
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Friday I'm In Love in new movie trailer

A good bit of Friday I'm In Love is used in the trailer for the new film He's Just Not That Into You (use this link if the other is blocked to you).
(Thanks Matt and Eric)


  1. awesome. robert can get some real nice gardening tools with the residuals!

  2. LOL

    I don't even know what this movie is about.

  3. synopsis: "a group of 20- & 30- somethings deal with the wackiness of dating in the modern world, while one of them slowly goes mad and builds a tower in his backyard to summon beings from space that will annihilate mankind."

  4. Damn, I'd actually go see THAT movie. It's like every rom-com of the last 10 years, mixed with Close Encounters, mixed with Mars Attacks. : )

  5. I heard Boys Don't Cry during the opening credits of a movie on tv last night. It was called Starter for 10.

  6. A concession to the record company to enable the Dark Christmas Album?

  7. ok, i'm officially copyrighting that idea by way of this post. if anybody comes up with a script like that, i'll sue you for royalties... ;)

  8. Even though it's not nearly as good live, I so love that song! Might even see this movie.

  9. 'joefrog91..There are about 4/5 cure tracks on that UK movie..It's quite good, and if interested, check this article i sent to POY last year.

  10. About Starter for 10, I heard in an interview with James McAvoy that they only needed one song by The Cure, but when Robert Smith saw it and loved it he said they could use as many as they like.

  11. I'll have to watch it when it comes on again. It seems to be on almost everyday.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. joefrog - Starter for 10 is a great movie, the Cure songs are just an added bonus..... and there are songs that you just don't expect ; )

  14. You know? I've never heard of this Starter for 10. I think I'll rent it tonight!

  15. I'm amazed nobody ever made a movie out of "Charlotte Sometimes". You know that song was based on a book. Its actually a really good book with a great premise: A girl in boarding school keeps travelling back in time and trades places with a girl who slept in the same bed 40 years earlier.

    If you read the book, you'll really understand what the song and the video are about.

    I always thought that would be a good movie.

  16. I absolutely adored Starter for 10! Funny and charming, good movie for the cure to have music included in.

  17. Starter For 10 sounds really familiar, but I don't think I've actually seen it... Yet! I'm gonna give He's Just Not That Into You a miss though; it strikes me as being near identical to every other chick-flit I've seen...

  18. well, if we talk about movies with The Cure's songs, i'd suggest "Career Girls" to everyone who hasn't watched it yet. The Cure's music suits perfectly! ..and Mike Leigh is a great director (watch also his masterpiece "Naked"!).

  19. "Career girls" is a great is "Starter for 10"...quintessentially English...

  20. so much better than hearing the Cure clips in Scott Baio is 45 and single-lol.
