
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Top 10 Goth Icons

Robert is the #1 "Goth Icon" according to this list created by Watch Mojo. (Thanks @anduyuns)


  1. Definitely Robert is the best thing of video.

  2. I saw this a few days ago on you tube so many on there should not be and why Peter Murphy was #10 is beyond me but Siouxsie know she could easily be #1

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  4. I agree. This list is so screwed up. No credit to the authors here. Where is Sisters? PM should have been at least #2.

  5. Dumb list, dumb narrator. The Cure weren't goth past 1982. Robert is #1 musical icon.

    1. True. The only goth records they ever made were Faith, Charlotte Sometimes and Pornography yet they are eternally saddled with the goth tag.

    2. Yeah! Of course it's high fucking time that Robert Smith, Siouxsie, Peter Murphy, Andrew Eldritch, etc all realised that the ' Goth Tag' is what first stuck and put food on the table...all of them still make or reproduce their music not too differently from what they did back in those hey days... granted there is evolution and its no longer the 70s or 80s...however you can't Shake your roots or turn your back on your's like denying who you are....and that is....that they're all Goths!! Get over it! It's as true as the spidery hair does and the makeup they apply plus the overwhelming majority of bands that do characterise their style as Goth worship them!!!!

  6. The Cure arent goth! They were too many years ago(perhaps) but not today. Although nowadays they have many songs that seems to be...anyway they still are amazing

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  8. I'm glad Siouxsie was on the list, but I agree, the narrator is an idiot. And how did Marilyn Manson get #3??

  9. "Extremely intelligent personality"??

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  11. How did Peter Murphy get number 10! How did Freaking Manson get number three!... Let Marilyn Manson go play in his toy box... If it wasn't for Peter Murphy , Robert Smith or Susie that guy wouldn't even have any ideas for his career! What a joke
