
Monday, May 26, 2008

More of Underneath The Stars

Due to my continuing obsession with the hauntingly beautiful Underneath The Stars, here are two more clips from the Red Rocks show:
Underneath The Stars (full two minute intro, but incomplete)
Underneath The Stars (only 1:36 long)
And thanks to Frank, here's a complete MP3 version from Red Rocks.

Any fans of the book Throat Sprockets by Tim Lucas? I'm starting to feel like that character, hunting down every version of this song that I can find. Little bits here, alternate versions there, etc. Damn you RS! : )


  1. It is an awesome song. Isn't there a very rough transcript of the lyrics here somewhere?

    I think this is the best opener to an album since Plainsong. Most fans have already excepted it as the third opener to a show and its only been played 3 times.

  2. Dig the "Crow" style eye makeup Bob!

  3. soon. soon we will have the album with this as opening track. best cure song (as far as i can tell) in a long time...

  4. There is a complete audio version here:

    This is a mix of two recordings.

  5. Thank you Frank, getting it now.

  6. Thanks for that Frank. Listen at about 00:32 someone cries "Oh Hell Yes". The at 00:50 the same guy yells "Oh My God!" My thoughts exactly.

  7. The best of the new songs thus far!

  8. I'll have to pick that book up Craig. Another similar book would be House of Leaves.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks, Frank.

    This song is beautiful.... and the waves break

  11. It's an instant masterpiece, decimates any doubts I had about the album (given the awful The Only One).

    I too am obsessed with it, Craig. I love to see you re-energized about The Cure!

    Here's to mutual Cure-song obsessions!

  12. Clockwise: I thought you had a love/hate relation to The Only One and now you simply call it "awful"? Try this: rent a convertible, go for a drive on a sunny day and listen to it really loud! You might just change your mind! ;o)

  13. I vacillate between thinking it's okay and thinking it's atrocious. Mostly the latter. It pains me to say that about a Cure song; I rarely feel that way. I hated Taking Off and alt.end too, but I think I may hate this one worse. I'm not saying it's not a GOOD song as far as Cure-pop - I'm saying it's just too fucking familiar. Which is why I like the other songs so much more - it's the signature Cure sound with a modernized feel.

    UTS is exactly this type of song.

  14. Wow, thanks for the files and videos, Craig and Frank. And here we have a little obsession with UTS club!

    Just the way Robert sings "the waves...break" is haunting. This is the song I'll play over and over every night before going to bed - I did that with Plainsong.

  15. SLEEP WHEN I´M DEAD is so fresh, Robert sings from top til end.. for me, my fav so far... But, thanx to Frank i´ve change my mind, UTS is Great!!! Voice´s FX are so cool, great drums too!

  16. Can someone please send me an mp3 of New York Trip? I have yet to locate the single anywhere and I still haven't heard this song =( I'm at

  17. Thanks for this version.
    Now I am REALLY looking forward to the new album :)

    (I can accept 2 freak-shows for every UTS mood song)

  18. jpx, i have the mp4 - i don't know how to convert to mp3, or i would send it - sorry!

  19. Underneath the Stars is definitely amazingly beautiful... I've been listening to it very intently and I keep expecting it to go on and on! It's too damn short! God I hope they play it at Radio City Music Hall on June 21st!!!

  20. JPX - I just sent it to you. Make sure to check your inbox. :)

  21. wow...what a song...what a song....extraterrestrial excellent..... I bow to The Cure

  22. Underneath The Stars... A Boy I Never Knew... The Perfect Boy... awesome!! The Cure's atmosphere is back!!

  23. nice to see my mix from denver here. greetings from poland! i have the obsession with this song too. underneath the stars is the best cure`s song since blodflowers album.

  24. Yes, thanks for the mix eljanusz!

    I've uploaded another mp3 of Baby Rag Dog Book here:

    Thanks to Mike B. for the recording.

  25. Wow, I just now finally had the chance to listen to "Underneath the Stars" again for the first time since last Wednesday's show, and I have chills up my spine and tears in my eyes. So gorgeous. This will be on a loop all day for me, I think; and I think I'm officially now in the UTS Obsession Club!

    "It's beautiful, and ours alone tonight, underneath the stars..."

    Sigh. :D

  26. That book sounds interesting, and JoeFrog - yeah, I can see the HoL resemblance (love that one!).

    I can't get enough of this song. I can't stop listening to it! But I'm still worried that it's gonna get destroyed in the studio.

  27. Thank you very much for the mp3. Every time I listen to this song, I'm proud of having been a big fan of this exceptional band for a long time.

  28. Craig, I know exactly how u feel... totally obsessed and in luv with this song...its just absolutely amazing!!!....Instant Cure Classic..!!! Just cant stop listening to ... tC

  29. What's interesting is the whole talk about the two albums - from the recent UK and Ireland MTV interview it seems there'll be the 'poppy' one in September and an atmospheric one around Christmas.

    Will this mean UTS (being a definite atmospheric) won't be officially released til the end of the year!?? God, I can't wait that long...

  30. fantastic its 1989 again and its brilliant

  31. Figurehead, I just hope we're wrong about all that. Cuz, like, there won't BE a second album, EVER.

  32. I thought that would be the case. It reminds me of the end of the Trilogy DVD - on the extras, where there is a feature with Robert talking about the making of the DVD etc... He signs off by saying that "the next record is only going to get darker". Months later 'The Cure' is released. Hmmm...

    The new material is sounding sooo promising on the whole, it would be typical if it was to be c*cked up. Twenty years has been a long time to wait...

  33. Craig, I share your addiction to this song. I think it is the best thing the Cure has done since the Wish era, perhaps even since the Disintegration era. I absolutely love this song. I think the new album is shaping up to be a classic.
