
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Robert talks about the remix ep

Robert has posted at the official site, with details about the Hypnagogic States remix ep(s?). (Thanks Alex)


  1. "The hypnagogic state is that state between being awake and falling asleep. For some people, this is a time of visual and auditory hallucination."

  2. SO THAT'S what that is.

    RSX is my personal dictionary.

  3. Okay, as I posted on the official... it's rather disconcerting to see the American fascist flag on a Cure site! I get that the stars are floating in suspension and that this is the correlation with the hypnagogic thing, but I really don't need to see **another** American flag, especially on a Cure site! :-P

    Don't mind me, I'm just a dissenting traitorous fool...

  4. And since I am the only one here... hello empty room, nice to meet you...

    I figured through discussion with someone on the official that the flag pic is merely a message that the USA is in a hypnagogic state... floating between reality and illusion... we are a zombified society... yadda yadda...

    Don't mind me...

  5. Cat, tell us please why is in the pic an USA flag...

    Very weird the title...


  6. remixes...bah.

  7. Mmm... I love being in a hypnogogic state... those moments before falling asleep (less so than the moments before waking up) are fucking awesome, and I don't even do drugs.

    Good night, Cureheads. I had a really bad nightmare a couple of nights ago (worthy of a Cure song, really) and I hope it doesn't revisit me tonight.

  8. Now Cat I love you, but let's check the politics at the door. I love my country--you appear to be down on it--we can agree to disagree on that I suppose.

    Let's just focus on loving the Cure and anticipating the new album. My enthusiasm grows by the day. The singles and the b-sides are all so great. I'm not sure I can wait much longer to hear the studio version of UTS.

  9. furrever: social justice to me is something that is NEVER out of place in ANY conversation...and since RSX posted that American flag pic, it's just naturally going to flare up conversation about these matters.

    THAT SAID, i am abundantly aware that craig likely doesn't want this to become "flamey" in any way so...

    anyway...of course I love my country too! hence why i so passionately fight for peace and human rights! don't EVER mistake passionate dissent for hatred of country.

    anyway, furrever... :-)

  10. "American fascist flag". I like that, Cat! :)

    I interpreted it as a messing up of the flag -- paying around with the colors and stuff -- not any kind of Bono-like bogus, misplaced reverence. Maybe even a marketing ploy?

    Furrever, I disagree. I think politics is allowed anywhere, and people have a right to say stuff, and especially criticize America because all I see around me is the Americans that supported this war laying it all on the Bush administration as they continue to hate other nations and forget what they've done to them, especially the mainstream nationalist media like CNN.

  11. Rock on, Cat.

    I don't share the extremity of your statements, but I'm all for you having them. It's people like you that keep this country honest.

    So rock on.

    [Really excited about the EP(s?), by the way. Here's to hoping for a Kevin Shields remix.]

  12. Also, I'm aware that a good 30 to 40% of the country are good, thoughtful, wonderful people, but people who get all defensive about the flag are usually pretty dangerously nationalistic and into phony symbolism (or arguing about the N-word), instead of caring about social policy that actually discriminates against the poor or minorities.

  13. Er. Sentiments, not statements. Though those too, I suppose.

  14. muldfeld, i think i love you.


    I promise to be peaceful... my passion is extreme and i am aggressive in tone...but i will NOT back down! ever!

  15. Wow you guys all totally freaked out!!! Did you see that picture!!!! Wow!!! a PICTURE!!!!!! Whatever shall become of us??? Should we go on living????

  16. i think it's great, because the US populace is certainly is a sub/un- conscious state right now, for the most part. look at all the things the gov'ts getting away with while we watch reality tv and pay attention to paris hilton, et al.

    go robert, with your sly political digs. i'm all for it.

  17. I see enough of that damn flag everyday. Don't need to come to no Cure site to see it again.

    It's disconcerting to see that fascist flag on this site, though.

    Clockwise Cat, i've lost all respect for you after reading these remarks. The United States is not fascist. You should be proud of this country and it's flag and not denigrating it. You should celebrate the fact that that flag and what it represents allows you to have the opinions you espouse.

    The United States is by no means perfect, but this nation has done more good for the world than bad.

    You should sit down and have a conversation with some people who have survived living in a truly fascist state, then maybe you'd have a better understanding of how great this nation really is.

  18. and by that i mean 'is certainly in.'

    never let proper grammer and syntax get in the way of your rant, everybody!

  19. I wonder if Clockwise Clutz is a hynagogic? I know I am!!!

  20. morris, dissent is patriotic. the u.s. GOVERNMENT (not its people) edges more towards fascism every year.

  21. and i'm

    /politics on COF.

    come to my blog if you wanna rant. i'm cool with it.

  22. morris, just read my rants at the official. i'm too tired to type it twice.

    love, clockwise clutz

  23. ps i didn't realize you respected me to begin with morris... but fwiw, i don't care about respect. i care about social justice.

  24. Long time lurker, first time poster.

    Hmmm, I wonder who is doing the remixing...

    here would be some people that I personally would like to hear remix the Cure;


    Carlos D (of Interpol)

    Trent Reznor hell, he could remix an entire album of cure tracks and I could die a happy camper.

    Aphex Twin doing a fucked up acid remix of Freakshow would be pretty rad...

    there are others... but those four would be uber cool to me.

    The Psuedo-American Flag? Hmmm I could read a lot into it in tons of different ways. But why bother?

    Makes me wonder how the English feel when they see a Union Jack out of context.

    I for one feel nothing either way... I was never much a fan of Stratego.

  25. i care about social justice.

    then you should be proud you live in a country that allows you to exercise the pursuit of your cares to fullest.

    If you lived in a truly fascist state, you'd be in jail or worse for your views.

  26. morris, the thing is, i could be in jail now for my persistent social activism.. i have been monitored before at protests...

    many of our freedoms are illusory, morris. it's the peacemakers who have made this country great.. not the warriors.

  27. It's disturbing to me that so many people think patriotism = STFU.

    To paraphrase Al Franken: Reactionaries love their country like a five-year-old loves their mommy: no criticism allowed! Liberals and thoughtful conservatives love their country like mature adults.

    If I didn't speak out against the institutional use of torture and illegal wiretapping, I wouldn't be much of a patriot, would I?

  28. for the record, patriotism is a nonsensical subject from my point of view.. it's not about love of country, but about LOVE of humanity!

    and yes, our country practices torture OPENLY, and wiretaps LEGALLY...

    so yeah... demockery

    sorry morris, you can hate me... it matters not, though i would hope we could still talk cure stuff in a civilized manner... after all, it's the cure that binds us all... and how glorious is that?

  29. abrash, you are too cool! but morris is cool too... even if he hates me/us. :-)

    abrash, i have a link i need to find regarding linking the US and fascism... brb

  30. here it is:

    this lays out 14 points of fascism... discerning people will note that many of these apply to the US!

    it's disturbing... disconcerting...

    BUT we can fight back! peacefully!

  31. Morris, I used to believe that, but the historical record just does not show that. It's a myth -- an exaggeration to excuse all the cruelty caused by America. It's true that the US did a lot of good -- perhaps more than any great power -- but it's done a lot of bad, and this is especially disconcerting, given its idealistic, moralistic rhetoric and democratic governmental structure that, say, the British and Russian empires or Nazi Germany didn't really possess.

    America has tried its best to do right by industrialized regions like Western Europe and Japan after WWII, but -- outside of that -- it has backed fascist governments, especially in Latin America and the Middle East to ensure its economic interests.

    Iran had a somewhat democratic government, but Eisenhower and the British were afraid of any potentially Soviet influence, so they had the CIA overthrow it and installed the Shah, who brutally repressed the people and was only overcome with a fundamentalist revolution in 1979.

    The Gulf War and the new war against Iraq are really about oil interests. Throughout the '90s, Clinton, pop culture, and the media mad Saddam Hussein to be such a threat (whatever his crimes) that it was easy for W. to do what he did. What's rarely disclosed is that Reagan backed Hussein in an 8-year war against Iran and supplied him chemical weapons to use against Iranians to do this. In 1990, Hussein actually asked the US ambassador if it was okay that he invade Kuwait because it hadn't repaid his debt to him, and he was given the go-ahead. It's the Bush administration that changed its mind.

    How about Guatemala, where the United Fruit Company had used governments to ensure it bought up land that was held in common by the Indios people. They artificially said it was theirs and enforced indentured servitude; if people were to stay on the land for food, they had to work, but they'd be put into debt by making them buy tools for the work. When a democratically elected government under Arbenz wanted to nationalize the land and implement land reform that would have hurt UFC's profits, the US government backed a right wing military coup. This kind of thing happened all over Latin America. Rich, white landowning interests that colluded with American power to keep down poor people, especially blacks and natives. Lands that were used to grow subsistence crops by natives to live on were converted to cash crops that didn't have enough nutrients, so they had to work on land they previously shared and had to buy their food, while staying in debt to corporations.

    Back then, US governments used the rhetoric of anti-communism to justify putting down movements in Vietnam and Latin America that wanted social change. Now, it's Al Qaeda or "terrorism" to overthrow a democratically elected Hamas government that wants peace without giving up any leverage.

    Look, this is not to imply Americans are inherently worse than anyone else, but it is to say that all people are capable of the same things. Americans aren't morally superior and should have the power to change people's fate. A US soldier should have the power Americans are given in Iraq because -- like anyone in war -- they can do terrible things, too. Similarly, US governments shouldn't have so much power because immoral men can take over and ruin the world as George W. Bush has done, despite all the right people in the UN insisting Iraq had no nukes.

    I don't blame you fully for not knowing these things. I was lucky enough to find them out from American professors mostly and journalists like Bill Moyers or even people like Rev. Jeremiah Wright (who was right about everything but AIDS). The mainstream media is criminally brainwashing people to think in simple terms. They don't want to speak the truth because they either don't know it (using only attractive leggy women and Anderson Cooper) or don't care to expose the full history because people might get turned off. They only emphasize what foreigners have done to deserve American wrath.

    America is so powerful that its mistakes have devastating consequences, while those of we Canadians aren't as terrible, although I'm having reservations about my country's role in Afghanistan and hate the Harper government for supporting Israeli terrorism in 2006 kill over 1,000 innocent Lebanese.

    So, if you like, here's a show I watch to keep track of events and how the government and media hides some wonderful movements of Americans fighting for a better, more just America. I find Mr. Moyers slightly pro-Israeli, but that's about it. He's doing his best to find the truth.

    Here's one about Christian fundamentalists in Virgina opposing the pollution of their water supply by mountain top drilling the Bush administration has allowed.:

    Or here's a story about the mortgage crisis and how banks have exploited the system:
    Here's an interview with Jeremiah Wright that shows him to be a pretty wise man:
    Here's one about Rev. John Hagee and how he wants to eliminate all Arabs from Israel because of biblical prophesy:

  32. clockwise cat: I don't hate you.

  33. muldfeld: I LOVE YOU DEEPLY. Marry me!

    Morris: I'm glad. I would rather be friends. It's my tone that is offputting.. .and I won't ever abandon it.. but believe me when I say that it emanates from PASSION!

    Now listen to Dr. Muldfeld... :-)

    PS We love the Cure, and that binds us, right? :-)

  34. In the above post, there were a couple of instances where I used the word "should" and I meant "shouldn't".

    Also, morris, the government won't be fascistic to you, but there are lots of people who have been put in secret prisons and tortured.

    Here's a great doc about how the media colluded with the Bush administration to silence debate on the war; pretty fascistic to me.

    How about how the Bush administration has been attacking people like Valery Plame or firing attorneys who won't do their illegal bidding or how they tried to get John Ashcroft to sign an order while he was in surgery. Bush, by his very nature, is a fascist in every way. There's no principle or ideology in which he truly believes. His basis for conservative principles is very shallow and he's violated it consistently. Whatever he wants, people have to do. He never gives a real reason and hates people who defy him. Remember how testy and abusive he was when he had all the power after 9/11 and encouraged an anti-French culture in which people like Jay Leno participated. That's why I hate him -- because when he had all the power to bring people together at home and abroad, he used it to divide people to exploit fear for his own ego, and then he lies about everything and doesn't care about all the death he's caused. In college, he was known for talking down to people and saying outrageous things like being for the Vietnam war, in which he refused to fight, and saying poor people were in their circumstances because they're lazy.

  35. muldfeld, you are the kind of writer i dream about. submit to my webzine. submit radical rants like those you type here. webzine is in my profile. goodnight and pleasant dreams.

  36. Thanks very much, cat! If neither of us are married in 50 years, let's get hitched! (Seinfeld reference)

    I'm lucky to be exposed to these ideas. When I was in high school I didn't realize how much of what politicians and superficial historians say is a myth. I wanted to be American so badly I just thought all those Vietnam anti-war protestors or leftists were silly, selfish hippies. Okay, some of them probably were, but now I get it. It's sometimes hard for people to criticize their own people because it gets tied up with their own identity. They think, "If my government is bad, am I?" I've always felt ashamed of my background so I attached my sense of self to America. It's hard to figure out how to think about yourself. I have the greatest respect for Americans like cat and others who are able to criticize their country when it's wrong, as I do for Iranians or Turks or Israelis who are doing the same. Thank you!

  37. muld: e-mail me some of your ranting and i'll publish it...

    i really do appreciate your erudition and passion! wow! cure fans rock.. even those i disagree with! ;-)

    cure forever... peace forever...

    (it reminds me, actually, of a guy i met at the atlanta cure gig.. he and i had met on another cure site and disagreed politically... BUT our love of the cure brought us together and we had a great talk ... albeit brief)

  38. all i can say is, all of this patriotism makes me hungry for some freedom fries!

  39. Typical me, typical me, typical me, I started something, and now I'm not too sure.

    The nice thing is, despite all the opposing views here, we all seem to be respecting each others opinions.

    Now let's back to adoring the Cure! :-)

  40. Clockwise you scare me a little, you make me think if you were reborn as a cat you would shake your prey till their heads popped off...scary indeed!

    I disagree about the US being a fascist state, it undoubtedly has a questionable govt, but the populace is by and large as good as an other country, I have always had nothing but kindness from the americans I have met.....

    also you ought to be careful lest the_suzanne latches on to you, then it really will be a fight to the sinews.....

    all that aside i love your passion!

  41. I'm not even going to wade into this discussion. Sorry, too heavy to consider.... especially cos I'm actually meant to be working.

    "Hypnagogic State".... if only :)

  42. Brian "Chuck" Old will be remixing on Hypnagogixed Up i hear....

  43. Elise u r right, we should steer clear of shark infested waters

  44. *steers away from shark infested waters with Alastair* are you paddling?

  45. That's very flattering, cat. You can copy and paste it if you'd like. I practiced some of these arguments on the right wing boards of! I eventually was kicked off.

  46. Here's a short summary 7 minutes) about the documentary "Taxi to the Dark Side" about an innocent Afghani taxi driver who was epileptic and tortured and beaten to death by US soldiers who didn't like him moving around so much when they put a bag over his head. It also mentions how most of the soldiers the Bush administration captured weren't even arrested by the US, so most were probably innocent.

  47. "I disagree about the US being a fascist state, it undoubtedly has a questionable govt, but the populace is by and large as good as an other country, I have always had nothing but kindness from the americans I have met....."

    Well, you have to see it's a matter of degree, right? Also, Nazi Germany wouldn't be regarded as so terrible if not for the mistreatment of Jews, Roma, and mentally handicapped. Most Germans did okay. The economy grew, etc.

    Pinochet's Chile was safeguarding economic growth; they only mistreated and "disappeared" "trouble-makers", right?

    It's really a matter of the political culture and the limits of Bush's power that have prevented him from pushing things: there are term limits, the misadventure in Iraq that hurt Bush's power, the fact Bush isn't desperately holding onto power to save his ass; he knows he'll escape to a cushy life. Mugabe is only holding onto power in Zimbabwe (as I was discussing with my big brother) because he knows he's in trouble if he leaves.

    Given America's rich history and the privileged backgrounds of the members of the Bush administration who grew up in a far more tolerant political culture than did Stalin or Hitler, America became shockingly fascistic: extraordinary rendition, wire-tapping, cooperation of the mainstream media, the use of false journalists and highly controlled audience gatherings to make the administration look good, the strongly propagandistic aspects of how the administration has ruled, including preventing the sight of dead bodies' coffins.

    Here's an excellent piece about how the right wing in Congress and the Bush administration has allowed Governor Haley Barbour to pour millions in public funds for the expansion and building of expensive casinos and hotels, while the poorest are still waiting in poisonous trailer parks. Money intended for them has been redirected to benefit corporations. This is economic discrimination and it's been going on a long time in America and been magnified by the Bush administration. The people in this story are trying to fight back and it's heartening to watch them, but it's an uphill battle.

  48. crikey - what a lot of hot air!

    'i want Princess Peach' come to COF now!

  49. dear Mudfeld and Cat,
    it seems like you keep confusing the Bush administration with the history of the USA (that, like any other country in this world, made their big amount of political crimes but, unlike many other states, have a tradition of personal freedom - the same personal freedom and right to say "no" that you are testifying right now).
    Finally, saying that America is a fascist country is an annoying offense to all the people who REALLY lived and are living under the thumb of a true dictatorship.
    Saluti from Italy (a country that, unfortunately, has a real fascist past),

  50. Also, it seems like you think that the world would be a much better place without the US - otherwise, why be so horrified by the simple idea that an American flag can grace a cover cd? (I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have the same reaction with a Spanish or a German flag...).
    American democracy is flawed, but then every democracy is flawed because, like Churchill used to say, democracy is the worst form of government except all the others. Injustice, violence, poverty are the unfortunate burden that humanity will always have to bear (and fight).
    I vehemently disagree with Bush and his policies but by no means America can be considered a fascist country: despite everything, it is still a much freer nation than most.
    Saluti again,

  51. I will repeat that it is NEVER irrelevant to discuss social justice, as social justice/human rights are everything! Without groups like Amnesty International, The ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, et al, and without the abolitionists, the unionists, the suffragists, the civil rights workers, etc etc. - we would be MUCH worse off! It is always the peacemakers and those obsessively concerned with social justice that fight on behalf of the people. The warriors fight on behalf of LEADERS... on behalf of corporate greed! This is not to denigrate soldiers at ALL! Indeed, soldiers are often merely pawns, and should only have to fight when NECESSARY! Not on behalf of corporations... which is what is happening in Iraq et al.

    It is a fallacy that American government is some beacon of democracy... just read Muldfeld's posts on the matter... throughout history the American government has tyrannized its own people and the people of other countries. This is NOT to say that good things have not come out of America: they have! The abolition movement.... the civil rights movement... worker's rights... women's rights... the aforementioned ACLU and SPLC...

    And this is NOT to denigrate the American people or people of ANY country! MOST people have the seeds of compassion in abundance, and are manipulated by the government and the media, who DO NOT have their best interests at heart.

    Read Howard Zinn's The People's History of the United States that illuminates this topic and so much more! A very edifying read, very uplifting, very hopeful. It is the PEOPLE who have done great compassionate things in the world. NOT belligerent leaders, who have their own self-interests at heart.

    Take the price of gas. $4.20 per gallon and rising! And yet the oil companies are making RECORD PROFITS! This is an example of unadulterated GREED... and WE the people are paying for it! Countries like England and France at least use gas taxes for social services... notice that the US is the ONLY western power without UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE!

    And think about Guantanamo, and the OPEN torture policy, and the LEGALIZED wiretapping, and the suspension of due process, and the suffering people of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the fact that the US has military stations in about 100 countries, and the fact that the US topples left-wing regimes in Latin America, and on and on...

    As for the fascism accusation... of course that is a controversial claim not to be taken lightly. And certainly the US is not a FULL FLEDGED fascist government... but it has elements of fascism in abundance: rampant nationalism, a tightly corporate controlled media (you are being manipulated by mainstream media!), supremacy of the military (most of our taxes go toward fighting wars rather than taking care of our own people), obsession with scapegoating other nations/national security/crime and punishment, theocracy rearing its head...

    One needs to scrutinize these elements in order to conclude that we are less democratic than we are teetering in the bring of totalitarian rule.

    ALL THAT SAID: it is difficult to discuss these things here because of the FORMAT, but NOT because it's not important to discuss them. HUMAN RIGHTS ARE ALL WE HAVE - why should we EVER shy away from that topic? Don't deny yourself! Find the compassion within and exploit it at all costs!

    I don't wish to argue. I love the people here! Even the ones who can't stand me. I have no wish to indulge in petty flame wars. THE CURE is why we are all here... they bring us together in wonderful ways. ART is what makes life worthwhile... ART engenders compassion and unity.

    If only RSX hadn't posted that damn flag! :-)

  52. But about the EP itself:

    RSX mentioned the possibility of ANOTHER one? This has me a bit worried... are EPs going to replace an actual album? Would the additional EPs merely be the same songs remixed again? Or would they be new songs? And if the latter, then surely that would replace the album...

    I don't think the EPs will replace the album... but maybe the EP would be new songs released as singles AFTER the album release?

    It's all so confusing/worrying/exciting! It keeps me on my toes, that is for sure...

    What are your thoughts about this? I am only on board with the Hynagogic States thing IF the remixes are radically different from the original mixes...otherwise it's a waste of time/money... (money for pressing, etc., not my money, which will go to a good cause).

    And Hypnagogic States doesn't exactly ROLL of the tongue fluidly... I like the IDEA, but the WORD is rather clumsy...

    But then, it's better than Dream 13... or is it?

    Anyway... thoughts?

  53. Didn't Robert talk about another mixed up album or EP a while back?

  54. eeeoooo and I thought we would talk about Hypnagogic States, being all excited and all... well some are excited, but about the remix? lol
    Anyway, on the subject of remixes, I want Beck to remix Freakshow.
    Yeah baby.

  55. I agree this is not the place - can people who want to rant about anything other than the band go to the chat room thing? or take the emails of fellow ranters and circulate it among yourselves

    and RS is free to make his own choices - without Comic Book Guys fiercely tapping back their rage and wrecking the forums for folk who want to share about the BAND - we know now, you're all really clever - please stop

    I can imagine him rolling his eyes as he reads all the flag guff - if that is, he even bothers

  56. It's not confusing at all. Robert's just talking about other remix EP in the future, nothing concrete, good ol' Bob talk here.
    He's probably excited about whatever the mixers are doing with his stuff and enjoy the whole process. It's never going to replace the album Cat, you think too much.
    And I love Hypnagogic States as a title. Wish it was it for the main album and it encourages me to think the whole Dream 13 name is just a placeholder, a code name for the current album, just like The Only One was once Please Project and the like.

  57. ils vont remixer les nouvelle chansons ?sais sa la fameuse surprise! je suis très desapointer?j'aurais penser un remixe plutôt sur les vieux show en vhs?

  58. ils vont remixer les nouvelle chansons ?sais sa la fameuse surprise! je suis très desapointer?j'aurais penser un remixe plutôt sur les vieux show en vhs?

  59. Did anyone notice that the royalties are going to the RED CROSS? My respect for Robert just quadrupled. The RED CROSS is in desperate need for $- I know for sure in the states and they do wonderful acts all over the world. I think that should be acknowledged.

  60. you're right - is a good good thing

    predictably there's been folk on the official site slating this too!

  61. sa va être sûrement mieux avoir toute les chansons sur le même cd et si sais pour une bonne cause en plus sais encore mieux!

  62. By the end of this year, we'll have gotten more Cure "product" than any other, is this accurate?

    I would have read more closely to all previous posts but it seems to have gotten WAY off topic....

    Potential remixers should be Reznor (freakshow), Mogwai (the perfect boy), Interpol folk (sleep when I'm dead), Corgan (the only one), yeah?

  63. sorry you feel that human rights and social justice are off topic... but they never are... if craig tells me to stop i will as it's his site...

    but when rsx posts a pic of an american flag... i'm sorry, that will make me wonder why! so to me it's on topic, as the flag pic is what ignited all this..

    "comic book guys" - i have no idea what that refers to and nor do i care... if it's a slam on me so be it! i have made myself abundantly clear... i am not here to argue. we are CURE fans and that is what brings us together! and it makes me happy that we can at least share that - art engenders unity!

    as for the ep itself: perhaps you are right hyrenck, that i think/worry too much! i can't help it.

    and yes, we really CANT complain although i suppose a cure fan's trademark is to complain... sigh...

    we have gotten SO much stuff this year... 4tour, singles with b-sides.. videos... and now a remix EP thingy...

    granted the EP may suck.. but it may not and we can't know that until we get it... in any even why slam something until we hear the final product?

    cheers everyone - even those who are sick of my rantings. :-)

  64. and honey, yes, the IRC thing is awesome.. hopefully the mighty u will follow...

    altruism is always a wonderful thing...

    and think about it.. the cure is altruistic in sharing with us their art... their beautiful art... we are free to not like or embrace it, but either way, it is a compassionate move... it is with any artist who shares with us their writings, paintings, music...

    so yeah. :-)

  65. Cat: The title combined with the U.S. flag. He's right. This Country is definitely politically in a state of visual and auditory hallucination.

  66. I think Robert should include a new song on the as yet unrevealed album call:
    Cut Through the Fat Cat.

    Yeah, that's right. And it should be the next single.

  67. anah: I love you! dearly! you are SO right and so perceptive!

    hynreck: there are several ways to interpret that. i have no idea which interpretation i should take on board, so i'll just leave it...

  68. What? How come? You should at least give five or six interpretations and dissect some more, come on! ;)
    Let me try something else: one word: FLAG.

  69. Oh, IMO the EP title and cover art are definitely a political statement. It's most certainly a brilliantly bold statement, and sure to stir debate. So I say.....speak your mind! It's not off-topic at all, it is most certainly on-topic.

  70. now you're just jerkin' my chain... leave me be! :-P


    the more i muse on the title the more i like it.. despite the fact that it kind of sputters off the tongue it's intriguing in an uncure-like/cure-like fashion...

    okay, off to work...

    bye hynreck et al

  71. cpg: i love you dearly! well said darling.. you rule!

    laters gators...

  72. It's summer, you're not supposed to work!!
    Gah, I'm at work myself, but my muscles aches. Bye for now I guess.

  73. this is very, very off topic, but this video (on stereogum of all places) is one of the coolest i've seen in a while. it's the new Chemical Brothers video, and it really is super neat.

  74. hynreck: i have a little over a week until school starts. i am starting to have panic attacks. i am not carved out for deadly routine!

    the work that i am doing or supposed to be doing is my webzine. i am so behind due to all the fucking cure shows/travel and the trip to france, etc.

    i need to FOCUS. it's supposed to be out next week. really it was supposed to be out last week. but i moved the date.


    where is craig in all this? craig, are you ready to delete me forever?

    we miss you.

  75. Are we fascists now? Oh dear. Am I dressed appropriately? Is there a dress code for fascism? Will they kick me out if I don't wear a tie?

    I think the flag bit on the official site was Robert's way of apologizing for not wearing an American flag pin on his lapel during the North American tour. The outrage became too much to ignore.

    In any case, God Bless America!! (Humming the Star Spangled banner and choking up halfway through)

    Heh-heh :)

  76. Somewhere on the south coast of England Robert is laughing and rolling his eyes at how self obsessed Americans can be.

    Cat, you are THE feline. Long may you reign.

  77. MULD: thank you for writing everything you did; I had some ideas but you just made a very good point! (and I'm really glad you didn't write it in french!)

    CAT: I would really like to meet you some day!

  78. Yeah I'd like to have a beer or 4 with Cat as well.

  79. podgirl: We are indeed self-obsessed... I'm rather chagrined at the notion. :-(

    KISSES not HISSES to you! :-D

    Jupiter: Let's MEET! Soon! :-D

    OOOOOH, my local coffee shop is playing LULLABY!

    Is this an anti-American tune... the SPIDERMAN being AMERIKKKA?

  80. genital: Wine is my preferred imbibement (is that a word?), but I'll drink some microbrewed witchya...

    Atlanta has some great microbrewed... Sweetwater IPA!

    genital, you are too sweet... but every time I type your name I feel DIRTY.

    and I LIKE IT!

  81. I was trying to spell out my favorite children's show "Gentle Ben", I mispelled gentle and the rest is history.

  82. Wow who would have thought that one possible ep cover (Is it really going to look like that?) could spur so much heavy chat in this topic. Usually I'm not one to talk much about politics but I found that everyone’s point of view quite interesting and informative especially from cat & muldfeld. I might not agree with everything that was said but I understand what you both trying to say. It takes a brave soul to voice your opinion & I’m glad we all can do so here! Thanks craig! And who wants to read a blog if everyone has the same opinion! Stating your option should never be looked down upon. So go with what you believe in and say what you feel. I’ll always try to respect what everyone has to say.

    OK now to the ep……I’d rather have the album come out 1st & ep later. Not that I don’t like remixes, some can be quite good, I’m just more excited for the album. Still I hope the ep mixes are not too bland & boring which they tend to be sometimes. It’s a crap shoot to guess if any will be good since it depends on who mixes the singles & what they do. So whoever remixes them, please do something fresh & exciting and make them sound quite different from the original singles.

    And the most important thing going on with the ep is The Cure donating their share to the IRC! What a wonderful thing for them to do! And I hope that shitty Universal does the same too. It’s such a worthy cause & will benefit many victims of conflicts and violence! Yeah to The Cure for helping out!

  83. Oh my looks like skwege is back!

  84. great, we're having politics being shoved down our throats on COF, even?!! WTF?

    kidding. everyone has the right to express their own views. but im not happy with the american flag on the ep cover. not cool. i hope it wont be on the EP cover, and instead we'll get this beautiful parched art instead. I'd rather not have a political view so obvious for The Cure's music, i prefer something like 100 years over this. i may not understand government or politics for shit, but I hope this doesnt make other countries think even worse of us. compared to so much of the world, we have alot of freedom to voice our very opinionated views. i agree with kitty - the comments here are very informative. and its wonderful theyre donating to IRC!

    monkeybutt - did you get my email? how often do you go on stereogum? 0.0

  85. If Robert would concentrate on the friggin' album, instead of EP's, singles, DVDs and TV shows, we'd have had it in our hands months ago!!!

  86. How about he just punch out that Disintegration remaster and Entreat boxset then call it a day. It'll be nice to hear GOOD material from the band again.

  87. ont s'en fou ! du maudit drapeau américain toute qu'esqui comte sais le nouveau son de the cure!!!

  88. dj, i did, sorry, been busy. will respond soon.

    i go on stereogum daily, if only to leave random comments under assumed names.

  89. and i really don't want to associate the singles with the American flag.

    ok, thanks monkeybutt! i just wanted to make sure i sent it to the right address

  90. je crois que the cure n'ait pas un groupe de music politisé ,que crist de drapeau américain ou anglais sois sur le site officielle ont s'en tabarnak !!!!!!!

  91. je crois que the cure n'ait pas un groupe de music politisé ,que crist de drapeau américain ou anglais sois sur le site officielle ont s'en tabarnak !!!!!!!

  92. Is that really going to be the ep cover? I kind of hope that's not, it's quite boring. I'm not Anti- American but I'd rather see something from Parched Art. Porl does the coolest stuff and I hate to see a missed oppertunity & not have a cover designed by him once again.

    I do like the name of the ep. I always feel like I'm in that sort of state of mind....half awake & half asleep.....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!

  93. Comic Book Guy: "Last night's 'Itchy and Scratchy Show' was, without a doubt, the worst episode ever. Rest assured, I was on the internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world."

  94. Hey, I know it wasn't great, but what right do you have to complain?

  95. I wonder if Robert has been studying the work of Stan Grof. He has written much on hypnagogic states. There are those that believe these to be shamanic dream states that can be induced. Visionary states that bring to consciousness messages and images that otherwise would not be revealed. I have read much of Stan Grof's work and find him quite fascinating. He promotes LSD and holotropic breathwork. I am not into either, but still find his work intriging.

  96. whoa whoa there's no reason to think that the photo on the announcement is the album cover. Remember the photo that went along with the lyrics to "Down Under?" That stuff is, I assume, just Robert's weird photography (remember the "old" site?) not necessarily the EP art.

    Also, yes Sweetwater is good stuff, Cat. Very good stuff. But now I live in Texas and drink Shiner almost exclusively.

  97. And the thought of Mogwai remixing a Cure song makes me want to change my pants.

    WHAT IF...

    ...the Cure did that thing that Mogwai and Radiohead did where they opened up remixes to the fans? WOULDN'T THAT BE AWESOME?

  98. that's it, i'm never posting on COF again if there's stalking going on. knock it off, kids.

    craig, i'll still visit, of course, but the fun will be gone.

  99. I apologize profusely. I am a shit magnet, apparently.

    David, Sweetwater is a great beer indeed. I need a lot of it, right now.

    Cheers to everyone at COF.

  100. Come on guys, NO WARS on COF! Please! Cat wouldn't be the only one to have hated me over the last 4 years. : )
    And I probably deserved some it. But the past is the past, and I don't hold grudges.

  101. I hate you right now craig, but I am addicted to COF!

  102. I'm just kidding craig I love you and want to buy you a beer, even though you say you don't drink.

    I'll buy you and Cat beers and you two can look at them (or give them back to me as a gift) while I pound some PBR's.

  103. i wish someone would help me understand why mostly everyone seems to think the tricked out stars and stripes is going to be the ep cover. its just a photo Rsx picked out. the fall leaves that was previously up there is not an album cover or art work for a single.
    its a fucking pic on a fucking bands website. bfd!!!!!
    thought this place was going to be better than the other forums. turned out im wrong...very sad now.
    and yes,
    everyone has the right to express their opinion .....but that does not mean i have to read it or accept it (and on here i don't want to read it, if i did i would go somewhere else for example a political forum) moving on to another place.
    it doesn't matter what anyone posts, everyone is going to disagree or bitch about it anyway, so why bother? unless thats your intent, and that would make sense if it were a political form. but this is why am i bothering? because nothing matters!!!!nothing!!!

    hate me please :) show me the hate!
    im looking forward to it.

  104. I am really disturbed that a couple of people with some weird personal vendetta have showed up here. Makes me wonder who's next.

  105. I see your hate, Ben, and raise you one: Craig is my favorite person in the world.

  106. Look at all the people getting their panties in a bunch!

    You know things are getting bad when somebody invites "princess peach" to the party.

  107. and i love your hate monkeybutt.
    glad you are hater :)love u! (kisses)

  108. cant take it back!!! its already yours.
    if you want to get rid of it you have to pass it on!

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. Skwege: I'm a bit slow...what? : )

  111. No, no, not here, not on this blog, please! Get along ?

    you are my sunshine
    my only sushine
    you make me happy

    (and now i see images from a tod solondz movie arffff)

    i appreciate COF

    i appreciate clockwise, with her strong convictions and bloody temper (en français je dirais tempérament bouillant mais en anglais ça sonne peut-être juste gore ? je fais de la traduction littérale désolée).

    i appreciate reading different american point of views from american people, instead of the usual USA bashing or adulation i hear and read all the time.

    imappreciate that this place is very civilised, very most of the time.



  112. ok, I should probably mind my own bussiness, but I don't thing Skwege is being very nice though...

  113. Anyone second the notion of a Carlos D remix?


  114. Well, I didn't feel like reading the 134 comments before mine, but turns out J wants a Carlos D remix too! amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  115. Andy: I second the notion of ANYTHING Interpol!

  116. I want 8million fan remixes of "bananafishbones."

    I like lamp.

  117. Skwege: But the same could be said about me over the last 4 years. Cat has her opinions, and I for one, respect them. Just as I respect yours. I just don't see the need for all of the drama.

    And just to be clear, you are more than welcome here. I've always enjoyed your posts at the ROD site.

  118. nowadays i notice the word "nice" being bandied about a bit too freely. let me tell you something about "nice". "Nice" sits quietly and remains complacent while Good gets up and does something about it.

  119. Seriously, what has brought all of this on? And why now? And why here?

  120. This thread is scaring me..... let's go back to the good old days. Remember Shrine :)

  121. I just checked the lunar calendar, it's not a full moon...

  122. would be nice if sensible people could post comments about the news items without it being buried beneath a lot of personal banter and useless bickering. if you other people want to bitch or talk about your personal lives or political beliefs, go to that chatroom and have it out there. or better yet, go to one of the many Cure discussion forums and do your business there, but stop spamming the hell out of this site with pointless comments. some of us want things to stay on-topic.

  123. That's why I never talk about my views on politics to anyone because all it does is always raise a shit-storm, no matter what.

    With that bit of wisdom, I say everyone takes 5 chill pills and comes back here next morning, taking life a bit less seriously and a bit more curely.
    All kinds of stuff.

  124. about two zillion posts back up I suggested....

    The Only One (Billy Corgan remix)
    Freakshow (Trent Reznor remix)
    Sleep When I'm Dead (Interpol remix)
    The Perfect Boy (Mogwai Remix)

    I'd imagine Carlos D. or Sam Fog would do it in a pinch. As a matter of fact, I think this might be the only sure bet....maybe.

    Mogwai has done some outstanding seems obvious.

    Corgan and Reznor invite dispute (Corgan especially)

    But I think it'd be cool as shit.

  125. Kevin Shields. I don't care what he remixes. I want Kevin Shields.

  126. Kevin Shields, God Yes.

    He, as well, has done some OUTSTANDING remixes.

    and there's a mutual appreciation thing there, so...yeah, man.

    I'm excited to see what happens.

  127. Um, the only thing I have to say is whatthefuckever an all the spew going on in this thread. Whatever!!!!!

    Hey - I'm fairly new here and so I don't know how much merit this has....but I think there is a great group of people meeting on this blog, and honestly for those people that decided to come over here for the day from MFC or where-ever, just to pound on Cat need to cool it....really.

    Cat brings alot of life to this place IMO. Whether you agree with her views or not, remember that anytime you're talking about politics with a large group of VERY different people, it's certain to get out of hand. She just happens to be very animated when she speaks - about anything.

    As far as I can see.....this spewing argument was inevitable.

    I don't really give a flying crap what she said over at MFC. The past is the past. Move on! This is not high-school. Coming over here just to talk shit is slander.

    In the midst of all the crap I had to read through, I'd just like to say I LOVE the idea of Radiohead and Mogwai doing some re-mixes for the EP. Interpol would be awesome too!

    More and more anticipation every time I turn around.

  128. Yeah leave cat alone, if you want a peice of her you need to get a peice of genitalben first. And let me tell you theres a long line waiting for that so it's gonna be a while.

    On topic I hope the remixes are just extended mixes because I have a hard on for extended mixes.

  129. Yeah. Please don't be cracking on Cat. I like her a lot.

  130. best comment ever: "I have a hard on for extended remixes"

  131. i wish the band would tour again so everyone would gather on the boards like in may & june...

  132. V! come to that meebo room. i'm there chatting right now.

  133. Well, I tried to change the subject but no one was listening.

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. It's unfortunate to see people form another website attacking cat like that. Leave her alone on this web site, hasn't she gone through enough shit already at that other place! I'd hate to see her leave the COF just to avoid this shit. She's one of the funniest & the most lively person on this blog. It wouldn't be the same without her!

    I've been bitten by one of those people in the past although nothing too like cat endured and it make me come over the COF and join in on the positive vibe here. So don't let their negativity affect you in anyway. Best to ignore them and hopefully they stay away.

  136. I'm not a huge remix fan, but this is what I want to hear:

    The Only One (Dntel or Postal Service Mix)
    Freak Show (Bob Mould Mix)
    Sleep When I'm Dead (Mogwai Mix)
    The Perfect Boy (Jimmy Lavalle Mix)

    If this isn't what we end up getting, then they should have asked me first. ;)

    It would be nice if Sam Fogarino could remix NY Trip as a bonus track.

  137. oooh, portishead remixes... well, anything!

  138. oi, i hope I'm not the 'big shithole'!!!

    I haven't said anything horrid on here. Ever! I love you lot, inc. Cat/Fleur/Professor Moriarty! I just gave my opinion that folk who tap violently on the internet in reaction to things, well it's more an excercise in vanity than real conviction. Look how big and passionate I am, I can talk about politics!

    Truth is, we all can - freely too. But most of us CHOOSE not to here, because we understand it's not the appropriate place.

    OK, you can say it was related to the 'flag' 'outrage' - but it didn't stay that way for long. It turned into posing.

    "Not here though please", is all I was saying.

    And like RS gives a fig about all that flag guff! Bet he's still rolling them weary eyes.

  139. monkeybutt: As a loyal viewer, I feel they owe me.


  140. I'd be much more concerned about the quality of this upcoming release than speculate about the possible cover.
    It really doesn't matter what's going to on the cover if the mastering/production quality is going to be similar to that of the recent singles (= read: that same horrendous flat, distorted sound, everything hammered up to the maximum volume and thus destroyed beyond any real listening pleasure).

  141. ginge: ha! nice.

    'What? They've given you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. What could they possibly owe you? I mean, if anything, you owe them.'

  142. I wonder how Robert will convince Universal to donate their grosses?

  143. hynreckandjoe - too funny! Maybe Mothra Robert!

  144. Whee! As someone who has endured sleep paralysis and a range of other hypnogogic craziness, I think this is a seriously cool title. I am dying to know who is remixing, and I can't wait to hear them! :^D

    I am so glad I was away when this whole infernal bickering nonsense occurred. I don't want to see COF become like the official site. Please, Craig... protect us from the idiots! o_O

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. thanks Mock goth Gurl

    it's bad enough being a big ginger!!!

  147. il y a pas beaucoup de discusion ici ?et pourtant il y a beaucoup de personnes!

  148. skeet skeet skeet.
    Deleting my posts is a really bad idea Craig. You lose your balls or something?

  149. Skwege: I've deleted all posts where you "attacked" (stupid word, I know) Cat, Mock Goth Girl, or anyone else. I also deleted the posts that "attacked" you. I'm not interested in having that sort of bullshit here.

    If you consider that "losing my balls", then I'm guilty as charged.

  150. Well done craig! Please keep up the good work and thanks for all you do!

  151. TY Craig. This is why I like your blog so much. You let everyone speak their mind without allowing bs personal attacks. I'm glad that you've made it so that kind of behavior is not welcome on your space.

    You truly do stand out in the world of Cure fansites.

  152. For Craig to admit his blunders of the past in a very open way AND to continue COF DESPITE his sometimes waning Cure obsession (remember, at one time he was going to shut it down altogether, but the fans begged him to keep it open, and so he did, FOR US) - well, that shows that he has very large testes indeed. (Sorry Craig, I'm not meaning to get too personal here about the private parts of your anatomy).

    AND for Craig to put a stop to bullying, but in a very gracious way - THAT also shows real courage.

    I know it embarrasses Craig for me to get so hyperbolic, and I'm sorry, but I cannot say it enough: CRAIG IS THE ROCKINGEST BADASS MOFO. PERIOD.
