
Monday, May 26, 2008

Vancouver show

Setlist and show notes moved here.
Reviews: Vancouver Province / Straight / Vancouver Sun
Photos: COF / James
The Perfect Boy
Never Enough
Just Like Heaven 1
Just Like Heaven 2
Close To Me (Robert catches some flowers)
Lullaby 1
Lullaby 2
Lullaby 3
Fascination Street 1
Fascination Street 2
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea


  1. first!

    sorry, all the kids are saying that these days.

    ps. enjoy the movie!

    (i dont know the answer to 2 btw)
    lets see how many die hard fans there are out there...

    what year did the band actually come together?

    were there any bands that the cure opened up for when they first started touring, either in the US or england?

  3. Enjoy the movie, Craig! I cried like a baby when I saw that one. Beautiful, beautiful cinematography.

  4. Oh, and thanks a lot for adding the Eastern time! You're the best! :)

  5. jenny: I second that! I'm actually quite relieved to realize I'm not the only one to be too lazy to switch Pacific to Eastern time! lol Thanks Craig!

  6. Woo hoo - two nights in a row! :) I'm already excited for the Vancouverites!

  7. NBA: Halftime. NHL: 2nd intermission. Cure show: 2 hours away. I'm officially bored.

  8. ...and the tap drips. Drip. Drip. Drip...

  9. so you guys that are here reading these threads cant answer my questions?
    should i have signed in as craig haha

  10. 76' as malice.
    77' as easy cure
    may 78' The cure

    opened for Ultravox in 1978 among others....

  11. holy crap brandon that is excelent i forgot about malice! and ohhh easy cure... let me see, do you know where hansa came from, and not the song do the hansa?

  12. Hansa was the German record company they got signed to after winning some contest, n'est-ce pas?

  13. ah.... this is great!
    lets see are there any more questions that would be interesting? has anybody actually been to beachy head where they filmed close to me? and what was this site significant for?

  14. well beachyhead was a well known suicide spot

  15. afternoon all...i need to brush up on my geographical knowledge...they in canada again? is this a yoyo tour...

  16. Just Like Heaven was shot at Beachy Head as well.

  17. Hi everyone, good nite.

    Ready to see what will happen on the show.


    Another geek chat tonight ?


  18. Hey V! Before I forget about this, here is my Mii for Simon. (And I now understand why you said he was difficult to make!)

    And BTW, I did something for Bob too, but it's not Mii. I did it with photoshop a few months ago. It's here. :)

  19. Any takers on what will open the show?

  20. Underneath the Stars!

    I think we're due for a new song tonight, no?

  21. Jenny that photoshop picture is amazing.

  22. Hi, Mad Bob RJS!

    And hi Jenny! Thanks for showing me your Simon Mii!! Looks good! I still haven't gotten a pic of my Simon Mii, but I will give you a link when I get around to it. :)

  23. I second that, Jenny, nice work!

  24. Good afternoon, all.

    I have a dilemma, I forgot to include the Vancouver show in my diary and have a lunch booked with a friend today. WOuld it be wrong of me to cancel so I can stay cjatting with you guys?

  25. JPX: Yes, it's about dang time for a new song!!

  26. mmmm. I think I need to work on my typing skills : )

  27. I would be very happy if they open with UTS but i got a feeling that Plainsong is coming up.

    I hope tonight Smit´s voice be in top form.

    Craig, do you already make contact with Steph?

    @ Jenny. Great RS Picture.

  28. Thanks, Andrew! It's my little habit - drawing rock stars. ;)

    And V, no problem! Look forward to seeing your Simon Mii!

  29. altr2elise, cancel the friend, we won't get another tour for 4 more years!

  30. I made a point out of visiting Beachy Head when I visited England for a couple of weeks back in June '01. After all, it's my nick's origin. :)

  31. Jenny, I want to see you draw KISS =)

  32. Andrew - I feel like it's an Open type of night.

    Mad Bob - yes, just heard from Steph. everything is good.

  33. Show should be starting any second now!

  34. JPX - wanna bet on that? : )

  35. It was gorgeous...but they do warn tourists not to get very close to the edge.

  36. Craig, give or take 30 minutes =)

  37. Nah, they won't open with UTS. It's Plainsong time... and that song is just so "plain" compared to UTS. Don't hate me for saying that, please - I do love Plainsong. But like Craig, I am obsessed with UTS and since it seems there was no recording of it last night, I am hoping for another recording of it soon.

    When is their next outside venue - Hollywood Bowl?

  38. altr2elise, will you stay and cancel your lunch?

    JPX, bribe me and I might do it. ;)

    And thanks, mad bob, for your compliment!

  39. JPX - I meant your tour comment. It won't be 4 more years. : )

  40. altr2elise, I'll take you to a concert =)

  41. thanks for the UTS mp3 link Craig, that sounded much better than the youtube videos. I hope they play it in's soooo beautiful.

  42. is the vancouver venue an open air? if so, UTS it is!

  43. Craig, that's true! Who the hell knows, if ever, when we'' see the boys again. I'm always worried it's their last tour.

  44. UTS blows the roof of buildings anyway with sheer awesomeness. They shouldn't restrict themselves just because the place isn't literally underneath the stars.

  45. me too beachy. :-)

    craig, do you have some inside info on another tour? if so, TELL US or face my WRATH!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. So shall we bet on the opener tonight? I'm calling Plainsong.

  48. Nothing like crumbling to peer group pressure. I have cancelled my lunch. I'm just going to pop over the road to get a sandwich and will be back very soon.

  49. Monkey - no it's an arena. but they are using only a small portion of it, so it will be a very intimate show tonight.

  50. Okay, everyone, while we're waiting for the show to start I have a (possible) Cure artifact to share! Since you guys are the experts on this sort of thing, I wanted to see what you think about this: a long time ago, I found some graffiti at Universal Studios, Florida that I think could have been possibly left by Robert. Story and photo can be found here. What do you guys think? :) I know it's a long shot, but I thought it was an interesting coincidence...

  51. how are things in NOLA Craig? progress being made? I haven't been there in over a year now and just wondering.

  52. Wow, 53 comments and the first song hasn't started yet!

  53. Cat - I'm not going to jinx anything by saying more (or risk the wrath of RS), but there are some fun things being talked about. Who knows if they'll really happen though?

  54. Robert said in MTV UK interview that he will keep going as long as he is happy to be in a group called The Cure.

    So, we can expect this tour and maybe another 1.

    Don´t forget 2009 is 30th CURE anniversary, so i think they must celebrate with a world tour thenext year.

    Come on, i can dream with that..

  55. v, that's cool! You should've taken that chunk of the wall =)

  56. Robert says he has had so much fun being in the studio this time that I don't see him stopping at least until a 15th album.

  57. JPX: I was tempted... :D That ride is gone now, so it's lost forever anyway!

  58. v, Back to the Future ride?

  59. JPX: No, it was Kongfrontation (the King Kong ride)

  60. v, at first glance my initial reaction is that is "our" Robert and his lovely wife.

  61. V, I actually think it's quite possible that Bob wrote those. Does look like his writings. If it's true, it's damn cool!

  62. That's no there anymore? By the way, 1992 was the last time I was there too!

  63. If Cure plays tonight on a smaller venue, more intimate one, i think the best song to open is Out of this World.

  64. Beachy: I wish I had gotten a better picture when I first saw it, before everyone else had written over it. It was only a month or two after he'd been there and it looked "fresh"...I think it's possible. :)

  65. v, it is highly likely his writing. very very cool!

    craig, sounds great - i hope it happens. i forgot that it was the 30th anniversary thing. something will deffo take place, and i will fly to wherever to see it!

    i think the cure will be around at least another 10 years... that's two more albums given the 4 year lapse between albums. Pretty cool, IMO. It should be fun to see a 60 year old Robert with white Einstein hair rockin' out!

  66. Mad bob - why wait for next year? ; )

    Beachy - lot of good, lot of bad. one day we'll be whole again and better than before. Lakefront arena finally re-opened a few weeks ago. Saenger is still closed. Orpheum and State Palace theatres are still closed and some say may be goon for good. : (

  67. Out of This World would be perfect!

  68. JPX: According to Wiki-P, it was replaced by some Mummy ride... who knows, maybe they still have the graffiti ceiling! :)

  69. v, thanks for the info. That Kong ride was okay but nothing great. The Back to the Future ride made me nauseous =(

  70. Can you imagine seeing Robert Smith on a King Kong ride at a theme park? That would be amazing.

  71. Craig, of course we dont want to wait till the next year.

    Let´s see what happens.

    now looks very hard but i wish this tour be longer adding South America and Mexico again.

  72. A friend of mine was in a dance club in NYC in the 1990s and he suddenly found himself dancing next to Robert, who was wearing a big backpack. I've always wondered what was in the backpack...

  73. V - it would not surprise me at all if that's real. And I love the thought of Robert & Mary on Kongrontation. : )

  74. I was heartsick when I heard the Saenger had flooded out. Those 2 nights with the cure there will forever remain one of my best memories of being a fan. I hope it's restored.

  75. I wish they had done more shows in England. This is a British band we are talking aboout here and we get one show?

  76. Robert on a dancing club ?

    Wow, that looks hilarious...

  77. i really hope they pull out a new song tonight. And i hope they've got something 'push'-esque for us on the new record. THAT would be awesome.

  78. Out of this World = my #1 fave Cure song.

    Missed the Gorge last night. Had tix but couldn't go. Never seen em live yet. Should have gotten tix for Vancouver. Dangit.

  79. As long as I have followed The Cure they have always said "this is the last tour...this is the last album.."

    So now I worry when Roberts says he enjoys everything and will be here "forever"..


  80. Beachy - I'm pretty sure it will be, but just not sure when. Luckily it was undergoing renovations when Katrina struck, and all of the seats had been removed, so they're ok.

  81. Craig, that's so sad about NOLA. I am disgusted with our government. :-(

    I say the Cure tour non-stop for the next year, and that I get a paid leave of absence for being so awesome so I can follow them wherever they go. :-)

  82. hey chehecta, just curious. how does one have tickets for a show but can't go? were they given to you and you were hundreds of miles away or you had to work or something?

  83. Thanks, all, for checking out my picture and story! :) My mom and I were so certain at the time that it was a Robert Smith original, and we were also very excited to imagine him and Mary riding that ride. We rode that ride probably about 5 times that day just so we could keep going back to stare at the message he left. :) My mom thought it would be very much like Robert to put Mary's name first in his message, too. Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I've always wanted to show this to some other Cureheads to see what they thought, so thanks again for looking. :)

  84. yeah, i'm anxious to hear why you couldn't go too, chehecta!

  85. They're on guys. Open with Open, so they'll close with End.

  86. v, six degrees of separation from Robert!

  87. And the flood waters couldn't have possibly reached the statuary in the mezzanine and the stars on the ceiling. :) fabulous

  88. My money's on a UTS/BRDB encore! ;)

  89. @ Andrew, how much popular is Cure now on UK ?

    how many shows, cities they should be on Uk ?

    Yeah, Cure must tour world wide again !!!

  90. jpx - which concert are we gonna go to?

    Out of this World is my fave song (although UTS is fast heading up the charts). OOTW was playing onmy iPod when I got up this morning.

  91. i really don't know what i'm doing here.

    i really think i should've gone to bed tonight...

  92. MonkeyButt: Just one drink, and there's some people to meet...I think that you'll like them (I have to say we do)...

  93. Yes, I'm a couple of hours away from
    The Gorge. Plus, my friend who was going with me when it was at Key Arena couldn't go when it was rescheduled. And sad as it is, I don't have any friends other than that one who cares for The Cure (what???) True. sigh. Didn't want to go a couple of hours away alone. And spent all last evening and a lot of today regretting it. sigh.

  94. that's my feeling, monkeybutt, with such a lackluster "open"er.

    i love ootw too, but come on peeps - uts is the SHIT! trumps all cure openers, including holy hour and plainsong.

    imo, at least. :-)

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. i promise in less than an hour, we will honestly go

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. chehecta - I know what you mean about not having friends who like the Cure. But at the Adelaide concert I met up with some fellow Cureheads, and have caught up with them a few times since then.

  99. If somebody bailed on me I would say fuckit! and go alone if necessary...after all when you are at a cure gig its best when it feel like its just you and Robert....with everybody else as background noise.

  100. even the lyrics to open suck.

    chehecta, dude/chick, WHAT were you thinking? i'm going to two of my three cure concerts ALONE. it doesn't matter. sure, it's nicer to share the experience, but i'd rather be alone than not go at all. sorry, though!

  101. I have to say I love Open as the opener. The idea of opening a show with the line "I really don't know what I'm doing here" is just so CURE.

  102. @Mad Bob.

    I think they should have played 3 or 4 UK shows. London, Manchester or Glasgow and a more intimate show at a smaller city such as Portsmouth. The Cure are popular in the UK but I heard that its really hard/expensive to book arenas.

  103. Beachy - Here's a good article that talks about the damage:

    When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, the Saenger Theatre suffered significant water damage. As of May 2008 it has not yet reopened. The water line went approximately a foot above stage level, filling the basement and orchestra seating area. The vintage Robert Morton Wonder Organ was at stage level and suffered some damage. The administrative offices of the theatre and the box office on Rampart Street suffered extensive water damage. Photos taken immediately after Katrina often show the Canal Street marquee damaged, however in fact the staff of the theatre had removed the acrylic glass and other materials which could become "flying debris" during such a storm.

    At the time of Katrina, the Saenger Theatre was in the middle of a major renovation. Work had begun on repairs to the interior theatre ceiling, and all carpeting and seating had been removed in anticipation of being replaced.

  104. of course, i love to be alone, so that's part of it. i am half-gregarious half-loner. still though - you would have met up with other cure fans, and most importantly, you would have seen UTS!!!

    sorry for pounding it in!

  105. chehecta - I loved the idea of being so in love with a band that I would see them on my own. Hell, I jumped on a plane and went to another city to do it.
    It was the most rock-n-roll thing I had EVER done.

  106. jenny, really, open is an okay song, even good, but to me it's totally lackluster as an opener. i prefer the lush ballads ala plainsong or ootw or the hard hitters like lost or the gloomy dirges like holy hour. WHICH by the way the have not played yet.

  107. Jenny, where do you live?

    I don't mind going to concerts by myself, I'm seeing Duran Duran in Boston Wednesday night.

  108. i got lucky with the radio city show. my best friend is almost as in love with them as i am and i got 2 of my really good guy friends to accompany us. i have to say it is much more fun with people you know.

    though i would prpbably stick it out on my own if i absolutely had to... meh. that's just me.

  109. If the next song is A Strange Day, then we are getting the Perth set list

  110. Thanks Andrew, i hope soon Cure play some more gigs there.

    I love England because of them, i want to be at Blackpool at least once in my life.

    Open is always a good way to kick off a show.

  111. Yes I agree I actually like going to Cure shows alone now. When I go with friends sometimes they ask questions or try to talk to me. Alone is the best :) The only bummer part is the drive home.

  112. elise: i went to cali for coachella all by my lonesome. loved it! and i'm traveling to charlotte by my lonesome - but that's only three hours away. i'm attending the atlanta gig with friends. i'll be visiting family in austin when i see that show - but again, i'll be alone. i love being alone, though, to see movies, or eat lunch, or hang out in my house, or whatever. i rarely get lonely.

  113. I saw Curiosa all by my lonesome, I had a terrific time!

  114. I flew to another country with my sister but went to see The Cure by myself (she wasn't interested). But I made friends at the show and it was one of the best things I've ever done. But I suppose it depends on what kind of person you are - some people like companies when going to shows, and I can understand that.

  115. but i agree that the drive home after a cure concert alone is rather lonely.

  116. So I'm putting off writing my paper and reading comments on here instead. Just thought I'd point out:

    V-- if that is real, I think it's cute that he wrote Mary and Robert, not Robert and Mary. It's a little thing, but very feminist of him :)

    Also it's nice to see so many people on here are going to the concerts alone, as I am for the two NYC shows. It'll be my first time ever going to a concert by myself, and my friends are all telling me I'm crazy, but somehow I actually think it'll be more fun on my own.

  117. Another hurricane season is upon us again in a few days Craig! Let's hope we get a break again this year. I hope the cure tour makes it through TX/FL/and ATL without anything churning up out there early in the season. I remember FL was getting a beating while Curiosa was in TX.

  118. I'm driving to Santa Barbara and San Diego alone so yea ... but so worth it to see the Cure I would never pass up a chance for that. It is nice to have someone to talk to about the show AFTER the show but yea ....

  119. yeah i like to go to shows that i REALLY love alone. even at fairfax i gace the security guy that was guarding the gate my buissness card if he was ever in phila to come and get his haircut. what the hell does he do? he text messages me throughout the whole fucking show, saying he is in roberts dressing room and whinning about me not wanting to talk to him.

    i got a question about the new york shows.
    years and years ago i saw bob at his hotel in nyc. i was wondering if anyone has leads as to where they are staying haha. i just want to stay in the same hotel. lol...

  120. beachy, i did not think about hurricane season! eeeek. we've already had bad tornadoes here in atlanta/georgia, so we don't need anything more, ESPECIALLY when the cure are here. :-)

  121. I should have gone alone! (tears!) I should have planned and met up with my Cure soulmates that are there. ARGHHH!! How could I be so stupid?

    I can only hope I get another chance at seeing them. I won't waste that chance.

  122. Clock.wise, aside from /boston the only other one that's remotely close to me is NYC and the tickets are really expensive. I might bite the bullet and go.

  123. Clockwise, I know what you mean. I would choose Plainsong or UTS over Open any day of the week. But I had such fond memories seeing them open with Tape & Open.

    If I see them again, they better open the show with UTS. >:)

  124. PLEASE don't post ANY of the personal stuff here. No giving out hotel info and such. Please guys, it's important to keep that stuff private.

  125. chehecta, you have cure soulmates there, or are you referring to the cure?

    why don't you see if you can get a ticket to cali?

  126. robert is staying in my house for the atlanta show, btw. e-mail me for directions.


  127. oh god craig like you know what hotel they are staying at? or anyone else for that matter? its fun to see what people know. i never stated what hotel they were in when i saw them... jeepers... im outta here this is too restricted and clubish

  128. JPX, I live in Taiwan. A little island across a small strait from Hong Kong.

    CheHecta, you'll get another chance soon! :) Hopefully we all get more chances to see them next year.

  129. calm down, lacature. craig is just trying to protect the band's deserved privacy.

  130. There ARE people who know. They don't like that info to get out, unless THEY give it out. It's common courtesy.

  131. i mean, after the show in atlanta in 04, i posted a review of it online and inanely said the name of the hotel robert was staying in. someone sent me a message asking me to please delete the name of the hotel. the person was really very nice. i'm not sure if it was robert or someone associated with robert (likely the latter), but anyway. it makes perfect sense and of course i honored the request. it's not fair to publicize private things like that. i say that and i was a silly stalker during that tour (i already told the story), but anyway. in the end, i respect the band's right to privacy. i completely concur with that mindset.

  132. Jenny, Taiwan? Wow, that would make meeting up for a show a bit challenging =)

  133. I read the blog from last night craig, sorry I missed it live, but just too tired last night to stay up for it. BTW, you mentioned some anecdotes you could share from the past about that unpleasantness a few years ago...can you give more details..I've always wanted to understand exactly how such backbiting got started at the time. Everybody knows you had really good inside with the cure via RO and DB, but what caused Smitty to get so outraged over your website? Just curious.

  134. if i were a celebrity, i would sequester myself in a cave somewhere. i couldn't stand being hounded all the time!

  135. Beachy - I was actually talking about the fun stories, not the Cure Wars. No need to go back and relive that nightmare.

  136. I'm with you Clockwise, I would live in a mountain somewhere. I wonder if Robert is as recognizable when he's not done up for a show?

  137. I always have this fantasy of just bumping into RS somewhere inane. Where there are no other Cure fans around.
    One of the best stories I heard was a friend seeing Sting in Bali, her and her pals sent 5 postcards to his table with the waiter thanking him for his music and asking him to sign the remainin g4 cards for them. He did.
    I think that is a very classy way of doing it, but would like to think that Robert would come over to give the cards back.

  138. talk about the fun stories, craig! :-D

  139. JPX, it's VERY challenging, but I'm determined to save some money and go to the US or other places for some Cure shows in the future. If they tour again next year, nothing is impossible. ;)

  140. Fascination Street is the only song off of Disintegration that I never got into. It just doesn't grab me. It has always sounded kind of out of tune to me.

  141. ok, sorry, tell the fun stuff then. :) BTW, I waved at you when you were leaving backstage at houston Curiosa. I was with Ruth and Dayna and Ruth pointed you out.

  142. Jenny, if you come to the Boston area you can crash at my house. Hopefully we'll get some shows next year, that would be fantastic.

  143. elise, me too! i am always hoping that i will meet robert as he is walking down the sidewalk near my house. lol!

  144. My fave song off of Disintegration is Untitled. But it is hard decision to make.

  145. Robert and co aren't hounded in England.
    If they were - they'd packed it in a long time ago, I think.

  146. Jenny - hopefully they will come back to Australasia and we can go on 'tour' with them.

  147. ok craig. you win. im outta here. whats the sense of being a fan half my life and standing there 20 feet away from robert smith and him just looking at you and not being courtious and comming over to a fan and taking a picture? i think in all honesty its bullshit and if people want my ticket you can email me and ill sell it. im selling out my curefanaticizm. its all a game. i should of lost interest four years ago, when i should of realized when the stage is gone so is the make up. robert is a millionaire that feeds on people emotions. all the songs he sings, ive never felt that way with someone. who the hell does he sing them for? only mary. and he makes money off that. its rubbish. im going to go play in my humble abode and write poetry no one would give me credit for. but then again if i were to put the make up on and tease out my hair would i get recognition too? i asked a simple question that you jumped all over me on craig. what about all the pictures i sent you to post on for the boston and phila shows. youve ignored them. ive tried to make this board interesting and posted cure based questions that people ignore. ive sat here for a few weeks being a fan and all i get is scolded for asking a too personal question that is fan based? i think too personal question would be what kind of deoderant robert wears. so with my point stated i mind as well say anyone interested in cure tickets, email me. im done with this shit.
    have fun.

  148. This set list needs a brand new song!

  149. jpx, FINALLY someone else who shares my mindset re: FS! I have NEVER liked that song, not even when it came out. CHEESY. The name is cheesy, the words are cheesy, and on and on. It has a good bass-line and some good fret-work, I guess, and of course I know all the words and will rock out to it if I see it, but still - hate it!

  150. One of my friend's brother used to live in the same village as Robert and said that he pretty much kept to himself.

  151. elise, i'm pretty much right there with you. my fave song from dis. revolves, but as i've grown older, untitled just sticks with me more and more.

  152. Here's my joke on Roger that never friend crystal and I already had it planned out. If we had seen Roger, I was going to say, hey roger, how about a picture? and when he said Yes I would hand him the camera and crys and I were going to pose. ha ha too bad we didnt get to pull that on would have been great

  153. lacature, have you been getting enough fiber lately?

  154. um, er, lacature... maybe a few chill pills are in order. seriously, dude, lighten up... craig was just being fair to the band. no harm done. :-)

  155. lacature, dude, that's a bit of an over-reaction to a perceived slight. One reasonable comment from Craig and you're giving up The Cure forever?

  156. Beachy - I didn't see you guys. That was a sad night, knowing it would probably be the last time Roger would be there. And at the time, looked like the end for Simon too.
    Had no idea that would be it for Perry and Daryl though.

  157. anyone know what kind of deodorant the band prefers?

  158. Clockwise, the video for FS doesn't do it for me either!

  159. elise: really? wow. i'm sure robert is very much the recluse.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. jpx: I think Fascination Street is brilliant! Specially how they play it now! So energetic... I just love it! You don't even enjoy the version on Trilogy? Just curious...

  162. I have never been a fan of FS, but have to say that when I heard it live this time, the was a really sexiness about it.

  163. Fantac, FS just never grabbed me. I essentially like all Cure songs but FS is one of the ones I find myself skipping over. That's cool if you like it though. I mean, I like Taking Off, which I know puts me in the extreme minority =)

  164. Whoa, lacature, you need to calm down. Honestly I 100% agree with what Craig said, because it makes perfect sense.

  165. Man, tonight's set is very average so far.

  166. lol I actually love Taking off too ;o)

  167. I really think we need a new song to liven this set up

  168. Robert must have a few tricks up his sleeve tonight...

  169. jpx, brandon, STOP. LOL.

    lacature, really, craig was not being nasty. he would say it to anyone. you must understand that the cure has a right to privacy! we are not entitled to know where they stay. i was not entitled to follow robert's tourbus to his hotel, but i did. but i realized what i was doing was invading his privacy, so i did not insist on talking to him or following him into the hotel. it's totally understandable that craig would thwart all attempts to publicize hotel info.

  170. altr2elise, me too! Didn't like the song that much (it pales in comparison to other songs on Disintegration), but seeing it live is an entirely different matter. I even enjoyed alt.end live.

  171. Why is it that people hate Taking Off so much? I know its no classic but it isn't terrible.

  172. It feels like a new song kind of night to me!

  173. probably because it's a transparent re-write of just like heaven with terrible lyrics...

  174. SWID, at least. Did they play APB last nite? I really love that song.

  175. It definitely sounds like Just Like Heave, but I don't mind derivative Cure, the more the better! I've never understood that Taking Off lyrics.

  176. I had another listen to The Cure this morning. For some reason I had it in my mind that it was all bad, but I now remember there were a lot of good songs on it.

  177. I don't hate Taking Off, but I don't love it, either. Come to think about it, I rarely hate a Cure song.

  178. Faith? actually no. that would lesson my chance of getting is at any of the shows Im going to. so just hold off on faith for a couple shows. Or wait to play it at the small intimate shows in the winter to promote the darker winter album.

  179. I actually prefer the Dragon Hunters version of Taking Off.

  180. I think it's generally a good album. I love the first 3 songs!

  181. JPX, yes! And I'll never understand why they didn't make Before Three a single.

  182. Yeah if they tour again next year to promote the darker album and the 30th anniversary I hope they shake the set lists up and put in a lot more darker tracks.

  183. brandon, you actually think there is going to be a dark winter album? you actually put "faith" in robert's words? ain't gonna be no dark album! and if uts is not on the september release, i will protest! i will call up craig and find out where they are staying next time they are in town... ;-)

  184. I always thought Taking Off sounded like a hybrid of JLH and 2late..both of which are far superior songs

  185. jpx - totally agree about the first 3 tracks. Plus Going Nowhere is gorgeous

  186. I actually really adore the self titled album (with the exception of Never).

  187. i gave 'this morning' another shot the other day and was surprised by how much i liked it. it was rainy and gloomy out and i was driving and it just really FIT.

    i also hear what 'lost' could have been but, as clockwise and i have discussed before, the production just kills it.

  188. i´m listening a version (demo ?) of Going Nowhere with alternative lyrics, Smith sing it in higher level, with more passion, got chills of hearing..."So tell me that you love me again"

    RS kick ass !!!!

  189. oooh, robert checked his iPhone and saw that i requested APB!

  190. I would love for them to play Letter to Elise again. Three concerts in a row would be like a dream.

  191. @ Mad Bob, do you think you could share that alternative version please :)

  192. I actually really hate the self titled album (with no exception).
