fault, i cannot monitor the words - whatever they may be that craig shares with you and V.

    i am pure minded, thank you very much

  130. I'm very confused right now!

    Don't you dare, VV! : P

  131. DJ: I can assure you that Elise is innocent in this matter. Though she did teach us the proper way to use a TimTam. ; )

    V on the other hand...not so innocent!

  132. DJ - yes, you are as pure as the driven snow.

    I am sure when you receive your own TimTams you will treat them with the respect that they deserve.

  133. elise - i wouldnt dare imagine doing such things to tim tams.

    you people are SICK. stay away from children ;)

  134. Craig is always so quick to spread vicious lies about me! Hmmph!

  135. and V is always so quick to spr...never mind!

  136. Sorry, I will stay on topic from now on.

    Six extra tracks for Japan is cool by me, because six is my lucky number!

  137. Sigh, I was waiting for that one.

  138. DJ: I hope you're not truly offended! We are just kidding around.

  139. Too many secrets, too many lies!

  140. And what's good for V, is good for me!

    I'm actually hoping the news is true. Would love to have more Cure tracks!

  141. DJ - when your TimTams arrive (hopefully any day now) you will be able to try the TimTam Slam.

  142. V: Of course you always are! : P

  143. LOL ZZZZ

    craig - of course not! i was only jk! :)

    elise - did you poison them? like the queen in Snow White?

  144. Elise: Hopefully hers won't suffer the same fate as my first box of TimTams! :)

    And thanks to Craig who has to make everything naughty, I feel I must clarify that I'm referring to them being lost in the mail for two months! :P

  145. In The Real Snow White, TimTams are poisoned, not an apple!

  146. DJ - No they are not poisoned - not like in the Real Snow White.

    V has partaken of the forbidden fruit that is TimTams and has lived to tell the tale.

  147. Oh the joke I could make about that one, VV!

  148. v - I dunno, the upside of the lost parcel was that you got 2 packs of TT's and the Siamese Twins (Si and Si) were reunited.

    And they both lived happily ever after.

    A wonderful fairy tale.

  149. Craig: Never! :) But you know me...

  150. elise - i think you have, first you said youre as pure as driven snow.. i think robert IS writing about said tim tams! he must really like you elise, he's writing a song for you AGAIN

  151. Craig: And what joke might that be? ;)

  152. Btw, as I told V when I saw the track list, The Real Snow White is my early favorite. At least as far as track titles go. Hungry Ghost is a close second.

  153. Elise: It is a beautiful fairy tale. :) And I'm reminded of it even now as they watch me type.

  154. As pure as driven snow? Guess it depends upon who's doing the...uhh..."driving". : )

  155. V - in the brother grimms tale, does she really get woken up by a princes kiss?

    who goes around kissing strangers? o_o

  156. DJ: She gets woken up by a kiss from Prince in the original. ;)

  157. craig - ... stop! LOL. i can never think of snow the same way!

  158. V: Hahahahahaha...would that be good or bad?

  159. Yes, but in later versions of the fairy tale, he became known as Symbol, and then the Lifesaver formerly Known as The Prince

  160. DJ: No, the snow is pure and innocent. It's V and Elise we need to worry about. : )

  161. Craig: Well, it wakes her up, so that's a positive thing!

  162. and no she doesnt. in the original she coughs up a piece of the poisoned apple. she horks it up and the prince still finds her attractive.

    now thats love!

  163. Sofia: He really needs to be smacked for that one!

  164. Uh oh...I thought I'd be gone before Sofia saw that. Uhh, sorry Sofia!

  165. Elise is pure!

    Hi Sofia! Can you please bring some control to this party. And this is not a signal for Craig and V to start discussing Discipline.

  166. Once I start I cannot help myself...


    yeah.. but whyd he kiss her? if you saw a hot stranger on the bench sleeping - would you just kiss them?

    the real question is.. do i want to know

  168. Best advice for snow. If its white it's alright if it's yellow.... Just don't go near any snow that isn't white OK?

  169. that's no apology! that's sad because you got caught,


  170. "She needs some discipline, she needs my help"

  171. V: Who needs to be smacked? Me or Prince?

  172. Craig: Speak for yourself, naughty boy!

  173. wait, craig is being all fun and whimsical and i am not invited to this party??
