
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Underneath The Stars lyrics

Floating here like this with you
Underneath the stars aligned (at night?)
For 13 billion years the view
It's beautiful, and ours alone tonight
Underneath the stars

Spinning round and round with you
Watching shadows melt the light
Soft shining from our eyes, into (a tear?)
Another space is ours alone tonight
Watching shadows melt

The waves....break
The waves....break

Whisper in my ear, a wish
"We could drift away so far"
Your voice inside my head, a kiss
It's infinite, and ours alone tonight
Watching shadows melt or We could drift away
(Depends upon which version you're listening to)

Flying here like this with you
Underneath the stars aligned (at night?)
For 13 billion years the view
It's beautiful, and ours alone tonight
Underneath the stars

(swirling echo voice: Underneath The Stars)

With everything gone
And all still to come?
Together as now
Forever as one
In each other's arms
So near and so far
Together as now
Underneath the stars

As the waves....break

This is the best I could come up with. Some of the words are probably wrong, but I THINK it's a pretty good start. The Kansas City and Denver versions are each different in certain places, but I'm going with the Denver version here. Thanks to Brian for providing the clearest version yet, that helped a great deal with the deciphering.

Update: I'm now basing these lyrics on the Dallas version. Again, some words are different from the previous versions.


  1. thanks a lot craig, i can`t reist this words

  2. Craig - I think the lyrics are pretty damn close.....

    Could "??? from our eyes, a tear" be "stars are from our eyes, a tear"?

    And after "Everything Gone" it sounds like "Watch the ......" Or "Why the..."

    Just a thought.

  3. Craig! You're obsessed and probably drifting into the realm of the mentally ill!

  4. `i`m deranged` of david bowie :)

  5. I believe Craig put this up because people keep asking for it. And many people here are obssessed with this song already, including me. ;)

  6. Nothing wrong with a healthy Cure obsession.

  7. These are pretty good lyrics!

  8. These are damn fine lyrics! I am loving UTS!!!!

  9. Excellent transcription, excellent song.

    I don't blame Craig's obsession; I listened to it on my iPod before drifting off to sleep last nite, and I had wonderful dreams. :-)

  10. That´s so close to the real lyrics Craig, great work.

    Now we can sing it with much more sense.

    The song and lyrics match perfectly to each other.

    Is very exciting RS is still able to make such a delightful song and write this masterpiece.

    No more words about UTS, i´m thrilled by its beautifulness.

  11. Clockwise - that's exactly the way I plan on going to sleep tonight.

  12. My wife says I belong to the Cure Cult.

  13. Joefrog - I think there is a bit of truth in that.... but what a great Cult to be part of.

  14. I'm excited about all of these songs: UTS is deliriously beautiful, BRDB is scorching rock, SWID is post-punky deliciousness, A Perfect Boy is perfect Cure-pop, Freakshow is funky fun, ABINK is langourously gorgeous... the only one I don't like is The Only One! Heh.

    [Homer voice]Mmmmmmmmmmmm...Cure songs... [/Homer voice]

  15. I'm not convinced by BRDB yet, but love UTS and A Perfect Boy. I really must go back and give ABINK more of a listen. I have it, but for someone reason it got relegated at the time. Probably not in the same Cure-place that I am in at the moment.

  16. Craig - thanks for posting these!

    Did I miss something? I know there are several recordings of the Denver show on YouTube, but where is the Kansas City version?

  17. OK, so I just had another listen to ABINK and don't know why I haven't paid more attention to it. I like it, but still rank the new releases as:
    1. UTS
    2. APB
    3. SWID
    4. ABINK
    5. NY Trip
    6. Freakshow
    7. Only One
    8. BRDB

  18. Wait till you hear AKOS...Great song.

  19. perfect - very cool that you have heard AKOS already. What sort of sound is it?

  20. Gotcha! I haven't heard it..i was just getting frustarted at having to decipher all those new songs by their initials ;) i made 1 up! xx

  21. At least I don't feel ripped off for not having heard it yet : )

  22. Haha, perfect.murder. I was trying to figure out what AKOS stood for. :D

  23. perfect - if you made it up, you stumbled on the b-side to Freakshow..... All Kinds of Stuff.

  24. Sorry guys... slow afternoon at work in London..needed some harmless fun.

  25. yeah i made that on purpose ,as it is yet to surface live or recorded...but very shortly will :)

  26. Nothing worse than a slow day at work - have you only got A Few Hours After The left?

  27. Oh, and now the joke's on me yet again - I completely forgot about "All Kinds of Stuff". Oof, it's quite obvious I haven't had my coffee yet this morning! :D

  28. 2 more hours...not too bad..but a hell of a firewall here means i have no access to things like Youtube etc, hence the long day

  29. v - quick.... get your caffeine fix *puts the kettle on*

  30. perfect - our firewall doesn't allow youtube either, but thank god I can get into this site - otherwise I would have to pull a sicky every time there was a concert happening.

  31. Do you stay up for the US tour updates on this site? Whoooa, that's dedication...or is it early morning for you when the concerts start?

  32. This is one of the few times that it pays to live on the other side of the world. I'm in Australia, so when the concerts are happening in the US, it is around about lunchtime here.

  33. This is one of the few times that it pays to live on the other side of the world. I'm in Australia....Hmmm yes , lert me think, Australia over London...wanna do a house swap? I'm there...:)

  34. this has nothing to do with UTS, but does anybody have cure dreams? i had one last night that i MUST share. very strange.

    the cure were supposed to play a town called crystal cat, california. the town was incredibly excited because it was so small and the cure had never come near it. but at the last minute they had to postpone because robert smith was also the quarterback for the tampa bay buccaneers, and they were in the super bowl against the dallas cowboys. i was on the bus with my wife and the team and we were also somehow watching the game as it played out. robert threw very awkwardly and wasn't sure what was up when the other team members patted his butt in appreciation. in fact, he slapped at one guy's hand. his team lost 31-7. nobody seemed really upset. i kept on having flashes of the members of crystal cat being disappointed that the cure weren't coming. the town was really wide and dusty and sad.

  35. MonkeyButt: First, Cure dreams are my most common recurring dream theme, by far!

    Second, HAHAHAH - what a freakin' awesome dream. Robert Smith, star quarterback? I can see it. ;) Also, you should start a petition for the Cure to return to Crystal Cat, CA for a show! ;)

  36. perfect - I love London - although the weather can sometimes get you down. You're right thoug, Oz is a good place to live, except for the fact that the Cure visit infrequently.

    monkeybutt - did you eat something strange before you went to sleep

  37. That's very vivid...What were you on last night? Crystal cat meths?

  38. actually, i had lamb shanks with sour cherries and chick peas for dinner. not so strange, but there was lots of cinnamon and cumin. maybe a potent dream combo?

  39. definetly having some of that tonight....and not having the luxury of a Cure show in my country i will pray for the U.S to beat England at football tonight(soccer).

  40. I can't recall ever having a Cure dream that was quite that vivid.

  41. Anyone else as excited as I am about hearing the studio version of UTS in 2012? Just a few more years, folks! Hang tight!

  42. Clockwise: It's on my 2012 Christmas list. :)

  43. Clockwise - with Robert's current fascination with the number 13, maybe we will have to wait until 2013.

  44. clockwise cat, you should go out for dinner with monkeybutt, his dreams are f***** good, and make you quite relaxed!

  45. pills, it seems that no one bothered to record UTS or BRDB at the Kansas City show, or if they did, haven't bothered to put them up yet. However, My last girlfriend, who went to the KC and Sasquatch shows, and I are both on The Dizzy Edge Cure message board, and she said that UTS was beautiful, but that Robert's voice was pretty far gone by the time that they got to BRDB, so she wasn't sure what to think. I've seen video of KAB from that show, which was the last one of the night, and Robert's voice was so bad that it sounded like he was being strangled. That couldn't have been pleasant for him.

    Oh, and monkeybutt, yes, I've had Cure dreams before, at least one of which I turned into a poem titled Dreaming of the Two-Chord Cool Mint Car in Club America, which I'll be more than happy to post, if anyone is interested.

  46. Shawn - I'd love to read your poem

  47. Hello.

    I wonder if anyone could e-mail me an audio version of UTS? I have been trying to listen to this song via the numerous links that have been posted here but somehow it never works...
    Also the new "access denied" policy has just been implemented in my company so all those links seem to be dead to me now, anyway. Somehow the COF blog seems to be an exception in this "denial policy", but maybe it won´t last.

    Actually, I was goig to post this originally at, but, alas, I can´t access to it anymore :(

    One more thing: I posted a comment about Lydia Lunch on the "Mystery at the Gorge - Solved" thread. Curious if anyone knows about her Cure connection...


  48. Shawn - Thanks for the response. I was under the impression that there wasn't a recording of the Kansas City show either. However, I'm confused because Craig mentions that the lyrics of the KC and Denver shows are a bit different, suggesting that there's a recording out there somewhere. ??

    And I'd also be interesting in reading your poem.

    For the record - I don't think I've had a Cure-related dream, or at least not in a very long time.

  49. It's gone a bit quiet here now, so I am going to go to bed.

    See you San Jose tomorrow (Oz time)

  50. Yes, 2013 is gonna be a GREAT year! We'll get UTS, APB, ABINK, SWID, BRDB...

    ... as b-sides!

    WOO HOO!!

    Lunch beckons.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I think Robert Smith got me sick... maybe we touched the same door knob or something at the concert haha

  53. what? no rhyming "old" with "cold? ;)
    i can't wait for this album!

    monkeybutt, i do have cure dreams. but they are all secret. shhh....

  54. I thought I heard "clutching shadows"???

    Sign me up for the UTS cult society. If someone wants to create membership cards, I'll proudly carry one! ;-)

    I'm utterly besotted, and I don't give a shit. In the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty tame obsession, yes? :-)

    I may not get to hear it live this year, but when I get my greedy hands on the CD, there will be an aural feast of epic proportions!

    Btw, my sincerest thanks to Craig and everyone else who contributed to the transcription.

  55. oh, but you WILL hear it live. WITH ME! :-D

  56. Shawn and Pills - Yes, there ARE recordings from Kansas City. At least 3 that I'm aware of. But they are caught up in the whole "trader scene" nonsense and are not being released. There are also a few recordings from the Gorge show, and at least one of those will be made public some time soon.

  57. Oh, 'those' people. ;)

    Thanks for the info Craig. Looking forward to the Gorge tracks at least.

  58. Silly peeps. There are two things I would never do regarding Cure concerts, or any gigs for that matter: 1) Be stingy with recordings (I never record, but if I did, I would SHARE SHARE SHARE) and 2) Sell a ticket I couldn't use at an inflated price.

  59. Oh, the traders. There's great disdain for them among most Dresden Dolls fans, as the Dolls encourage photography, audio AND video recording, performance art, handing out candy, etc. There are some Dolls fans that record shows with professional equipment, with most of them being more than happy to release the shows to the masses.

    Oh, and to make this Cure related, both Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione are Cure fans. On Amanda's biography page on their official site, there's a photo of Amanda as a teenager buying a cd copy of Three Imaginary Boys, and on Brian's page, there's a blurb about he and the members of one of his previous bands covering the Pornography album in its' entirety. Oh, and on the last incarnation of their official board, Amanda posted a thread asking people if they'd attended any Curiosa shows, since she and Brian couldn't due to them being on tour. Speaking of which, I wonder if she's caught them on this tour.

  60. Oh, and now for that poem...

    Dreaming Of The Two-Chord Cool Mint Car In Club America

    I'm holding a ticket
    to a pink dream
    Show me that trick
    and make me scream

    Everyone is so quiet
    must be the magic that's in the air
    I'm hypnotized
    all I can do is stare

    I want a picture
    of the man with the sad voice
    I'm under his spell
    so I have no choice

    I reach for my camera
    and realize that I left it behind
    What was I thinking?
    am I out of my mind?

    I hurry past imaginary boys
    and a birdmad girl
    To get a new one
    in this empty world

    I return too late
    now they won't let me through
    The show is ending
    and there's nothing I can do

    The magic man has left
    and my dreams have gone too
    Please come back soon
    I still want to go to the moon

    6/4/98 very early morning

  61. "I want a picture
    of the man with the sad voice
    I'm under his spell
    so I have no choice"

    shawn - I hear ya!

  62. I've written at least three, and perhaps four, Cure poems, with one of them referring to Robert as the "Bard of Blue". Hey, maybe Craig should start up a Cure poem/story (NOT slash, as there are enough of those) section.

  63. Shawn - I don't think it would be something that I would ever contribute to, but I would love to read everyone else's thoughts and creations.

  64. Uyea Sound....Finally given the recognition it deserves...Underneath The Stars...pure Genius!

  65. DRACULAKITE: I'm glad someone else picked up on the fact that UTS sounds remarkably similar to Uyea Sound from Lost Wishes. I'm certainly not complaining--BOTH are gems! I'd say it's a REALLY great sign that so many people simply cannot get UTS out of their heads.
    In all honesty, the last time a Cure song had this kind of immediate effect on me was when I first listened to The Same Deep Water As You as a junior in high school in 1989. Aaargh--just dated myself!

  66. how about tonight? sun will be up when the show will start? it means if UTS will be playing?

  67. Update: I managed to follow one of the links and amazingly it worked...
    It also seems that this "access_denied" policy is sort of coming-and-going, maybe they are just doing experiments and the whole thing isn´t definitive yet. Hell, it has happened before...

    Anyway, I´m happy to say that I finally listened to UTS (corrected version) but quite not-so-happy to say that I´m quite underwhelmed, really. I thought it would be something better... I couldn´t get the MAGIC. It´s true, however, that i heard it in my computer, no headphones, and I couldn´t crank up the sound much... That means I couldn´t really hear the bassline and that's a real problem, because the bass is usually essencial in the whole Cure sound.

    So, for the time being, I´m keeping my scepticism. I sincerely wish that The Cure finally manage to issue an album (or 2?) that clearly deserves to be called "their best since Desintegration", but I´m not betting on it...

    Back to real life, now.

  68. I'm hoping for an album that merits the acclaim, "The best since Bloodflowers." :-)

  69. Clockwise:

    Well, "The Cure" was just that, wasn´t it ;)

  70. Nah. I like The Cure, but not as much as Bloodflowers. BF is more cohesive and has slightly better production. Not great, but better. And the songs are gorgeous. TC has its gems, to be sure, but as cohesive product, BF wins out. Modern masterpiece, that. :-)

  71. revolt: IMO, the corrected version of UTS is not the best. I prefer the uncorrected versions. No offense to Jason at all. I just thought the corrected version didn't offer a superior sound quality - it was clean, sure, but didn't capture the textures as much, IMO. Listen to some of the other versions.

  72. Clockwise, it was sort of a joke... I mean, "The Cure" is the best album since "Bloodflowers" because... it couldn´t be any other way, could it? They didn´t release anything in-between and the new one is´t out yet! :D

  73. Of course I agree BF is more cohesive than TC. But it also shows a tired band, IMO. Whereas TC, if only for brief moments, displays a sense of excitement that The Cure haven´t showed in ages.

    Recalling everything now, my first TC listening experience was quite confusing. I had been checking COF before and had read all of the mixed fans comments posted there, so I had already figured that it was not the BIG COMEBACK everyone expected. But listening to that 'Lost'/'Labyrinth' sequence, for a few moments I felt an excitement unlike anything else since 1989 and I thought "They finally made it". Listening to the rest of the album was CRUEL...

  74. well, yes it could be any other way, because the cure is not as good as bloodflowers. i was responding to your comment about the upcoming album being as good as disint. for me, bloodflowers is BETTER than disint.

    go ahead, mock me for that comment! i can take it! i've already endured years of mockery for preferring bf to disint.


  75. Clockwise - BF is my favourite too. I love all of the sings from Disint (although Fasc St is not a fave), but there is something about the place and time that makes Bloodflowers perfect for me. I don't know if it is the layers of sounds or the worlds - but for me, it is just..... right.

  76. "for me, bloodflowers is BETTER than disint."



  77. Clockwise / altr:

    Pick any 3 Cure fans at random. Put them in a room for them to discuss their preferences over Cure albums.
    Soon enough they will emerge from the room with 4 different opinions...


  78. revolt - LOL - that is funny 'cos it's true

  79. Elise: Disint has some gorgeous songs, but for me it's overlong and not as cohesive as it could be. It's a solid album, no doubt about it, but BF is more cohesive, at only 8 tracks. I have even grown to like 39 okay. BF is dreamy and the songs are luscious. It's really absurd that for the last two tours Robert has only played 1-2 tunez from BF. He told me in San Fran that he played a a lot of BF on the Dream Tour and that was why he was withholding it from Curiosa, but that's a bullshit excuse, because he plays 13 zillion songs from Disint at ever fucking show. He's not playing BF cuz it's not as popular as Disint. WTFever. If people can't recognize genius when they hear it that's their problem.



  81. This is what I'm hearing in the second verse.

    Spinning round and round with you
    Watching shadows melt the light?
    Silence from our eyes, a tear
    Another space is ours alone tonight
    Watching shadows melt

  82. Oops, I meant 9.

    I also thought All Cats was on 17 Seconds.

    So sue me! I'm a bit lazy when it comes to the Cure, but I mean well, I swear I do!

  83. I am just now listening to Lost Wishes for the first time in years - like, 4 years.

    UTS is indeed a rewrite of Uyea. It had been so long since I had heard it I needed to hear it again in order to grasp all these comparisons.

    Anyway, cool.

    Now listening to Cloudberry. I do like Lost Wishes. :-)

  84. "I also thought All Cats was on 17 Seconds."



  85. Wild Mood Flowers and Bloodswings are my favorite Cure albums! Followed by Faith Me Faith Me Faith Me!

  86. Would someone e-mail Uyea Sound to me, or, better yet, post it online? I have it on a cd-r, but I really don't have the motivation to dig through my cd collection at the moment.

  87. Been following this site for years, but this is my first contribution.

    Could the lyrics be:
    For 13 million years the view
    Is beautiful and ours alone tonight

    also later on...
    A voice inside my head, a kiss
    It's infinite, and ours alone tonight
    Watching shadows melt(move)

    For 13 billion year the view
    is infinite...

    Everything Gone
    ??????????????(One still to fall)?
    Gather us now?
    Forever as one?

    Makes more sense to me at least. Either way flat out best song since bloodflowers. I hope this won't be one of the singles, which would ruin its potential as a cure cult classic.

  88. "Wild Mood Flowers and Bloodswings are my favorite Cure albums! Followed by Faith Me Faith Me Faith Me!"

    So, you´re not a fan of 'Seventeen Imaginary Doors' or 'Topography', then?

  89. I think I figured it out.

    First part sounds perfect.

    The next group sounds more like this:

    Spinning round the world with you
    Watching shadows melt the light
    Shining through our eyes, a tear
    Another space is ours alone tonight
    Watching shadows melt

    The part where you have, "???? still to ????" = "I want you to come". Here it is:

    Everything Gone
    I want you to come
    Together as now
    Forever as one
    In each other's arms
    So near and so far
    Together as now
    Underneath the stars

    I am pretty confident that's it and it makes sense too!

    I used a great video from the Dallas concert at this url: Underneath the Stars in Dallas

  90. Wow, nice job.

    Mmm, I hadn't read those words for a few weeks sensual and dreamy... :)

    Thanks for sharing. :)

  91. I'm really glad you put up these lyrics, I've been struggling a bit myself.

  92. Ah, I can't wait for the album.

    Thank you so much for the lyrics.

    This song is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

  93. this is one of the best songs that they have written in a long long time. this one is right up there with "Plainsong" and "Breathe" as my all time favorite Cure songs. amazing
