
Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Cure in Miami, FL (06-26-16)

June 26th, 2016
Bayfront Park Amphitheatre in Miami, FL
Sold Out! / Doors at 6 PM Eastern
The Twilight Sad 7 - 7:40 / The Cure 8:10 - 11:07
Get there early for The Twilight Sad! They're excellent!

Twilight Sad setlist: Cold Days From the Birdhouse, Last January, Drown So I Can Watch, Don't Move, It Never Was the Same, There's a Girl in the Corner, And She Would Darken the Memory

Setlist: Tape / Open, Kyoto Song, A Night Like This, Push, In Between Days, Pictures of You, Closedown, High, The Walk, Sleep When I'm Dead, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, This Twilight Garden, Lovesong, Just Like Heaven, Trust, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, alt.end, End

1st encore: Cold, A Strange Day, The Hanging Garden, One Hundred Years

2nd encore: Piggy in the Mirror, Never Enough, Fascination Street, Burn

3rd encore: Lullaby, The Perfect Girl, Hot Hot Hot!!!, Wrong Number

4th encore: Let's Go to Bed, Close to Me, Why Can't I Be You?, Boys Don't Cry

Photos: Miami New Times

Reviews: Miami New Times / Boca Mag 

Videos: Twilight Sad - Cold Days From the Birdhouse / There's a Girl in the Corner

Tape & Open / Kyoto Song 1 - 2 / A Night Like This / In Between Days 1 - 2 / Pictures of You 1 - 2 / High / The Walk / This Twilight Garden 1 - 2 / Lovesong 1 - 2 / Just Like Heaven 1 - 2 / From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea / Cold / A Strange Day / Hanging Garden 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 / One Hundred Years / Piggy in the Mirror 1 - 2 / Never Enough / Fascination Street 1 - 2 / Burn / The Perfect Girl / Hot Hot Hot / Lullaby 1 - 2 / Close to Me / Boys Don't Cry

Periscopes: The Twilight Sad

Clips: Deck the Halls intro for High / Robert's intro for the Pornography encore / Has the tour been 2years or 2 months & so fucking hot / Roger's penultimate NA tambo toss / a bit of Closedown / Roger on Trust / Having fun with Wrong Number / A bit of Twilight Sad playing Cold Days From the BirdhouseTwilight Sad have a bit of trouble starting Don't Move

I will be posting any last minute ticket offers on Twitter (I'm @CraigatCoF) and here when I can. Also check with the box office for last minute ticket releases.

No need to ask for help, as I'll be doing the setlist reports myself, tonight and tomorrow. But if you'd like to help me with the Periscope links or photos on Twitter, please do! Will retweet as I can, but I don't plan to be on the phone much at all. Will get the blog updated as soon as I get back to the hotel.

So this it for North America. 2 final shows, and I have no idea what to expect, other than 2 more excellent shows. Send us all good luck, and hope that at least a couple of our Miami wishes come true! Safe travels to everyone flying & driving in today! Here we go, here we go again!


  1. Replies
    1. So they should do 'the only one'? :D

    2. TOO is definitely one of the more overtly sexual songs...If it is played it may be necessary to flash a brief warning message on the screen for any Cure fans who are accompanied by minors: "parental guidance suggested for anyone under the age of 13". Haha...Can't imagine what background images could possibly accompany that one other than perhaps the rather staid black and white official video? LOL. Then there's the subtly sexy songs such as Snow in Summer (pardon the alliteration!). Maybe someone could come up with a list of the top ten "sexy" Cure songs, if one hasn't already been compiled. I'd briefly
      touched upon themed mini sets in the past, perhaps a "sexy" mini set or encore could be played encompassing all these songs. For some strange reason, for the last couple of days I've had the rather cheesy (yum!) song Return from WMS stuck in my head. Maybe that one is a bit of a "stretch"? Must be from all that Stolichnaya and "sleep I missed" ....since "3:01 am"? And "I reaaally love the way you turn your smile into strip-tease...." (more alliterations). LOL. Speaking of WMS, if RSX decides to do a mashup of Mint Car and Prince's Little Red Corvette, with its not-so-subtle sexual innuendos, it would fit in perfectly with this themed set! ๐Ÿ˜œ

    3. You could have made it even worse, you could have said " Snow In Summer, 'scuse the alliteration". Or even "'scuse the sodding alliteration".

    4. LOL....I was afraid I might've been pushing the boundaries a bit too much with the risque references...or pushing people's buttons, either/or. Probably bordering on NC-17 territory? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ Anticipating a "tidal wave" of protest? hahaha....If RSX is reading this I hope he is not offended... ๐Ÿ˜จ
      I liked your take on the alliteration, very creative!

    5. No problem, I like it when people pounce on a theme and really hammer it home (if you'll pardon expression).

    6. THE expression, I meant THE expression. My keyboard sucks (if you'll again pardon the expression).

    7. No worries...typing on phone not much better since I cannot enlarge this idiot text box. I've been known to drive points into the ground so to speak...

  2. Let's all hope we will be going through this one more time next year! Enjoy the show!

  3. I can't contain my excitement! Hoping for some beautiful sets these 2 nights, Miami wishes!! Really cool to know you'll be at the show, Craig! ✌๐Ÿป️

  4. Here's hoping all of your Miami wishes come true :)

  5. Enjoy Craig. I regret not putting down my phone more at the show I was at. Lots of cool videos but I wasn't in the moment. Totally live the moment these next 2 nights!

  6. Best of luck tonight- but Miami is a pretty bright, shiny, beachy party town. I'd have to put my money on a poppier end of tour party vibe throughout. If I was expecting a special dark gig it would have been one of the NY shows- but they are clearly keeping these gigs balanced. While I attended the 3 NY shows - I was surrounded by people each night that were not attending more than one gig of those three. I took in the Chicago Sat show and clearly missed the money gig the night before- if I'm correct- Chicago night one was one of the most different sets of the tour in selection of songs. I know there is a small group of us that would love to hear dark, dark, dark- but when you listen to the applause through the pop songs each night- there is always going to be a bigger group that wants more Hot, Hot, Hot. Cheers and enjoy these couple of shows!!! It's been a successful tour regardless!!!

  7. I hope at least one or two of Craig's wishes are fulfilled tonight! If not, at least he has the consolation of knowing that SDWAY was played exclusively in NOLA...most likely specifically for him!

  8. On a slightly different tangent, if any of the band members are reading this (�� ��, nudge nudge), perhaps they could consider providing a signed, framed limited edition poster just for Craig in honor of COF's 20th anniversary? (And in case anyone is wondering...No, Craig has nothing to do with this's completely my own silly idea).
    Craig had posted recently asking if any fans had extra limited edition posters (the ones that became available starting with the Denver(?) show). In his desperation he found one on eBay selling for $70+ bucks (highway robbery? Or shall I say "information superhighway robbery"? �� LOL). COF has been an invaluable and dependable source of information. Without COF, we wouldn't have the privilege of watching setlists unfold live, and we wouldn't be here voicing our opinions (actually, for me that could be a good thing considering my loud and obnoxious "mouth" ��)....and no other fan site comes close. I know this isn't something the band would normally do, but given the Craig's dedication over the years, it probably isn't too out of the question....? ��

    1. In their case it would be called 'M1 robbery'.

    2. Good point....or is it motorway robbery? It definitely wouldn't be autobahn robbery?!

  9. I have never heard the song "Fuck Yeah", how does it go?

    1. LOL.. Too funny. Saw it yesterday but didn't respond. Considering how much RS loves the word fu-- it's not an implausible title.

  10. Having seen so many tour closers in NY, I wasn't sure if it was NY or the last shows that brought out the best of the best, but I guess now I know... Great show tonight. I can't imagine what tomorrow holds... unless, do we include Hawaii?? Do THEY include Hawaii? So confusing....

    (not because Hawaii is so far distance-wise, but because time-wise we have nearly a one month gap.

    1. I'm trying to figure out the logistics, going home from Miami I assume, then back to Hawaii three weeks later? It'd be simple if everyone flew but at least a couple come over by boat and that's a hell of a trip, I'd assume through the Panama Canal and then on to Hawaii. I imagine they'll pack up the gear and ship it on to Hawaii and maybe a couple of them might even have a couple weeks off in Hawaii, it being a great place to rest and relax.

    2. Dumb question but how did you know a few came via boat/ship? I know years ago they had to keep up this pretense that they were afraid of flying but I thought the cat came out of the bag years ago? I always assumed both equipment/gear and crew came by air rather than boat?

    3. Without flying it would be hard to get to places like Australia (didn't you hear they turn back the boats? ...okay, really shouldn't joke about that, it's a sad reality at the moment unfortunately, with hearts armored by fear. Love will find a way). ...anyway I did see all band members arriving at airport after the 2011 Reflections tour in Sydney, so no boats then.
      ...and so thankful they took and are about to take the long trek out to Australia, very much looking forward to it :)

    4. During the Prayer Tour Boris talked about how they looked into taking a boat to AUS and it would've taken like 3 weeks EACH way so they were like HELL NO.

    5. I was actually wondering this about Sting and Peter Gabriel- when these people get this big it is hard for me to imagine them enduring an 8 hour tour bus ride. I imagine crew travel by bus and trucks, but the artists can basically do quick jaunts from local airports. I know this is more local, city to city than what you're talking about, but I am curious. I think in 89 and 92, it was mainly about the luxury of the QE2, but now they must fly. Hawaii definitely seems the odd choice here- I would assume they would have preferred to finish off in CA, then shoot over, but instead they chose pretty much the furthest point on the continental US to be from Hawaii. But they do have a month to get there. I'm hoping to see them in the Hamptons one week. And, of course, there's always a chance for an extra show somewhere, like... Radio City;)

    6. I had assumed the band traveled by tour bus the entire time once they arrived in the US, but from some of the photos on Twitter it looks like they flew from city to city (at least for certain tour dates). It probably depends on proximity of the next city from the last stop. If it is only a 1-2 hour drive to the next location, then it's probably more practical/efficient to arrive via tour bus, since one has to factor in time to get through security at the airport, etc.
      Hawaii makes sense since the band will eventually head to Australia/New Zealand. It's not that close but close enough...
      Maybe they're going home after Miami for quick break, which is perhaps the reason they chose not to end in west coast? Or maybe they'll stay in the US for awhile?Who knows...

    7. I could be completely wrong, there was an interview done on the QE2 in 1992 and Roger said he and Porl were the only ones that were going to fly over in 1989 but Porl backed out at the last minute giving folks the impression that he was a bit stand-offish or snobby, which is not the case at all. The interview mentioned that RS and Simon did not like flying, but it's possible or even likely that things have changed. I have no clue how they get from A to B and back again, but they are on the bus here on the mainland.

    8. Jeez, what a fuck-up. I meant that in 1989 Roger and Porl were going to fly over, Roger obviously not there in 1992. Roger talked about this in his Prayer Tour essay. There is film from 1992 with RS, Simon and Perry appearing in it.

    9. Interesting... I read they pretended to have fear of flying to minimize tour obligations...

  11. These posts are getting excessive...sorry. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Glad to see that the Miami dark setlist dreams came true...not all but it appears the band tried to accommodate as many requests as possible. This time the "real piggy" finally stood up after bowing to audience pressure?? LOL. ๐Ÿท Oink! The setlist was hardly soporific from open to end/(alt.end). The anticipation of trying to imagine what other surprises RS has up his sleeve has me on the edge of my (faraway) seat... Looking at some of the song selections, I cannot help but wonder if RS is trying to humor us? ๐Ÿ‘ป If so he has a decidedly "dark" sense of humor...LOL. ๐ŸŒš ๐ŸŽƒ I did not understand the Deck the Halls reference on the Twitter feed. Was there a Christmas song mashup somewhere (wrong season)? Or was it some sort of inside joke? ๐ŸŽ„

    1. Before Robert started singing High - he said: "I was just going to start singing Deck The Halls, figure that out." And then the played a bit of it.

    2. Interesting, I did catch that...only the band will know the reason why. Probably an inside joke.

  12. ENCORE 1....All I can say is Wow !!! RS and the band like to make a statement with first encore and in Miami 1 they NAILED IT ...would like to see more of the OPEN/END main set list with LP MINI encores ...maybe tonight ? How amazing would a mini BLOODFLOWERS, DISINTEGRATION, KISS ME KISS ME, KISS ME ,and THE TOP Have been . There is always tonight ...I'm sure we will get more of the diverse catalogue as only the CURE CAN DELIVER

  13. Hoping for The Kiss and The Blood tonight

  14. I guess last night was THE night of the two. Although can never sneeze at M or At Night.

    1. I agree...despite my profile/ user name I really do not like a majority of the Top...just not my taste. They've been blowing out Top songs on this tour left and right to my chagrin...but maybe other's delight. To each their own. I have a feeling the rest of the tour will not be substantially different from what we've seen already.

  15. Is this equipment trouble a set up for something cool? Or just bad timing. We'll know in a minute, I guess...
