
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

More Austin tickets released has released more tickets for the sold out Austin, Tx. show. It still says sold out on their info page, but go through the process and they ARE available. At least they were at the time of this posting. Good luck!

"I got my tickets during my lunch break, it's $111.00 plus service charges for two tix at local record store, Waterloo Records...I heard the announcement on the local alt radio flashback lunch (101X)."
(Thanks Catterpillarboy)


  1. I'll be at the Austin show! :-D

    It's general admission, so I figger I can show up reeeeeeeal early and get up front!

    Anyone else among COFers goin'?

    Craig, I'll be your date if you get a tic. :-)

  2. I'll be there with my Reading Royals jersey on. Come say hi.

  3. Joe, you gonna show up early to get up front?

    If so, when you gonna go?

  4. So Craiggers, you said you almost got an Austin tic. Why ALMOST? Get one, dammit! We can be at the front together. :-)
