
Friday, September 19, 2008

Bunch of articles, nothing new

"Looks like the Cure is getting news coverage from Robert's rants. Some of them are quite funny. No new news, though"

Undercover / Strangeglue / Spinner / Nymag / Digital Spy / Electricpig /Angry Ape / Showbiz Spy / Gigwise / Pocket Lint / Music Radar / Idolator

The Clarion (about The Glove)
Vancouver Sun (Hypnagogic States Review)

(Thanks Kate)

"I was looking at Huffington Post today and noticed a story about goth style. So of course since they were talking about goth, a picture of Robert was thrown in. Funny thing is that it links to the original NY Times story and there is no mention of Robert of The Cure. Go figure." (Thanks Chrissy)


  1. and in french in

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The men upstairs... so naive. One of them even put a [sic] next to it thinking poor Rob made a mistake. Ahh, noobs.

  4. It's hilarious how many of these articles haven't got their facts straight. Perhaps their research consists of Googling prior articles about it, heh.

    (I had to correct my spelling of Google, lol.)
