
Monday, July 12, 2010

New Friday shirt

Urban Outfitters have a new Friday I'm In Love shirt.
(Thanks Aaron)


  1. £32? Official T's are less than that. Not a particularly great design either.

  2. @AndrewV127, definitely agreed... I could probably hand-make a better one for $5 x]

  3. @AndrewV127 and @notdeadyet -

    I agree!

  4. That's a pretty fugly shirt - perhaps suitable as pajamas or house clothes. I always thought Urban's styles were a tad frumpy, despite their name. A better design might be a form-fitting, cropped shirt (in black) w/ metallic lettering. They deserve credit for trying to give the band some exposure though.
    Speaking of which, I just happened to be listening to local L.A.-based radio station 98.7 a few hours ago when all of a sudden Friday I'm in Love started playing. I wasn't surprised by the song selection; however, I was a bit taken aback when at the end of the song the DJ announced "This song is for AndytheCurefan" or something to that effect. Looks like Andy's grassroots approach to getting The Cure more airplay is starting to work, at least on 98.7. I've been noticing recently that a lot more Cure songs have been playing on the radio, most notably on 104.3 MYfm, 93.1 Jack FM, and 98.7. It's usually the same four songs (Friday, Lovesong, Just Like Heaven, and on some rare occasions Pictures of You), but it's better than nothing. In the past I've tried sending email requests to 106.7 KROQ to have more Cure songs played but to no avail. Mainstream song or not, my ears still perk up whenever I hear The Cure on the radio.

  5. Hideous shirt, hideously overpriced

  6. Andrew and Kate: Steven Moffat is now on Twitter.

    Just thought you might want to know. : )

  7. Ooooh, thanks, Craig! I am now following. :)

  8. Yes, it surely is a hideous shirt.

  9. Cheers Craig. Love the Moffat.

    I don't know what the current consensus is on the latest series of Who - but personally I loved it. Thought it was the strongest yet :)

  10. *covering ears* I haven't seen the end of this series/season yet. :)

    But, I adobe Matt Smith and Karen Gillan.
