
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Perry is selling some of his guitars

From Perry on Facebook:

"So... I'm selling a few guitars - to make room for new ones!
It's such a shame that the majority of my collection sit in cases, stored away. It's only when you bring them all out together that you remember how nice they are and how so many are charged with special memories.

Over the last couple of days I've been opening cases, dusting off old friends, playing songs related to specific guitars (the black Guild acoustic, for example, still tuned to play "If Only Tonight We Could Sleep") Enjoying a whole sweep of memories and emotions, recalling concerts and studio recordings.
Many of these guitars will stay with me, physically, as I can't part with them. But the rest will always be with me in other ways, having been part of my incredible journey with an amazing band. I shall be playing the ones that stay and they will be hung on the walls instead of left in their cases.

Auctioneers are Gardiner Houlgate.
Catalogue should be up in the next few weeks. Auction day Sept 14th.
Please note: these guitars are left handed!

Ok, to be clear, I have a lot of guitars and I'm just thinning my collection. All the ones that are precious to me are staying! This is not a forced sale, or some form of closure - just making some room! I'll probably buy more before the auction day arrives. (Got my eye on a Custom shop Strat in Daphne blue right now..!) "

Update (July 14th, 2017):

"The auction house needs photos. This has led me to searching through a lot of memorabilia. Hundreds of photos, hand written letters, concert passes (I threw so much away - to my regret!) and other band-related items. What an amazing life.
With this, and the guitars, it's been an unexpectedly emotional experience and it will influence my future choices, in some way, for sure.
And I have to acknowledge your part in this. I admit I started this page purely to advertise the fact I was playing again (briefly, with LAR) but the response and subsequent correspondence with people here has quite overwhelming. After years of being dismissive about my past career - something caused by a denial of deep wounding - I now embrace it with pride and joy.
I have a lot of you here to thank for that.
Have a great weekend!"

So wonderful to read this! We all love you, Perry! Don't you ever forget that. And you were always so kind and helpful to all of the fans. We will always remember and be so thankful for all you gave to us. Onstage and off. Cheers!

Update (Nov. 16th, 2017):  Here's a listing of what all of the guitars sold for.