
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ross still making things difficult

Our old "friend" Ross Robinson, producer of 'The Cure', is still up to his old tricks. This time, even Korn are finding him tough to work with. (Thanks JC)

For those of you not around in 2004, Simon (and a few others in the band) felt the same way about Ross: "'He'd come in and he'd start throwing things around,'' Gallup recalls with annoyance. ''He didn't like us when we played note perfect. He wanted more passion, so he'd actually come up, and if I was trying to play note perfect he'd slam his hands across the bass. More than once he nearly got the bass sideways in his mouth. You couldn't leave the studio and turn that tension off. It was a very traumatic time for some of us, and not one I'd like to repeat.''

That's why we love Simon. : )


  1. when i was working for this music company i was trying to book time for a band at abbey road, and the girl i was talking to on their end somehow mentioned ross robinson. i said something like 'yeah, he sure butchered that cure record' and laughed. she didn't say much, but i found out later she was his girlfriend. i almost lost my job, but thankfully didn't.

  2. Ouch! Glad you didn't lose your job over that. : )

  3. ross robinson can suck an egg! make things difficult for korn all you want, but touch the cure and again and it's curtains for you, see?

  4. I tweeted Ross the other week about any news with the cure, and he said he emailed Robert... Probably lies.

  5. Korn should be used to him by now. Didn't he produce their first 2 albums? Maybe he is getting worse.

    Bring back Dave Allen!

  6. @AndrewV127

    i think the main guy complaining about ross in the video was a new member of the band. some of the other members seemed more excited to work with him again.

  7. @aaron

    don't remind ross about the cure. he'll end up talking robert into letting him produce the next cure album.

  8. Here's my Ross story .. My friend used to blame me breaking up the Cure (2004), which, to this day, still makes me chuckle but may hold some truth (lol!) . That year, I had won a chance to interview Robert Smith on live radio in San Francisco during the Curiosa tour .. I had heard and read about the tension between 'some' members and Ross so I decided to ask R.S. about it .. I was first up and went right at it asking him " I've heard that certain members (I was speaking of Roger more than the others) do not agree with Ross's recording methods and are not happy yet you have stated that you are extremely happy with him and think he is the best thing to happen for the cure in a long time .. so, the question is that when it comes to the next album and push comes to shove, who do you chose? Do you go with Ross or do you listen to the other members?" .. It was obvious that this immediately hit a nerve with Robert as he quickly changed his tone from quiet and sweet to firm and direct .. Long story short , he gave a lengthy, somewhat angry, explanation about his opinion on Ross and the other band members' opinions.. To summarize, R.S. said something along the lines of " The Cure is my band, I make the decisions not anyone else .. I like Ross's style and he will be back so if it comes down to choosing between Ross and someone else in the band, I will chose Ross" and if someone doesn't like the way things are in my band they can leave!" .. We all know that certain members soon "left" the band not much longer after that interview/tour, hence my friends saying I started the breakup ball rolling! .. True story! My friend, who went with me to the interview, later toured with Roger and Erin and said that Ross was the "major reason" for the shake up in the bands lineup.. BTW, I thought that I was going to be attacked by the rest of the fans there for asking that question since they thought I was attacking R.S. and being aggressive and disrespectful towards him .. I thought it was a good question! .. still do! :)

  9. @rjohn

    i remember that! it was a good guestion and i remember being very sad by roberts answer but then again i think his response was not honest. he was just angry about the guestion. i think he was expecting people to ask his favourite colour etc.

  10. tchad blake and mitchell froom. they'd turn REALLY weird then.

  11. Andrew - because Robert cannot be trusted in production anymore. His ears are shot. Just listen to Entreat Plus and 4:13 Dream. I also think, in order for this band to make another great album, they need an independent opinion, and someone who wont be afraid to tell Robert when something sounds shit (without doing it in a contrived agressive way like Robinson)

  12. Question - Does R.S still listen to a tap ov songs when recording an album? - if so,( and here is the reason WHY I should produce the next CURE album ) i would make R.S (& the band) listen to Echomen's 'Thru to u" & Solar Stone's 'Solarcoaster' - both on Vinyl & instead ov playing them on 45rpm, switch them 33rpm. Guess what happens to the Keyboards? - They become Melodic Moody Basslines and the songs sound better then ever. Check it out for yourself people ! THIS IS A SOUND THE CURE SHOULD TRY.

    p.s - any idea who's involved in Mixed Up 2 ??.

  13. Say what you will about the Cure's "The Cure" album, but I think it's their best album since "Wish". Not the American watered down 12 song CD, but the Vinyl version. That is such a great, complete album. It flows so well, and it's not way over produced and over-dubbed with the bells & whistle's say 4:13 Dream is.

  14. Eh, the vinyl version of "The Cure" would be pretty good, except for the awful 3rd side.

  15. Bring back Dave Allen! What happened between Robert and Dave?
