
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cure split with Universal

While there still hasn't been any official word from TMU or The Cure about the split rumor, it does look like "the ties have in fact been apparently cut" and The Cure are no longer on Universal's active roster. (Thanks Friend of CoF)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yay. now, robert, self releases on the internet. do it!

  3. :-(
    what´s up with the upcoming
    DELUXE EDITIONS of disintegration,wish etc.????
    the rest is just a dream...

    now they can find a label who actually appreciates them and their music.

  5. :D if the real deal.

    Just out of cure-iosity (rather low, yes ;) where can one see the active roster? I looked on UMG's site and still found them there, but perhaps the haven't got around to updating it (or

  6. The active roster would be an internal list at the company. Not sure if they would actually be removed from the Uni websites, as they were artists there and have released albums for them. Not exactly sure how all of that works.

  7. Very good news! I just hope it doesn't mean the death of the dark album, just a slight delay.
    After all being Cure fans, we are used to delays!!
    As for the remasters, does anybody know if Rhino's with TMU?
    If not, it shouldn't change the plans for the re-release.

  8. No, Rhino isn't owned by Universal, so that would not be affected. At least not in the US.

  9. yeah that's good, the question is who will sign them now? i really hope this does not affect the deluxe edition reissues scheduled for this year. I've been waiting for the Disintegration and Wish deluxe editions for 3 years!

  10. The official site doesn't work.
    It required an User and a Password...

    Maybe an update?

  11. still asking for username and password. let's all try to guess!

  12. Now asking for login info again.

  13. This is not great news. While an act as large as the Cure should find themselves with their feet on the ground SOMEWHERE, it's certainly slim pickings out there. The industry has changed, and I don't think the Cure are in a place to start releasing stuff non-traditionally through online outlets. At lest, I hope not!

    I wouldn't be surprised to see them sign a distribution deal. Perhaps with the newly resurrected Elektra?

  14. so for username, let's try or

  15. alright, interstellarlettuce is not the password.

  16. haha you listened to the interview too :P

  17. This is indeed strange, no official news and i checked universal and interscope still have them online.

  18. @Aaron,
    I don't remember where I heard it, but probably. If you remember which it was, can you tell me?

  19. it was one of the 2004 ones i think..

  20. @Aaron,
    that sounds about right since that was a prominent year in getting me hooked on The Cure. which one though...

    in the interview he pretty much said how if you could type in 2 words in Google and have no results that you would win a contest and he said that he typed "interstellar lettuce" and nothing turned up.

  21. go through on cof, i think its a summer one in usa

  22. pretty bizarre.. most likely because universal/geffen were the ones that ran the site and now they are disabling it because of the split.

  23. I hope no one from Geffen goes with the band. :-)

  24. Best of luck to The Cure. I hate the way Universal exploits U2 fans.

  25. I almost don't want them to go to Elektra though, because Elektra is now owned by Warner Media Group (blood-sucking music company). If the Cure goes to them, then all future stuff will be off limits for covers on youtube and such, and it will sorely limit any possible fair use of their work.

  26. I won't shed any tears about this split. TMU was really rather rotten towards The Cure.

    However, Craig, I happened to score tickets for tonight's final game of the College World Series. Was delighted to see your Tigers spank the Longhorns!!

  27. Site's down for me too, asking for a password. Looks like when they did the new site, someone turned off the archive too*/

  28. Hmm I just tried going to the archives by searching it manually on that and it worked for me (after showing that login popup which I just pressed cancel) I wonder why it isn't working for you?

    Oh, by the way Rev. I never got a chance to thank you for sending that thank you card with the fabric from the book! That was a really nice idea, and my mom thought it was cool too ;)

  29. yeah, I can get into the site as well.


  31. this is bad...for anyone like myself waiting for the "dark-dream" album. usually, the label owns the rights to the studio recordings (assuming they fronted the bill), hence the band cannot release this on the net or whatever without huge litigation. and I don't see RS rushing out to re-record these songs for another release, and if so, would it be April 2011???

  32. I think if they have left universal, the label will want to make some dough out of it, and they will likely be aware of the desire for this release and make it happen....besides we know nothing about their contract, perhaps R and Co have agreed to it being their final release for the label......maybe even their final! release for good.

  33. It's interesting news for sure but I want to hear an official announcement before I start speculating on the future.

  34. All I can say is Whoa... *crossing fingers*

  35. with their sales records of newer releases would be suprised if any label would be interested.

  36. Figurehead said: "I almost don't want them to go to Elektra though, because Elektra is now owned by Warner Media Group"

    Elektra's been owned by WMG forever, since WEA was founded in 1971. WMG is merely the new name for the music division that once was WEA, then part of TimeWarner, then AOL/TimeWarner, etc.
    All if the old records are on Elektra except The Top. I worked there for years (and gave Craig quite a few Cure freebees) - Brian

  37. Hey Brian! Yes you did, thank you again! : )

  38. We would all welcome a split from TMU for all the very many well documented reasons (why). We should all aslo remember that RS is a savvy business man as well. I believe that he does care about the fans and would not do anything to jeopodise the release of material he is clearly proud to have made. Let's not get too excited about a split or disheartened about delays until we hear something official (or unofficial from RSX himself). Keep an eye on those other channels such as Myspace for some clues because is currently a TMU website!!!

    Craig - do you reckon you could get a COF exclusive!?
