
Friday, April 25, 2008

Only One on HMV and Amazon

HMV has The Only One cd single and 7" single listed for pre-ordering. Release date is May 13th.

Amazon UK has the cd single up for pre-ordering.
Amazon Germany has an import of the cd single.


  1. Bring it on to AMAZON. I'll pre-order all five discs right now!!

  2. I second that! It's incomprehensible to me that the official site has no mention of this. Thank God for Craig!

  3. jpx, technically speaking, this is unofficial at the moment. The official announcement will come next week, so we might very well see something on the official site soon (hopefully).

  4. Shawn - This IS official info. It comes straight from Universal. I can assure you they are not making this stuff up. The press release/announcement is scheduled for monday, we are just getting a sneak preview.

  5. Craig, kudos, man. You are an asset to this aloof UK band and I appreciate your efforts. Seriously. Also, by compiling fans' & reviewers' reports & views you've maintained quite a dependable, conistent resource. If you ever come to Seattle let me know and I'll take you out for a pitcher.

  6. there is an official site? one that keeps fans updated and interested in the band.... Ive calculated my hits on compared to chainofflowers. i think its about 12,462 chainofflower checks to every 1's. And Craig doesn't even try to sell me anything! Thank you Craig, I hope your hard work pays off in some way or another. You are defiantly MUCH appreciated from me and several of my friends here in the LA area that check your site on a regular basis.

  7. I agree Craig thanks so much for this, the info we have all been dying to hear! The official site is silly, but i dont think it is the bands fault per se, I would rather they were concentrating on these singles and giving the US fans a great tour!!!

  8. Ditto Craig, your site is the bomb.

    jpx - have patience, the official site will be updated in due time. I'm sure the web admin just wants to make sure everyone has the chance to read about the new Festival 2005 DVD in stores Dec. 5. You wouldn't want to deny anyone such information by hastily replacing it with an announcement of newly-recored material would you?

  9. Craig, I didn't say that this info was false. I just meant that the "official" official announcement isn't going to be made until next week.


    also now available for pre-order on single only at the moment by the looks, does anyone know if you order the single if the artbox is automatically included, god knows how I will get it here in NZ otherwise?


  11. Hi Craig

    Do you have any idea about the b sides at all?
    Do you think they will be the much talked about instrumentals?

    And I wonder if there will be other singles off the album once it is released? but thats more of a musing than a question.

    This is so exciting!!!

  12. Four singles plus additional non-album tracks:It`s like having birthday every month. But what makes me a little sceptical and worried ( also for the album) is that they will release "only one" first, the "poorest" song of the 4tour and pure pop and only average. I hoped, they fucked that mainstream thing and focus more on the "gloom and doom". Maybe "the boy i never knew" wouldn´t be a good radio single, but the better choice for the cure fans ( and the best song we know so far ...). But the good thing is, when you look at the list of their latest singles, they all were almost average and pop and not representative for the album songs ( so that should destroy my scepticals towards the album, right?)Also i hope for great b-sides (as always). I do love "join the dots". Thanks from Berlin to Craig for this great site.

  13. Speak for yourself, dude, I love the new single!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I have noted cure fans sometimes assume that the gloom is doom is the only things "REAL" fans like. I love Inbetween Days as much as Other Voices. The Caterpillar is just as cool to me as Funeral Party. Why hate on the pop stuff? It's cool they do both well.
    Been a fan for 24 years (!) and have loved their back and forth switches between styles.

  16. I agree that there is more to the band than doom and gloom, in fact that whole idea of them being doom and gloom band kind of marked a very specific period of their early career, they have been a pop band more than anything for the longest time, I relistened to 'Cut Here' today and its such a lovely song, a wonderful tribute to Billy MacKenzie...

    I havent heard a decent version of 'The Only One' yet but I am excited to hear it, dark track or not, I think Robert said something about a pop single, a daker single, a rockier single and a dancier single? am I imagining that???

    who knows! who cares here comes 4 new singles!!!! hooray!

  17. I heard 5 decent version of "The only one" on tour in various european places last month...loved it

  18. So...........10 days away from the start of a US do you americans feel???????

  19. @perfect.murder: Ready to quit my job and become a groupie. ;) But alas, I only get to see one US show (tho it's ok cuz I saw 2 in Europe, and I doubt we'll get 3-hour shows here in the States). :D Are you coming over here for any of the shows?

  20. Nope..unfortunatly...would love to though...NYC could be nice...having said that the exchange rate makes it hard NOT to come over i am thinking about it..which shows in Europe did you go to ?:)

  21. @perfect.murder: Yeah, w/ the exchange rate, you have no excuse not to come! ;) I was at Hamburg and Berlin, and to keep this "on topic", I liked "The Only One" both times. Which shows did you go to? (I think you've said already, but I don't remember... :) )

  22. Stockholm, Copenhagen,Barcelona, Paris and London...Hopefully you will get 3 hour shows...i really don't see why you wouldn't..(ok maybe 2 1/2h sometimes)...Enjoy anyway as i'm sure you will...

  23. Does this mean we will start hearing the new single on the day it is released or will radios be playing it beforehand?

  24. Any word on a US pre-order with way cool storage box???

    Looking forward to the Cleveland show!

  25. they've played VERY long shows every time I have seen em, even at festivals (coachella).
    I think the US will do fine as far as setlists go. I think people in the States tend to get restless though so they better pepper the set with hits. In Los Angeles, its sad to say but best reaction always goes to the hits. When they played M at Curiosa, people around me thought it was a new B Side...I was in the front row too!

  26. @Robert: In my experience, they play very long sets by other bands' standards, but I have yet to see a 3-hour show over here. My fingers are crossed though for this tour. :) As for restless audiences and the reaction you saw to "M", that is really sad. I saw Kraftwerk here (not at Coachella :) ) last week and was appalled by the audience's behavior during their set. :P It seems that a lot of people here go to shows just to say they went there, not to actually enjoy the music or the artists onstage. It's very frustrating and annoying for those of us who actually want to have an "experience" with the band and music. I wish all of those "restless" people would just stay at home with their CD collections. :( Sorry, just a sore spot with me right now. :) As for US setlists, I'm excited and hopeful that they will get mixed up a bit from what they played in Europe. :D Maybe playing some outdoor venues will put them in an adventurous mood... :)

  27. jpx, i doubt any modern radio stations are going to touch the cure except kroq. just my opinion. i wish they would, but radio only plays complete crap nowadays.

  28. jpx & monkeybutt: XRT in Chicago probably will, too.

  29. what is "raised up"?

  30. Seth - That has been there for a few months. Just another rumored new album title.

  31. Michael, I'm also going to the Cleveland show.

    monkeybutt, 102.1 The Edge in Toronto would almost definitely play stuff from their new album, and 105.1 The River in Niagara Falls, Ontario would probably play at least The Only One. I can't speak for 103.3 The Edge in Buffalo, but I could always harass them with requests. :) However, that might have to wait until something "rockier" is released.

    Seth, Raised Up is probably just someone's imagination.

  32. and here it's still "4:13"

  33. Raised Up - sounds a bit too "born again" for my taste. ;)

  34. heck with this! i'm ordering that festival 2005 dvd offered on the official site...

    *yeah, i know, it's a tired old joke. but it's still FUNNY.

  35. @MonkeyButt: Or maybe the joke's on us all - maybe the title of the new album is Festival 2005 DVD, and they've been advertising it on the official site all this time after all! ;)
