
Monday, June 27, 2016

The Cure in Miami, FL (06-27-16)

June 27th, 2016
Bayfront Park Amphitheatre in Miami, FL
Sold Out! / Doors at 6 PM Eastern
The Twilight Sad 7 - 7:40 / The Cure 8:03 -10:53
Get there early for The Twilight Sad! They're excellent!

Twilight Sad setlist: Reflection of the Television, Last January, That Summer at Home I Had Become the Invisible Boy, Alphabet, It Never Was the Same, There's a Girl in the Corner, The Wrong Car

Setlist: Out of This World, Pictures of You, Closedown, The Hungry Ghost, A Night Like This, All I Want, Push, In Between Days, Jupiter Crash, Want, Fascination Street, The End of the World, Lovesong, Just Like Heaven, The Last Day of Summer, 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: At Night, M, Play for Today, A Forest

2nd encore: Dressing Up, Shake Dog Shake, Bananafishbones, Give Me It

3rd encore: Lullaby, The Caterpillar, The Walk, Primary

4th encore: The Lovecats, Hot Hot Hot!!!, Close to Me, Why Can't I Be You?, Boys Don't Cry

Photos: It's a Perfect Day

Videos: Twilight Sad - That Summer At Home I had Become the Invisible Boy / Alphabet 1 - 2 / The Wrong Car 1 - 2
Out of This World / All I Want / Push & In Between Days 1 - 2 / Jupiter Crash 1 - 2 / Just Like Heaven 1 - 2 / 39 / At Night / M 1 - 2 / Play For Today & A Forest / A Forest / Dressing Up / Shake Dog Shake / Bananafishbones / Give Me It / The Caterpillar / The Lovecats / Close to Me / Boys Don't Cry 1 - 2 / End of Boys Don't Cry & grab ass & tambo toss & final NA Thank You / 32 minutes of the show 

Periscopes: The Twilight Sad /

Clips: Roger & Simon's Grab Ass game / Roger's tambourine tease & final NA toss. And a Simon toss / Final goodbye of the 2016 North American tour / Robert's scatting on Lovecats / Robert's intro for The Top encore / Robert thanks The Twilight Sad and dedicates A Forest to them 1 / A bit of Bloodflowers 1 - 2 / One last time before it's over / A bit of Jupiter Crash 1 - 2 - 3  /

One last time before it's over
One last time before the end
One last time before it's time to go again...

So this is it for the North American tour. Somehow it all comes to an end tonight.Time flies when you're having fun and all that, but this is ridiculous! It feels like we were all in New Orleans just a week ago, all excited about what was to come. All the shows we'd try to get to, all the songs we hoped they would play, all the great times ahead. And now, it's all over for those of us who won't get to any of the shows in Hawaii, Australia and Europe. And there's that legitimate fear that we may never get the chance to see them again. For a myriad of reason.

But if that's true, if we never get to follow another Cure Tour again, what a way to go out! This has been my 2nd favorite tour of all I've been to. Nothing touches Prayer Tour, and I thought nothing could take 2nd away from Dream Tour, but this one has. Such amazing shows, a fantastic opening band with The Twilight Sad, so much fun every night, so many great people, old friends, new friends, so many wonderful & crazy memories to last a lifetime, and most of all, the best fucking band for the past 40 years.

So, what I'm trying to say, in my long-winded way, is....THANK YOU to Robert! THANK YOU to The Cure! Not sure any of you realize just how much all of this means to so many of us. THANK YOU for giving us at least one more chance to "do it all again".

So just one more
Just one more go
Inspire in me the desire in me
To never go home


  1. Thanks for all of your work during this tour Craig. Your coverage makes it so much fun for all of us fans. Here's to a great setlist tonight!

    1. Could not agree more. This tour wouldn't have been nearly as fun without CoF and all the tweets and Periscopes.

    2. I've seen this website grow from the beginning! Great you are still doing it and are thanked ever so more now as you did from the beginning. Xo !

      Thanks mysterious Craig!

  2. New Song or something never played before, tonight...enjoy the show!

  3. Is there anyone attending the show tonight that I could ask a favor of? Is there anyone that could pick me up a tour program in exchange for the price of the tour program + S&H funds to ship it to me? I can't PayPal it over beforehand, but could send on June 30th. Tour programs are $10. I was at the Charlotte gig but after a tour shirt I was too scared of being short on my taxi fare back to the bus stop and passed on getting the book. Of course, I ended up with $40 extra after the taxi fare. -__- Anyway, let me know if anyone can help out! I haven't seen tour programs or tour shirts on eBay yet, so I didn't want to pass on my last chance at picking one up from someone personally attending. My email is Thanks!

    1. I got a program and it is horrible. Send me your addy and i will ship you mine.

    2. Lol, thanks I appreciate it! Can you comment your email address so I can send my address to you privately? Or email me at the email address above. Thanks!

  4. Couldn't have said it better myself Craig! "Only get to stay so long..."

  5. This tour was everything The Cure do best. Sigh...

  6. Dammit, Craig. I didn't get to see them this year and now reading what you're saying about the last chance to see them. :\

  7. Love, love, love, love.

    Thank you.

  8. Craig, it's been bothering me that you don't have the Australian dates listed on the sidebar along with the rest. Any reason for that? :)

    1. Yes, but they'll get added, along with Euro links, after this leg ends.

    2. If you follow me on @gecherrill Craig I will do a few nights on the Euro leg...I can DM rather than tweeting. Also...if you want any items of merch I'll happily send them over. Enjoy tonight!!

    3. If you follow me on @gecherrill Craig I will do a few nights on the Euro leg...I can DM rather than tweeting. Also...if you want any items of merch I'll happily send them over. Enjoy tonight!!

  9. Enjoy the closing show tonight bro. Almost made it from philly but was not able.. luckily we have periscope.

  10. And dreams of the next trilogy or reflections gigs. (Ok it's a bit early for that...just saying). Nothing left but faith...

  11. I think you'll have the most amazing of shows yet played. I hope the are planning sth special for 50th this year in Łódź too.

  12. Definitely Craig. Thanks so much for your tireless coverage of this tour. I would say you've earned the right to kick back and take in this final show on your own terms.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Btw, Graig. I don´n yet know how, but i can help with reporting about how show goes in Helsinki. All i can do.
    It is nearly time to think about how tour will goes on in Europe. Are you interested at all?

  15. Absolutely brilliant coverage throughout Craig. Hope tonight's set fulfills your every wish and thanks for promoting TTS as well. Would probably never have heard of them but for you and COF and they are my new second favourite band. Cheers and have a blast.

  16. My opinions of The Cure were completely turned around during this tour. Was unable to attend any of the shows but listening to some of the incredible recordings made at a few of the gigs showed that Reeves had a last been fully integrated and no longer stood out like a sore thumb, for lack of a better phrase. That made all the difference. I could again listen to the 'whole' instead of being constantly irritated by that little 'mosquito' buzzing in my left ear (again, for lack of a better phrase). The ensemble playing is better than at any time since Reeves joined, it has improved throughout the tour and I'm really interested in their future once again. It even looks like we'll get at least once more chance to see them live, and I'm hoping the choices of venues, particularly in the Northwest, are a little...different. All the best tonight and in Europe in a few months!

    1. @Craig Eyler: Reeves is a very good guitar player. A real musician. A mosquito buzzing in your left ear? haha
      Jason is the big fly buzzing in both ears in the last 20 years.
      BUT I must admit that in this tour he improved a little (around 10% ;) )

    2. Please stop this. Just for one freaking night, can you guys not post this type of crap?

    3. I should mention that I really appreciate Craig's efforts (and the efforts of all those who participated) during this tour, it made me feel at times that I was actually ON the tour with the band and it definitely went some way toward dispelling some of the unhappiness over my being unable to attend any of the shows. So, THANK YOU!

      Also should mention, I hope no one gets too bent out of shape when a few tunes we did NOT get to hear in the States are played in Europe during the upcoming tour. The whole 'vibe' in Europe is different and some songs that may have been somewhat 'out of place' in the USA will be deemed appropriate in Europe, especially in a few of the largest cities. It will still be fun to check the setlists during and after the shows. The shows will all start at 8 to 11 hours earlier than here in the USA too. It will be a much different experience than the North American tour.

    4. RichH, I take your point...about Jason AND Reeves. I think we, at long last, must reconcile ourselves to the fact that Jason will be the last drummer The Cure ever has. It's almost impossible to dislike the guy, and while there are a few 'habits' of his I'd like to see go (and real soon), might as well live with it instead of bringing the guy down all the time. I can't imagine what he's had to endure over the last 20 years with some/many fans continuously criticizing him. He's come through like a trooper, I have to give him credit for that. Reeves has dialed back the things that bugged me about his sound, mostly anyway.

    5. I wasn't complaining about ANYTHING! Nothing but nice things to say, what's the problem??

    6. @Craig Eyler Yes, Jason is gonna be the last Cure drummer it seems but hopefully my ears/brain have learnt to kind of filter him from the rest of the guys.
      I'm glad Reeves made the adjustments you required ;) it just took him around a year uh?
      @Craig: I also said that Jason improved and I wasn't being sarcastic. It's the first time in around 20 years that I noticed that he wasn't ruining Push (with his click track and his playing), he isn't repeating the most common-and-easy-to-play drum fill in the world (dah--dah-dah-bum), that he was used to play in 99% of the songs. And THAT was really annoying.
      That new acrylic drumkit is sounding better as well as the snare drum. Still he is hitting crash cymbals where the china cymbal should be played.
      This tour is their best since 1993 IMO.

    7. I agree with you, no question. I even confessed to Reeves about how I felt about him since he joined but I also added that I really liked what he was doing NOW and he didn't hold any of my previous feelings against me but was pleased I was happy with the band now. I asked whether he'd made adjustments on his own, or if he'd been 'asked' by RS to make some adjustments or the last option that I was completely deranged and he was still doing more or less what he'd been doing since he joined. He wouldn't say. It WAS a bit of an intrusive question, I'll give him that.

      Adjustments that I 'required'? Never...

    8. I should also mention that it wasn't 'around a year', it was almost four years to the day. I look at it a bit like 1996-1999. (big smirk from me there)

    9. Craig E - I did not interpret your comments as complaining...nothing wrong with expressing an honest opinion. That goes for RichH as well. Or guess I should really say "welcome to COF comments section"? LOL. Anyone who posts here with enough regularity will eventually be subjected to the COF "hazing" ritual, so to speak.. LOL. I was exposed to it early on, even though I am a relative newcomer as far as posting comments. To use your words, you will inevitably be "pounced on" sooner or later. I guess it helps to have thick skin?

    10. Jason bashers don't seem to get the fact that he did not create the drum sequences for all cure songs pre WMS. So each and every live performance from him requires that he play to a style and sound originating with Lol Tolhurst or Andy Anderson or Boris. Personally I think he does a phenomenal job re-creating what did not originate with himself. How many drummers have to represent the playing styles of 3 different drummers each night they take to the stage. Jason is a super musician. And that comes from a cure fan of over 30 years+++.

    11. That's a good point...I personally did not agree with the buzzing analogies, but was merely trying to point out that there's nothing wrong with expressing an opinion.

    12. Agreed nothing wrong with an opinion. The pro-jason fans (me included) are a bit touchy with any perceived bashing because its gone on too long. I'm no drums expert but Jason plays "End" as good if not better than Boris and I have nothing but the utmost respect for Boris & all of the cures drummers. They have all played a part in creating what we all appreciate as a phenominal work of music.

    13. It was Craig that wanted one of us to knock off the crap, never really figured out who or why, everything was pretty positive thereafter. I did get a little out of line back when the Sasquatch date was announced after believing it was to be a Seattle date, but a couple people said "fergawdsake knock it off already" and they were right so I did. Thoroughly enjoyed most of this tour, wished the 'water' songs (Drowning/Same Deep) had been played more often but other than that just great. Looking forward to them coming back although doubtful that Washington State will be on the itinerary. Maybe plan ahead better and go to Boise.

  17. May I add another request to a friendly attendee for tonight's show to pick up an extra program? I wasn't able to pick one up without fear of it getting damaged while towing around my two little ones that night. I'm happy to prepay right now for the cost of the program and a beer. I'm on Venmo for quick payment or can pay PayPal. Email me at if you can.

  18. And beautiful sentiments, Craig. Technology has made this tour so exciting, thanks to Periscope and great YouTube uploads. Thank you for your dedication the past couple months. I'm holding on to Robert's words..."See you again!"

    1. yes MAtt, and it was mmy first time following the tour , thx to scopers and thx to the band and Craig also ofc.

    2. yes MAtt, and it was mmy first time following the tour , thx to scopers and thx to the band and Craig also ofc.

  19. where am I missing the myriad of reasons, we may never see them on tour again? Mind you - I am seeing them a total of 7 times thus far - but as we all know, its Never Enough.

    What are the rumors, and where have the rumors been seen/posted?

    1. I haven't heard/seen these rumors anywhere. We have to take Robert at face value when he says "See you again!". It's up to him to prove otherwise, I believe we WILL see them here in the States again in the future, and probably sooner than we might imagine!

    2. Nothing to do with rumors. More to do with us, the fans. Getting older, life changes, declining health, not being able to get to shows the way we once did.

      And the loss of Bowie, Prince, Lemmy, Toussaint, etc is a consideration.

      There's no promise of a tomorrow, of a next time, sometimes there really won't be another one. That's why I decided to do as many shows as I realistically could. Live for today!

    3. @craig... mmmm The Cure has fans of more than 40 years old. How old are you?

      I'm sure most of us still will follow them for many more years.

    4. ahhhh - now i follow your sentiment! yes - life, aging, families, passing's.....7 shows on this tour just doesn't feel like enough.

    5. Craig is absolutely correct. I'm a fossil of a fan who, for several reasons, did not attend any shows this time. Even if they tour again, I almost certainly will not be in attendance. This makes me even more grateful for Craig and all the fans who see to it that videos are posted here. It has been a real joy to be able to experience the tour from afar.

    6. I can go along with that. I just turned 50 and continue to listen to music I picked up in my teens, as well as everything else I latched onto in the intervening years. Although I have jettisoned PiL for a couple reasons. I really can't handle festivals or gigs out in the pastures which was why I was displeased they weren't coming to where I live. That and the fact that at the time I was not very optimistic that they'd ever be back. Robert's "See you again" at many of the shows makes me optimistic that I and thousands of others will get another chance, and that's all right with me.

  20. Well said. I feel the same. Saw four dates on this one (Boston and the three MSG dates) and there was a special feel to these.

  21. This note of gratitude is just for you, Craig! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! What you do is so very important and immensely appreciated by many. Thank you.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh, come on now. You don't think Craig should have been given the NME award in 2009 instead of The Cure?? That's a bit like biting the hand that feeds you now, isn't it? Just teasing, Nancy, no disrespect intended...although it's probably in there somewhere...

    2. Craig funny when I saw the God like reference I also immediately thought of NME. Great minds (geniuses?) think alike?

    3. Nancy - Oh,no it looks like you removed your message of gratitude to Craig. I thought it was very well stated and eloquent. No reason to take it down or let anyone here intimidate you! Siouxsie Cure has a habit of harassing people on this forum.

    4. Thank you, piggywigee inthemirror! I couldn't figure out what I had said that was so offensive, but I certainly didn't want to tarnish Craig's page with something. I appreciate your message. I felt horribly about it all. I have only been a Cure fan for about 10 years and I thought I must have said something unintentionally inappropriate. You just made my day. :) I could have sunk to SC's level and lashed back, but I have more class than that and too much respect for Craig to do that on CoF.

    5. I have noticed Siouxsiescure likes to play the evil Devils advocate or be a little controversial sometimes...I can dig it!!! Nancy you really should not have removed your comment Cuz I agreed with 2/3 of have the right to express yourself..I kinda agree with SC on the Godlike use of words but you have always made very nice friendly and insightful comments on COF...I don't think SC wanted to see you do that but sometimes he or she can be brutal but SC Always gets a laugh from me when the poison is released...can't we all just love each other as fellow Cure fans....Craig you're not Godlike but you do have a Wizardry about you 😆

    6. Thanks, Marc. Or Siouxsie's Cure. Or whoever you are. Yes, Wizardry. I like that word. I took down the post so as to not wreak anymore ire. During the shows on this tour, I have met some fantastic people. On this site, I have learned so much from long-time fans. Nothing but love for them all. ...minus 1. 😏 Cheers!

  23. i just hope the boys haven't watched the england shite agaisnt iceland... anyway ignore the football, have a great show tonight. craig many thanks

  24. Robert Smith is 57 years old, realistically this is probably the last time we see such a large tour like this where they play 3 hours sets several times a week.

    There are many other artists still going and touring in their early 60's... Rush did a big tour last year and they are 62 (they also play 3 hour shows).

    The Rolling Stones are still going, while not doing big tours they certainly play enough...and Mick Jagger moves more in one night on stage than Robert does in an entire tour, lol... He's 72.

    It's not unprecedented for rock bands older than RS to do a large tour: Rush, ZZ Top, Black Sabbath...etc, etc.

    Will they play 3 hour sets? Who knows, but the reality is with all the encore breaks, The Cure's actual onstage 'play time' is really more like 2:30, not 3 hours...

    I personally do not believe the story is over. I think RS did this tour to 'level set' again for The Cure. Remind people they exist. Promote the popular eras (let's face it, this tour was to promote the 1980 - 1992 material mostly).

    The next step is to release new studio music. Does The Cure have anything actually done other than leftovers from 4:14 Scream?

    Also, RS is a completest - he has played several albums in full (Reflections, Trilogy, and 4:13 Dream once, Top 3x). There is still a HUGE juggernaut here: Head on the Door and KMKMKM full album show.

    They only played a handful of songs from those records not played in awhile on this tour: Screw, All I Want, The Perfect Girl.

    That's it. Everything else has been played at some point in the 2000's. In addition, plenty of bsides left to touch on (Few Hours, all the KMKMKM bsides).

    I don't think tonight is the last time The Cure will play in the continental U.S. before it ends, as long as RS remains healthy.

    It is winding down and Craig is right that it will be harder for many of us to attend shows. I was a victim of that myself this tour; with a 3 month old baby, and a 2 year old - and no Phoenix date, I was out of luck.

    But, I think 'something special' is coming per RS and maybe I can make it work the next time around.

    Bottom line is that I am grateful for this band and all the shows I saw between 1987 - 2011. If it ends for me at Reflections, I'll take it.

    1. Welcome back Dr. Fishbones! I was wondering where you went and almost was about to ask about you here in the comments. I had missed some of your commentary...however controversial...LOL. Glad to see you're back after a long(ish) absence.

    2. piggywigee in the mirror: If you will allow me to call you a genius, I will allow you to call me one too. It's only fair...

  25. Craig,
    Thanks so much for making this tour even better! (Shedding some tears)

  26. Thank you Robert and The Cure and thank you Craig for all your updates, videos, photos and for making me aware of periscope so I could follow along with the shows I wasn't able to attend. What a fucking amazing tour!

  27. This tour ain't even close to being over- let's start talkin bout the next tour - "see you again is see you again"

    1. I agree a lot of people on this forum like to characterise Robert as having no word....I sure hope so. After 7 shows across all corners of our great country I hope the Cure have it very clear how much America loves the Cure. And our love affair has endured. I mean consistently 10 to 20 thousand seaters on so many shows...we aren't any longer in that 87 to 92 'peak' period and yet they come here and we eat them up like it is those days. Please come back and let us show you yet again that it wasn't just timing or a trend or anything frivolous like that.

  28. I already said that several times, but you mean a lot to me also Craig , I'm following you for so many years (20!) to me you are like an additional band member and I feel I've attended already a few concerts on this tour, thanks to your to your coverage : I am attending four concerts in Europe (hoping for 5) later in the year and I will do my best to send u live updates then. So many fan across the world owe you ! Thanks for everything, and , in addition you are the most humble guy there is !

  29. It's hard to believe the US leg of the tour is already coming to an end. I remember the excitement and disbelief I felt when I happened to check COF one fateful day in late October of last year and discovered the band was embarking on a world tour. I was a few weeks late in finding out the news, but given how infrequently (at the time) I had been following COF, the timing seemed impeccable (side note: I had previously been a daily reader of COF). I periodically made it a point to check COF every so often so as not to miss a possible tour date. Though I hadn't been following the site as closely as before, the band was never far from my mind. May felt like a million years away....and now it's already over...(!). Unbelievable how fast time flies. I know some of us are already lamenting how long it will be before the next world tour (hopefully soon?), but I have no doubt a year (or two?...hopefully not that long, but you can never tell) will quickly pass and before we know it another world tour will be announced(?), though we should take nothing for granted....
    That said, I started out a bit blase at the beginning of this tour but the intensity of the interest steadily increased as the tour progressed (as evidenced by the frequency and sometimes verbosity of some of my posts...LOL). I'm incredibly thankful for Craig (and fellow COF followers) for the countless hours spent updating the site with videos/Twitter updates, etc. As I watch videos of some of the more gut-wrenching, emotional performances, I can't help but feel a tidal wave of guilt over not having attended more shows...I guess I will definitely have to do better next time? I'd love to attend the last show of the European leg, but that would (almost) be "to wish impossible things." Praying for a miracle from the concert gods...LOL. Looking forward to continuing to experience these shows vicariously through COF as the tour marches onward to the next destination!

  30. Completely unrelated and frivolous side note: I might be wrong but it looks like RS is wearing his leopard print lined hoodie tonight. I think he wore it yesterday, but not sure if it has shown up earlier in this tour. I remember seeing a photo of RS wearing the hoodie a few years ago, and admiring it from a distance. Just the other day, I thought of the hoodie again while in the shower (TMI?) so was pleasantly surprised to see that it's part of his tour wardrobe again. Oh wow, just looked down at my shirt and it just so happens I'm also in leopard print...albeit a black/white leopard print cardigan so almost but not quite the same....maybe the image of the hoodie yesterday was still in my subconscious mind when I woke up this morning. LOL.

  31. Replies
    1. On the Twitter feed they were again making some tongue in cheek references to piggy, but nobody seems to have noticed the piggy connection with this one...

  32. Robert're simply elegant

  33. Thanks once again Craig for keeping me posted on tickets and events.I ended up going to more events then I thought I would. The Cure shows are addicting.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I was sorting my ticket stubs and found an unused ticket from 2007!! I forgot all about that whole debacle. Did I not get a refund? How do I still have this ticket?

    1. A ticket isnt required to physically return to get a refund; those are usually reimbursed automatically. Also sometimes if a show is just postponed, they will simply honor the original ticket too, but if you say it's unused then it might be the former. A lot of venues now just scan the barcode instead of tearing the ticket, so it might just look unused?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. A night filled with A lot of The Top ! Awesome and rare... Thank You

  37. A night filled with A lot of The Top ! Awesome and rare... Thank You

  38. I'm happy & grateful to have seen them 4 times @ the US-Tour. I think they'll play some special shows in the next years in Europe & in the US. But such a big tour like this one...??? I doubt it.
    Craig; thank you for everything. Perfect job as ever...!!! Maybe you can up the European ticket sale thread in the next days. I'm still searching a ticket for Paris & London. Thanx in advance & best regards from Germany ;-)

  39. 2 great sets in miami. can't wait for berlin & london 1 & 3.

  40. *APPLAUSE* Cheers Craig for all your work on this leg. Will be in touch shortly as I've got some swapsies for the Euro leg. Now looking like Oslo, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Berlin and Wembley at this end.

  41. Craig. I love this web page. Thank you for your effort to share us the cure experience the closest way possible. I have read this webpage since the dream tour .... I never post but I always follow the review, set lists and videos. The cure is and has been the best rock band ever in the world. I love how they can change the set lists every tour giving us a few surprises for the real fans.... I am a Mexican fan deeply in love with the cure's music.... I love the concept of their concerts and all the crowd and magic around any of their gigs.... The best part of this tour for me was: the new stage with 5 imaginary screens, the new lights, see simon's son in the cure crew, see Darcy Gallup following the tour with his dad. Listen exploding boy, 2 late, Charlotte sometimes, the same deep water as you, cold, all I want, doing the unstuck, from the edge, 100 years, burn, the perfect girl, a forest, screw, the last day of summer, closedown, like cockatoos. Omg this band is great!!!!!!!!!! I was not able to attend or a least I did not attend any U.S. Show cause jam living in Asia at this time .... This time I will see them in Europe... I always dreamed to see the cure in Eastern Europe... Congratulations to any one who was lucky to attend any of the shows. You got a great great experience!!!!!!' Your name like ice into my heart!!!!

  42. I heard Simon's bass issues (it was kind of cool and funky, actually), then Roger's key troubles (I saw him shoo away the tech because I think he knew that it was late in the encore and soon to be tambourine time anyhow and he was managing it just fine) and finally Robert's mic cord/stand troubles (which added to the hilarity of it all). It was a domino effect for sure. I am not sure how Jason escaped. I saw Reeves early in the evening making some adjustments. I blame it on the Hungry Ghosts or the Miami heat. I enjoyed the temporary chaos in all honesty. Perfection is much overrated. Amazing.

  43. With MIXED EMOTIONS...a DIE HARD CURE fan since 1984 I was so EXCITED to hear the news that a 2016 TOUR was happening but SAD at the same time because at first it was sounding like a FAREWELL with promise of of such a diverse catlogue of songs . I have NEVER missed a Tour and RS at 57... I wasn't going to miss a potential GOOD BYE . They opened in New Orleans showcasing new music which IT CAN NEVER BE THE SAME has struck an EMOTIONAL chord with me and I became ECSTATIC with a potential new album featuring such an EPIC track.When announced the Toronto date was a festival I couldn't have been more DISSAPPOINTED as I knew without a proper venue the setlist would be small and under developed which it delivered to be probably the worse show of 2016.RS announcement in Toronto uplifted my spirit feeling that indeed a new album in December was on route and that they would return to make up for a terrible show for cure standards and do something special? Kick off a world tour perhaps ??? I have grown to RESPECT and CHERISH what an AMAZING job CRAIG and the CHAIN OF FLOWERS has done for CURE fans ...HIS HARDWORK AND DEDICATION has brought some many fans together with insight that you can't get anywhere ...Being such a HUGE fan of the CURE since 84 and now at the tender age of 47 the only people that UNDERSTAND CURE FANS ARE OTHER CURE FANS ...everyone else are on the just don't get it list and this forum had united us all again during this tour . It doesn't matter if you prefer the POP or die for the DARK...RS is such a musical icon and the raw power and emotion that the CURE delivers on EPIC 3 hour concerts with such a diverse catalogue of music isntruely AMAZING today I wake up DEPRESSED that's it's over and ANXIOUS and CURIOUS for what surprises are in store for Europeon Leg idea what I will be doing tonight with no SCOPE to watch of my all time favourite band but will be SMILING with great MEMORIES of 8 weeks of sharing in everyone's delight during this tour ...thanks again Craig ...what you do touches a lot more that you could ever imagine CHEERS ALL ... See you on the other side ...IM ALWAYS WANTING MORE ...WAITING FOR ... My Dream playlist

  44. Even though it might not be a popular frame of thought around these parts...I kinda understood the singles show in Charlotte Sometimes the South can be very outdated and not very in or cool and so steeped in its southernness that maybe The Cure thought this approach would be most effective...if you notice some of the lawn area videos people were talking and not paying much attention during jupiter crash and other album cuts or rarities but when the hits were played it was all eyes forward and who knows either way the cure nailed those shows and all others...frankly Canada was kinda rough this time around

    1. Sorry the lawn videos in Atlanta further emphasizing my tie in to the south

    2. Sorry the lawn videos in Atlanta further emphasizing my tie in to the south
