
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

30 years of The Cure in Orange...

...and STILL no official release on DVD or Blu-Ray! That should be a crime, right? :)

From Lol on Facebook: "So my friend Toberr reminded me that tomorrow is thirty (!) years since the Cure played at the Theatre Antique D'Orange in France. We filmed the whole affair with Tim Pope at the helm for our film " The Cure In Orange". In "Cured" you can read about something that happened to me when we filmed it that added to the strange psychedelic madness of that experience !"

Still have my US LaserDisc & VHS, and a VCD from Malaysia.


  1. Best concert film they ever did and yes it is a crime that it is still unreleased.

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  3. In the last few years Robert has talked about so many great The Cure Projects that he's been working on and NONE of them have been released! And we haven't had a new album in 8 years! This is WRONG!

    1. You're the bass player, tell him to sort it at the next band meeting :)

    2. Don't worry...with all these incomplete projects it only means retirement will need to be delayed for as long as possible. Maybe for at least another decade? HAHA. And with fewer revenue streams (delayed album, DVD/Blu-ray releases of concerts, etc.) they will just have to resort to touring more often...ideally once every other year?
      In the meantime, YouTube/Vimeo videos will have to suffice. Unfortunately, I have no device on which to play my old VHS tape of In Orange :)

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    4. piggywigee, get a new VCR. Problem solved. :)

    5. @piggie sorry had I known, I just threw out a vcr yesterday. Must be the last stand alone one on earth. I seriously have not seen a vcr in at least 10 years. I think. I have not had vhs tapes in at least 20 years.

    6. @piggie sorry had I known, I just threw out a vcr yesterday. Must be the last stand alone one on earth. I seriously have not seen a vcr in at least 10 years. I think. I have not had vhs tapes in at least 20 years.

    7. @Shawn - I still have an old non-functioning VCR. Not sure why I kept it (might be my hoarding tendency. LOL)
      @ All I have to do - I actually still have some old VHS tapes of Galore, Play Out and a few others somewhere floating around in storage, purchased in the late '90s (right around the time DVD's started to hit the consumer market). We now take YouTube for granted, but as recently as 2004-ish, one still had to rely primarily on these tapes/DVD's (or bootlegs) to view Cure videos. Once in a blue moon you might catch it on VH1 Classic. Now that you can watch anything virtually on demand, it takes away from the excitement of watching a Cure video for the first time...but I still would take YouTube over analog counterparts any day. That said, I'm still dying to play my dusty Boys Don't Cry vinyl album I picked up at a flea market eons ago. I don't have a record player, but my parents still have a vintage Sony "hi-fi" (not Wi-Fi! lol) system with turntable that they brought with them when they moved here from HK decades ago. It's older than I am, but surprisingly enough has outlasted all subsequent CD/MP3/MD players (remember those?) and other devices purchased over the years.

    8. Nice jealous of the turntable. I actually have a nice late 60's tuner with a mono switch and a turntable with adjustable speed. I think I will play my boys don't cry LP today Cheers

    9. Nice jealous of the turntable. I actually have a nice late 60's tuner with a mono switch and a turntable with adjustable speed. I think I will play my boys don't cry LP today Cheers

    10. That's awesome! It seems a lot of the older equipment was often times better made with greater attention to quality, though they probably still pale in comparison (in some but not all respects) to today's higher end systems.

  4. When are we going to get to hear "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun" from the Orange soundcheck?

  5. I have a feeling that a veritable plethora of shit is gonna come out...and we'll be flooded with it....and then I woke up!!!

  6. I have a feeling that a veritable plethora of shit is gonna come out...and we'll be flooded with it....and then I woke up!!!

  7. Speaking of crime, if you're having trouble getting the stream to play all the way through, don't try to download a copy. Your ISP will lock your account and scold you about piracy before they let you log back in. Not that I would know anything about such things...>:(

  8. I saw this on the big screen!Love it!

    1. Yeah in LA they featured it for weeks at several movie theatres

    2. Yeah in LA they featured it for weeks at several movie theatres

  9. I think play out is their best video. Would love to have that as a DVD release. For the cure in orange I still have the sweet talking guy cd bootleg from great Dane records in Italy.

    1. I have sweet talking guy too that is one bad ass boot. Sorry Robert you should have released that one yourself.

    2. I have sweet talking guy too that is one bad ass boot. Sorry Robert you should have released that one yourself.

  10. I had the freaking VHS, but sold it back to the used record store from which I bought it because I believed Robert's promises that it was going to be released soon. I'm such a moron!

    1. Why would you have done that even if the band had released it on dvd?

  11. The audience were completely nuts at that gig. I love watching it! The moshpit during "Play for today' are insane. If you should try to do that now you would be knocked down in two seconds :)

  12. The good ole days when every song intro didnt have bloody annoying hi-hat hitting all the way through....or even worse the god awful click track they use now at the start of Push...completely unnecessary and sounds shit !

    1. After watching this it just reiterates that The Cure needs to get a powerful drummer on board again! There drumming has become so repetitive and so electronic is so boring it's ridiculous...

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  13. Does anyone know what song/intro/sample they are using just before they go on stage? Sounds partly like the sampling of Pornography song?

    1. It is "Relax", track #10 on The Glove's Blue Sunshine album.

    2. I think they used that for the 85 and 86 show. Then in 87 it was eyemou. I wish this would have been in kiss me remastered edition.

  14. Love that show! One of the best line-up of the cure!

  15. Why do people post their comment twice?

  16. Why do people post their comment twice?

  17. Why do people post their comment twice?

  18. Why do people post their comment twice?

  19. It's amazing how fast this video gets pulled down from ANYWHERE..... Grrrr sucks.....

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