
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Steven Severin interview

Left Lion has an interview with Steven Severin, and there were a couple of Cure/Glove questions asked:

There were once rumours that you were asked to join The Cure; is this true? Is this something you would contemplate if you were asked now or are you happier when doing your own thing?
There is no truth in the rumour, at all. Robert would never ask. Why would Simon leave?

Would you ever work with Robert Smith again? Maybe a second The Glove album?
We've talked about it and Robert says "It's just a matter of time". Making space for it means effectively shutting down the Cure for 6 to 9 months. That's a huge machine with many people depending on it for their livelihoods so timing is key. One day, I hope. (Thanks Paul K)

Update: Slicing Up Eyeballs and CoS picked up the story.


  1. Now that's a collaberation worth talking about instead of this Crystal Castles nonsense

  2. "It's just a matter of time"
    i like the sounds of that!

  3. 'Shutting down the Cure for 6 to 9 months'

    We can't have that, The Cure has been so active this year too *rolls eyes*.

  4. Love Blue Sunshine (Mouth to Mouth is sensational song) - Also couldn't Severin play keyboards & not bass...?

  5. Well, OBVIOUSLY he is not following The Cure. It's been shut down for about two years now (I don't count the remasters).

  6. Guys does anyone remembers the name of a movie from 2009 or 2008 about some teenagers in england in the post punk era (1979) and the soundtrack features music by the cure and joy division? it's driving me crazy...

  7. AwayDays. It featured a nice version of 10:15 as well as a couple of Joy Division tracks & was about football hooligans

  8. thank you very much! i'm telling my girlfriend the cure community it's the best!
