
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Official lyrics for Sleep/Down Under

The official site has the lyrics for Sleep and Down Under.
Bunny beats Pony. : (
(Thanks Brad/explodingboy and Crystal/caterpillargirl2)


  1. My apologies to Cat and the other bunny lovers.
    : )

  2. I knew it was bunny all along

  3. Honestly, it's very difficult to tell if it's bunny or pony... I might make the same mistake :P At least the kitten's there, heehee.

    Got my single sure is efficient! :D And I'm sooooo in love with Down Under. My favorite b-side so far. (Probably my favorite song from all the three singles so far!)

  4. I'm sure it is actually Pony, but Robert is saying bunny just to piss Craig off :)

  5. Elise: I know he changed it on purpose. Watch what happens in a few days when we're not looking. He'll change it back to pony. : )

    And I'm only half-kidding. : )

  6. That's what I reckon too, Craig :)

  7. I won't be surprised if Robert did change it on purpose... :P

  8. Bunnies always beat ponies!

    I have a pet bunny and he's the best pet ever (and spoiled rotten!).

    That's pretty fucking awesome there's a Cure song now with the word bunny in it. I can die happy. :P

  9. LOL!

    Bullshit, elise, it's all MY fault! As I said in another thread, he almost always goes opposite of what I say, and I said 'pony' and that he might hold the lyrics back as long as possible. Yes, I'm THAT important! ;-)))

    Seriously, I'm really loving 'Down Under' as well. At last I've got the real words to ponder! Those are some seriously esoteric lyrics imo! YUM!!!!

    One more thing -- I'll wager that Craig was absolutely correct when he said that the Wizard had not transcribed the lyrics in final until recently. Actually, I'm wondering if he finished these two up only today. Whatev, they taste ever so good to this starving old soul!

  10. Down Under is all about sex. V and I are analyzing this right now. We'll get back to you later. ; )

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Yeah, yeah, you win. Congratulations.

  13. Craig, do a sense a tinge of disappointment? A wee bit of chagrin, perhaps?


    *hops around room*

  14. Um, yeah....Down Under is about sex. I've never heard another song that had "wet spot" in it.

  15. Forget "Wet Spot", how about this:


    Holy...!!! ; )

  16. I sent The Cure myspace page a message asking them to print the b-side lyrics in the singles. We should all do this. It's such a simple thing, but it's nice to have this stuff in hard copy and should cost much on Geffen's part. The company did it for "The End of the World" single, why not keep it up?

  17. Won't have the single for a few weeks. Anyone else find the super sticky glue Geffen uses to seal the CD. It keeps sticking to things!

  18. "Give it the bunny"

    Aha! Now it makes perfect sense!!

    I mean, "Give to the pony" ???? That's just awkward. :)

  19. Craig, when you isolate them like that, I see your point... but embedded within the rest of the lyrics I am hard-pressed to say this is explicitly or implicitly about sex...

    Maybe I'm just dense but I find these lyrics super cryptic...and very intriguing.

    Either way it seems to me that recently RSXXX is one big horn-dog.

  20. Whatever, Sleep is about the magical adventures of jesus and Down Under is about fucking...possibly in the water.
    If not, I'll eat a bunny and a pony.
    : )

  21. "Either way it seems to me that recently RSXXX is one big horn-dog."

    LOL! That is so true!

  22. I can see the new poll now:
    Down Under - Sex or Scuba Diving?

    Or both!!! : o

  23. Scuba sex! After all, the suits are rubber. :-)

    But are they monkey suits?

  24. clockwise cat, you have me strangely aroused (inches ever closer)

  25. I'm wearing my rubber monkey suit! Come on over Dumb Anguish and we can go Down Under together to meet Elise!

  26. Dumb Anguish, I peeked at your blog... I like your rant style... feel free to submit to my webzine. :-)

  27. elise: I would but I have laundry to do tomorrow.

  28. I voted for pony, but when I got the CD and was listening to it very, very loud, it did sound like bunny.

    But on another part I keep hearing:


    I may be wrong, though.

    I love Down could have been an A-side.


    But has to be played very, very, very LOUDLY to hear it.


    Oh, the madness never stops does it.

    XOXOXOX - to The Cure!

  30. with lyrics like YOU JUST BLEW MY CUE, I don't think there is any doubt what RSX is singing about :)

  31. I've enjoyed the singles so far. I can't wait for the album...

  32. Down Under does seem like it's about sex...I mean come on...Down Under. :)~

  33. MGG - I agree completely AND I think Cat is right, RSXXX does seem to be extremely toey lately

  34. Elise: What does toey mean? : )

  35. How to speak Australian 101

    Toey = Horny, Randy, Antsy

  36. Oh, ok. Thought it meant doing it with your toes.

    Might have to rename TimTam to Toey. : )

  37. I thought you didn't want to name TimTam something rude - to change his name to Toey would be completely against that philosphy.

  38. I was just kidding. I love TimTam and would never rename him.

  39. Craig, you've become a regular kidder these days ;)

  40. Yes elise, and I think he's especially sexxxy in the SWID video. That tongue, the stubble, the way he moves his hands...good god. I think he's doing it on purpose to drive me mad with desire.

  41. Always with the animal references, now we have moved on to goats - just kidding :)

  42. MGG - I think he is trying to drive us all mad with desire - and it's working

  43. Elise! I'm listening to "our song"!

  44. Elise: Yay, you remembered. :)

  45. I can't say what I'm listening to.
    : )

  46. v - how could I ever forget. Those were special days.

  47. v - I'm heading to the supermarket soon - any special requests?

  48. Elise: Hmm, some Tim Tams sound good... :)

  49. V: Tim Tams sound wonderful, don't they? ; )

  50. v - TimTams are a given for your care package, but is there anything else you would like to try? Do you prefer candy or chocolate?

  51. Craig - you rejected my offer for TimTams - v, don't let him have any :)

  52. Hahahahaha...yeah V, don't EVER let me have any, you hear me? ; )

  53. Elise: But I got the coolest TimTam ever!

  54. Elise: I have no other requests. I will take whatever you are kind enough to send me. :) Usually I prefer chocolate to candy.

  55. V: No lollipops or anything like that? : )

  56. Elise: Don't worry, I promise I won't let Craig have any Tim Tams! :)

  57. v - ok - I'll spend some time wandering the confectionery aisle and see what special treats I can send your way.

    Craig - yes, you have your own special TimTam

  58. Okay, lollipops are also good. :)

  59. Elise: Can you remind V about the special instructions for Tim Tams?

  60. Craig - i'm not sure that I want to get drawn into this game

  61. v - yes he is..... I think his protestations of innocence have completely failed

  62. Sorry Elise, didn't mean anything by it.

  63. I just meant for hot chocolate or coffee.

  64. It is always best with a Milo (hot chocolate) and the hint for young players is NOT to have the drink too hot as it burns when you finally suck it through.

    is that what you meant, Craig?

  65. Yes, but don't you have to break it in half or something like that?

  66. nibble the chocolate off of the ends to let the hot chocolate seep through.

    here is a youtube link:

  67. Elise: umm, ok. You put it that way, not me!

  68. ummmm.... i just gave the basic instructions, how you choose to interpret them is up to you :)

  69. Yeah, V, stop being so naughty. ; )

  70. Awww, okay. I'll be good now. o:)

  71. *Craig snatches V's halo, hides it*
    : )

  72. Uh oh, now what am I supposed to do?? >:)

  73. v - I'd lend you mine, but it hasn't been the same since I tripped on it all those years ago

  74. Craig now has two halos. Double Innocent!

  75. Or do they cancel each other out???

  76. The only song I really like from those released is "FreakShow", and apart from "the only one", the rest have been mediocre, at best... THank God RObert didn't release a double album...

  77. BSC and PHT need to be in full effect for The Perfect Boy. I expect no less and if they don't deliver, I will turn in my Cure Fan Card.

  78. okay i'm still jet lagged and up early and bored and procrastinating my tasks for the day.

    so far, my ratings:


    1. freakshow
    2. the only one (hated it, now i love it - wtf)
    3. sleep when i'm dead


    1. akos
    2. du
    3. nytrip


    1. du
    2. fs
    3. only one
    4. swid
    5. nytrip
    6. akos


    1. akos
    2. du
    3. fs
    4. only one
    5. swid
    6. nytrip

    try it - it's fun and low in calories

  79. whoa - that is some serious thinking for early in the morning.

    too much for me to consider, and besides So You Think You Can Dance is on :)

  80. elise, it was either that or ruminate on the vapidity of existence. i chose the former for mental health reasons.

  81. excellent choice, Cat :)

    I'm winding down for the day - I've managed to have a chat with most of my Cure Buddies today.... it just doesn't get better than this

  82. Yay for bunnies! But I'm not sure a chicken belongs in a Cure lyric. Or anyone's lyrics. Hmmmm. *ponderous* :-P

  83. Aww crap...I was sure it was pony, but only because of the riding aspect!

  84. And I always miss chatting with you Elise... Grr!

  85. out of the 6 released songs - I like NY trip best - it's got so many riffs and it's seamlessly tune-full

  86. You guys are all fucking crazy, you do know that, don't you? ;-)

    Also, you got it all wrong re: 'Down Under'. It was obviously inspired by 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'!

    :-D I'm so loving this song! <3 <3

  87. okay cat- here are my ratings...


    1. the only one
    2. freakshow
    3. sleep when i'm dead


    1. down under
    2. ny trip
    3. all kinds of stuff

    down under

  88. Ah, maybe 7bluestars.

    That was a freaky scene.

  89. Mind if I join?


    1. the only one
    2. freakshow
    3. sleep when i'm dead


    1. NY Trip
    2. Down Under
    3. All Kinds of Stuff

    The Only One

  90. I won't post mine until UTS comes out.


  91. Cat, you and me are on the same page yet again. We must go scuba diving.

    All Kinds of Stuff is definitely my favorite of the new stuff so far. If I had to pick a least favorite, I'd go with The Only One. I'm still not too crazy wild nuts about that song.

  92. down under is about the sirens .. its obvious . doh\!

  93. @cg2: My tongue was planted steadfastly in cheek when I wrote that -- sorta. ;-)

    Speaking of tongues, what's up with Robert's prodigious one and his microphone. *again* Oh, what Freud could have done with that vid! ;-)


    Is anyone else obsessed with the lyrics to 'Down Under'?

  95. 7Bstars - regardless, it was a neat movie clip to watch. I hadn't seen that movie.

  96. Well thanks to Robert for posting the lyrics. I've finally had a chance to read over the lyrics to both songs. Good, weird, strange but I do love them! And with SWID I thought it was pony but I knew it would end up being bunny. Doesn’t matter as long as kitty is in the song!!! Go kitties!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

    Down Under is definitely about sex, no questions about that! Not sure about the Harry Potter video reference 7bluestars but then I'm not really into HP so I wouldn’t even know what the video is all about. BTW, how have you been?

  97. Down Under and The Only One.


  98. so the cuddly-wuddly Robert can be naughty, too (giggle). Give me a bucket. Even better, give me a decent song.

    I've heard less coo-ing in a pigeon-loft.

    The latest songs are dreaful. Sorry for committing the deadly sin of not being upbeat and subscribing to the triumphal return-of-form type thing. They're just crap, seemingly out of ideas. Not jaded-witty. Just jaded. The lyrics, especially, are just bereft. Not cutesy-inane clever, just crap.

    I suppose if you're goign to fall from a great height (which you could argue started after The Top, but who cares) then you might as well do it free-style, and make no bones about it.

    What is it? The success? Weariness? (dare I say it) Money? Ego?

    It's all just so fucking embarrassing. Sure, let your hair down, dont worry about getting older - but at least make sure you exercise judgement when it comes to what you decide to put out there, what you release. It's all you've got.

    How did these songs ever escape the inner censor or policeman?

    I'm soooo not loving this (giggle).

  99. ...and sadly they dont even work as pastiche either (which some of us must have wondered about)....

    sorry, I mean giggle, cuddle-wuddly, etc etc

  100. how? it's pretty simple stuff...I dont like the new songs.

    (or all the soppy, over-indulgent miaowing that surrounds them...but that's not the song's fault. Well actually, maybe it is. They seem to pander to it. Why I have no idea.)

  101. cure_kitty, I'm hanging in. :-*

    anah, don't you see? The lyrics are bereft and so are we who see magic in them -- we are bereft of intellect and taste, doncha know. And to top it off, we are also a bunch of fawning, sentimental fools. God, we suck! :-p

  102. well i wish it were that simple, lol.

    But yeah, I think there's an element of that. it all seems a bit hypey-fizzy, but that's up to others.

    It's more the songs I'm worried about.

    It seems emperor's new clothes to me.
    Pony\bunny to me is like arguing whether a fly round a shit is brown or dark's sort of missing the point (even if it is just a bit of fun)

    No need for the defensive stuff.

    I wish I could get something from the new songs. You wonder whether it's you (me) or the songs.

    Sadly, i think it's the songs.

    Good job it's each to their own, eh? (goes off to put on Hendrix or Mozart).

    Recent Bob songs all seem to make zippy noises, no?

  103. I'll play Cat's game:

    1. Sleep When I'm Dead (rocks!)
    2. Freakshow (fun!)
    4. The Only One (whatever!) : )

    1. NY Trip (someone special)
    2. All Kinds Of Stuff (foolish mistakes)
    3. Down Under (midnight swims)

    1. NY Trip
    2. All Kinds of Stuff
    3. Sleep When I'm Dead
    4. Down Under
    5. Freakshow
    8. Only One : )

  104. @falstaff41:
    Of course it's simple. Wtf else would you expect from simple-minded creatures like us?

    At least we have what is known as a sense of humor and an appreciation for silly, comical diversions. Alas, you apparently have neither. :-p

  105. craig, the only one never grew on you? for some reason, my hatred transmuted to love - nearly overnight! love it almost as much as other cure-pop, strangely.

  106. P.S. I fail to understand why some fans insist on slamming other fans who have different tastes. Why can't we be respectful of each other and perhaps even rejoice in the fact that we aren't all mindlessly marching in lockstep? I'm not all over every new song, and there are a couple in the back catalog that I don't care if I hear ever again, but shit, I won't insult another fan who feels differently about them.

    The fact that falstaff41, et al have found no joy is regrettable. Would that those of us who found something resonant could express our delight without fear of being labeled thick and/or devoid of taste.


    Reading the bunny v. pony debate was a blast! :-)

    Hey, Cat, my sweet! I had a similar reaction to 'The Only One' -- it did little for me at first (didn't hate it though), but after a few listens, I was rather hooked. It will never be in my book of faves, but I really like it.

  107. T: Some people are naturally bereft of humor or civility. Life fast forwards.

  108. Actually, Cat, I owe falstaff41 an apology. I just remembered that I've lashed out with my viper tongue at generic fans of rap, pop tarts like the Simpson airheads, Toby Keith, Gretchen Wilson, et al. I'm a very bad and hypocritical witch, I am. :-(

  109. good. apologize then. i won't. :-)

  110. Cat, I just missed you at the other crib. :-(

    Anyway, I said I owed him/her an apology, but it's only a partial one. Fans of the Simpson twats, Toby Keith, Gretchen Wilson, and most rap are, well, you know... >:-)

  111. T, I have no problems with people expressing their dislike for a cure song. i do have issues with people expressing it in such a condescending way. i have issues with condescension in general... but then, my retort was condescending, so there ya go.

    three cheers for condescension!

  112. Cat, me darlin', we is on the same page and that's always a good thing! <3

  113. we're almost always on the same page... except when it comes to LOVESONG, anyway. it's a great piss-break tune, i'll say that much. :-*

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. i love the little things in the production on down under, in the background. great song, really reminds me of a wms b-side.

  116. I'm still wrapped up in deciphering the lyrics. "That old black magic's got me in its spell!"

    Damn, I do love Robert-speak! Sometimes it's crystalline clear, and other times it's damned near opaque!<3

  117. Craig said...

    "Whatever, Sleep is about the magical adventures of jesus and Down Under is about fucking...possibly in the water.
    If not, I'll eat a bunny and a pony.
    : )"

    This is my favorite Craig quote ever. I want to put it in my profile.

  118. BUNNIEES! YEeeeAhhhhh....

    lemme see if this works...

    /)/) (\(\
    ('.') ('.')
    (> )><( <)
    *\)\) (/(/*

    \\_ \\
    (') \\_
    / )=.----(')
    o( ) o( )_-\_

    .--- (')
    o( )_- \_

  119. Condescending to who, and according to who? The thing is, if you dont agree even remotely with what's being said - and dont feel like being witty or bantery in the received way - why not say what you mean? What's to get so charged about? Sure people resent it a little if you seem to gate-crash and dont doff your cap to those that post the most...but so what? Does it have to be group-hug and gentility?

    Sadly, the one thing I used to like about Cure fans was their broad-mindedness, ability to absorb, their wit. What I find aroudn here is a bit of closed-shop...and yes, the fluffy, cutesy-wutesy-I-want-to-mumsy-Robert-he's so-adorable-purr-purr drives me to fucking distraction, whether it's light-hearted or not. Sorry.

    And the person I blame? Not fans, but Robert, for playing up this side, for seeming to encourage it with these sorts of songs. To me it just reflects piss-poor songs.

    It would be nice to have something good to say, perhaps, but the songs are so shit I just can't find it.

    And CLockwise...I think you do seem to have a problem with me disliking these songs so much. I think the condescension thing is just a smoke-screen (condescending in ts own way, if you like). Yes I find a certain sort of talk irritating, but not half as irritating as the songs themselves.

    I think Robert is producing crap, plain and simple. Not middling, mediocre resting-on-laurels stuff, but some really quite bad songs. Bad half-arsed ideas, lazy old melodies given a new twist, same scales, less passion. Playing safe. Sadly, I know a lot of people who take this as given after the past few albums. I try not to. I just can't believe how bad most of new songs are - and I'm surprised more people dont feel the same way (or if they do, probably dont post here)

    Ah well, I'll live

  120. I want a lin-by-line from Craig about Sleep When I'm Dead being about the adventures of Jesus! Curiousity!

    Falstaff - you mentioned Hendrix and Mozart, but what else gets you driving lately? Again, curiosity.

  121. "Sadly, the one thing I used to like about Cure fans was their broad-mindedness, ability to absorb, their wit. What I find aroudn here is a bit of closed-shop...and yes, the fluffy, cutesy-wutesy-I-want-to-mumsy-Robert-he's so-adorable-purr-purr drives me to fucking distraction, whether it's light-hearted or not. Sorry."

    I really don't understand why you insist on insulting us. I would resent your remark if it weren't so bloody absurd -- absurd, ironic, and hypocritical. The fact that you can't appreciate the songs is of absolutely no consequence to me; notwithstanding your arrogant, decidedly adverse opinion, I'm entralled by much of the new verse. That does not equate with declaring Robert Smith pure and innocent, a saint without knowledge of sin, or wanting to become his surrogate mother.

    Sorry, my ass! As we all know, there isn't even the faintest tinge of regret in your posts. Since when is it a crime to be polite? If you really are driven to fucking distraction, why not take your nastygrams elsewhere?

    Btw, you aren't the only one around here with an ear for Mozart, Hendrix, and a bevy of other timeless poets, composers, and musicians.

  122. Falstaff, plenty of people feel the way you do, just so you know. And no, I don't care that YOU personally don't like the songs. You are of no consequence to me, ultimately. What IS of consequence to me is your ATTITUDE. Cure fandom is RIFE with despicable hostility. I find it pathetic. If you hate the songs, fine! No one is forcing you to listen. All we ask is that you are polite toward those of us who do. But instead you resort to jaded cynicism - the refuge of the unimaginative.

    Good day. This topic is closed for me. :-)

  123. David, me too. And I want to understand why some people are sooo certain that DU is about sex. RSX won't answer my question at the official about it and other things. Damn him. Anyway, Craig, give us your SWID theological dissection!

  124. pardon my ignorance, but would any one care to explain what are PHT and BSC?? i read them around on COF and i just dont get it! its really starting to become upsetting the fact that i see it everywhere and i dont understand, so please anyone!?

  125. Carlos: You're going to be sorry you asked. : )

    As always, this is for you V. ; )
    PHT = Penis Hugging Tights.

    I'll let Elise or Cat explain the other one.

  126. Easy to say now Kate, but where were you when the debate was raging?

    Oh yeah, you were having fun in Europe. *sigh*

  127. Oh, Craig, I really missed you! *hug*

    I nearly peed my pants when I heard the track Bloodflowers playing in a food vendor in a U-Bahn (train) station in Berlin!
