
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Cure at the Hollywood Bowl (05-24-16)

May 24th, 2016
Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, CA
Sold Out! / Doors at 5:30 PM Pacific time
The Twilight Sad 7 - 7:40, The Cure 8 - 11
Get there early for The Twilight Sad! They are excellent!

Note: Tonight's curfew is said to be a "hard curfew", meaning the band HAS to stop at 11 or the venue will have to cut them off. Not the usual curfew where the band can go over it and just pay a fine.

Soundcheck: Last Day of Summer, Watching Me Fall, 39, Freakshow, various bits of 3-4 other songs.

Setlist: Out of This World, Watching Me Fall, Pictures of You, Closedown, A Night Like This, Push, In Between Days, Doing the Unstuck, Lullaby, Fascination Street, (I Don't Know What's Going) On, The Walk, Lovesong, Just Like Heaven, Last Day of Summer, Want, 39, Bloodflowers

1st encore: It Can Never Be The Same, Shake Dog Shake, Burn, A Forest

2nd encore: Step Into the Light, Us or Them, Never Enough, Wrong Number

3rd encore: The Perfect Girl, Hot Hot Hot, Friday I'm in Love, Freakshow, Close To Me, Why Can't I Be You?, Boys Don't Cry

Thanks to @namepa100169 & @briansoto for setlist updates and to Fishbugman1 for soundcheck info.

Videos: Out of This World 1 - 2 - 3 / Watching Me Fall 1 - 2 / Closedown / Push / In Between Days 1 - 2 / Lullaby / Fascination Street / (I Don't Know What's Going) On 1 - 2 - 3 / The Walk / Lovesong / Just Like Heaven 1 - 2 - 3 / Last Day of Summer 1 - 2 / 39 1 - 2 / Bloodflowers 1 - 2 / Burn / A Forest 1 - 2 / Step into the Light / The Perfect Girl 1 - 2 / Friday I'm in Love 1 & 2  / Close to Me / Close to Me & Why Can't I Be You? / Boys Don't Cry 1 - 2 

Clips: Bloodflowers

Periscopes: Facebook stream / 1 / 2 / 3Twilight Sad

Looks like we're good with the updates now, but join in if you want. If you're going to the show and wouldn't mind sending in the live setlist or anything else, please let me know. Twitter, email, text, Facebook, whatever works best for you. Thanks!

Don't forget to try checking at the box office for last minute ticket releases. Also, I will be posting any last minute ticket offers on Twitter (I'm @CraigatCoF) and here.

And if you're familiar enough with The Twilight Sad, could you please let us know their setlist? Want to help their fans keep track, too.


  1. No one for updating from whole LA? Oo

  2. surprise Kiss/ Catch/ Torture opening?! Any advance on that? Have a brilliant show you lucky people x

  3. I wonder if the two new songs are the only two they have done, or will we see others later on...

    1. I'm thinking they might play a few new ones on the European leg, but I feel like this is all the US will hear.

  4. There's a story in the online version of LA Times on last night's show. Strangely enough there is no mention (that I'm aware of) of the band in the Calendar section of the hard copy version. An excerpt from the article:
    "Either way, he’s definitely thinking about his age. At the Bowl, two video screens on either side of the stage showed fixed live shots of Gabrels and bassist Simon Gallup, but they never once flashed a close-up of Smith, which suggested that, like so many aging rock stars, the guy has grown sensitive about his appearance." HAHAHA....Too funny. I guess I was not the only one who noticed the cameras were fixated on only 2 members of the band. Not sure if it had anything to do with vanity though. LOL. Hope they fix this issue before tonight's show. Close up shots would help those of us in the nosebleed section who don't have binoculars handy.

    1. Regardless of how Robert looks, his voice is still as beautiful as ever!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I don't think he looks bad at all...he looks thinner than several years ago..I think he was heavier in 2000 and 2004...he is (gulp) older but so are all of us I think him cutting his hair in a neater manner and back combing it more carefully would improve his appearance...I did notice the hairline is making its way backwards but such is life and this man is no exception.....EVEN IF HE IS EXCEPTIONAL!!! Robert you're still the best ..Jesus look at the guys from Depeche Mode...uffff!!!!

    4. I don't think he looks bad at all...he looks thinner than several years ago..I think he was heavier in 2000 and 2004...he is (gulp) older but so are all of us I think him cutting his hair in a neater manner and back combing it more carefully would improve his appearance...I did notice the hairline is making its way backwards but such is life and this man is no exception.....EVEN IF HE IS EXCEPTIONAL!!! Robert you're still the best ..Jesus look at the guys from Depeche Mode...uffff!!!!

    5. Yeah, Robert Does Still Sound Great After All a These Years...
      So Does Dave Gahan...

    6. Did they fix the cameras?
      I happen to think he (Robert) looks good, better than in 2014. Looks like he's lost weight, makes him look younger.

    7. The view coming from the cameras remained unchanged on the 3rd night. It's possible the author of that story was correct, it may have been intentional. Why...I have no may or may not be self-consciousness on the part of RS. Couldn't really make out RS too well from my seat in the 3rd promenade. Luckily I was able to use my point and shoot camera to zoom in on the action on the stage.

    8. The view has been the same at every show. Has to be a band decision.

  5. Replies
    1. Link to a 'scope feed hear here:


  6. Very surprised and almost disappointed we haven't seen any new songs or even tour debuts for these shows...

    1. Trying not to sound like I'm complaining there but maybe we have been spoilt for choice with the 1st 10 shows or so.

    2. I've just checked the 2008 tour, they added new songs during the tour, so..fingers crossed.

  7. i dont think they will play any other new song, at least for this summer. I hope for the fall, but I suppose not. They probably will take break so they will not have time to practise other new songs.

  8. What an incredible night! I loved every second of it. It doesn't matter what they play. Every single song has a special place in my heart. Thank you so much Robert Smith for sharing your creations.And @twilightsad,you got me. I'm hooked :)

  9. I think Roberts actually looking better than he has in a long time. Certainly looks healthier and smiling lots more on this tour and looking like he's taking it all in and enjoying it. Just my view but I wouldn't be surprised if this might be the final tour...(again)

  10. Great setlist!

    As the tour moves on, I think we are seeing trends. Some things seem predictable but...EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED.

    Can't wait for NYC!!

  11. Robert's voice and playing are in top form.

  12. Setlist last night was very safe. I fully expected a 'Faith' encore.

    The biggest surprise for me over the past 3 nights was actually the 'lack' of surprises. Everything played was played already on this tour. The 3rd night setlist was very safe, with no bsides...

    Over the 3 nights; only 1 song off 'Pornography' played 1x (100 Years...)

    Nothing off 'Faith'...somewhat disappointing

    Nothing off '3IB'... only song from that time period is BDC...

    Very little representation from WMS, 4:13 Dream...

    I'm hoping there are some more surprises coming down the pipe, but it's starting to look predictable again..

    1. From the category of perpetual disappointment....

  13. No robert smith close ups :(

  14. I get the feeling this tour is to remind everyone The Cure exists, rather than to promote anything new.

    1. Will we ever see a new album? If the two songs (which some suspect) are from 413 scream and only 2 are being played, does not give me much hope we will ever see it.

    2. It is rather odd that this is supposed to be a tour to promote new material but only a few new songs are being played. Not that I mind….it takes me awhile to warm up to new material. Maybe the band only wants to give a small taste or preview of the new album for now rather than giving everything away all at once. The setlist was indeed seemed almost too safe if not downright predictable. There was technically nothing wrong with it, but I thought RS would have some surprises up his sleeve. Perhaps he just wasn’t in the mood? I did enjoy the emphasis on Bloodflowers and the main set was fantastic. Would have also liked to hear more off of WMS but that’s probably asking for too much (always wanting more?). The encores seemed very similar throughout the 3 days with not a huge amount of variation. The poppier encores (WCIBY, BDC) just aren’t my cup of tea, was hoping for something darker. On the other hand, it’s not too often one has the privilege of being graced by the presence of RS and company for 3 hours and if it elongates the show a bit then maybe it’s not such a bad thing? On a side note, Twilight Sad was incredible. I showed up too late and missed them the first day but managed to catch them on the 3rd day and was glad I made the effort to do so.

    3. Where have you gotten the idea that this is a tour to promote new material? The tour press release stated just the opposite:

      "as they explore 37 years of Cure songs, mixing hits, rarities, favourites and as yet unreleased tracks in a brand new stage production that promises to be the 'must see' show of the year!"

    4. I guess some other new songs will apear on the European part of the tour. New album? Not really.

    5. I don't know, it was just an assumption based on the sheer scale of the current tour, and the fact that they were supposed to come out with new album in 2012 but since that was skipped it now leaves 2016 if they follow their 4-year schedule. I trust your (Craig's) opinion since you have a lot more info than I do. Does that mean that if/when new album does come out, they will do another tour in support of it?

  15. I also agree that a show with The Kiss opening and Fight closing would be brilliant.

    1. Would love a surprise like Holy Hour and Faith bookends. Crazy yeah. Will never happen I guess, but one has to live in hope. Or delusion.

  16. Lots of opening/closing combos could work...

    The Kiss / Fight

    Shake Dog Shake / The Top (or Give Me It)

    The Baby Screams (opener in 1985) / Sinking

    Want / Bare

    Underneath the Stars / It's Over

    Bottom line is they are sticking with the same open / closers as 2008.. time to get creative RS, shake it up. Surprise us!

    1. Umm, opening with "Out of This World" and closing with "Bloodflowers" (not to mention 3 other tracks from "Bloodflowers" in between) shook me right to the floor. I assumed I'd die not having heard any of that album live.

    2. Sinking. I am so much waiting to hear my favourite song. Maybe in Germany in November. But I would love to hear, dressing up, piggy in the mirror, snakepit, all I want <3. I am soooo exited and wish you all lots of fun!

  17. People paid a lot of money, no cameras on RS? first time I've been disappointed in the band

    1. The camera reports are bollocks. You can clearly see Robert on the screen during songs like Exploding Boy, I don't know what's going on etc.

      What are you disappointed in? Did you go to the shows?

    2. Was at the bowl Monday. Couldn't see much at all. Seeing Robert on screen is part of the experience. Especially if you're not near the stage. I was not alone I being upset about that. My 14th cure show as well.

    3. Beau,

      Before you ask people if they went to the show, maybe you should ask that of yourself?

      The screens we are talking about are the screens on the side of the stage showing live footage of the shows for those way in the back and sides. There are usually multicams showing closeups and various angles of the show. The Cure just have static cams shot from the sides, never changing.

      The screens behind the band show pre-produced videos. That is not what we are talking about.

      Several reviews have mentioned this. No one is reporting "bollocks". And, yes, I've been to 5 shows, with 5 more to go.

      Personally, I don't care. I didn't pay my money to see RS, I paid to hear some excellent shows so far.

    4. I stand corrected, in my experience big screens generally aren't used unless the gig is being filmed so it seems unusual for only a couple of static cameras to be used. The first review I read wasn't clear that these were additional screens to the ones that are behind the band, apologies.

      I've seen the band 5 times, on three of those occasions there have been screens because the show was being filmed for one reason or another. At the other one of the other two shows, a screen or two were probably needed but there weren't any.

      Having said that, I am sure some of the video backdrop is 'live' unless they are using rehearsal footage for songs like I don't know what's going on.

    5. And to answer the question, no I haven't attended any of these shows yet (going to the 1st Wembley show in December).

      However, I find screen situation a little odd (more so now I know more about it). Why bother to have them on at all if they aren't going to do it properly? I don't think its down to RS vanity - more like absentmindedness.

    6. Yeah man it feels intentional and not cool but I hope you're right and it is absent mindedness. I had decent seats and it was difficult.. Couldn't imagine being all the way up top.

  18. Sorry about the ridiculously long comment above. Just one more thought: Last Day of Summer…I had a strange feeling about that one and was absolutely elated to hear it. Elated yet saddened all at once. This was an extremely moving rendition….a bit slower and delivered in such a mournful, heartfelt manner. This song gets me every time…it wasn’t like that before but the (personal) meaning of the song has evolved over time. The version in Houston was incredible as well. Actually had to pause the video a few times to collect myself. THANK You to RS for its inclusion on the setlist. Hearing it live after so many years really made my day, if not year.

  19. Such a shame reading some of these comments. We have been so fortunate that RS has shared his beautiful music with us for 3 hours each night.Future generations will wish they could have been as lucky as us.I am so thankful for all these years of tears,laughter,singing,dancing and lipstick.

  20. Wow! Loved the show last night. Drove up from San Diego, had never seen a show in the Hollywood Bowl before. I had not been following the news about the tour, so did not go in knowing what the set list was going to be. Very surprised! Very happy! Heard lots of songs I'd never heard in concert before, especially the several cuts from "Bloodflowers". Robert's voice was extraordinarily strong, he seemed very playful with the audience (though I could not hear his comments), and several songs had unconventional arrangements, loved the video playing behind the band, did not like the fact that the video feeds were static and the screens in general were crappy (is that a function of The Bowl???). The band kicked ass overall and played wonderfully. Only my third time seeing them play, can't wait for the next time.

  21. Has anyone asked Robert or the others about a new album when you have met them?

  22. As much as I want to hear more 3IB,Faith or Seventeen Seconds material, people are forgetting that the band just played these in full on the reflections tour in 2011. I can see that being a factor in hesitating to include more cuts from that period.
