
Sunday, May 22, 2016

'Step Into The Light' lyrics

"I made an attempt at the lyrics for Step Into the Light based primarily from the following video link.  There are a couple of parts I couldn't make out and just added ?'s there. " (Thanks Kyle)

Step Into the Light

Oh all of your faith in simple shadows (or All of your faith to see into shadow) and your hopes for something more
??? any reason to be sure
You believe, it's as simple as that
You believe, there's nothing more to add

So I laugh about your sinners, saints, and saviors, (acting in mysterious ways?)
Until your "I believe it's true, I know!", then I start to feel dismayed

Because you don't know, you don't know, you don't know
You just want it all true
No, you don't know, you don't know, you don't know
You just have to say you do
You can't really know, you can only believe, ignorance borne of deceit

The only angels you should hear are reason, honesty, equality and love
The only devils you should fear are hate and anger that scream in a world full of people scared dumb

You believe, it's as simple as that
You believe, there's nothing more to add

So I laugh about the aliens?, ghosts, and fairies, all the voices in your head
Until your "I believe it's true, I know", than I start to feel upset

Because you don't know, you don't know, you don't know
You just want it all true
No you don't know, you don't know, you don't know
You just have to say it's true

You can't really know, you can only believe,
It really is insane, this crazy desperate need
For unknowable magic, strange supernatural power,
You're flying through space at a million miles an hour
For 4 billion years, the sun keeps coming up,
It's all too wonderful for words but for you it's not enough
You should step out of the shadows yeah and step into the light

(Thanks also to fmjews for her help)

Update (05-22-16): Madeleine made a very cool discovery this morning. Robert gave use some of the lyrics back in 2008! So this is most likely one of the 4:14 tracks. This was posted on Dec. 12th, 2008:

KROQ has posted the Almost Acoustic X-mas program guide, and they asked each band what change they would like to see most in 09, and here's what Robert wants:

More people getting involved in the preservation of the only world we have? The rich getting poorer, and the poor getting richer? No more labels? Can I really only pick one?

"The only angels you should hear are reason, honesty, equality and love / the only devils you should fear are hatred, ignorance, greed and a world full of people scared dumb."

And if you missed it, my attempt at the lyrics for 'It Can Never Be The Same' are posted here.


  1. Strange song ) But @-))- for lyrics!

  2. -Sound like a b-side

    Sorry Robert but
    We are to be a testimony that God is, that He is Love,
    Truth and Beauty (sun; universe ect) - that is what people long for, whether they know it or not.

    1. Jesus is Love,
      Truth and Beauty (sun; universe ect) God is a part of this and deffo more so much more human mortals can not fathom...

  3. Thank you for the lyrics, I had caught the last verse which is wonderful, and so curious what the rest was too. For me it resonates with the idea of letting go of pre-conceptions, whether that be related to religion, or other ways that we make judgements upon reality. I LOVE this song, and when I first heard it a smile permeated my being that RS is talking in such a direct way about these things (rather than camouflaged upside-down ways of speaking truth)

    "Only in an open space where we’re not all caught up in our own version of reality can we see and hear and feel who others really are" Pema Chodron.
    "Try to be totally awake instead of obsessed with just one atom. Feel totality instead of particulars" Lama Yeshe
    "Give as a flower gives its fragrance; it obeys no boundary. Giving should not obey any judgement". Yogi Bhajan.

    1. ...I'm struck by how ironic it is that I should try to interpret the lyrics ...based on my preconceptions and beliefs ("you can't really know, you can only believe") ... Maybe it's all about to learning to bow the head and listen with the heart?

  4. I think that is "aliens, ghosts and fairies"

    1. I agree aliens makes more sense, I am the one who sent the lyrics to you have any ideas on the lines I have question marks on?

    2. After "sinners, saints and saviours" could be "acting in misterious ways"

    3. The first line could be "All of your faith to see into shadow"

    4. The first line could be "All of your faith to see into shadow"

  5. Musically, this song is absolutely dreadful, I wish they would stop playing it.

    1. that's how I feel about In Between Days. I guess we are both lucky Robert could care less what we think. I, for one, really want a new album, so can we hold off on new song bashing until after we hear the real thing? I'm 98% sure this is why Robert doesn't release music anymore; he's sick of people complaining about the new material.

    2. Maybe the studio version will be better, it just sounds so thin in the set. There are a lot of songs I wish they would stop playing actually, but mainly because I've heard them so many times! I usually go to the toilet when they start playing A Forest or Pictures Of You, even though I really like those songs. Just heard them too many times. The new tour is sounding fantastic though,lots of rare songs, and It Can Never Be The Same is amazing.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I do not agree. Ya know, opinions and all.

  8. I disagree Robert!

    Faith is trusting in the unknown.

    I have no idea if your new album will be good or not (how could ?).

    Yet, I have FAITH in you, so I choose to believe that it
    that it will be!!! Understand?

  9. Oh Robert I love you. You speak to so many hurting people because there's empathy bleeding through everything the Cure does BUT I was just thinking the other day after seeing the Cure in Houston ..I realized how talented Robert Smith is and his voice is so beautiful and unique and I can't sing and I couldn't if I tried .. It is truly a gift from God.. How can something so unique and powerful that can flow from a human being not have been created by someone greater! How can that be denied.. I don't understand.. Even the demons don't fall into that vice. And faith is simply the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

  10. sound like a bad jupiter crash.
    Smiths family raised Catholic ?
    Mary too

  11. Sure wish people would stop trying to sell us their religious beliefs. Yes, this song is probably written from Robert's point of view, but he has written many from other people's points of view, so stop finger waving at Robert. Even if it is what he believes, so be it! People constantly prattle on about the strength of their faith, yet they are constantly pushing their views on others as if they don't truly feel their faith is strong enough unless they can sway other people's opinions. Believe what you want- just keep it to yourself.

  12. this song sounded so strange when i heard it first time... after hearing it 5 times i recognize it and I for one can't wait for the new album (pretty please!) :)

    thank you for transcribing it!

  13. I'm so glad Roberts a Christian love is the first feeling that makes you feel there's definitely going to be a reunion it's called a blended families Honeymoon Cruise reunion in the sky get in that the goal is soul be the ladle don't be late y'all

  14. I may disagree with the lyrics but I still think this is a beautiful song ;) to me, everyone is free to think what they want, as long as "the only angels you should hear are reason, honesty, equality and love", and
    "the only devils you should fear are hate and anger that scream in a world full of people scared dumb". I admire Robert for putting these thoughts into music, despite my religious beliefs! People should be free to do it all the time, as long as hate is not part of their thoughts.

    1. Very eloquently put Francesca and I say that as an atheist.

    2. Thank you :) they're just my thoughts, nothing more... in the end your actions are what matters the most.

    3. Beautifully written! Thank you!

  15. How on earth do you think Robert is a Christian? He's said many times he isn't. And the lyrics above prove it rather emphatically.

  16. It is unfortunate that many people have not experienced the orthodox faith . If they do they will realize the superiority .

  17. religion and faith ...two different things.
    It's possible to have a deep faith without it being constrained by the concepts of a religion.

  18. Ok folks time for a story, snuggle in...
    There one was a time when it was considered sacrilege to point ones feet towards a religious temple. One day a traveler came to rest, laying down on the ground. Suddenly he was awoken by someone who said in outrage "how dare you sleep with your feet towards this sacred place!" The travelled replied ..."oh, I shall move my feet...please point me in a direction where God is not"...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Must say that i'm not a massive fan of this song yet, it reminds me a lot of the more average songs from 4:13 Dream like The Perfect Boy.

    On the other hand, It Can Never Be the Same is up there with the best Cure songs of the past 20 years.

    1. Well, it's quite similar with A Perfect Boy, i miss music..the song is good, but very "thin". Lyrics also are good, and i like the way he sings. But both those two songs are maybe too "basic". I like them, but i think they can do better, honestly. Especially after 8 years of silence.

  21. “The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature: reason, honesty, and love. The only demons we must fear are those that lurk inside every human mind: ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith, which is surely the devil's masterpiece.”

    ― Sam Harris, The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason

    1. Robert had sticker where "Relligion is Terror" was written (or sth like that) some time ago, didn't he?

    2. Yep. From (during the 4:13 Dream sessions): “There’s no theme to the album, but I’ve been trying to be more socially aware with some of my lyrics. One of the songs is taken from a book I read a couple of years ago called The End of Faith by Sam Harris which is about the absurdity of organized religion. I wanted to put it into a song in an entertaining way, if that could be done.“

  22. Step into the light is simply an irrelevant song you wish not to be to the new album. But ,it can be the same, is a masterpiece. I m a Curefan since 1989 and i believe RS has inspiration to give masterpieces in new album. The only thing he must be careful to choice the deeper songs.

    1. Who wishes it not to be on the album? I love both of these songs !

  23. I totally agree, such a beautiful soul in this words. I really love the new songs.

  24. I totally agree. Such a beautiful soul in these words.
