
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Cure mention in new Blink-182 song

"I can't sleep 'cause what if I dream of going back to San Diego. We bought a one way ticket so we can go see The Cure and listen to our favorite songs in the parking lot. And think of every person I ever lost in San Diego!" - Matt Skiba on 'San Diego' off Blink-182's record, California

(Thanks Andy, Wendy, and Aaron)


  1. Nice reference. On another note, it sounds like they are stuck in 2005.

    1. Well that's OK better than being stuck in 1989 like so many around here

    2. Well that's OK better than being stuck in 1989 like so many around here

  2. Love the blink. Their new album is awesome too. Give it a try.

  3. Wow...I thought Blink disbanded years ago. Glad to see they're back... but seems like they lost some of their magic. Their new work (at least this song) pales in comparison to self titled. Not surprised about the Cure reference in their lyrics.
    I really enjoyed the collaboration between RS and Blink years ago (All of This). It was superbly done. I remember the exact moment when I first heard it on KROQ, it literally stopped me in my tracks. It remains one of my all time favorite collaborations, along with Yesterday's Gone (with Reeves).

  4. theres another reference in a song were he says head on the door , on the new album i cant say which song

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. U r right. Its on "She's out of her mind".
      The lyrics are
      "She said no I'm not, no I'm not, no I'm not alright
      I lost my head on the door"
      It's probably the best song on the album too!

  5. Replies
    1. Yep. Embarrassing level of autotune going on here.

    2. Not only that. But Blink 182 are as entertaining as the muppets doing cure covers. Sigh here comes the hate. Sorry not a fan of hot topic bands. And if I could I would choke the piss out of everyone that works/shops there. Not trying to be the most goth on the block but I seriously doubt the sixteen year old chick walking out with the black flag shirt understands what quality music is

    3. Not only that. But Blink 182 are as entertaining as the muppets doing cure covers. Sigh here comes the hate. Sorry not a fan of hot topic bands. And if I could I would choke the piss out of everyone that works/shops there. Not trying to be the most goth on the block but I seriously doubt the sixteen year old chick walking out with the black flag shirt understands what quality music is

    4. It would be interesting to hear a duet/cover by Ms. Piggy and her sidekick Kermit the Frog (Piggies Don't Cry?). Since The Muppets is now on prime time network tv (ABC), imagine all the royalties the band could receive! LOL. Every once in a blue moon, the situation is reversed and an established artist will cover a Muppets song. "Rainbow Connection" by The Carpenters comes to mind. 🐷 🐸 🌈

    5. Featured single on their Smash album The Pig Head on the Toad

    6. All I have to do is kill her...well now all you have to do is kill them

  6. Blink 182 is teenage garbage. I wish that Robert never gave them the time of day. They are truly embarrassing.

  7. I have never liked them...when that slew of bands came out around 2003/2004 saying how much they loved The Cure..the Rasmus and Blink 182 made me blink.....with disbelief....never liked them...I'll take Interpol and Muse and hell I'll even take... gulp The Twilight Sad....gee that ought to go over well

    1. Interpol yes, twilight sad another band I would pass on. Way too over hyped and not worth it in my opinion. The singer is trying way too hard to channel I lan Curtis and it doesnt work.
