
Friday, April 25, 2008

New single artwork

Front of cd insert

Back of cd insert

Cd tray inlay

Back of cd inlay


  1. Hmm, whose profile is that?!??
    Are the release dates worldwide or for the US only? How exciting!! New singles!!!

  2. What's the b-side? Have you heard it, Craig?

  3. Oops, I now see that "NY Trip" is the beside. I'm starting to get a little excited here!

  4. JPX - The b-side is called Ny Trip. Haven't heard it yet.

  5. I notice they are advertising the official website on the single artwork. I hope someone (anyone) gets to update it a little before the single goes out to the general public. The official site is downright embarressing as it is of now.

  6. The art looks great.

    I hope it shows up on the new web-site too. Update that thing already!!!

  7. exists a promo single from radios around in this moment??

  8. remember that one-off cover they did years and years ago....?

    nice coincidence

  9. Does anyone familiar with Porl's artwork think that he did this one?

  10. I hope the 4 b-sides aren't what would have helped constitute the double album and they aren't just opting for the single disc album! Please, Robert, go experimental. Screw the mainstream!

  11. kinda odd how all the posts about the delays are full of comments and then we get some good/great news and hardly anyone is commenting...are they too shocked or overjoyed? i for one am thrilled and this news has helped this shitty week end on a better note.

    just looking at the artwork gives me the same thrill i had when i walked into my record store back in 1996 and saw The 13th 2-track single. i got into the cure after hearing Burn from the crow soundtrack, so that single was the first music i bought of theirs that was actually new. now i'm getting that feeling all over again!

    (sorry for the long rant, but i'm just overjoyed with this news...hope they sell this first single at the upcoming shows!)

  12. @one05northtower: The cover says that the sleeve art is by Parched Art? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that Porl's art company? (Or wasn't he associated with it at some point?)

  13. V - Yes, Parched Art is Porl and Andy Vella.

  14. Ryan - I am thrilled , I am besides myself with excitement, only 10 days till the next dose of the Cure!!!

    I am so so happy!!! spreading the word already....!!!!


  15. Sweet, this is so exciting! And as if the news of four new singles isn't already exciting enough, the official website says that there will be a new DVD called Festival 2005 in stores Dec. 5! Somebody pinch me!!!

    Seriously though, it gives me tickles to read the words "Art by Parched Art" on a Cure CD sleeve again. Although I'm not sure anything will ever quite compare to the Wish-era singles artwork.

  16. Alfredo - That would be Keith Uddin.
