
Friday, June 18, 2010

Another Porl guitar for sale soon

A couple of the guitars mentioned in the original post are still available, and now another should be coming soon: "Just picked up one of the Corsair Sunbursts - v nice guitar. Great guys in the shop - one of them gave me the heads up that they'll shortly be getting one of Porl's vintage Fenders through their doors. Also hinted that it will be pricey..." (Thanks mr. Pinkeyes)


  1. if it ends up being a cherry red ES-335 with a fender neck, then i have a kidney for sale. :)

  2. @Zap - is that the one he plays in the Show video? I think he might have a green hollow body with a Fender neck, as well. Either way, I'll match your kidney and throw in a foot... I don't need feet to play guitar! ;)

  3. i think it features on the JLH or catch video... don't remember for sure....
    you go on and throw your foot away! the guitar is mine!:P

  4. oh my gawd.. he couldnt wait a couple years for me to save up?? :(

    he plays the cherry guitar on Catch, and it's on show too. I CANT BELIEVE HE'S LETTING IT GO - I NEED IT!!! *wailing*

    im selling my kidney, AND part of my liver. beat THAT you two

  5. I'm not sure what this 335 is with a Fender neck you guys are talking about...does anyone have a pic? I've never seen it before (and I used to be fairly obsessive), although I do faintly recall possibly reading something about it. I know Porl used to use a Gibson with a Fender-shaped headstock back in the early '90s (Never Enough video, in particular), but that was a big honkin' thing like an ES-175...all black with 3 P-90's, and the headstock was angled like a standard Gibson. I would imagine that was a custom job. The 335 in the Catch video looks "stock" to me (but what is Robert playing? Some of the details look unique) and as far as I can recall the only one he plays in the Show video is the vintage 345. There is a red Epiphone 335-style guitar in Cure history which somewhat fits the description, as it appears to have a bolt-on neck. Porl can be seen playing this guitar on In Orange (Kyoto Song and Boys Don't Cry, at least) and Robert played it on a live version of Hot Hot Hot!!! in 1987.

    The only vintage Fenders I can think of off-hand that he has used are the white tele that showed up around 1985 (which I'm assuming is vintage) and the beat up sunburst strat from "Doing the Unstuck" on Show. But I am sure Porl has many, many guitars that haven't been used in The Cure.


  6. Shot of The Cure's road guitars from 1992:

    Custom Gibson with Fender headstock far left, 345 nearby, white tele visible just right of center, strat from "Show" video noticeably absent.

  7. @dj he's not letting it go... it was a big "if" dream :)

    and i double checked the catch video, and it's stock... a black es-335 in the JLH video... i know i've seen the elusive beast... just cant seem to find/remember where

  8. Actually, it's not a 335 in the JLH video, either. It's got a single "florentine" (i.e. sharp) cutaway (as opposed to the 335's dual "venetian" cutaways), and the pickups look different, also. I've wondered about this for years. I think maybe it's a Guild, but I can't tell for sure because I can't get a good shot of it and don't know too much about them.

    I'm just sayin'. :)

  9. The guitar you guys are talking about is a late 40's Gibson 175 with a fender / bigsby headstock. It has been modified. I now own that guitar and if you are interested, you can see it at


  10. that's a nice guitar and a nice score on your part... but there is a modified es335 with a fender strat neck somewhere... i know i read it, and i'm pretty sure i've seen it... but i'm having no luck producing proof of either!

  11. I have never seen that modified 335. I am pretty current on their instruments but simply do not know of that one... I will ask about it.

  12. @Joe Howard: COOOOL!!! Do you know anything about the history of that guitar? I've been reading up on Bigsby guitars a bit tonight. It sounds like a neck replacement was one of the regular services that P.A. Bigsby offered, so I am assuming that was the deal with this ES-175 and probably would have happened in the '40s or '50s. I'm also assuming it wasn't originally black. Pretty interesting (and beautiful) guitar, outside of the cure connection. did you get it? :)

  13. I too would give a sizeable chunk of my body mass to get my hands (presuming I still had them) on one of Porl's guitars. Does anyone else wonder (and worry) why he's getting rid of them, though?

  14. Hi Joe, I saw in another post that you reckon the sunburst Schecters were played in a Paris July show a few years ago. Was that Live 8 or another show?

  15. Kidding people ... kidding ...

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