
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Perfect Boy artwork

(Thanks Figure Head)


  1. oh god. i LOVE IT.
    porl, you've done it again!

  2. after the awfulness of the bloodflowers "artwork" i never though they'd have good covers again.

    you can be friends with parched art on myspace, btw.

  3. heart lollipops? this might take some getting used to. love the SWID artwork though. but i agree with sofia that it's good to have parched art back. very original art.

    please, robert, no pics of you on the cover of the album! we GET it that you're the leader of the band! time for parched art to work its magic. maybe something chagall-esque? that would make me swoon.

  4. This is the best CD cover I've seen on a Cure single in a very long time!

    I just LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great artwork from Porl once again!!!

  5. of course, very FIIL-esque. i have a feeling the cover might be a bit of everything from each single, sort of like wish. just a hunch. ;)

  6. and ya know, i actually really liked the self-titled cover...the only thing that was harsh on the eyes was the white background. maybe something darker would have done the trick. but i loved robert's nephews and nieces doing the drawings, and the inserts are cute too. i love love love kid artwork. but yeah, wasn't too wild about the bloodflowers cover, or the WMS cover, or the disint cover. my favorite covers are hotd, wish, pornography, faith.

  7. except for BF, the self titled artwork was, in my opinion, the worst joke they've ever pulled on an unsuspecting world.

  8. There's a huge hole in the heart, which makes me think of Bon Jovi for some reason.

    "Shot through the heart..."

    Just kidding, I love this artwork.

  9. I can understand your confusion craig, they did sing Sleep While I'm Dead! LOL!!!

  10. but does the hole in the heart go all the way to china?

  11. Cute, romantic yet edgy, not sappy, I love it! A+!

  12. MB: I so disagree! Perhaps the artwork did not fully "match" the intention of most of the songs, but I thought it was very cute and sweet. It perhaps would have worked better with a brighter album. But then, there are shades of "terror" within the drawings as well. Anyway, I know you hate all things self-titled... but really, you should give it another chance. Turn it up loud and eschew all notions of what a Cure album "should" be. :-)

  13. I've been listening to the self-titled album lately. Add in Truth Goodness and Beauty, Fake, Going Nowhere and This Morning and it's an awesome cd. There's still some tracks I don't like on the second half of the CD, but adding in Going Nowhere and This Morning makes up for that.

  14. This is the best artwork so far for the singles in my opinion. Can't wait for this and the new album!!!

  15. It's a beautiful cover. We've been blessed with beautiful covers so far for the singles, this one might be my favorite... and let's hope it continues for that new album, whatever form it finally takes.

  16. I love the cover art for this one!

    Best so far IMO......

  17. genitaliaben: i concur completely! eliminate taking off and us or them and add in those criminally deleted songs and you have one bad-ass cure album! turn that fucker up loud, i say. but hey - at least you can sort of get that version from japan - with tgb and gn and fake, anyway. the vinyl has this morning.

    i'll NEVER forgive the mighty u/geffen for perpetuating that multi-version fiasco.

  18. i plunked down the cash for the japanese version of that album. it still sucks. i just hate it. poor, overly derivative songwriting and terrible production and mixing make a bad album, no matter how loud i play it.

  19. OMG, I love this one! Well done!

  20. This Morning MAKES that album IMO. On the Trilogy DVD Robert talked about how he still didn't think the band had gone as dark as he thought they could go, after listening to The Cure with all the songs on the album I see think he did a pretty damn good job of coming close. If Mighty-U does that crap on this album I will rip their nuts off.

  21. michelle j'adore ta photo sur ton profil sexy lady!!

  22. michelle j'adore ta photo sur ton profil sexy lady!!

  23. monkeybutt, you're a monkeybutt. :-P

    gb: can i join you in the nut-mangling? i have good soccer-kick! :-D

  24. eric, when you double-post, can you make at least one of them in a language other than french? portuguese or another of the romance tongues would be nice for diversity's sake.

  25. caterpillar, I don't know, I'm kind of stingy. :p

  26. i do like 'this morning.' 'lost' could be great if we could hear roger's keyboards. the whole song sounds like robert's HUGE voice and a bunch of other stuff sort of hiding behind it. i do in fact like 'before three' and also 'your god is fear.'

    for me, those are the only four songs released from those sessions that are worth anything.

    other than that, like cat said, i'm a monkeybutt.

  27. well, you're more of a monkey DORK, but anyway.. i love lost's angular anger and atonality or whatever you call it... i think it's the most perfect of all the self-titled songs and i'm dying to hear it live again. sadly, because of the obnoxious naysayers like monkeybutt, we'll likely never hear it or other self-titled gems again. le huge SIGH.

  28. oh wait, they play alt.end and us or them... the most LACKLUSTER of the self-titled songs. i do like alt.end, actually, but i would prefer before three or labyrinth.

  29. Am I the only one here who doubts the claim that all the artwork on the self-titled record was done by children? At the very least, it seems orchestrated by an adult.

  30. I like this artwork the best of the singles.

    By the way, Craig and other BSG fans, here's an article about the prequel pilot to Caprica. I wasn't too excited initially, but Ron Moore promises it aims to be politically insightful and more dramatic; that's great news for me. Oh, and it stars Eric Stoltz:

    (If you want to stay very spoiler free, skip the first 4 paragraphs describing the trailer on

  31. i have never doubted that, actually, but maybe they were embellished by an adult? remember, too, that they were done by children of varying ages. apparently, robert wrote them a letter about making the drawings resemble a good dream and a bad dream... so maybe their parents "guided" their efforts rather closely? anyway, i love the artwork, except for the Cure lettering (which looks like CURF) and the aforementioned bright white background.

  32. Adorei a arte do novo compacto, mas meu favorito ainda é Freakshow!!!

    I love the art on the new single, but my favorite still is Freakshow!!!

    I speak Portuguese, Cat.

  33. i think robert stood over his nieces and nephews with a whip, shouting "draw, damn you, DRAW! universal needs this art by friday!"

  34. said before but i think the only song worth a damn off the self-titled is 'lost'

    but i like the idea of robert yelling "MUSH!" at his nieces and nephews :p

  35. Best single art work so far!!! the heart is very cute

  36. Awesome, I love all this artwork!

  37. monkeybutt: LOL...

    "but uncle bobby, i don't WAUNT to drawwww a baaaad dream. i already see YOU every day! i want my mummy!"

  38. Save for "Us or Them" and maybe "Never", I really like "The Cure". I think that in some way it captured the rawness of the band as a live band.

  39. and for the record, if the cure were to play wms/bf/and the cure (with tgb and tm and fake and gn of course) in their entirety and NOTHING else, i would be a verrrrrrry purrrry cat.

    i realize i am alone in all this... *wails in isolation*

  40. msp: i don't actually falo portugues, but i have tons of brazilian students and i speak spanish, so that is why i am favoring it over french lately. but i really like french too. :-)

    ps i agree about self-titled's raw energy.

  41. ESL and literature, yup indeedy. Do you teach?

  42. Cat: I used to be a Portuguese and Brazilian literature teacher back in Brazil, but I don't teach since I came to US.

  43. @mb, cc, et al: LOL!

    So, anyone fancy a discussion re: the artwork and its relation to The Perfect Boy?

    I'm thinking 1 + 1 = 2 isn't enough for one of the two; and one heart broken, another bleeding with guilt and sorrow.

  44. msp: where do you live in the US? i do love the sounds of portuguese; i can make out some of it owing to my spanish. but it sounds more like drunken spanish to me. don't take that as an insult please - i mean it as the highest compliment! i love spanish but portuguese sounds more intriguing to my ears..l really love the lilting cadence.

    if i ever learn french (a must since my bf is french (he speaks near-perfect english, though) ), i would like to learn your language after that. :-)

  45. T, you captured the artwork/song parallel so wonderfully, there is no need to delve any further into it.

    either that or i am excessively lazy.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. cat, i forget. which are your favorite cure albums again? i would go back and reference the other EIGHT MILLION, SIX HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND threads you've listed them in, but i'd rather hear it from you...

    :D :D ;)

  48. @Cat: Ha! Methinks 'tis the latter!

    @mb: LOL!

  49. 1) faith
    2) bf
    3) hotd
    4) porno
    5)17 seconds/wms/the top (yes, all three are tied... fuck off if you don't like it ;-)

    the rest are all pretty equal to me - which is NOT tantamount to me not liking them! i like them all!

    ps hotd was #1 for years.

  50. you're such a strange girl. i think you come from another world.

  51. mb are you making snide comments about my loquaciousness? i resemble that remark!

  52. what's funny is that you posted your top albums and THEN you realized the insidious snarkiness of my comment. ha! suck on THAT!

  53. god it looks SCARY! all tornado-y. we had tornadoes raging through atlanta a few months ago - this looks like a repeat! my bf and i had to take cover... the tornado passed right by our house and toppled trees onto houses very nearby!


  54. Bolas!!!
    Nem acredito que acabei de ler algumas palavras em Português!!

    I can't F** believe that it's portuguese that I've just read!!!

    Eric can go and translate it somewere! There!

    Cat: "drunken spanish"; could it be because of all the great wines we have? ;)

  55. Hi MB: I'm afraid froggy is still getting squashed...

  56. hi jupiter. i was wondering where you've been.

    i'm terrible at froggy. i like asteroids better. i tried to add tetris but it wouldn't let me.

    you're lucky with all your wines. send us some!

  57. MB: it's not easy to be at CoF when you guys are because of the time difference; it's 11h30 PM here in Portugal. I can send you some if you want: any special request? Oporto, red wine, white wine; have you tried ginginha? my father's specialty!

  58. i've never ever heard of ginginha. what is it like?

  59. MB:it's made up of a type of brandy (firewater is what my portuguese-english dict says) + LOTS of sugar and sour cherry or morello; and just let it ferment!

  60. sounds delicious and like a bad headache waiting to happen. yummy.

    i used to be really into the heavy reds, but i'm into weird white wines and sweet stuff nowadays.

    but i'll probably always really like bordeaux the best. something about a good bordeaux just reminds me of hemingway for some reason. i like to imagine i'm fishing in streams in spain and drinking straight out of the bottle...

  61. It shouldn't give you a head hake, it's actually supposed to help digestion, but then that's probably just us "dumb" portuguese trying to get an excuse to have alcohol in the veins. And arteries!! :))

  62. well, i don't think you're dumb at all for wanting to get alcohol everywhere it belongs! here's hoping we can meet someday and drink together. i'm always up for that.

  63. You never know!
    MB: Taking a trip down memory lane: I've had my share of a little to much in the arteries and my friends used to complaint (the next day!) because I started speaking only in english when I passed the line... Alcohol does straange things too me.
    And just to make it clear: I'm eating Hagen Dazz; haven't been drrinking!

  64. I'm loving listening to Down Under every morning while going to work!
    It makes a perfect start at my day!

  65. lol, that's great.

    i speak in certain languages too when i've had much to drink, but they're languages nobody can understand including myself.

    i actually haven't had anything to drink in about four months. i think i need to get back in the habit!

  66. down under is my favorite of the new songs so far, followed closely by the only one.

  67. Only if you do it with moderation!
    I would like to keep reading your blog and if you start doing it in another language, that might be less easy for me!

  68. if i ever do anything in another language, my dear, i will be certain to translate it immediately. i like knowing that you are my lone reader! ;D

  69. NO way! lone reader but with pride, thank you very much!

  70. been watching some videos of The Cure in Orange in YouTube...
    OMG I really wanted to see those on DVD!

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. This is just one of the reasons I Love Porl.

  73. PAL as in PAL plus; TV format? please
    excuse my ignorance in these matters...

  74. They really need to re-release all the Cure VHS's on DVD. If they did a box set, they would make a shit load of money, because you know we'd all buy it in a second.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. speaking of down under, which is my second favorite song of the batch, does it sound a bit underwater to you... swimming in sound?? and the guitar imitating an underwater sea i totally off base or have we covered this before??

  77. cat, i agree with you.

    anah, i think elektra owns the rights to those tapes, which is why they're not out on dvd. but yeah: HUGE money.

  78. I must be the only one (oof that pun!) who thinks "Down Under" is just ok and actually pretty forgettable... Of the b-sides so far I think All Kinds of Stuff is the best. Of the released singles it's Freakshow for me. I was thinking it would have been Sleep but the studio version isn't nearly as good. Of course this all my opinion and it means fuck all to anyone else...

    Do keep in touch!

  80. mb: so i am not the only one who hears the swimming sounds and floaty bass and sea-creature guitar mimicking?

    jerry: i really adore akos and it's actually my favorite of all the songs. freakshow is the cat's mammaries too! i like or love them all... nyt and swid are the least compelling for me though.

  81. nyt doesn't work for me very well; at least so far;
    me too feel underwater with DU!
    It's algae and starfish everywere!

  82. I wonder what our opinion of SWID would have been had we heard the studio version first then live. I have to feel it would be different but oh well! Hard to imagine that it's almost 3 friggin months to the release of the new album. Patience is running out...

  83. jerry, actually, the live versions of SWID put me right to sleep. i find the studio version much more compelling. not that compelling compared to freakshow and the only one and the b-sides, though.

    i am starting to be scared that the album won't be released in october...


  84. Cat: don't you even THINK about it!

  85. CWC - did you get a good storm?

    We got a crazy one last night. Lots and lots of lightning and a deluge of hail and rain! Our power was off from 7:30 till about 2am.

  86. me too... I love to run when it's raining...

  87. After a wonderful rainy stretch, with storms everyday, we've gone scorching hot and dry here in NO.

    *Shakes fist at stupid dome of high pressure*

    They keep saying we'll get some storms from the outermost feeder bands from Hurricane Dolly, but nothing so far.

    Now let's check in with Jim Cantore for our latest tropical update. Jim?
    : )

  88. Craig, your weather report sounds like one from from my crib, too. :-)

  89. Blue: I guess I shouldn't complain. That high pressure spared us a few hurricanes last summer, and looks like it might do so again this year.
    But some rain sure would be nice.

  90. I've just remembered: The Same Deep Water As You starts with the sound of thunder and heavy rain.
    The Cure: the perfect OST for me!

  91. yeah, well, Atlanta is the most drought-choked place right now, so we needs all the rain we can get.

    it's not a bad storm at all, though. yet, anyway.

  92. Oh I love, Oh I love, Oh I Love, the new artwork. Perfect. A+++++ for Parched Art

  93. It's storming here now. I love it when it rains <3

    MB: You're right about that, I never thought about that. GHEY.

  94. Anah! Finally we are in the same place at the same time. *hug*

  95. Hi Elise! *running hug*
    Probably good afternoon to you? It's 2 AM here.

  96. It's so freaking Hot Hot Hot in Philly tonight but a thunder storm is a brewing. It's so eerie outside right now. The sky turning really black and the wind whipping up something wicked. Oh damn that thunder & lighting is getting closer!!!

  97. i hate it here. i cant wait to move back to stumptown where its always chilly and rainy.

    (except for right now. i guess it's in the high 70s. but that wont last)

  98. Hey elsie!

    I missed you by one minute this morning on the COF chat!

  99. i'm a little concerned that the everything is dead and necrotic looking in the artwork of the last two singles.

  100. Good art, reminds me of FIIL,that matchs fine for the title of the song.

    Maybe this time, the song is better than the cover art.

    With every listening, TPB is looking to me, a better track, great lyrics, great production, great sound, great RSx voice...more than perfect !!!

    Smith never ever loss his touch of doing the best songs on the Earth.

    Every single new tune proves that !!!.

    I like it a lot this art too but so far, this is the one that i like less, in any way i´m saying i don´t like it or it´s bad, it´s just i find slightly superior the other 3.

    Of course, it´s very pleasant to have Parched Art back on the road !!!!

    Porl & Undy rules !!!

    My Cover art ranking is:

    01- SWID

    02- FS
    02- TOO


  101. Love it, Love it, Love it.

    The artwork just keeps on getting better for me.

  102. Hi CK - sorry I missed you. Iwas up past pumpkin hour and had to go and get some beauty sleep - and I need A LOT of that :)

  103. allô ! tous le monde ,j'espère que sa va bien ! d'après -moi ,mai surment sur itunes le 12 août ,et pour les dvd j'espère qui vont sortir les vieux show aussi?

  104. OMG. Definitely my favorite so far! I LOVE IT!! Parched Art ROCKS!!

  105. salut jenny j'ai vue que tu aimais batman ,esque tu as vue le nouveau films ? et j'espère que tu comprend le français ?

  106. Morris, the art would make a great mosaic.


  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Cat: I am sorry I did not answer you - had to go out...
    How was the storm?

    Well, I live in Dallas and there is a large Brazilian community in here. Of course, the Hispanic community is much larger and now I understand the look on their faces when we speak Portuguese to them: we are speaking drunken Spanish! lol
    Brazilians joke saying that Spanish is Portuguese badly spoken :)
    It seems we understand Spanish better than they understand Portuguese. When my wife and I speak Portuguese in public places, people will come to us and ask us if we are speaking French. They know it is not Spanish, so French is the closest guess.

    Monkey: You should try "caipirinha". It is cachaça (sort of sugarcane vodka), sugar, lemon, and ice. It is heavy stuff!

    Jupiter: Tudo bem? Eu sou brasileiro, mas vivo nos Estados Unidos há vários anos. É legal saber que tem mais gente por aqui que fala português.
    BTW, I really don't understand why we Brazilians have so many bad jokes about the Portuguese :(

  110. Eric - 我不會法文啦!還有我真的很喜歡黑暗騎士!

    Err, sorry, I meant that I don't know French, and I do love the new Batman movie quite a lot. Fortunately I knew you were talking to me with the help of online translator, LOL.

  111. Romance language and drunken Spanish? Oh, it made my day! I guess it´s cause the looong vowels heheh like 'praaaiaaaa' (beach)
    And I certanly approve that suggestion of 'caipirinha' and/or (depends on your craziness!) Porto wine... delicious!
    When (whispering) Siouxsie visited Brazil she loved caipirinha, but I guess no one offered The Cure some! How embarassing! :D

  112. this is some beautiful artwork.

  113. Shadow: So you are Brazilian!Where do you live?

    I think I have seen an interview with Robert in which he says he has a bottle of cachaça/pinga for the interviewer.

  114. Msp000, I live (and was born) in argh-sunny Rio. I want some clouds!
    Yes, I´ve seen that intw, it was so kind of Robert to give it to Ray Cookes...
    But the funny part (for those who speak Portuguese) was that the name of the cachaça was "Pitu" (a kind of shrimp, you may know) and Ray pronounced "pity you" - yes! That´s the state he´d be if he drank the whole bottle! ;)
    Bah, I didn´t see Robert or the guys in 96 with even a glass of caipirinha, it´s tasty :)
    So, drunken (not so much!) hugs from Brazil, Msp! Or, in my new romance language, 'abraços bêbados'

  115. je m'en escuse si je ne parle pas anglais ,mai je comprend très bien a s'eu qui veut me parler en anglais sa me dérange vraiment pas ,j'ai comme un tracteur dans ma tête ! ( hahahaha)

  116. Now I remember the Pitu thing. That was really funny. lol
    I was born and raised in Sampa. Crazy weather everyday. How I miss Sampa!

    I just got a copy from the 96 Apoteose concert. I used to have the Maracanãzinho concert in VHS, but the tape is lost.

    Abraços bêbados.

  117. msp: I used to live in Texas so am aware of the large hispanic community, of course. But I wasn't aware as much of the Brazilian community - but then, it's been 15 years since I lived there, and things have changed a bit! Here in Atlanta we have a lot of Brazilians lately. They live more in the suburbs than anything. Some mighty tasty Brazilian restaurants in town... mmmmmm..... :-)

  118. Cure folks: I would be honored if you would take a look at the new singles reviews I painstakingly wrote. They are to be found at my new Cure-blog:

    Curiouser and Curiouser

    The singles reviews are in the table of contents to the side. I would love it if you left your comments - positive OR negative, about the reviews themselves, or about the music. The only rule is to be constructive, please!

    You will also find album and gig reviews, and of course my essay linking the Cure to artists such as Miro and Rimbaud.

    Shameless promotion, I know, but what's a gal to do? :-)

    PLEASE leave comments! My site is meant to be a dialogue of sorts about our favorite band! :-)

  119. sur amazon .canada il est diponible le 5 août ,wow!!!

  120. sur amazon .canada il est diponible le 5 août ,wow!!!

  121. je veut pas faire chier personne ,mai si sur amazon il sort le 5 août sa veut dire qui va sortir aussi sur itunes canada et us en même temps ?

  122. I am loving the new artwork... I was especially excited to get Porl's autograph on the artwork for Freakshow. There is a good chunk of white space on that cover, so his scribble fit perfectly!

  123. kate! are you still on holiday?

  124. Monkey! I am back at work today (telecommuting, actually).

    How are ya?

  125. i think i saw artwork for 'down under' on amazon. did i miss all the other b-side covers, craig? anyone?


  127. was it originally going to be on the album and then scrapped for a b-side.

    oh the mysteries...

  128. yeah apparently all the b-sides have their own cover art? is that weird to anyone else?

  129. wait? where are the other b-sides david?

    and why is 'down under' under "ROBERTS COLLABORATIONS" on that page?

  130. nm "Note: we're currently updating the entire discography so please forgive any errors you may encounter...."

  131. off topic, but 'the dark knight' is the best movie i've seen all year. and i'm not a huge summer movie type of guy. this movie has it all.

  132. j'ai vue batman moi aussi ,mai j' ai pas aimer le joker il tombe pas dans les produit chimique comme la bd ce n'ait pas representative de l'histoire déjà connue!!!!

  133. Hi MB! Is it the one with Christian Bale? I've heard of it but haven't seen it yet.

  134. hi jupiter.

    yes, the newest one with christian bale & heath ledger. i saw it last night.

  135. Sofia - I'm also wondering why Down Under is the only b-side on the site with a cover. And where is The Only One???

    Also, it is under The Cure. If you actually click on the words Robert's Collaborations it will take you to a whole new page. ;)

  136. Something really needs to be done on the official Cure website... it's just so sad to see that the information is not correct; and it's not doing The Cure any justice, for that matter...
    Too much caipirinha I suppose...

  137. monkeybutt - hey you! i sent you an email about Orange =)
    dude, christian bale is so HOT in that movie! i prefer katie holmes as rachel, though maggie's acting was very effective in this one. i just see katie fitting rachel better. heath's joker is incredibly demented and dark, exactly the way it should be portrayed. and his makeup reminds me of robert's.

    no internet at home, im at the library. dont know when its gonna get fixed, no internet during summer vacation = im losing my mind.

    just got some shitty news today, the music blog i write for is getting shut down, probably because not enough hits. its owned by the same company/network website that owns Stereogum. the blog and stereogum links are right next to each other on the owner website's homepage. guess who's more popular? and earlier this week, stereogum does the SWID review and Craig mention - those FUCKERS! beat me to the fucking punch! they always find another reason for me to hate them. the only publication who would take a minor on board, and its gone. i. must. not. be. bitter.
    angry rant over, i just had to blow some steam. excuse me while i wallow in my teen angst.

  138. Jupiter - I agree, the main site is just getting more and more pathetic. I've ranted on the insanity of it on the news section today......not that it did any good.

    DJ - just wanted to say hi and I'm sorry about the music blog getting shut down. What a bummer! :( When's the tech coming for your 'puter again?

  139. le joker est beaucoup plus violent dans se batman la! sais juste ca que j'aime dans le films!!!!!

  140. MB: I saw The Dark Knight on Monday. Heath Ledger is phenomenal!
    This summer, I have loved Wall-e and Hancock, although the latter one was a little disjointed. I was very disappointed by Indiana Jones.

  141. j'espère que the mummy 3 va être sûrement meilleur que les autre films ,je trouve jet lee très bon .

  142. I like it.. still like fs best..

  143. I liked the Dark Knight pretty well, but I preferred Batman Begins. I really miss Michael Keaton, though, as Batman - although Bale is a hottie. Heath was good as Joker... but if he's nominated for an Oscar I will laugh. Terribly one-dimensional role for an Oscar nod. Not that Heath didn't deserve oodles of accolades and awards for Brokeback. RIP Heath.

  144. Cher Eric, not that you are really going to read through 158 comments to find this, but I figure it can't hurt to say:

    1) merci bien

    2) c'est Madonna dans le photo, pas moi

    3) desolee!


  145. Michelle: Hahahah, too funny! :D

  146. bon premièrement pour batman je suis très triste pour l'acteur qui sais suicider ,mai joker est très viollent dans ce films ,pis pour michelle je suis sur que tu doit etre très jolie comme la photo de ton profil ,dernièrement je veut dis bon nuit a demain!!!

  147. bon premièrement pour batman je suis très triste pour l'acteur qui sais suicider ,mai joker est très viollent dans ce films ,pis pour michelle je suis sur que tu doit etre très jolie comme la photo de ton profil ,dernièrement je veut dis bon nuit a demain!!!

  148. hi and thanks caterpillargirl! i dont know when the tech guy is coming over, its taking Forever.
    tonight, my neighbors connection is working and im borrowing that! bummed about the blog going down, i was so excited to do an interview with 65dos, but with no publication, its canceled. the worst thing is the guy in charge of the blog is now unemployed.

    Sara - if youre reading this, tell the lady youre doing freelance now, the blog is dead.

    Porl's artwork is excellent. perfectly fits the songs, now if only robert would post up the rest of the bsides artwork on the official site.

  149. I'll just say that The Dark Knight is my favorite movie of the year (so far) and Heath Ledger should and will be nominated and win the Oscar. :P

    Alright, enough of the off-topic stuff... getting ready to pre-order my copy of Perfect Boy!

  150. Sofia: Sorry for the delay in answering. The "b-side" artwork is from the iTunes downloads. I know AKOS and DU had it, not sure if NYT did.

  151. I will have to see the Dark Knight when it comes out on dvd.

    I don't get out to the movies, in fact I think the last one I saw in a theatre was Spiderman 3. We took the kids and my youngest wouldn't sit still for a second. Therefore, I had to watch that one when it came out on dvd even though I went to the theatre to see it.

    All the wonderful parched artwork is all done by Porl??? I guess I should have known that, but didn't.......
