
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Scarlett covers Boys Don't Cry

Scarlett Johansson - Boys Don't Cry (iTunes exclusive).
Or listen to it here.
Pitchfork and Stereogum have articles about it.
(Thanks James and Jacob)


  1. For a while, I thought you were talking about Sofia Copolla. I guess you were referring to yourself. :) I don't know much about Tom Waits at all, but I don't like what I've heard. I wouldn't buy her stuff or want to listen to it. Never been attracted to her either.

  2. I try not to be too critical of anyone that tries to be creative, but this would have to be the worst version I have ever heard!!!

  3. I would bang her but I would not listen to her sing.


    please stop her someone. whats next? kate bush? prince? or the prince song he wrote for kate bush?!

  5. This is so weird, maybe the end of the world is coming...

    But i need to listening it ( only once of course !!! ) to see if this is the worst BDC cover ever made, because i have one audio and video by a Mexican pop band called Belanova and they have the awful cover in history.

    ( If Craig gives me green light, tomorrow i´ll share it with you )

    Until then....I lay me down to dream


  6. It's amazing to me that the elitist trend suckers at pitchfork obsess over a cover of a Cure song by a crappy artist that has already made millions from acting, but THEY WON'T ACTUALLY COVER NEW CURE MATERIAL OR SHOW CLIPS OF NEW SONGS, DESPITE MY FRACKING EMAILS. Gods' dammit.

  7. already found it, madbob

    graaaaaggghhhhh! NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!

  8. Sofia, I left you an email, you need to go here NOW!

  9. Sofia - I think you mean "Why Should I Love You?" by Kate Bush

    And you right - someone needs to stop Scarlett Johannsen before she destroys any other good songs.... seriously, I do NOT want to hear her version of Hand in Glove

  10. elise, that's the one! then she can crap on another two of my favorite artists in one fell swoop...just get it over with >:c


  11. Sofia - I LOVE Kate Bush - she has been my fave female artist for as long as I can remember.

  12. elise, ugh. she is PERFECTION. i know every last dance move to the wuthering heights video (either version)!

  13. Sofia - that is fantastic, can't wait to see 'your' moves when I come to NYC next year

  14. elise, you'd have to get me dead drunk. and i dont drink anymore! haha!
    but maybe ill do a swingy sort of "let me in-a-your window" move when we go karaoke! ;D

  15. Sofia - even drinking you wouldn't get me karaoking :)

  16. Now you guys are getting me really curious. Gonna listen to this when I get home. (I did hear her singing once...and I'll just say that I wasn't impressed.)

  17. Oh god not again! She apparently butchered Waits songs and now this?? Is she thinking to herself, "How can I caricature two of the best artists of all times? *I* know - I'll sing covers of their songs!"

    Scarlett, stick to acting, PLEASE!

  18. (to be fair I ain't heard the song yet, so I could be talking shit. I usually am anyway)

  19. Wow... Sofia on that link you provided I actually made it through 18 seconds.

  20. I dig the Watson Twins' "Just Like Heaven" but this "Boys" is just plain gross. :-(

  21. I'm scared. What does it sound like?

  22. elise! - Scarlett also has a song called "Song for Jo"...

  23. Laaaame. I like her in the movies. But she should leave the music to the pros.

  24. Somebody please stop the madness! I'm so sick of actors wanting to be singers & singers wanting to be actors! Scarlett is an OK actresses but she can’t sing. Enough of this shit already! What she does to both Tom’s & the Cure’s songs is just dead awful. This woman needs to be silenced!

  25. Wait, did you guys actually buy her song?

  26. Wow, a lot of people just leap at the opportunity to spew misogyny. o_O

  27. ben, in itunes you can click on the song to hear some of it.

  28. I just did that, man that was bad. She sounds like she's trying to be sultry and seductive but it comes out sounding drunk and lazy. I don't like covers ussually anyway.

    maree, we're not saying all woman can't sing, just Scarleett Johanson...

  29. Misogyny? No, it's just Anti-Scarlett sentiment.

    And I'm with Cure Kitty. I want that 10 seconds of my life back. A sneeze would have been better time spent.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Misogyny?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I know I’m not a part of that! There are plenty of fabulous female artists that I love!

    Allison Moyet, Kate Bush, Annie Lennox, Sade, Pasty Cline, Gwen Stefani, Tina Turner, Allison Krauss and many more!

    Scarlett Johansson is not one of them! She’s a decent actress so she should stick to making movies not music.

  32. LOL - I listened to Innocent When you Dream and Boys Don't Cry. All I can say is - WHAT EL FUCKO?

    Someone wrote: "Utterly unlistenable." ROFL! My sentiments exactly.

    Is this a joke? I pray it is but fear it is not.

  33. i'm not misogynistic, but i DO think chicks should stick to what they do best, like laundry and dishes.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. andy, i guess you don't know me very well around these boards. that, or irony just zips right over your head. either way, no worries.

  36. Monkeybutt:

    I wish all I ever had to do was laundry and dishes. My life would be so much less stressful. Really.


    And don't worry darling, I understand your sardonic wit. :)

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. monkeybutt---I love your funny play on words! Your comments always made me laugh! LOL!

    Washing dishes is a bit dull but I actually like doing the laundry, it's relaxing. However I do hate ironing. That's a chore no one should have to do.

  39. I take my clothes like my men, comfortable and wrinkly.

  40. To use the words of Comic Book guy on the Simpsons; "Worst Cover EVER!".

    I looked up all the comments, I failed to see misogyny:

    the hatred of women by men

    Maybe we need a new word, Scarlettsingogyny:
    the hatred of Scarlett Johansson's singing by everyone!


  41. lol, jerry. also, another use of the word is 'the ability of scarjo to completely destroy any song she attempts to touch.'

  42. and thanks for the words, anah and cure kitty. you're awesome.

    /award acceptance speech.

  43. her handlers or somebody around her is NOT telling her the truth. theyre keeping all the shitty reviews from her and telling her what she's doing is great and that she should keep doing it. its pathetic, really. and sad.

    that tom waits covers album is like a fart in the wind. she'll never be able to make another album again. thank christ.

  44. I was pissed when she got to fucking sing with Jesus and Mary Chain. Why the hell would they let her do that? I have always loved that band, and the thought of it all sickens me.

    That might sound harsh to some of you, but hey-it's how I feel.

  45. i agree, anah. but i also think the new "song" JAMC played last year, or whenever it was, was absolutely terrible. so maybe their minds have finally rotted through...

  46. Nothing is as good as it use to be. That's just life.

  47. ummm...I'M as good as i used to be.


  48. Well, if you're referring to that, I'm better than I use to be. And I was always very, very good!

  49. OMG.. one reviewer got it right... "music to slit your wrists by".
    Scarlett knows boobs, not music.

  50. she knows knee-high socks too.

  51. that was absolutely DREADFUL!!!!!

  52. LOL bells! you've got that right!

  53. I listened to her sing the whole song, and i kind of liked it. It grew on me towards the end - i liked the low notes she was hitting. The band sounded pretty good too.

  54. that was the worst thing i have ever heard!

  55. i will prefer a cover of the lead singer of Gossip.....

  56. The first line sounds like she has marbles in her mouth while trying to sing!
