
Monday, July 12, 2010

Andy Anderson & Gary Biddles interviews

Cure Colours have posted interviews with Andy Anderson and Gary Biddles. (Thanks Scottm)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Another interview with Andy Anderson?? We desperately need news from our boys or Cure forums will be repeating ideas and subjects.
    Anyways the one at Pink Dream is more interesting in it's content.

  3. We need an interview with Boris Williams!

  4. OMG, this forum gets the award as the worst, ugliest and most boring Cure forum of all times. Was that done by five years old kids?

  5. Very lovely interviews, thanks!

  6. skarsgaard, you ignorant...
    (sorry if you're not old enough to get that joke) This is THE best Cure fan site out there. Stick around and find out for yourself. When something Cure happens, and it's meant to get out, it gets out here. Other sites may have fancy Flash, but Craig has what we want - REAL NEWS AND INFO (and tidbits too). You want a concert setlist AS IT HAPPENS, you come here; you want breaking news before it's on, you come here. No offense to other Cure sites (including, but you got it all wrong skarsgaard.

  7. it sounded to me like he was referring to the site with the interview... not COF... FWIW...
    the other site is "simple"

  8. That was a misunderstanding, of course I did NOT talk about COF (which isn't even a forum but a great blog). Sorry if someone got that wrong, but I was indeed referring to the site that provides the interviews. Besides the respect for any Cure site ;-).

    And for your information: the first sites where you could find live setlists "as they happen " were and, not COF. But Marc70, maybe YOU are too young to remember ;-)?

    About anything else regarding COF I totally agree!

  9. skarsgaard, all apologies for my misunderstanding. I apparently didn’t have enough coffee and got defensive about potential bashing of COF. It’s not being too young (I wish) to know about the other sites, ironically, I am the ignorant… ; )

  10. Thanks for posting the interview. Too bad that Andy Anderson's a bit vague in his responses, though.

  11. Hi skarsgaard, sorry you didn't like the site, but comments like that are a little hurtful, don't you think? What have you created that we can tear apart?
