
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Charlotte videos

Faith (Wow!)
Charlotte Sometimes

(Thanks Rev. Heron)


  1. Hey V.
    What does he say at the very end?
    Nothing left but...

  2. Fuckitty.... watching Faith I was totally getting up and cheering at the end, T_T *SO* wish I was there!

  3. Craig: Hmm...working on it.

  4. i'm not going to lie...i teared up. and i felt like the wind was sort of knocked out of me, too. jesus.

    please please let us please get the faith encore. please.

  5. Nothing left but [feeling?], nothing left but friends?

  6. Was Robert forgetting the words in Charlotte? That was a front row recording! Wow! :)

    Betty Boop sticker on his guitar?

  7. V - You will know what I'm hearing in a few minutes. ; )

    On Faith, I don't know. At first, "praise".

  8. God, I HAVE to watch these as soon as I get home. (*is getting fidgety at work*)

    Thanks so much for sharing them!

  9. Craig: :) :)

    My good 'phones are at work, so I may have to defer my deciphering until tomorrow.

  10. and porl is a guitar god. like, we knew this before. but seriously.

  11. What is that on Charlotte? Another backing tape? Hard to tell with that sound quality.

    Does Porl's patented guitar wankery replace synths? No, no it doesn't. Some songs just sound better minimalistic. (And Charlotte Sometimes hasn't sounded all that good since they switched from the nice warm analogue synths, anyway.)

  12. or how to turn "charlotte sometimes" into "a strange day" in three easy steps...

  13. "nothing left but Friends" thats what im getting

  14. All I can say is...



    Someone on the front row with a decent cam that records a song besides Lovesong or PoY!!!!!

  15. my vote is for "nothing left but friends" also, after watching it for the gazillionth time!

  16. Yep, 99% sure he says friends.

  17. that comment applies to the excellent UTS vid from earlier today too! Yes please, more!

  18. sounded like "nothing left but kung pao" ..but I could be wrong

  19. did i warn you guys about the guitar freakout part or what?! it was out of friggin sight... and to think it's recorded by hdnet somewhere!

  20. wow, that brought tears to my eyes! thank you for that amazing footage! It sounds like at the end he says "nothing left, but friends"! i'm going to watch it again and again!

  21. No DOUBT in my mind. It is definitely Nothing left but friends! Don't know if it is my aussie ear, but I could hear it on the first listen.

  22. They should listen to / look at the 1981/82 live versions of Charlotte Sometimes and realise it must be played faster... and to be careful with the keyboards (and drums) sounds...
    Charlotte Sometimes is one of the best songs ever IN THE STUDIO! whereas live is to forget

  23. I think Charlotte is good live, but not great. From my POV, it needs keys. As does PS and a few others.

    Still good in its way. The Faith clip sent shivers! Reliving a perfect moment...

  24. Nice reliving that Faith moment. Hopefully they show the whole thing on HDNet, in person it felt like the song just went on and on and on.... Spellbinding....

  25. Finally got to see them. Both are great clips... Got goosebumps for Faith. And I agree that Charlotte needs keyboards, but Porl's guitar on that one is great. Would be perfect if it's a little faster.

  26. If you follow the link from the Faith video to the BDC one, you can see Cat and I off to the verrry left jumping up and down and screaming, LOL....

  27. Anah - that is so cool! Something you can remember forever!

  28. Elise! I will...and days later I'm still processing the whole thing. There was so much to take in. It was probably the best Cure show I've ever been too, and that's crazy, because my first shows were on The Prayer Tour!

    ...I just got off the phone with Cat and thought I'd share this story with you guys too:

    When The Faith encore began, and I realised we were getting the whole thing so-to-speak, I started jumping up and down so hard that my earring came out! At this point during the show, I was about 7th row center or so and when I bent down to get it, I knocked my forehead on the chair in front of me... and now my freaking face hurts O.o

    But you know what? I don't even care...because it's The Cure, and when it's The Cure, nothing else matters.

    <3 I love that we all get to share The Cure like this now on COF. I know I'm rambling now, but I love Craig, and these boards have really made a difference...<3

  29. Anah - the pain we go through for our favourite boys!

    That's a great story.

    I'm off to bed now. I'll see ya in Cleveland.

  30. G'night Elise!

    Sweet dreams!!


  31. Thanks to Rev for finding the videos!

    Faith is amazing! I've been watching it over & over & getting teary eyed. One of my co-workers thinks I'm sick or something bad has happened. I tell her no I'm just a crazy Cure fan moved by a video I keep watching. She looks at it an says, it's kind of boring! Boring??? She has no idea what she's talking about!!!

    Great story anah---The things we go through for our boys!!!

    Charlotte is good too but I agree, it needs the keys!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. KJ: Aww, what a sweet story! Robert Smiff! :D That is going to make me smile all afternoon.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. V-- Thanks. I reposted due to a minor edit.

    I f I ever get it together to do a MySpace page, I will gel up my son's hair and post a photo so you can see how much he looks like Mr. Smiff!

  36. kj---your son is such a smart boy!!! Great story!!!
