
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cure Videography

There's a new Cure Videography airing on MTV, and you can now watch it online at MTV Italy! Must be a mistake, so watch it while you can. : ) The special is 13 Cure videos in 22 minutes, with commentary from Robert. Hahaha, Robert is so hard on some of the videos! : )

We really need a complete video collection on DVD and Blu-Ray, with commentary from the entire band, current Cures and ex-Cures. And put the various bits from SATS and Picture Show as extras. Please, Robert? : )


  1. what we really need is just SATS, picture show & play out on blue ray and DVD, just as they were on VHS. that would make my day.

  2. We absolutely do, as well as In Orange of course. Cannot believe that was never released on DVD.

  3. That was great. You're right though. We need them to be released on DVD with full commentary and outtakes.

  4. oh, right, forgot in orange. silly me.

  5. Damn it, we NEED something. Those tapes are worned out.

  6. Well if you're talking live shows, why not have Live In Japan and Show, too? : )

    I just want a complete video collection on 2 or 3 discs, with some sort of commentary and/or fact track.

  7. That Japan show was supposed to be released on DVD years ago. Whatever happened? I think it was a "Rock Masters" title. I had it reserved for ages at Amazon but it never came out.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My mistake. It was recorded in 1984 but at Barrowlands in Scotland.

  10. live in japan is so embarrassing to watch. omg.

    we do. we need everything on dvd. and while we're at it, i'd like soul kiss and gift from jane's addiction as well.

  11. I'd kill for In Orange to be remastered and released on Blu-ray.

  12. that would be GOLD craig if we could have all that!

    great idea!

    start chatting it up with "friend of COF" about that!!!

  13. That was fun. I agree we need the video back catalog released!

  14. Marc: The Rock Masters dvd will probably never be released. It's been 8 years or so, and they still haven't been able to get the clearances to release it.

  15. That was great fun to watch. Thanks for posting it. :)

  16. Oh this was so much fun to watch. as each song starts you get goofy smile from me.

    This is why I never identified with the "Goth" label. I always saw the humor of The Cure. Sure they can be dark and I Understood when I felt dark, but they also are capable of humor and I understood when I needed a laugh. That made them more real to me.

    LOVE this and my2 cents worth.
    "The Cure" dvd was great but so basic and incomplete. I love the little snippets on SATS and know there is so much more.

  17. How fun was that to watch?? I love how relaxed RSX is and not being shy, like he is sometimes with interviews.

  18. It's great to hear Robert talk of the videos with such fondness.

  19. eeeep! Thank you Craig!

    Sigh, I love the sound of his voice... he needs to do an audio book!!

    Craig said...
    "...I just want a complete video collection on 2 or 3 discs, with some sort of commentary and/or fact track..."

    Please Robert plEeeEeEEeeeeEEease??

  20. Are we, the forgotten souls of the New World, NOT supposed to see Robert talking?????????????
    We´ve exported fish, bananas, limes, gold and tangerines, so we BL**DY DESERVE to get some REAL compensation!!!
    Pleaaaase 'Cof tech friends' get this interview if it´s possible... The Italian link just doesn´t care about me :..(
    Worth a full plate of pasta and lots of caipirinha!

  21. Whats all this? Why are the cure getting mentioned and having special videos?

    I thought they quit after Wish...

    Have they got an album coming out or something? :P

  22. Oh wow. Need to see this when I get home tonight!

    And I'd be the happiest fangirl on earth if all the DVDs mentioned in the post got released. Especially the Videos with commentary and outtakes idea. But can we have Show and Orange first? There’s been rumors about them being released on DVD for quite a while...

  23. not only the orange an the show !is not realiste on DVD !!

  24. I'd buy it.

    Better yet: Throw in Charlotte as an extra disc: Special Edition with tour notes and sell it 10 bucks more.

    --> We'd all buy it Robert.

  25. fucking love this video!!!! i want a copy if it comes out on dvd!!! maybe it will come with the new album? lol doubt it but its nice to think about

  26. That was the best ... THE BEST!! I liked hearing Robert's thoughts and opinions on the videos. It would have been cool to see Lovesong, Catch or High.

  27. Thanks for posting the link!

    Robert looks schorching HAWT! ... as always.

    Loved hearing all his anecdotes on the vids.

  28. " It was incredibly disorienTATing. "

    This is a Robert quote from the Cure Videography. Is disorientating a word? I'm not sure if it is, but, it's just so darn cute when Robert says it!

    Sorry for being so Fan-Girlish.


  29. The videography aired on VH1 in the UK on Friday (in the middle of the bloody night, of course!). Really good.
    Almost didn't bother because the write up made it look like it was just a half hour of Vids, no mention of Robert commentating.

    Definitely time to get all the vids/ shows etc in one place.

    Incidentally, what's happened to the next bunch of deluxe album packages?

    I realise that they're a bit busy at the moment, but when the new album got delayed I hoped that the stop gap was going to be the Disintegration and Wish re-releases.

  30. Live in Japan is the best - the earliest official live recording of The Lovecats.

    and robert is hilarious throughout with his in between song chat: "if i just stood here and waved for about 3 mintues that would be completely brilliant... well, maybe not so completely brilliant, this is called 100 Years"

    to go from mocking the audience to a song like 100 Years IS f-ing brilliant.

    The audience paid their money to hear Lovecats and that was it, apparently. could have played Lovecats over and over again for two hours and the show would have been a success.

    just like the old days....

  31. Excuse me but that Rock Masters DVD with the Barrowlands gig did came out... And it's great.
    Also great is Live In Japan. In Orange is a must, though. I just wish I was there.
    We already have the Picture Show DVD but it could be better "transcoded".
    Show must have the encore tracks and they could also buy the rights of some broadcasters who own relevant footage and put in the cauldron too...

  32. That film's great; I didn't stop giggling the whole way through =D

  33. can someone please snag the video or the flv? not necessarily just for youtube, but so that we can download the clips. i know there's smarter cure fans than me out there.

  34. birdmad: disorientating is indeed a freakin' word. it's the brit version of disorienting. damn brits with their damn extra syllables.

  35. Mehrlicht: There is Barrowlands film footage around. As far as I know (and my searches seem to bear this out) the DVD was never released. Do you have a copy?

  36. anybody try for this yet?

  37. Have we seen this yet Craig?

    Sorry if so. I love it, though!!

    *swoons again over RSX's invigorating mix of eloquence and vulgarity*

  38. "Triskaidekaphilic" great word!

    Nice little article.

    God, I'm excited about the album.

  39. Rolling Stone has picked it up, too:

  40. Okay - here was my reply to the post on the official:

    I didn't realize that the video for Boys Don't Cry came out in 1986! I guess it makes sense just because of Robert's hair in the video, but I guess I never really thought that much about when the video was made.

    And on the "Why Can't I be You" part he mentions the "disgruntled murmurings from the fans." LOL! Some things never change. Hmmmm.

    Oh man - 1990 Never Enough! I bought a flowery shirt because it reminded me of Robert Smith and I used to wear it to school all the time. I guess it WAS the 90's, but I can't imagine wearing that shirt now. LOL! Hey mom, is my Robert Smith clean? That's what I called it, my Robert Smith shirt.

    The End Of The World is a great video! It's one of my favorites and the animation is really cool to watch. I see something different everytime I watch it, little bits I hadn't noticed the time before. And if Robert felt awkward, it doesn't show. I think he looks amazing, especially crawling up the wall in the bare closet looking room.

    Robert didn't hand pick Wrong Number? That's probably my favorite video!

    I like the b&w films of the new songs. Especially SWID where we get a little flash of the tongue here and there! And for The Perfect Boy there are some great shots of Porl and his beautiful eyes.

    Okay, I noticed Robert's wearing that bracelet I like that he was wearing at MSG. Possibly he was wearing it in Charlotte, but I forgot my binoculars that night. It doesn't look ruby red in the MTV videography though....maybe it's the lighting or maybe I imagined it was red?

    Who knows.......but Robert says "SEE YOU SOON" at the end. I hope so! That would be wonderful :)

  41. "damn brits with their damn extra syllables." LOL

    All I have to say to you , Cat, is "Alu-MIN-ium":¬)

  42. i fucking hate that word in brit-speak, PJW! wtf - where did the superfluous "i" come from?! the queen's ass?

    this is an american site, speak american!

    better yet, speak cajun, in honor of craig.

    cpg: i haven't seen the MTV italy vid yet, but i thought there were TWO versions of the BDC vid...?

  43. Wo! We say aluminium too, so watch out.

  44. I encourage everyone to go to that link, to the second part, during the WCIBY? video and just focus on Simon dancing.

  45. That's the beauty of inventing a language. You get to spell things however the fuck you like!

    Here's one: Tyre!

  46. Um, Swifty - was that necessary? I think not.

    Cat - I love you! Once again, ignore the freaks that come out of the walls. I believe there are two BDC videos....but the one in the videography was 1986. I just didn't really realize how much later it was recorded is all I was saying.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. cpg - chill bill
    mb - cool bro
    cwc - u nutty as fruitcake

  49. Nutty as fruitcake was at least nicer than babbling twat.

    Swifty, I'm as chill bill as they come....I just don't tolerate name calling, it's childish and rude and you're picking on one of my favorite Cure Peeps.

  50. cg, i said hi to you on youtube...

  51. Eric: Sorry, don't speak French but know enough to know that “mange” and “grosse” cannot be good!

  52. CPG your mate Cat is as pure as the driven snow...howzat any betta?
    All in all I'm just a...nother freak from the wall(better than a prick with no balls).

  53. Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and flames excite me. Oh and was that comment by the frenchy necessary?

  54. désolé de t'avoir dis sa marc!!

  55. lets not turn this into the official site eh? i actually want to read NEWS and comments from intelligent people here.

    save the flaming for the other sites. leave craig's site alone.

  56. I just watched the videos again. It is really kind of refreshing to watch a narrative video from Robert...rather than the usual interview type setting. I got more of a personable impression from him and loved hearing about how the days were spent making the videos and how he felt about them.

    Close to Me - "I hated that day." I bet he wishes he stayed asleep that day. Kind of fitting. And he says abou them throwing the wardrobe off the cliff "So wrong in so many ways" and then kind of chuckles.

    Friday I'm In Love - you can tell they had a blast making that video. That video is a lot of fun. Love it!

    Thanks so much for posting the link to the videography. :)

  57. i agree cpg2!

    i like when hes talking about how they didnt have permission to throw the wardobe over the cliff but they did it anyway - took the shot and drove off! then he of course mentions that its just wood so its ok on an eco standpoint! WOOHOO! LOVE how he justifies it!

    Our Robert the environmentalist!

  58. "this is an american site, speak american!"
    Very welcoming and oh soooo PC..not!
    @Christinap:Spot on, this site need'nt be like the official, for sure....
    RS,love the way you tell it.."Tesco trolley" lol....

  59. christinaP said...

    "lets not turn this into the official site eh?"

    Srsly wtf.

  60. Yes!YES!! Put everything on DVD! Better yet...after watching Joy Division film tribute "Control", I think the Cure need to get together and try coming up with ideas of making a film about them...the cure's history, etc... Hey, they already have books, interview disks and so many other pieces, why not a film!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. No offence intended, Cat!

    Perhaps it wasn't a good time to attempt banter that clearly came across as rude and overfamiliar when others are being so foul to you.

  63. pjw: huh? you're a cool dude - i haven't ever taken offense from you. and the foulness was from my cyberstalker, who likes to appear periodically to shake things up.

    pjw, remember that comment you left at my blog months ago? i have been trying to find you ever since to thank you for it! you seem tres cool!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Cat! Splendid! It was just that I re-read my "Aluminium" comment after seeing your response and thought it looked a bit condescending. Then I saw that you'd been getting hassle from your CS and thought I needed to say something!

    Glad you saw my response to your article! Funnily enough, someone has made a little film to go along with Cloudberry on U-tube with starscapes melting into each other which sums up exactly what I was on about (although I draw the line at a giant RS head materialising in the Horse head nebula!). Can't find the address, though.

  66. pjw, you must find that - sounds way cool!!

    and no, it wasn't condescending at all - i got the humor.

    note spelling of humOr - no superfluous U!


  67. Cat.

    Hope that works, I'm notoriously crap at this interwebnet thingy.
    Watched it again yesterday and it's not quite as good as I remember, but give it a whirl anyway :)

    Oh for CHRIST'S SAKE! I've been SOOO thick! I just realised you meant the superfluous "I" in aluminium! Not the (never the less pompous) way I was talking to you!!!!! Sorry. My cold filled 1 year old daughter has been keeping me awake all night all week, so I'm not operating on full rat-power at present :(

  68. pjw: sorry for the delay in response; i had forgotten about this topic until now.

    anyway, thanks for the linky - i'll look at it when i get home and let you know my thoughts.

    as for the aluminum vs. alu-min-i-um thing... lol. it's that age-old british vs. american dialect thing that will likely never die. just as long as you know that american is more colOrful than british, we're okay. (how's that for pompous? of course the less discerning will misconstrue that...)

    pjw, i'd love to see some of your paintings if you ever get a chance. i do have a webzine that accepts art submissions, ya know.

    sorry about your daughter! hope she gets better. :-)

    ps you'll prolly never see this, as it will sink further and further down the page...

  69. Hey PJW. Very interesting! Thanks for the link. E-mail me about your paintings, sil vous plait. :-)

  70. Oh I'm glad the video is still up on the MTV web site! I just loved it! The comments from Robert are just too funny!

    I really do hope that one day all of The Cure's videos are release on DVD. My tapes are worn out & my old VHS machine is not so good anymore either.
