
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Underneath The Stars (yes, again!)

Jason has adjusted/corrected the "Denver mix" version of Underneath The Stars. Here's what he did: "I took some time to edit and correct the MP3 version of UTS posted on COF. Mainly, I ran it through a 31-Band EQ and Reverb Unit to restore some of the original reverb characteristics that would've been present at a venue such as Red Rocks. I also corrected the volume spike that occurs right around 1:01. I'm assuming that's where the two recordings were joined. The EQ was primarily adjusted to bring Simon's bass more into the mix, Porl's guitar-work throughout (especially the crescendos) and Robert's vox as they seemed a bit buried."
(Thanks Jason)


  1. Thanks Jason.

    Great work.sounds amazing.

    I can stop listening it over and over again.

    Just a minor issue for me.

    At the beginning is missing like 5 seconds, just before the drums start to rocked.

  2. nice one jason!

  3. actually, the oh hell yes guy totally does it for me.

  4. best song since bloodflowers.

  5. This "oh hell yes" guy is me! ;D

  6. Thanks so much, Jason.

  7. I've done the "yes!" comment accidentally at The Cure concerts -- when I heard the start of "End" and "Shake Dog Shake" but forgot how they started. I didn't mean to talk aloud; it just happened. :(

  8. I think it's quaintly cute that he says "oh hell yes."

    moontear, when you said, "look at that! look at that!" what were you referring to?

    thanks for doing this, btw.

    I love nerdy types who are do all these tech wizardry things.

  9. The Hell Yes guy just cracks me up. 30 seconds into the song, before the lyrics have started, he just blurts out the first thing that comes into his head.

  10. @andrewv: Just like Siouxsie Sioux always did! ;)

  11. This song is prettier than Plainsong, sorry. I love PS as much as the next person but this song is like Jupiter Crash meets OOTW meets Plainsong meets Mogwai, and even a little Deftones.

  12. The best is the 65DOS (Philly) show where the taper and his girlfriend are arguing during the intro tape to their set. She says something like "And don't even get all pissy when i'm talking". And you can hear the taper warning people not to step on his pretzel...classic stuff.

  13. Wow, that sounds amazing, echoey and bassy and beautiful! Thanks lads.

  14. Wow, that sounds amazing, echoey and bassy and beautiful! Thanks lads.

  15. I'll always call this the "oh hell yes" mix. :) thanks J

  16. i did the first mix, because i had loved UTS and i couldn`t find the comlete song in good quality.
    i didn`t thought that a lot of problems would be to get the complete one played 3 times so far. i can`t believe that no-one recorded in entirety.
    the point of joining is between 2.15 - 2.20 in my mix (u deleted beginning), fading out and fading in.
    you added a lot of reverbs,echeoes, it`s not restoring but destroing the truth of sound, but if you like it i respect your work.
    i live in poland and i`m amazed and suprised that people in the usa (where the tour takes place) play my mix, adjust and correct, so here you are :) have a nice listening!
    i can`t wait to hear the next recordings of this song, and more new songs (the whole recordings!)

  17. Listening now! Thank you so much for sharing this. :) :P~~~~~~

  18. Thanks, Jason.

    It's great to get different versions of this, but have to admit I prefer the last one.

    This new one is a lot sharper and crisper, but I like the dreaminess of eljanusz's version.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the song no matter what version I am listening to.

  19. Speaking of stuff you can hear on a crowd recording... I have the 1989 show from Montreal and in The Same Deep Water as You, you hear a conversation that starts casual but they eventually end up talking about a guy's cocaine consumption! Priceless!

  20. Oh Hell No...

    I hope that's not me at the concert.

  21. Oh hell yes!

    Thanks for the file, Jason. When it comes to this song, the more the merrier. And it's funny that we only have one complete recording so far - haven't they played this song three times already? Perhaps most people were mesmerized when they heard it, and completely forgot about recording? (I know I will be in a trance if I hear this live. Probably wont' even be able to say something like "oh hell yes!")

  22. this is on my ipod as 'underneath the stars (oh hell yes mix)'

  23. LOL! The "Oh hell yes" guy is going to get famous in Cure fandom!

  24. Great fucken song.

    Who is playing the guitar part with the incredible riff?

  25. thearchangel - which part? I suppose it's Robert, he plays the main riffs on this song (or at least I think he does). You can see it from the video at the top of COF blog page.

  26. But then again, I'm not really sure. Gonna check that video out again...

  27. Thanks Jenny

    Yeah, confirmed that is Robert. It's the guitar part right before he sings.

    Thats a great !%#!!# sound. Haunting indeed.

  28. Yeah, awesome Smith´s riff.

    I think Robert use his veins as a guitar strings to making this incredible sound.

    Cure is back !!!

  29. This song is the best thing the Cure has done since the Wish era, perhaps even since the Disintegration era. I absolutely love this song.

  30. You know, I have to concur with altr2elise in that I too prefer the "uncorrected" one. I played both of them tonight and I just can't crank up the volume with the "corrected" one :o(

    I understand the logic of wanting to make it sound better (at least I think I do!) but for some reason, it doesn't really work for me. So... well... I play the other one I guess is what it comes down to!

    (Talk about writing a post for nothing...) errrr... OK bed time!

  31. `look at that` , `oh hell yes`, `oh my god` are totally sincere. i like these voices. it`s obsession, i can listen to this song all the time, over and over, it`s perfect. now i see that the cure previous album was released accidentally. i think tonight they will start with UTS again.

  32. could anyone write the lyrics of UNDERNETH THE STARS ??? as far as possible, of course

  33. eljanusz - Craig posted this on May 25th

    This is the best I could do. Many words are probably wrong. And the St. Louis (Kansas City) and Denver versions each have different words in different places. I think RS is still working them out too. : )

    Across the years, like this with you
    Underneath the stars above
    For 13 billion years of you
    It's beautiful and ours alone tonight
    Underneath The Stars

    Spinning round and round with you
    Watching shadows melt the light?
    Stars above our eyes are ????
    Another space is ours alone tonight
    Watching shadows melt

    The waves....break
    The waves....break

    Whisper in my ear a wish
    A voice inside my head, a kiss
    It's infinite and ours alone tonight
    Watching summer die

    Flying here like this with you
    Underneath the stars at night
    For 13 billion years of you
    It's infinite and ours alone tonight
    Underneath the stars

    Everything ?????
    each other's arms
    so near and so far
    Beneath the stars

    The waves....break

  34. altr2elise, you beat me to it! ;) Even the incomplete lyrics looks fascinating. I don't think I'll ever get enough of this song.

    I would love them to open tonight's show with UTS, but I don't think they will because the show starts early, when the sun's still up...

  35. thanks a lot, i didn`t see it posted. great words! never enough of this song!

  36. Hi Jenny :-)
    I agree about UTS, I think it will be hard to open with that when the sun is still shining.
    Maybe they will go in reverse.... open with BRDB and close with UTS - but I highly doubt it.
    BTW, I only had a chance to look at the picture you put up yesterday of Robert - you are very clever, it was great.

  37. you are right! i`ve not thought, and i didn`t know the venue and time of openig tonight`s show. good point!

  38. altr2elise, thanks a lot for your compliment! I love drawing people I adore, mostly rock stars. Think I might draw another one of Robert in the future, but I have to be in a certain mood to draw (good excuse for lazy people like me).

    And it certainly would be cool to open with BRDB and close with UTS! I can't believe how much I'm loving these two songs. I mean, I knew they are still good, but I didn't imagine they'd be THAT good. And I certainly never expect Plainsong to meet a rival in my life - but along comes UTS. Robert Smith should never retire. ;)

  39. alt2elise i doubt too, but everything is possible, the cure likes to suprise. mayebe we hear out of this world as the opening, bloodfowers as ending, faith in last encore (plaing only two times this tour). the greatest suprise will be the same deep water as you without keybords which is prepared to be plying, i would like to here this one. maybe next new song equal beautiful as UTS.

  40. eljanusz - have you seen Craig has put up new lyrics on the main blog page?

  41. yeeaaa! good work. there is only this song for me, i`m so happy. my highest feelings returned. i`ve never feel like this since bloodflowers album.
