
Saturday, March 3, 2018

Simon on Michael Ciravolo's 'Man of Faith'

Listen to 39 seconds of 'Man of Faith' from Michael Ciravolo's album 'Beauty in Chaos', featuring Simon Gallup on bass and Wayne Hussey from The Mission on vocals.

Michael talks about Simon: "What can I say… simply my fav bass player of all time (well just after my wife ☺).   Simply Blessed to have him on this track, such a ‘Simon’ bass line too!  While he’s not much for social media presence, you can follow THE CURE here.  There is also a cool fan run page here.

Big thank you to Simon’s son, Eden for tracking his dad in his studio.  Please check out Eden’s band Violet Vendetta.

Finally there are some alcohol-fueled ‘rumors’ that this collaboration may have rekindled a side project between Simon and Mr. Hussey.  You all can thank me later ☺"