
Friday, June 24, 2016

The Cure in Atlanta, GA (06-24-16)

June 24th, 2016
Lakewood Amphitheatre in Atlanta, GA
Parking lots open at 4 PM eastern / Doors at 6 
The Twilight Sad 7 - 7:40 / The Cure 8:09 - 10:50
Get there early for The Twilight Sad! They're excellent!

Twilight Sad setlist: Reflection of the Television, Last January, Drown So I Can Watch, Don't Move, It Never Was The Same, There's a Girl in the Corner, And She Would Darken the Memory

Setlist: Plainsong, Pictures of You, Closedown, High, A Night Like This, Push, In Between Days, Last Dance, The End of the World, Lovesong, Just Like Heaven, Jupiter Crash, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, Want, The Hungry Ghost, Prayers For Rain, Disintegration

1st encore: Shake Dog Shake, Burn, A Forest

2nd encore: Lullaby, Fascination Street, Wrong Number

3rd encore: The Walk, Doing the Unstuck, Friday I'm in Love

4th encore: The Perfect Girl, Hot Hot Hot, Close to Me, Why Can't I Be You?, Boys Don't Cry

Photos: Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Videos: Plainsong & Pictures of You & Closedown & High / Plainsong 1 - 2 / Pictures of You / A Night Like This / Last Dance 1 - 2 / Lovesong / Just Like Heaven 1 - 2 / Jupiter CrashFrom the Edge of the Deep Green Sea / Want / Prayers For Rain / Disintegration 1 - 2 / Shake Dog Shake / Shake Dog Shake & Burn / A Forest 1 - 2 - 3 / Lullaby 1 - 2 / Fascination Street / The Walk / Doing the Unstuck 1 - 2 / Friday I'm in Love 1 & 2 / The Perfect Girl / Hot Hot Hot 1 - 2 / Close to Me / Why Can't I Be You? / Boys Don't Cry 

Periscopes: Twilight Sad - 1 - 2 / Cure - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 

Preview articles: Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Thanks Jay

I will be posting any last minute ticket offers on Twitter (I'm @CraigatCoF) and here. Also check with the box office for last minute upgrades.

For one last time on the North American leg of the tour, I need help tonight! If you're going to the show and wouldn't mind sending in the live setlist or anything else, please let me know. Twitter, email, text, Facebook, whatever works best for you. Thanks!


  1. I am going and will do my best to help you! I will try and use Twitter, I am old and don't keep up with all the new SM apps, if not I will make sure I have your emial

    1. Thank you, Scott! Twitter is the easiest of the SM apps. If you need help, let me know.

    2. I think I have it and if not my son can show me, I have it all set up on my phone so guessing I will just tweet the songs as the start

    3. Followed you and saw your test tweet, so you've got it. :)

  2. I downloaded Periscope as well but sitting on the Lawn so not sure how much use it will be but I will try. Can maybe show the crowd size before the show.

    1. Yeah, and it eats up battery life very quickly.

  3. I am going and will Twitter assuming I do not lose my $#!¥

  4. Wondering if Brexit will have an effect on setlist tonight

    1. Thinking that myself
      Perfect night to tour debut Faith...

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    3. And/or Your God Is Fear.

      Will be shocked if Us or Them doesn't get played tonight.

    4. Of course we're all assuming Robert was in the Remain camp, and none of us actually know if he was.

    5. why is everyone suddenly talking about breakfast all the time?

    6. Because it's the most important meal of the day. :)

    7. I think it could be a dark set tonight after the referendum disaster in the UK

    8. Will this signal the end of a new world order (a "new order"? LOL). The EU appears to be on the verge (if not already in the midst) of heading towards a downward spiral. Honestly, I am not surprised by the outcome one bit. Will disgruntled "remain" voters voluntarily exit the country en masse in a desperate attempt to seek residency/citizenship elsewhere? If RS and Co. (not including Reeves of course) were part of the latter group, perhaps they may consider moving to the good ol' USA! Heck, maybe RS and Lol T. could be neighbors!! And the band could do a "permanent" residency of concerts in my hometown! LOL!

    9. Basically the Leave EU campaign tapped onto the same group of voters in the UK that Trump has targeted in the US. Not a nice thought.

    10. Yep. I'm seriously starting to dread what may happen in November. This could be a harbinger of things to come. Just encourages him & his goons.

      I feel horrible for all of our UK friends who voted Remain.

    11. We have finally heard the "silent majority" in the UK speak loudly and "very f---ing clearly" (HAHAHA - accents notwithstanding)... and later this year, it will be time for the "Other Voices" across the pond to be heard. Amidst this cacophony of noise perhaps "The Loudest Sound" might be the "silent majority" (SM)? Pardon the pun!! :D
      The SM stands with the UK?!

    12. I had a nightmare just last night that Trump did get the presidency. I was in a panic and trying to figure out the best way to move to Canada.

    13. While I can't picture RSX voting "leave," Simon seems to be in the leave camp with his "England Awake" banner that replaced the St. George Flag that he often had - which also carries the same meaning. The major problem with this vote seems to be not enough people voted and the "leave" only won by a slim margin. Hard times ahead, I'm afraid.

    14. Marc70:Despite the polls, that is a very real possibility. For me, it would actually be a pleasant dream rather than a nightmare.
      UH come the haters...LOL.
      I did see the England Awake banner and naively assumed it was a reference to, football. Silly me. Craig Eyler also pointed the banner out in the last post. I wonder if they all have diverging views on the topic. So now that England was awoken from its slumber, it will likely be a steep learning curve/uphill climb before it begins to reap any benefits from sovereignty. :)

    15. you guys I'm pretty sure that Robert and Mary have houses on both coasts of Ireland add they've done gone! already and moved out of England bcoz of the lot add taxes evers since the self-titled album I think and I would deffo imagine I bet someone else close to the band also lives close in the south again like in Hotlanta New Orleans or Miami

    16. I thought the 'England Awaake' referred to the William Blake poet. He was a radical socialist axtivist, and fits the picture better.
      If Simon was Britain First, I'd find a new band.the result was horrible.

    17. I agree with piggywigee, I'm excited for the UK to reclaim their identity and stop having to kiss Brussels' ass. Forty + years is definitely enough. They'll no longer be required to take in the war and political refugees, which is great because if you've been paying attention the refugees are wreaking havoc everywhere they go. Perry is talking of moving to Florida, but it's real unlikely that Perry living there would be any sort of incentive for RS to move there too. The Brits in favor of leaving seem to think that it's a matter of survival more than anything else. I can believe it and am very happy for them, truly!

    18. Maccatori: The origins appear somewhat ambiguous, but yes, you may be right. Craig E. had indicated in the previous comments (think it was yesterday or the day before that) that one can easily infer Simon's political inclinations based on the slogan/banner on his bass amp. Good thing I happened to go back and look at it again or I would have missed it. I noticed some really great responses to comments frequently appear a day or two after the original posting so I periodically go back and check them after the fact. Maybe I'm just dense but I couldn't tell right away based on the 2 word slogan - I figured it probably implied a call for change, but to be sure I actually looked it up, and yes I did come across references to Blake and his poem Jerusalem. Didn't have time for a thorough analysis but it appears that it's a political poem with religious undertones. I might be wrong but I think Blake was suggesting the need for radical change in the face of a fallen political and social state.
      CURE-iously, when I looked up "England Awake" I noticed under the related frequent search terms that "England Awake The Cure" shows up. This probably means that a lot of fellow fans have also noticed the banner and have been googling it enough times that it's now listed as a related search term? Haha...
      Craig E. - Thanks for your vote of confidence (pardon the pun?) could probably spend all day arguing for or against, and valid arguments can certainly be made on either side, but from my very distant perspective it seems that independence is the way to go. No need to be shackled by the EU's bureaucracy/red tape and overly liberal policies with regard to refugees/immigration. Then again, I've always been the type to root for the "underdog" over the establishment/status quo!

    19. I thought Simon had said he wasn't informed about politics back in 2012 from this very random interview...
      RS seems more political but tries to refrain because he doesn't want the Cure to be politicized band...

      In: What about politics ?

      Simon : I'm not well informed to tell an opinion about it. I wouldn't be presumptuous. We've been out of England for six months. So I don't know.

    20. @piggywigee inthemirror
      Ha, I've googled it a few times since the start of the tour. I originally mis-read it as 'Britain First' so was quite worried, as they are particularly right wing, and it is worrying how many neo-nazi groups are on the rise in Europe currently. Want to be like Simon, and not get too into politics, but the vast majority of those under 40 voted to remain. Immigrants are causing havoc, but it is as a result of the havoc caused by others in the Middle East. No easy answers. Anyway, enough said on that. Simon's flags had been football related before, and I've always wondered why he'd changed from Arsenal to Reading FC.

    21. Piggywigee, I can definitely tell that you've always been the type to root for the "underdog" over the establishment/status quo because you like The Cure!

    22. People try to remain as apolitical as possible, but if something comes up that threatens them personally, they get political in a real big hurry!

    23. LOL. All of the above are good points.From tonight's Twitter feed it appears Simon was the odd man out in the vote...all other band members are disappointed.

    24. LOL. All of the above are good points.From tonight's Twitter feed it appears Simon was the odd man out in the vote...all other band members are disappointed.

    25. That I didn't know. I'm happy for Simon anyway, and still think this will all turn out for the better. Anyway, hoping for a a real burning set to end the tour!

  5. Maybe One Hundred Years too?
    Listening to it now...eating breakfast, some of the lyrics are appropriate.

  6. Hoping for an angry, intense set tonight. Not the time to be jovial and lighthearted. Unless they want to use it as an escape.

  7. I think they have played Faith everytime I have seen them play Lakewood, 4 or 5 times I think! We even got it on Curiosa along with the curfew break for Going Nowhere!

    1. That Curiosa show was great! Final encore of Charlotte Sometimes, Faith, and Going Nowhere.

      Now THAT'S an encore!

  8. Well this will be my first Cure show tonight. I have been a fan since 1987 and have never made it to a show. Sad thing is I am by myself. No cure fans from my small town Alabama. I hope I'm by some nice people tonight.

    1. Oh wow! Hope you have a blast! Don't worry about going alone, I've been alone at all but one of my shows and had a great time!

      Yeah, hopefully you'll be in a fun part of the crowd, who are into the show, not taking selfies, and thinking it's happy hour with some band playing in the background. :)

    2. Have fun. I've been to 4 this year and always had cool people around me. Might have just been me having fun and not caring how dumb I looked dancing my butt off.

  9. Songs heard at soundcheck: Trust, Lullaby, Plainsong.

    1. And possibly Sugar Girl!!!

    2. Does anyone have a clue as to the unknown song played for the soundcheck in Columbia? None of us listening had heard it before and we thought it might be new. It was about 10 minutes long and rather hard like Never Enough or 39 or Watching Me Fall. Unfortunately none of us recorded it.

    3. Really hard to guess based on your description, however "Its Over" is pretty heavy. Its 4 mins on the CD, but I believe they stretch it out live.

    4. Was it just music or were there vocals? Sometimes they'll just do a jam, not an actual song, just playing.

    5. There were vocals after a long intro and those of us who heard it are hard core fans who know the entire catalogue and would have recognized something rather obscure. It was something new as far as we could tell.

    6. In fact, we would have been pretty excited to hear It's Over because we were discussing how nice it would be for the band to open with Underneath the Stars that night.

    7. Maybe it was Rime of the Ancient Mariner...


    8. Kate peters. I only caught two songs. Just like heaven and a strange day. Then the radio went on. Strange day sound check was amazing though. I wish he sang it on stage like that.

    9. If they start playing Iron Maiden covers, that's it.

  10. Please someone "scope" PLEASE!.
    I was supposed to be at this show tonight but everything blew up and I can not make it.

    Don't feel too sorry for me, I managed to see 10 shows on this tour but I was looking forward to this one being the "goodbye" show.

    Had I known my last show was going to be my very last I wouldn't have gotten so drunk that I don't even remember it.............Just kidding, I was sober.

    Really hoping for a full scope please.

  11. They're gonna release a new album and return to north America by late Spring 2017.....and all the COFers will be happy because it won't resemble the prior 2 albums😶

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  14. It definitely wasn't Forever - I and the others present have heard that enough live to recognize it.

    1. Well Kat I don't know what to tell you then ..where there's 2 new songs there's probably 12. Like I said new album god damn it....and no more complaining..I don't care who you are...just be grateful....or go away

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  15. Does anyone else here think that Reeves is way too hard rock for The Cure? I think that his heavy metal solos on Never Enough and A Night Like This are actually very detrimental to The Cure's sound. His soloing made me cringe many times in Ridgefield.

    1. Exactly! Reeves is an excellent guitarist but when he goes off script it really doesn't fit. His sound is too shard and's not flowy like Pearl or even Perry.

    2. I meant to HARD and sharp.

      Anyone, I just don't think his style fits the cure sound.

    3. I think he's the best thing to happen to them in years. Seriously.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I felt the same way from the start in 2012 all the way through the late 2014 shows. To me, he seems to have toned it down quite a bit and fits in better than at any time in the last four years. I was seriously doubting that Reeves was EVER going to find his place in the band but whatever happened in the last year and a half seems to have solved the problem for the most part, whether it was Reeves working on it on his own or RS told him to knock it off it really seems to have worked. After the show that was ostensibly to be in Seattle turned out to be a festival show on the other side of the state, I was seriously considering just forgetting them entirely, there is certainly enough great music to listen to without The Cure on the playlist. They brought me around by more or less just kicking ass on the first dates of the tour. Never thought I'd hear them play like that ever again.

    6. I think exactly the same, that's no a Cure's sound , no way.

  16. Ouch are you aware that the COFers are apeshit in love with Reeves. Well naturally Porl is the benchmark guitarist however the really most important lead guitar parts are played by Robert and some stuff that is vital and only occasionally is played by reeves on select songs...but mostly his stuff is background and textural....aka rhythm guitarist.....he also doesn't look like he fits in but he's a great musician and the band apparently like him too so I would say all around good choice to have him on board

    1. Most of the time he is's when he goes off script and plays his own solos or add me it just doesn't fit. He would be perfect for the solo on From The Edge of a Deep Green Sea, but instead he doesn't even try to rip where it should rip.
      Anyway, I do like reeves and I know he is an excellent guitarist. I'm glad Robert likes him and he fits in.

    2. Reeves is a great guitarist but he haven't the cure's essence and sometimes he ruins the songs, without depending on how good he is as a musician. The Cure is a unique band.

  17. Reeves is a great guitarist but its like " take this money and play" or like "new player in team just for one sesson". Jason in 2016 shows is better than ever. He is great.

    1. Get ready for the tidal wave of replies on THAT one...

    2. Lol!! See I normally would've been in the tidal wave of anti Jason rhetoric. But in this tour, he's FINALLY broken past Boris' shadows.

  18. You want to be romantic. Reeves is awesome musician who signed a contract. Thats all.

  19. Well that was uncalled for...
    You could've just you thought Reeves was good for the band and left the verbal assaults out of it.

  20. Some tracks from last night.

  21. I never liked Reeves, thought he was completely unsuitable for the Cure...until this tour. It seems some of his rough edges have been polished, whether he did it on his own or Robert told/asked him to do it, I don't care. I can finally call this line-up complete. I will always miss Porl because he was irreplaceable, he was in the band for years and played on most of the albums we all love and played countless incredible gigs with The Cure over the years. He's not coming back in any permanent capacity, probably ever.
