
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sleep When I'm Dead / Down Under pre-orders

Pre-orders for SWID / Down Under are popping up already:
HMV - CD 3.49 / 7" 3.49
Amazon (UK) - CD 4.99 / 7"
Amazon (Canada) - CD 2.99
Amazon (Germany) - 7" 4.99

(Thanks Thom and Muldfeld)


  1. Well, I guess that this is our confirmation.

  2. What, you doubted "Friend Of COF"?
    He knows his stuff. : )

  3. this is so exciting. i look forward to these new singles and the artwork. very cool stuff.

  4. "friend of cof": LOL.

    I've pre-ordered all of my 7"s, but still haven't received Freakshow. It's on it's way though.

    And Craig: Your new poll is funny :)

  5. Craig: HE?!?! Now you've narrowed your source down to nearly half the population! ;)

  6. V: He'll never tell us who it is!

  7. V: Shhhhh...I hoped no one would notice. ; )

  8. Craig: Sorry. :) The detective in me couldn't resist. ;)

  9. Anah: The source's info is far more interesting to me than his *cough* /her identity, so he can keep that secret as far as I'm concerned. :D

  10. Craig: Did you pick your 2nd place song yet? :)

  11. V: No, I can't commit to one just yet. Pretty sure it will be NYT or AKOS though. : )

  12. HA! Love the new poll, Craig. :)

  13. Thanks Todd. The results should be a bit more evenly spread this time. : )

  14. Well then this must mean that Perfect Boy will be the final single? I can't imagine UTS or ABINK being a singe...

  15. Craig: ;) My top two were the same as yours (again, great minds... :) ).

    Anyway, it was very close for me, because I love them both, but I picked NYT over AKOS. NYT has not left me for the better part of the last week and it has grown on me very fast. :) Just seemed the right fit for the #2 spot.

  16. V: Great choice! I really can't decide. I'm waiting until later tonight, then I'll pick.

    But I'm leaning your way. ; )

  17. Craig: You really can't go wrong either way. :) I'll be curious to know which one you pick, if you'll share... :)

  18. the one i picked gives me that old timey cure feeling more than any of the others. but i still like em all!

  19. V: Of course I'll share with you. : )

    Monkey: So...what is it? : )

  20. MonkeyButt: If you don't tell us, we'll have to start guessing...

  21. fine, it's 'perfect boy.' something about that song just does it for me. the riffs, maybe, or how his voice ascends. i dunno- but i love it.

  22. MonkeyButt: I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it would make you tell us which you picked!

  23. Ah, whew, I see now that won't be necessary.

    Very good choice! :)

  24. please, v, do it anyway! i've always wanted to see that. ;)

  25. MonkeyButt: Lol! Sorry, my car's a diesel - no spark plugs to piss on! ;)

  26. Monkey: I knew it! Yeah, I love that one too. It has to be the final single. So simple, but so catchy and singable.

    Aw man, V was going to do tricks. Thanks for ruining that for us Monkey. : )

  27. Craig: Sorry to get your hopes up. ;)

  28. Craig: I can still do tricks, though I'd prefer to not do ones that mix car parts and bodily functions. :)

  29. perfect boy for me also.. looked forward to it at all the shows i went to.

  30. V: Ok, we'll leave those for Cat and Chris. : )

  31. i bet cat would piss on a spark plug!

  32. puja, considering that you're apparently in the US, your decision to order through Amazon UK makes very little sense. You're not going to get it any faster, and could have just waited for the preorder for the US release to show up on the main Amazon site or The Ideal Copy. You do know that you've just paid twice as much as you would have had to had you waited, right?

    Note: I know that I sound like an arrogant killjoy here, but it just pains me to see people jump the gun like this.

  33. Craig: Oh I see how it is - you have to be willing to do crazy tricks to get anywhere in COFWorld! ;) I can't compete with those two, though. No way. ;)

  34. Monkey: we need to get her to work that into one of her reports from NYC. : )

  35. V: No,no,no...I would be disappointed in you if you did. : )

  36. Why not "besides 'Sleep when i'm dead' what is your favorite new Cure song?" - because Sleep When I'm Dead is the best thing they've done since Porl left....

  37. i'll be 2nd or 3rd to post this, but, merlicht: it's because almost 48% of responses in the first poll were for UTS. so it's kind of an in-joke.

  38. Because the first version of the poll was a landslide for UTS. Rightfully so. : )

  39. MonkeyButt: Aw, shux! I will pretend you meant that in the non-short-bus way! ;)

  40. It's Perfect Boy for me!!! Love it!

    Good morning, all.

    v - Are you channelling, Cat this morning?

  41. i have an idea. let's play 'global thermonuclear war.'

  42. Good morning Elise! Chat has covered everything today. : )

  43. Good morning, Elise! No, despite the boys' best efforts to get me to do naughty things, I am being good. o:)

    Gotta run home to check the mail!

  44. MonkeyButt: I'd love to, but I have to go home now. :)

  45. And that's when it all went to hell.
    : )

  46. Yeah, I've checked a few of the threads and enjoyed the War Games chat - I can't believe you remember it that well.

  47. See you, V.

    This world is weird.... I have just gotten to work and you are just leaving. I want to live in another time zone!

  48. *is proud to be a geek!* :D

  49. Craig - you're not joining in with doing things with car parts and body parts are you? If so, I am outta here

  50. Elise: No! In being a proud geek like V. : )

  51. Craig - Phew! That's OK then.... you had me worried that your downward spiral was neverending :)

  52. Kate perks up. Body parts? :)

  53. Where's jpx when I need him? ;)

  54. Elise: I am beginning to think my mailman ate the TimTams! No sign of them yet... :(

  55. ooooh....timtams! make sure you bite off the ends and slurp some tea through them.

    i tried not to make that sound vulgar, but i couldn't help it.

  56. v - not happy :(

    What happens to your mail if you have shifted before you get them? Will it get redirected?

    I'm beginning to think it is being sent by ship....eeek

  57. Elise: No worries! They will get here. They still have some time, and my mail will be forwarded. :) I'm sure I'll get them this week!

  58. Monkey - the only thing better than slurping tea through them, is slurping Milo through it.

    Milo - Hot Chocolate

  59. MonkeyButt: I will be sure to try that! :)

  60. Lisalovecat sent me an email today telling me that she had gone to work to find that a colleague had bought in some TimTams having returned from a holiday in Oz.

    The planets are aligning people!!!

  61. elise, i'll try that. sounds great!

  62. lucky me the specialty store up the street imports them all the time!

  63. Elise: That is a good omen if I've ever heard one! :)

  64. v - I really hope you get them in time for us to enjoy a Tim Tam together at one of the NY shows - sure it is a fairly crappy consolation prize - but a prize nonetheless

  65. i missed the boat on the tim tam situation :\

    so is there no single artwork out there yet?

  66. MB - I couldn't survive without TimTams, but have to say that if Australia ever decided to start importing Twinkies, I would be the size of a house.

  67. sofia, how dare you mention cure songs in here! this forum is about timtams. and wargames, to a lesser degree.

    bye everyone. have a good night!

  68. Sofia - If you asked very nicely, I am sure the Tim Tam fairy could pop some in the mail for you :)

  69. Elise: I hope so, too! We will need it. :) Though these chats are wonderful and special, too.

    By the way, did I see that April is sending you some Twinkies? If not, lemme know and I'll hook you up! (I will hook you up anyway, even if she already is sending some!)

  70. See you MB. Sadly, it is the start of a new day for me and I am at work - blah!

  71. V - I think she may be sending me some - she said something about all different varieties.

    mmmm, tummy rumbling must have twinkies!

  72. Elise: Okay, well I will make sure you get some, one way or another!! :)

  73. i didnt even think the u.s. sold twinkies anymore? i havent seen one of those suckers in AGES.

    you guys have snoballs there, elise? theyre like pink coconut sprinkled breasts! ohm nom nom!

    pims are my favorite cookie! you guys got pims? COOKIE EXCHANGE!

  74. theyre like pink coconut sprinkled breasts!

    Lol, Sofia!!

  75. Sofia, we don't have Pims cookies (Pimm's alcohol, of course, yes) but not cookies.

    I'd love to do a cookie exchange. Just let me know your mailing address and I will send you some yummy stuff.

    At this rate, you'll probably get yours before v.

  76. oops... forgot to say, yes we have pink coconut covered breats here too.... err I mean Snoballs

  77. Okay, I'm off for now. Have a lovely day, Elise. :) *hugs*

  78. *gives v a big hug*

    Have a good night, see you in Cleveland tomorrow!

  79. Morris - did you do that? It's beautiful!

  80. Elise: yeah, a few years a go.

  81. Morris - so you knew that there was gonna be a Cure song called UTS some time in the future. Wow - you are a psychic!

  82. I'd love to stop and chat - but I'm at work and I REALLY need to find focus and get some work done.

    I wish I could live in Cure and CoF land forever, but I have to work to fund my trip to meet you all in the states next year.

    See you in Cleveland, tomorrow.

    Morris - I hope your headache is better :)

  83. Elise: Thanks! i'm doing a bit better today.

    Get some work done so you don't get in trouble :)

  84. morris, i never see boys make mosaics. its very pretty!

    elise, noooooooo. *sniff* damn having dinner all to hell

  85. i think i love the swirly sky best.

  86. :| im having a conversation with myself.

    i only just saw the movie 'the thing' several months ago. and ive never been so shocked in all my life.

  87. thanks Sofia... the stars turned out better than the waves :) I agree.

    thanks - i like mosaics :)

  88. it's a lovely creative skill to have, i think. impressive to the ladies too i bet. or erm...guys? i hate to assume

  89. lol, no i don't think the ladies think it's that hot! With my luck, it's probably a big hit with the guys! (not that there's anything wrong with that) :P

  90. well, i think it's pretty great. ;)

    creatives are always unappreciated. whatevs.

    i used to glue broken dishes and glass on planks of wood. it was not so pretty and not so mosaic-y. id love to make my mom a mosaic virgin de guadalupe for her new house. or maybe commission one...

  91. i tend to be a bit conservative with my mosaics - right now i prefer black and white and unglazed tiles.

    ...i try not to look crafty, because i'm an "art" snob.

    But it can be a beautiful medium.

    virgin de guadalupe sounds neat, go for it! :)

  92. morris: You're the person who commented on my butterfly illustration?

    Thanks for the heads up! I haven't replied yet, but I'll probably change the title soon! :D

  93. hellogeri: yeah, i was trying not to come off as snobby.. :) I used to study Monarchs and raise them...

    sofia: feel free to email me if you need some help with the mosaics

  94. morris, im a bit of a snob myself. but i don't buy crap like "PoMo" or any of that. i like the very sincere.
    i like mosaics because- yes, they cant be "crafty" if you dont know what youre doing (or if that is what you do?), its one of those things where you have to make specific decisions in order to make it interesting.

    i might just take you up on that offer thanks!

  95. Buggery, i got all excited cos i thought there was a show tonight. :(.

  96. i want my work to look like art... and not arts and crafts. It can be a fine line with mosaics :)

  97. Morris: You never, but at the time I recognized your username but couldn't figure out who it was. But now I know! :D

  98. Yay!!! They opened with BEFORE 3 tonight!!!! amazing!!! :)

  99. no way, i would fall over if a frog crawled out of there.

  100. oh, wow, waaaaaay wrong thread for that. ignore! ignore!

  101. sofia: stop steaming up my tail!

  102. Yeah it's official! Looking forward to seeing the art work & hearing Down Under too! I like what I have heard of Sleep Like I'm Dead so far!

  103. A brief comment before my next meeting -
    CK - I can't wait to hear Down Under too - the story of a girl that travel from perth to Adelaide to see the Cure in concert. A story of Elise ............ yeah, right :)

  104. I saw earlier on the talk of Time tame & Twinkies. Anyone on here a fan of Tasty Cakes? They are a Philly favorite. I love the Peanut Butter Tandy Cakes & Butterscotch Krimpets.

    Tim Tams are good! Haven't had on in ages!!! Maybe I should ask elise for a few???

  105. Hi elise! Lots of meetings today? I've got to be in an all day meeting tomorrow. Not looking forward to it!!!

  106. i totally voted for sleep when i'm dead. it totally has an 80s sound...but a REAL 80s sound, not the ironic faux-80s sound that all the new bands these days try to cop.

  107. Morris: Your mosaic is really cool!!! :)

    Also - I just saw in your profile that you're a Neal Stephenson fan! Me too! My cat is named after a character in Cryptonomicon. :D

  108. V: Thanks :)

    Stephenson's new book comes out in September! Cant wait!

    What's your cat's name? Eliza?

  109. ...September seems like such a long way away... i want the new album now! :) (and the Stephenson book!) :)

  110. cure kitty, I'm with you. Glad to hear this is confirmed! Can't wait to hear the studio version of SWID and the B-side.

    Pretty sure I must be the only one here, but I'm not feeling much for Perfect Boy yet. But it's quite likely that the studio version will change my mind.

    Random note: I was reading something at work this morning, and when I saw CFO I thought it was COF. Look what this site does to me!

  111. Moris---I love your Underneath the Stars mosaic and the kitty one too! Actually all of them are beautiful! Well done! Do you do them for fun or do you actually sell them?

    Did you ever try Stained Glass Paneling. I know it's not exactly the same as mosaics but somewhat similar. If not, I think you might like like it.

    I've been tinkering around with a glass projects here & there and I'm currently working on a panel of a cat sleeping. After I'm do with that, I want to try to make a panel with The Cure for the next project. Then I'm going to take a fused glass class next month. I love working with glass. I have to try mosaics one day.

  112. Morris: Nope - Bobby Shaftoe. :)

  113. Damn I've got to go to bed! I said I wouldn't stay up past 11:00 PM & not it's almost midnight! This place is way to addicting!

  114. Good night cure kitty! Sweet dreams!

  115. cure kitty: I haven't tried stained glass, but would like to some day. Probably the only reason i haven't i that i run out of time with all my other projects!

    V: One of my favorite scenes in all of the Baroque Cycle is when Bobby is saved by Teague while fighting Upnor. I laughed so hard reading that :)

    Thanks all for the kind remarks, i feel a little guilty - ie: fishing for complements...

  116. Cure Kitty - I know you are sleeping now, but if you check this, feel free to email me your mailing address and I will send some goodies your way :)

  117. Hi Chris - sorry, I just went to send you an email. I'm back now - are you there?

  118. here...

    replied to you already. :)

  119. brb

    need to get dogs settled for the night...

  120. I'll pop in from now and then, but am at work and really *should* be focussed. My project gets implemented tomorrow night and I have SHITLOADS to get done. For some reason I haven't been very focussed on work ;P

  121. well i hope u can get all that bullshit done so you can focus on the important things going on...


  122. I'm ploughin my way through - sporadically interrupted with a bitch session about work colleagues with my boss - you know how it is!!!

  123. I'm gonna use carp from now on!

    Carp, I can't believe tomorrow is the last concert we will spend online together!

    Next tour, I'm gonna be there in person to share it with you all!

  124. i'm gonna post my Skype account tomorrow if anyone would like to call and chat... more than 10 people can be on a conference call. And you can still post in the comments.

    :shrug: we'll see

  125. Morris - I don't even know what Skype is, I assume it would be to a US number - can you imagine my phone bill if I did that from Oz - Holy Crap!

  126. Skype is free internet to internet calling. You just need a headset and microphone to talk into :)

  127. I really must start understanding technology.... Maybe Someday :)

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  130. I am all for the Skype, definitely count me in! I suppose it would be easier for people than Ventrilo in some ways...

    Just download it, folks! Even if you can only listen, it would be cool! It's free to download and use and of course if you have a headset or headphones and a mic, you can chat.

    it's freaking me out!
    or "oot" as my bf would say...

    i've got a skype acct, morris and everyone!
    username: kabukiface

  132. I just don't want the whole Skype thing to take away from the comment posting community we got going.

    skype: morris_fl

  133. the thing is...after the tour will there be enough new posts for us to hijack like this one? i think everyone will continue to chat on here as long and there is someplace for us to type. skype is just a nice enhancement

  134. Well yes, and some people might be listening in, but using the forum to communicate, since they might not have mics. I will chat in Skype, but I will still be in the forum... I think it would be a nice enhancement!

  135. Sofia - maybe Craig would be kind enough to add a new topic each day/week that we can all leap onto to chat.

    We definitely all HAVE to stay in touch!

  136. sofia: good - sometimes i get carried away, and good intentions... turn bad.

  137. elise, i was just going to say...a daily blank post would be awesome! i dont want to see anyone fade away :c

  138. Well, we can always entertain ourselves by picking topics that we can only converse on using Cure lyrics or song titles... heh.

  139. *smiles at Sofia* great minds think alike, babe!

  140. maybe he can...yeah! how fun would that be? if it wasnt too annoying for him to create a new cure (or related) topic for us weekly.

  141. Guys, Charlotte and Faith videos have been posted. : )

  142. elise, pfft! we are the GREATEST minds!

    earlier i was reading how someone was asking about the story behind 'strange attraction' and i wanted to get up on that topic SO BAD because i had such a curegirl reaction to it. but it was like, 500 comments behind.

  143. craig, your good work is never done!
    omg.... *runs off to see the vids*

  144. wooohooo craig!

    hey guys - sara got attacked by a pitbull! bit her shoulder and scratched up her car - but she says she is ok. :(

    ill tell her to come over here but i need to go to sleeeep...

  145. Thank Craig, chillsssss

    Hi everyone.

    Good show i feel bored..

  146. Chris - OMG poor Sara - give her a hug from me!

  147. Sofia - I love Strange Attraction - and have to say, I always wish I would have been the clever girl that came up with the line "can I use some of your lipstick"

  148. elise, can i tell you my strange attraction story?

  149. ML68 - Which side of the stage were you on at the Adelaide concert? I was right between Robert and Simon!!!

  150. you can modify it!

    i'll have my own "ghetto" way of asking the boys:

    "uh yeah...anyone got any lipstick up in hyah?"

    *raises eyebrows at robert*

    *looks at robert and says:* i like your color the best..."


  151. Sofia - please do!!! Remember, I am checking in sporadically from work, so don't be offended if I take a while to respond : )

  152. i think i used to have a email pen pal who claimed she was her... or friend of hers... can't remember. I'll have to put on the ole thinking cap.

  153. christina- i am burning you some cds with some people that i like so u can hear them lol and i learned drowning man but i think the tabs are wrong bc it doesnt sound right...

  154. *gives Sara a big hug* are you OK?

  155. Over the years, and all the different computers, it's been impossible to save all my eamils... really regret that :( I try to save it all now, and back it up, etc.

  156. :o

    you learned DM already!!!!


    u r the coolest EVER!!!

  157. yea im fine im just pissed off....ugh stupid dog....

  158. yea but i need to look at other tabs for it....those sound looking for faith too....

  159. Sara - I hate dogs.... says the girl with two beagles!

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. and when I say beagles - I mean real beagles!

  162. lol christina who am I? "I have two black cats!!"

  163. omg craig - these videos are AWESOME!!!!!!

  164. LMFAO!!! haha yeah you dont want the other kind of beagles..... but it was a really big dog! and when it bit me it scared the shit outta me!

  165. Sofia - I completely understand your frustration by that story. I guess we have all imagined ourselves as "Robert's", but I also love the fact that he is so loyal to Mary.... I guess that's one of the reasons we love him.

    BTW, did I say I hate password change day!!!

    Also, off to a meeting now - should be back in 30 minutes - If you decide to leave and go to sleep. Have a good night and I will see you in Cleveland.

  166. sara - i have a cat named cici...


  167. or i think its more

    i have a cat names thi-thi...


  168. i always wanted a bengal...but the are so expensive!! LMFAO!

  169. goodnight all!

    see you pre-show, in about 17 hours or so :)

  170. and siberians are so purty - all that purty hurrr...

  171. have you ever seen a hairless cat?? they are so weird but i petted one and their skin is soooo soft!! lol what are we doing??? we are turning into "THEM"!

  172. my cat squeeky is snoring.

    do you like fish?

