
Friday, July 1, 2016

Lauren repping The Cure at Roskilde


  1. I like that "Mother We Share" but don't know much else.

    1. I had never heard of Chvrches before she was on Nerdist. I really like the band, feels very much like the 80's to me.

    2. Check them out, Andy. Of the people posting here, you're the one most likely to enjoy them. In other words, they're for a younger generation than the old goffs posting here. :)

    3. Also should mention that the band are Cure fans. Preshow music at their Denver show last year was a lot of Depeche Mode and Cure. Martin (who is a former member of The Twilight Sad) went to at least 1 of the NYC shows on this tour.

      Not sure if Lauren made it or not, but betting that's where she got this shirt. And at their Florida Halloween show last year, Lauren dressed up as Robert, but when no one knew who she was, she had to alter it to Edward Scissorhands. :)

      Lot of Scottish bands really into The Cure. Imagine what would happen if they actually played in Scotland occasionally! :)

    4. Yes!!! I remember that post Craig and that's how it is nowadays...people SWEAR Robert stole Edwards Scissorhands' look when he predated that character and that overall look by what 8/9 yrs??? Ridiculous!!!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not crazy about bands with Female vocalists unless the voice is stronger....Siouxsie rulez!!!

  3. The Cranes are another great classic band with female vocals.

  4. Yes cranes and siouxsie and l7 all else fails.

  5. Not a fan of theirs and don't believe the hype either....chvrches ugh.

    Cranes, Curve and Banshees for me.

  6. I love Liz Frasers voice always have done nice one...

  7. Chvrches are a fantastic band! Saw them live 3 times last year (Denver, Orlando, Houston). Each show was packed. Each show an absolute blast! They are so much fun and put on a great, high energy show.

    Don't know about any hype, I haven't run into that. I was introduced to them by a fellow Cure fan, thanks Aaron Law!

    And as much as I love Chvrches, I love Lauren even more. Love her stand against the awful sexist, misogynistic online trolls. I'd support her in anything she does. She's an incredible young woman. Smart and very funny. Her between song banter at shows is almost as good as the songs themselves.

    And guys, all these bands you're listing are decades old. Open your minds and ears to some stuff a bit more recent. You're missing out on A LOT of great music.

  8. Hearts and hearts to Craig. :)

  9. Hearts and hearts to Craig. :)

  10. this post is so packed with misogyny, its vile. if a female singer isn't as strong as Sioux, she's pointless??? wtf is wrong with you guys?

    1. You might need to take a look at a dictionary. Saying you prefer a strong female singer is not misogynistic.

  11. I find it mildly amusing how easily fledgling musical groups fronted by young female artists tend to be immediately dismissed or written off as somehow less significant or talented than those fronted by, say, older male artists. In many (but not all) cases these initial assumptions are based in large part on looks without giving the artist a chance to prove themselves. It probably isn't done consciously but it seems women in certain male dominated fields (engineering, construction, stand up comedy, culinary arts, pro tennis (among other sports), academia, film/tv, classical/rock music and many, many other fields) tend to be more quickly dismissed than their comparably skilled male counterparts. They have to work twice as hard to prove themselves, while getting far less in recognition and compensation. This is especially true for minority millennials, but applies to all young women. Sorry for the rant.
    Some of the comments here seem a bit is possible that churches is reading this - hope they don't take it personally. I am not familiar with the work of churches, but admire the feisty attitude of the lead singer and wish her and her band success. (side note: wonder if they are a fan of the similar sounding,excellent group The Church? No, I'm not being tongue in cheek). πŸ˜…

    1. I agree with alot of that statement but I just wanted to say I DON'T agree that it is especially true for minority millennials and young women. It is true for ALL women. Young, old and in between. I am a female musician in my forties and some of the disgusting things me and my fellow (older)musicians have dealt with over the years would be unimagineable to young female artists today. And to Lauren: keep standing up for your beliefs. We are all in this together. We got each other :)

    2. Piggy I know you've commented on me harrassing but I swear at least for me it's about the quality of the voice...I know they're a rising star and I'm very excited for them..slot of bands or solo artists with female vocals don't do it for me... but i love Sioux, Annie L, Sinead, Alison M, Bananarama, Voice of the Beehive, Natalie M, Pretenders, The Primitives...I never liked Curve, Lush, Sugarcubes, Berlin, etc etc but nothing personal towards anyone or actually it is personal....personal taste...nothing but love to the CoFers....I'm never gonna like everyone sometimes I wonder how or why I DO like what I do???πŸ˜‰

    3. @shaking: I absolutely agree that these issues apply to women of all ages and backgrounds. I can certainly understand where you're coming from. I guess what I was trying to say is that in this day and age, Millenials seem to be more quickly written off by their more mature counterparts. Most of the time they are simply not taken very seriously...I am guilty of perpetrating these stereotypes myself, though when I do poke fun of millennials it's mostly in a good natured way �� (The ultimate irony is that I always assumed I was a GenXer and therefore that somehow made it okay to tease the millennials, until one day I looked up the actual definition of millennial and came to the sobering/embarrassing realization that I fell into that category, though on the older end of the spectrum. Oops. Not sure if they changed the cut off dates/years over time).��

    4. @siouxsie: Haha...yes I know you have a bit of a tendency to "shoot from the hip" (join the club?), so to speak.πŸ”«πŸ˜†πŸ’£πŸ˜‰...I actually find it hilarious (most of the time) but it is possible others might take it personally. Nothing wrong with being I wasn't trying to imply that there was anything misogynistic about your comment. There's absolutely nothing wrong with preferring a strong female voice. I agree with you about the quality of the voice - male or female. Talent is talent, either you have it or you don't, and it transcends any gender/age/racial stereotypes. have quite a broad range of musical interests. Out of curiosity I did check out a YouTube video of Churches..Not quite my style but I can see how they might appeal to some.

  12. While I respect her for standing up against trolls, I have to agree that the music is nothing special. And yes I am older but as a musician I am open to new music all the time and although I respect their influences, they just don't have it. That being said, they are young and I say nice effort.

  13. I'd be very curious to know what new bands people are listening to, if anyone wants to share. I feel like we are entering another golden age for music, kinda like the 80s. Over the last year, I've been getting into Holy Esque, Sound of Ceres/Candy Claws, and Youth Lagoon. All three groups blow me away.

    1. I ask because I'm guessing a lot of Cure fans have good taste in music. ;)

    2. This is an excellent idea I picked up on a lot of new music I really liked from 2000 thru 2010 but since then the teens have failed to garner much interest from me...a lot of the 'alternative' bands now...well this term now seems like an oxymoron...seem very much like the kind of stuff I would have hated to begin with....twenty one pilots....cage the elephant... foster the people..ugh they lack the edge, they don't 'speak' to me...I actually liked Coldplay from the very start and I remember Ian Astbury from one of my very favourites of all time The Cult saying that Coldplay were boring blokes who made his very cerebral acoustic music which had no excitement to it and was so boring and safe and that he was very sad that this band was taking his homeland by the time it was true and still wonder when I read so many comments on artists videos from the 80s and 90s on you tube teenagers and twenty somethings say that the contemporary stuff now just suxx and music suxxxx nowadays...but I feel like me saying it in my early 40s sounds like how my parents sounded referring to stuff from the 50s 60s 70s...are we just getting fucking old...Sinking as Robert once!!! So maybe some of you can introduce us to new stuff..unfort Chvrches is not a starting point for meπŸ˜”

  14. Wow!
    There are a lot of heavily opinionated and closed minded folks here.

    I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that this little corner of the internet resembles the others, but I am surprised.

    I'm getting older for sure but I still like listening to new music, and when I discover a new band that I can connect with it makes all of the other disappointments worth it.

    The elders in MY family made fun of The Cure when I listened to them in the 80's (they still do).
    I promised myself that if I ever had kids I would try to listen to "their" music with an open mind.
    It is with that spirit that I went to a Chvrches concert with my teenage daughter and I was thoroughly impressed!
    I was once again a hero for the day, or at least an hour when I employed all of my tricks and was able to get her to meet the band,
    and all the other bands on the ticket after the show.


    If you have any care at all to hear whats going on in music you must watch his show.
    I have been turned on to more good bands than I can ever hope to count by watching his show.
    This has allowed me to even be ahead of my kids when discovering "new" bands, including Chvrches.

    Even though I try not too, as a musician I can not help but make fun of some of their music when blatant errors are made such as One Direction
    and Justin Bieber, but thankfully those were only phases that did not last long.

    I wholeheartedly agree with Craig, if you don't "Open your minds and ears to some stuff a bit more recent. You're missing out on A LOT of great music. "

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I found the show on YouTube. Look's promising! I love new music!
